Kingston Gazette, March 2, 1816, page 4

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For Sale, .By the fabfettber, a few Puncheons;, Jaitvaicft Spirits. Brandy, Gin, Wine, Shrub and Peppermint i Loaf and Mufcovado Sugars^ tea, Coffee and Chocolate> Indigo, Pepper h AHfpice. ALSO, A general affortment of Dry Good Iron <& c*— All very low for Cafli. SAtvlUEL. MERRILL. Kingston, 28ft& £fc*. 1815. . 3I if. Plank & Boards. WANTED to be delivered on the Jift inft. and during the month of. Febru¬ ary* Sealed Tenders will be recei?ed at this Yard on the 14th toft; j Plank, RavalVard, fetogfton,- 1 nth Jail. 1816. J ,2 coo 1500 15,800 20,640 9800 EW1). LAWS, Naval Storekeeper. 39tf William M'Lean & Co. ITAVEjnO. e reived a large aflbrtment ~% of the iolV.«. ing Liauors & Groceries, amaica. Spirits, * Checfc* * Cogniac Brandy, * Beft Holland Gin, Port and Madeira WineS, Peppermint and Shrub, Loaf and Mufcovado SUg^r* King's Arms, J?Irx«2 Appl Chethire, Bloom and Sutlaiid Raifins, Hyfon and Green Tea, Figs, &c. &c. ALSO, .An elegarit aftbrtment of Silk TriifltxungJ c>f every defcriptioft, Ladies and Gentlemen's Black and Coloured Silk Hofe and Glove's of a fuperior quality. As the above articles were bought at ari early feafon,- wholefale purchafere car. be fup- plied on terms more advantageou3 thafi they now Can be in Montreal* • Kingston1, tgih Dec. 181 <* pit For Sale ■ -. * IN Fredenckfburgh, Lot No. H9 tft the" firft conceflion of faid town* containing 200 Acres ; ortt hundred under improve¬ ment* with a Frame Houfe and Bai n there¬ on. There can be cut yearly 30 tons of good Hay. Avf one defirous or purcha¬ sing can apply ;o the" fubfefiber hi CamdefiP cr to the Printef in'Kingfton. JOHKCARSCALLAN. Camden, January, £+ 18 i 6. 3itf. JUST received by the fubferibers, a Con- fignment of 200 blue Flufhing G RE AT GOATS ; pnef. feven dollars.—Alio, 2 few Blue jackets and T fowlers of a fuperior quality. A.MACPH£RSCN&Co. Kingston, 6th Jan 1816; 3111 R ags I Rag s I * Cash and the highest price paid for cii: an COTTON AND LINEN G . AT THIS OFFICE. f Of Sale at this Office, A Discour/e delivered at Brockville, £li- zzrbethtown, Aprtf 27, 1815, being a day appointed for a geuera) thanksgiving in Up- ?er Canada ; for rutting an end to the War in wh'vh we were engaged againtt the Uni¬ ted iSatesof An.erica. 1 me Piety, a foarce of individual happr-' fs ar-d national prosperity. ; . J3y "Wiilhm Smart, Mir met of the GofpeL- O Britain, trrift the Lord. 'Thy foes in vain jtlttwpt thy ruin, and oppofe hit reign. tfe For Sale, By Ben 8£ Edwd. Starneu Jamaica Spirits* Bund'y, Gin, Shrub* Peppermint, Part Madcha, Spanish and Te- neriffe Wines,bottled Forter'and S^tcb Ale in CafKS ; belt English and American Soap-? Loaf Sugar. ALSO, A Email affortment of Dry Goods* Hardware an evvelry. A few boxes Smoak'd Herrings. Kingston. 3d January, 1S16. 311£ ~~^ NC5T 1 C £. The fubfeviber refpeclfully informs his friends and the public, that he has entered in¬ to co-partnefliip With Mr. George H. Dct- lor>, and that the buunefs will in future be carried on Under the the Finn of THOMSONS DETLOR. He returns his unfeigned acknowTedgmcnU to thofe who have i^ Sibfetally auorded birrt ilipport} and hopes that the new Firni will merit ?. continuance of their favou.s. As it is the fubferiber's vvifh. to clofe his former bufinefs as (bob as poifibk, he will thank thofe V/ho are indebted to call and their refpeftive accounts. H. C. THOMSON. 23d Oa. i8ij^ _ ____ FOR SALE, arrange 39 0 Lot is N terms, Clb uifj Concession, Concession\ va* 22, in r/;| iVi. 23, in tif Lot No. co, in the i \lh Concession. The whole being in the Town-hip of Lans- down, in the district of [ohnfiown. For partielms cirtpiiU »t the efhee of ALLAN MCLEAN, Efj. Kingston, August 18, 18:5. 