Kingston Gazette, March 9, 1816, page 3

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paper, and let me i,*\1 you, Sir, localities of "^ ^vt* 'V'lAL I* A R LI AMF.NT. *n*a or anV other defer! pt ion would gi;ive more pJ^O ***>*' ' Intercll and be of greater utility t than the /- Oi/fi # « A & A D/L u C" i k Hi long winded fully lucubrations of a* fanatic fchool-maller, or the invidious maxfc»"»s of a rancorous, malignant would be mora"alift. s, f the affcmblyv *W >> ^ cr"n:« "?• ™ Excellency « r -piTirpH*__ XvithihcfolWuig bPftW*n- ~ ; « ,»/■//> I.eciflative Counei!,and H-wine i.«d»k«3 the hol* wl,f ! '"Ct • .L 1'rnvincial Parli.imrnt, that your 'f^'eS «o4M \wt been dlli- IJlwUict, I .ecom.ncnde.Jtoy-.mrpar- tc.nvion, it l«s bee. with extreme ,,at 1 have f»»nd itiofe wy rcafona- We «p-aati.-.ns diU.op.'inted. Tl e Honfe nf ^mbly l;a< aga,- ent«r- rf]„ o the difoiSfei of a fa¥«, n» wbA V -r f hi, Royal Highncfs the van", age titular at concern tha Prince T'TofH M .ay. has already be.n com- C confutation to ovrrMar the ref^ yifeelit.,ydn,ytoa,nour,cet,yimmy toenM* to prorogue the «£* P,r- foment, and to ftfet to the fafc of .he people, by ao immediate dilution. ~ Kingston, March 9, 1816. ***••• * • CO MM UN TCA TIONS. • • • Mr. Miles, . .,- ^e_ A* thr onMinnM-of * Ncwf p^er, per- A7o. 8. Friend Miles, The following is the letter. *' A benevolent friend of mine, ■ who re- fides at a village near London, vrfceftfe he has a fchool of the clafsofthofe called-^ Sunday School*, recommeaded feveral lads ti® rae *or education. He ta a pi<his man, a.»l,d thefe children had the adva itageof good precepts under ht» in ft nation, iu an eminent' degree, but had reduced them to verv little practice. A-, they came to my fchool from fr»ome dis¬ tance, they were permitted to brlHng their dinners ; and, in the interval between corn¬ ing an 1 afternoon fchool hours, fp<.'*-"nt thrif time, with h number of lads undeVr f'rnih'r chcumftatices, in a playground adjoining the Ichoo! room. In this play-ground tl"e boys ufually enjoy an h-mr'a re:reatio*An : lnps balls, races, as what bell forts their1" inclina¬ tion, and the feafon* of the year ; 1 but with th'l-i charge,*' Let all be kept in ini'iincence.' Thefe lads thought themieives veryv happy, at p'^y, with their new a[f>cutes ; but on a fu I'Jen they vvere fcized and over<rcome by numbers, were brought into fchoo^' J11^ a* pe.ip'e in the lireets would feizea p^V-kpnc*- ct and bring him to a police offioe^* H-ip- * A pening at that time to be within, I i enqnnea, «* Well boys, what is all thie buitte<about V 4i Why fir," was the general reply)'* " rbefe **** lads have been leaving." This was with as much cmph;li-.aiHst'l°'e,r'rl" ty, as a judge would ule in laiTm^s" '^ntence upon a criminal, The culprits we>;e«as nKlX be fiir.pofed, in tnuclttmror, Afree,t'lc ex- an;inati\>n of wttneifes and prr.of of* l'ie 'act» they received an adinonition as 10 th'^o^nce, and, on promife of beti-r beha¥W^urt were difmified. No more w... ever he;.r.rd of their " , "V'f TfXi^ZSh^ &* in : * it isobfervable, ^*g™ m me to fay, yott hw b^ J acqlMiut,d with the the ^ Can* duty to your fuoicr.bers in tN i U!iul aQ, to the public in general—in as far as you have hitherto declined roticing the numc fd'tw depredations which have beea com.