12 rrHE fubfciibcr . orms the people of * Kingston that he has cnmmciicid the Boot ant j t M Shoe ma kins' Busmefs u 3rt teed §& R- teisto: mm K he propo 1 fes keeping ttutttftautiy «.>n hand Ciexitlcmcns Bat-k ill jmtl^-'J rniiit.iry J3outs, Iiong fuarlow do do do Wellington, cto Gentlemen's fine wax'd Ca'-f Shoes, Morooco dfefs puenpfl rind 'hoes ioi gen- tKinen. p Ancle Boots and walking fnoes trimmed lathe neat ell manner. Miffesand childrens fhoes. He pledgee himielf to thofe who are pieafedto favor him with their cuflom, that all work made 1 it his fnop fhaN be made of the beft materials and finiOicJ In a luperK>r manner, as he is determined to keep the beft workmen he can employ. WtLLiAMTRYAN. Kingston, 23d December, 1815. 3° The fubferibef lias for "fak, 2CO0 Fairs Worfted Hofe, \Vell adapted for the awn? or navy ; and a ijttantiif of ready made gentleman's and lass Great Coats, - . .. . Lady's Bonnets, and a few pairs Pantaloons.and Vcfts, and a Small affortment of ry GootLs And exp?6is a large affortment of Goods from Montreal every day. JOHN DUNCAN. _ Kingston, December 3 o,. 1 o 15. Jotf Notice. '^'O be Told or Tented, as may be agreed up* **■ on, that well knriwn valuable farm, lot No.'11 and the \^eft half of L»t No. 10 in the fn ft conc«ffion of Additional Freder- icksburgh, together with a good frame Houfe and Barn, good Meadows, and two Orchards thereon, and about: One hundred and forty acres of improved land. The prc- mifea are well fitoated for a farmef,merchant or Innkeeper, ^cr further particulars ap¬ ply to the fubfefiber, or to I)« Waihburn^ Efq. in Kingfton. Michael Covle. Kingfton, 20th Feb. 1816. |8cf To be Let, THE Farm now occupied by John La' Prife,oeing the eaft part of lot num- ber feventeen, in the fecoml conceffion of th^ townftiip of Kingfton. For the term* ap^ ply to iftc fubfenbef. THOMAS MARKLAND; Hat ManufaBtiry* SMI III & BUTTER WORTH, RESPECTFULLY acquaint their friends and the Public in general that thev have re-c'ommenced bufinefs in the new houfe near Walker's Hotel, Where they haVe on hand an extenllve affortment of Ladies & Children's beft Beaver Bonnets, Gentlemen's beft Beaver, Caftor, Rorani and Knapt Hats ; Men's, Youth's and Boy's .Wool Hats. Likewife, Ladies and Children's London Faihonable Bonnets^ Feathers and Trimmings of the following colours j Black White, Blue, Brown* Purple and Drab ; tohich they offer, Wholefale and Retail fot' Cafii as cheap as they can be putxhafed at Montreal. . N. B. Caih paid For Beaver, Mulkrat and Racoon Skinsr tt .My, Wm. Wiik-^ li AVE j0st open 'Sfy,■* G, exten five aflbrtmenl of *"'""*. & Co.^ Dry CouSsti'ng of every art.VI choice affortment Silk, w"w' a fT Crapes, Thread La--- - ***> ° ' " !c5 VJih> fi«t Sh; Goods. in that Ifne foi with * chiefi, Tippet,, ^c. &c.' &cin*' HandW. Hardz 'ALSO, & r//j ^^^5 * 21 tf. Kingfton, 3oth_Q6Lj3i5. Notice. THE fubferibfr refpeftrully Informs la's friend bl Which they Will M| bH A ' Kington, igthjanuaryj i816. open in <r ds and the public that he is .about ci Store'in front of the new market JOHN SIMSON «rf houfe, vvhtre he will do JLJAS recdved by the fufftfrfc frm) -1 England, and r.'ow offtts for fek, >U Busmefs on Commiffidn gant aiTortment of Will buy and fell, uu Store & Forward GOODS # Up er down the Rivet, Will take in any ol'ders of day defciipfU in that line of tnilnrf«. N. B. Pbfons defirous of committing con- lipraeiits to his charge, may know the rates 0. ilot-age and commifuon by calling \c the new commiihon {tore. . v • JOHN DUNCAN. Kingfton, Dec 30, 1815. ' xo Dry Goods; ' Cbnfifiing of Superfine and common Cloths, A and calouied Flannels, Fiufhings, ^, J ,.2 and 4. Fomt Blankets, black vVorfted Hofe,vorN Socks, boy's and girl's Hofe, Tartan Plaid, FOR SA1.P- ■ * P Afem, Barrels of excellent Prime Pork. Etiqtitffe,at Mr SatfgTey's Tavern. Kingsti,;; December 15/18 1V 28 T urkey Stripes and Ctiecks, SfilVrhigStripef 3-4 and 