-rut- ltd» this place. You have no donht heard of th-m and it #as your province to procure an concift and con eft an account of fuch B irrj-yj^; ^ thr parties hqu-'ied could fur- riflM h. order iiac only to atait i! e Mn^iftrm- *'! in ihclr (1ctea;o» of the off-.d r-, hut WJ,n the inhnh-tanta :it large to be on thcr guard aguinrt Gnilar adts. It i>< aftrtuiuSttig how hike warm the gen¬ tlemen* in the comnuffio-i of the Pe ice, are on this fubject. The fupinciit-f* with which •they have viewed fo many repeated felonies jtc-ep« pace with the JangfrrM exercifed by the individuals who have fuflVired, and ma¬ ny have been furprifed that with one or two exceptions, no exertion has been made or reward offered, to detect a band of Lioufe- breakers acting with fuch concert and delib¬ eration \ (lore occupied by Mr. Mitch¬ ell h?b been twice broken into. In the rlrit inftancc he was fortuuate enough to fecure the thieves and the greater part of the prop¬ erty rtolen. Mrs. yf iderfoo's celler door was forced, and Mel's. Wftkifon St Co. robbed of a con- fiderable quantity of Liquors,—What ren¬ ders (his theft more fearlefsis that the cellar door is almoft under the nofe of a centinel. Mr. Macauley's ftore has been entered and foil its belonging to Mr. Mackay taken out; it wa.s alio attempted a fecoud time, and from the prints in the fnow, the thieves muft have got in by patting over a high fence, nftd immediately onpofit'- are two ctrntineU iifrmt.f ihe Pick -f«j H fpitA Mr. Peter •Smith's Ihop has been attempted. Mr. Mac Lean'a opprlitcthe Government houfe Isns been robbed. Mr. Wathburn'3 has been £ r- cibly enteied by thrte men in the evening, wh?n open, his young man heated unmerci¬ fully, and the til! plundered. Mr. Cum- ■filing's ftore was b*okcn open a few nights WO. In fhort to enumerate the occurren¬ ces of this nature that have recently taken place would occupy too much of your pa¬ per at one time. How disgraceful for a community to per- cnt crimes'of this fort to be committed with impunity, and uuhteded, 'til their frequency 1 compels every houfe-holder to become a po- heceman. The fyftematic and daring man- fler m which Store are entered and Robbed during the night li-rve evidently fhtwf. that there is a gang of villains about, who are Will acquai. ted with the place3 where li¬ quors are put, and that they are ch*ra&ers who rob to gratify their loft for drink, ra- t'if. than a dtfirc for plunder. In their mid- BtgTit rr.avauding they muft have a light, for the puncheons and barrels tapped have been jareruily pitrrcd and fpi^ooted, and placed foas to hide the theft; from curfory nbferva- tion. Tlie boards removed fiorn ion'e of the [lores have been replaced for a fecond . mat, and in ionic inllancca that been at- atternptrd. Thefe are circtimfi-ncea which m^uld he tiaiviiy, and could £ive a more tan fvvcr to qocfHoft* fi*ooi the fcipt^"!'^ tli.m fcvtral of ih« boy^ who had thus tfc**w them in companion, as conllabled 9r.n>wl do a thief. I call this practical religious fa"flftni<ft<uri, and could, were it needful, add an a»y fuch anecdotes ; but there ;«re t\v / things vt,.'" rcciiarknhJe ; it is C<>ntit!e»ed as ;m in en bent duty on every lad atte 'ding I'oPdoI, ^;«ld above all, the monitors " not to fcreen vrice or profanenefe," an 1 I lardy had tv/o coim- plj.'t-= in one day, of boys fweajinr. The informer again 11: the fir!l cupvir h: "1 to repeat to me ihe words which be h"ul been ufing ; he fetmed to think ht« l^ps would be polluted by tlie repetition^ fo iue wrote them upon the fl.ite. The fecond »c- rufei fpelt the words vt.ry deliberately, i»"- ftcad of pronouncing them at full length, as is ufnal in other cafes. I have often oMc#>- ved boyi reluc^mt and afraid to make finch repetitions ; and am always happy to fee ti¬ midity on fuch oecaiions, and the watchfn1'- nefs many of the youth under my care exe^ cifeover each other for good. In eftablidl¬ ing this inftitution, the influence a matter rv-as over hia fchollars, and the influence th y have one over another, have been the object of conftant iludy and practice ; it has mo>ft happily fucceeded in proving that a very lar^e number of children may be fuperintended l'>y one mailer ; and that they can be fe'f edu¬ cated by their own exertion?, under hh ca-e. The whole fchool is arranged in elajle? ; a monitor is appointed to each, who is r<sd- ponfible for the cleanUnefs, order and i'rtn* provement of every boy in it. He is alii li¬ ed by boys, either from his own, or another clafs, to perform part of his duties for hiffl, when the number is more than he is equal ito manage himfelf. The proportion of boys who teach, eirlh- er in reading, writing or arithmetic, is as otne to ten. In fo large a fchool there are duties to Ibe performed, which limply relate to order, amd have no connexion with learning ; for thefc duties different monitors are appointed. Tftie word monitor, in this inflituti m, means, amy boy that has a charge either m fome depart¬ ment of tuition or of order, and \* not hmp.'ly confined to thofeboys who teach—the befcy that takes care that the writing books are nu. U>S by machines made for that purpofe, ;s the monitor of ruling—the boy who fupen;n. tends the enquiries after the abfentees is csi\\. ed the monitor of abfentees. The mom't Vs who infpvcl the improvement ofthecla-Tes :R eadinrx, writing, and arithmetic, are calh^ The benefit^ refultin^ . froiu a fyft^m of education which will create motives in tlie minds of youth, and induce them to exert their powers, is fir fup rior to any benefit the exertions of their matter can produce to them-. This wiM be illu frrated in a linking manner, by the following curious facets. Some years ago, a lad when about thirteen years of age, took it into his head to write paragraphs for news papers : he did fo, bit all his paragraphs were returned him imprin¬ ted. Previoufly to this he had attempted to write a collection of anecdotes : in this he divl not perfevere. He attempted to write a fermon, and left ft nearly iini(hed,and bet¬ ter than could be expected, confidering his education and youth. His next attempt was an anfwer to Paine\s Rights of Man, which was followed by a new fyftem of Phytic, a Democratical Pamphlet, and a Defence of Revealed Relijrcn. In all thefe attempt^ he walled many quires of paper, rofe in the mor- mug early, neglected his meals, and was of¬ ten wholly fwallowed up in the fubject with which his mind was engaged. Thefe were hi" various and fluctuating purfuits. But what was the refill t of all thefe laughable at- tempts ? He infenfibly acquired the art of thinking intenfely and clearly, on any fub¬ ject on which hi<- mind was engaged ; and, in the end, obtained a concife, familiar ityle of wilting, which, it is probable, he never would have acquired by any other means. Obadiah. St. Augusta, 3^: 3^/ Month, 1816. >^ From the Baltimore Am of the \yh Feb. Lateft from Napcveon Bonaparte. By the brig Eugene, De La Roche, arri¬ ved at Baltimore, in 48 days fom Cadiz, the following i-ifoimati « is received : 44 January 19. 1st. 27, 55, Iongf 30, was brought to and boarded fiorn his majrily's fhip Mii-den, Captain Mackey, 25 days from St. Helena f r England, and was treated polite'y—the boarding officer, Lieut. Gun- ing. tnfotmed u*» that Mapoleoii Bonaparte was in very good hca'th, but at variance with Beitrand and th- reft of 'nis fuite, with whom he had no friendly intercuirfe, but pre/: r reel the company of the BrUlfb officers" Diinbury, Jan. 2, 1816. " I")ear%.Sir—1 havr juft returned from ajoir-cy; and in paiHng thioigh Ncw- T ii- lh Id, 1 was called 10 wifnrfs one of t he .tw.W i1\ "fflan^ ami1 ftHftuniil i*I^it^ ttifatt WW* mh'fi can toricclvc, y/»;el Ht. Piatt murder¬ ed hi- vfifc and two 'hildren, and th^n put a' end to his own life. The circuinftances oftfiisfvMrid deed are a^ follows ; — Piatt had exhibited fymntom* of mfanity for three month* pali ; during which time, he was otiee ahlcivt fox three days, and was found 1- crttcri in h*w barn wi'h^Mr food or drink. Oi late, he appeared to have recovered his health arl leafuti, VdKrrd'iy, U& »nade preparttio i for btttcheraig Hw hojj^. This morning he ?ofi: at a>i c-irly hour ; made a lire far aeat- iiig* the WHier ; and at t!ie dawn u? d-\y* eo'umenced ihe awful deed by iltik.Ju^ hiJ wife on the head wilhhis ax, a^ -he lay on her bed. Her out cry awoke his mother$ an elderly lady who flept in the adj >i«ing room and who immediately fpra^g to her alljll- ance. The blow his wife had received, not proving fatal, (he extricated hcrfelf fro "n !iim and made an effort to efcape from the roomt but another blow brought her to tlie floor. He then fcized his daughter, a child of three y a (Irument. His mother, in her efforts to wielt from him the ax, and (lop his murder¬ ous carreer, received a fevere cut h\ her arm. She a(ked her fon whether he meant to mur¬ der her alio : he replied that he would not hurt her. Finding ail her effji ts to ftop him in vain, Ihe ran to a near neighbor ir,v aid ; and on her return with her neighbors, (lie found that he had cut h?s own throat, and lay acrofs his waltering family with tlie knife lying by his fide. The light was in¬ deed mocking to behold ! his fitu- ation but lad night—fee him in the prime of life, (for he was but 32 years old) in eafy circumllrnce% w'r.h a fpotlefs characte.-, with a beloved wefe, (j«ilt ieady to be the mother of another offspring) and his two children, enjoying all tlie comforts of life — fee them all, before the light of this morning's fnn, weltering in their blood, fhed by him who was given to be their protector ! The fcene 13 too horrible I cm~add no more ! "Thejt.ty nf inqucft have returned a verdict of infinity.*' The back Store of Mr. George Doog'afa was broken open on the night of the 6.h inllaut, and robbed of a number of articles. Rev. Official Stuart, Samuel Cnr P I Artillery, toDisier Brown *' Ru**L Baker, cf Poli;l Frederick, to Mif, M«r« ret Burnett, of Klneftm,. ar^a* gllon. T if"p °"W:^*Y the 6th inrtant, Mr John ^Schneider to Mary Schuiber. [l"".^t>r:-t«f,v£^tf: - NOTICE. C>The Rev. W. Smart, of Brockville, will deliver a Difcourfc in the En^lifh Church TO-MORROW, at Two o'clock, on the following fubject : The Go/- pel 0/ Chrifl adapted to the nature and c'-rcum- fiances of BroclvUk, March 9. \ Number of perfons deeply affected with -**■ the ftate of morality In Eli/, ibethtowu and its neighbourhood, determined ifpofii- ble to obviate itT by a regular and cflnblim- ed miniftry of the Gotpcl. Acc«rding to their requeff, the Rev. W. Smart, of Lon¬ don, was rent out to this country in 181 I__ fmce that period he ha" been labouring with¬ out any Church. On the 18th of Decem¬ ber 1 aft a meeting was called for the purpofe of erecting a place of divine worfhip ; £jU30 was fubferibed, but this being inadequate to ca*ry the object fully into effect, an appeal is mad* to the chriftian and benevolent feed¬ ings of the public in the town of Kingflon, to afTiit their fellow chnftians in erecting a houfc for the worfhip of God. Perfons feel¬ ing a difp..Ction to contribute to this object, are refpectfully informed that the fmalhlt donation will be thankfully received at Mr. ft. C Thomson's Store, at Mr. Walker's Ho¬ tel, and at the Printing Office. Kingston, March 7, 1816. n-------- ■ - 1 ■ ■ M ■ Notice to Settlers. TPHIS is to ^t'wc notice that fuch fett^erj •*■ as may have received Location Tiok- s previous to this date, and arc wot actually and b ma fide, eftablifhing themfelvcs on their lands by the 24th of April next Prill be Itiuck off the lilt of Settlers and their la- cation Tickets will be cancelled as well »i ev- ery other allowance of Provifion, Sec. Sic. By His Excellency's Con-nand- SIDNEY BECKWf TH, j^ Mm Gen. BrochnUe, March 4, .18 16. 4° Advertiibmerir. IkTCrnCE is hereby -iven to all fuch es jlV a,^ vc. ^| -tr.:.'. '. Krh4 ■- 2 j tateof the late liaftings Carpe-if-r, decrak ;- to make,payment to the fubfe. ibet, at his place of abode in the townfhip of Amclui- bng, on or before the fi« 11 day of May next, enfuing, f.r they may reft alfured that ail fuch demands will then he placed in the pof« feffimufbw jfttomey for coliect"u>n ; and all perfons hiving any demands aga^-ft the aforefaid ■ Eibite, are requellcd t'^xhi'it the fame -to the fubfeviberon or before the taid full day i>f may next for adjutt'pent. David Hi-NE?r.Y. Administrator. jfmffiasfaff$2r, %M February. 1-816 40 C et 300 Dollars fears old, and his only fon, a lad of fix year3, 2nd dellroye 1 them both with the fame in- R E W A R D. BROKE Gaol on the nivrht of the 4th inft and made their efcape therefrom, three Criminah, by the names of Corn*dins H iwey, JofephM'Load and Ifaac It^les. Whoever will apprehend the above villain ^ atld h^dge them in any gaol in the Province Qml\ receive the above reward, or one bun- died Dollars for each man fepa ate'v, ROBERT YOUNG, Gaohr, Kiugflon, March 5, 1816. 40 T Notice. . JOHN VENT, of the townmipof Emeft k) Town, will hear of fomet' in« *p hfe ad- vantageby calling at the Printing OlTicr. King Hon, 7th March, 1816. 40 St ra Horfe reading, wnu..*, — - ^^ r .awi, ana roooed ol a number of articles i„fpecting monitors• J ^ l ■ ^ ^ 1 h, thief *» found the next day, who pre W" ^^^A'wwh^hufinet.iti.^ * «bc .folder of the yoth.^-He wLl Uach)nSmonliors. A boyw ^vctheothermomtorsfoco b«^ ^ p r c be wanted or appointed for the daily u^ their claffes and to gather them up c:1 done and "uftV« and to gather tnem ^ »"cn t .leave fchool without rtadm, that none Jea%e ten Another^* tt.j -Wo mrnitor creneral. Anoinci i<; called the rm'nuui &—"•■_ r . , *« is tart* ( /la*M becaule ne oa- called the morotor of 5«t«- ^ . , r.^< a . r°- 70th.—>He would not difclofe the names of his accomplices. COR RESPONDENT?. " Dukibeila Thankcly" came too late for this week's Gazrtte. married! COME into the enclofure of the fubferi- ber, a bay horfc, wi h a fmaH Star m his forehead and fome white fpots Oil hie back oecafioned by the faddlc. The owti¬ er is reqtiefted to prove property, pay char¬ ges and take him away. Elijah Beach. King Hon, 4th March, 1816. 40 } R O T 1 G £ " ALIj perfons indebted to the late firm o{ Norman Betlmne and C<^. are requeu¬ ed to make immediate payment to Mr. H y. W. Wilkinfon, who in duly autiiorifcd to leccive the fame, JAMES G. BETHUNE. Kingfton, Sih March, i S i 6. AC Wanted, TWO or three Journeymen Taih^, who will find Heady employn^twtt by applying to JOHN DAWSON, Tail -

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