64 Ginghams, Garment and hr- mture Calicoes, black and fcoloiired Cam- bncs, 64 ahd 7-4 Punted and Imitation Shawls, Bandanna and Madrefs Handker¬ chiefs ; white Cotton { Lcno, Book and Sprigtd Mnfiins j DJnifties ; Thread and Cotton Laces; h'ack and coloured Vdvet; plain andngur'd Sattfn, tuviVd Und pW" Sarcnets ; L nit res ; I'anirietts ; Immm ^arthetn i Poplin* ; filk Nett; black Crape; black &k Handkerchiefs,' fewing *j Ribbons ; and a number of 6thfcf"ufirfflwJ tides to be dffpojed of by wKolefa'le,"*" ™' for-able krms for cam, or fooft tyroied credit. - . United SuwM Bank Paper taken in par- RlTrt, by Bliowinnr the difcoti-nr. I3™ Water Street, Jfcingilau, Jan. 1 j. ^^' FANCY GOODS. aoo Dollars RwiH> I THE fubfriiber informs the Ladies of K:no;!l(-ii and ka vicinity j that be It#^ jul(l received and has for falethe moit extcti- fiv/e affortnicitt of LOST «n Thurfdav (he 19th !fift'"" therm the ftrer|«J of KftgM-*"1 - -Wared, Twfl*d & pt^fl SILlib u ° RIBBONS, . Sij^wIs & Handkercliicfs Ever -ffered for fak in this, place^ whote- B«r. 1, iSij.- '■_■■ _______ *{,tf_ BLAJiFBAIL' iGNDS, arid SHK.Ril'Vs SALES, ; IJQt sale at this Oilire-;. ('•e y<r.M c. • • a u/ T/c u ^ v L ij. - Containing.armt bills and other papers of value only to the Owiier. Whoever (i'a3 f!m^ the fame atjd will bring it to the Pt!tirtr,or to Mr. Sheriff Stuart, will receive the above fevvard. The laid Bilb can be of ho tife gyceptto the eri&itrj their ntimber and dt'fcrJptron be* Jug kiiown, a"nd meaftirea having been ak ready taken to (top payment at the army. Bill Office, Confequeinly any perfon it! tempting -t-J pais them fraudulently will bi liable to arret! and trial. Tor felony, rrpHE fnbfch'bef refpe^fullr begs leave I to inform fiis friends and the pubac; S^IWp Nb received a great variety of Drv Goods Kh^stoiiy ioth Oa. lrilj. 23 Groceries^ {lannels, calicoes, fiockings,- fea- trowfers and ward coats, •as cl'jths, ccl7 made coat9, U»i chief,, fcawk, linens overtops, tfritxs, women's ih-es, ti^et*, bomb^ettK, i^iNfesTON. J lily i7tn, 1815, IDifcriarged Non-CDmrhiffioiied OiHcer^ afrd So^dfers-' who may have bsefi recom. mm ^* ? ^ ^ mended for receiving Grants of Land, are to repair to Cornwall without delay, & to re* port themfeives to AHdndet M'DweUZty ■■ fuperinTcndant of the Department for Loca- '•' tirig the new Settlers. = jj By order of His Excellency the4 • " • Proviilonrit LL»atenant Governori F. P. RCJBlNSON/tety |o// 'i.* r I pow Sec and will be fold at the lowe ft terms. JOHN DOW LAN. Kingston, 25th J an. * I"316. ' 34; publfc TOWNMEET1NG. ' Midland Dtstria, ff. BY vii toe of a warrant fi^nect tv> twef of f Irtis Majeity's Juilicesof the Peace for fold Diltritl, and to me direcled, the inhab- r!Uftts and houfr:hvMderft of the town and tiov.nfnips of Kingston, Pittfeirg aiM Woii*- T^and, paying or Jfehle to ^ay any affe(I"mept8 or rates, are hereby notified to niieet at the C. houfeiri Ivinsrllon,on Monday tlbe Fourth day of March next, at r 1 o'clock i\$ the forenoon, for the purpofe of nomma- t^'iig and choofing fit pcrfone to ftrve in the @ffo:e9 of Town Clerk, two ^/flcfibrs, one (_J')lUrc?tv)r, one Town Warden, Overieers ot ^iighways and Roads, Pound keepers, &CV Mt the year enfujftij. J^/iViES ADAMS, i/Z-.v Constable. Xiugston, Feb 22, i8t6. 3^ A LL Fcrfoirs are heieby forbid! cuCtirrg /^L or carrying off any fi'mber of any de- jfription, whatever, from Lot No. 8 in 6he \\S\ conceffion o^ the tovvi.niip of Frt-dcr- fckfourgh, on pain of being profecuted to h\k- utmoQ. vigor of the law/ t] GEORGE Wager. .. For Sale, VERY valuable and pxafantly to _ - ted Town Lot. For t*n>a apply at th^Office'. .-ri- NEW ■ 1 s ell ^liEfubfcnber has jnst now ofefc f°r fale» a0' chofen afTortmeut of noods, received MJ c^tenfi« *" t . Dry Groceries and Hardware I 5 . jihSOt A w eil chofen ^offm«it of ME Tl |C u fhole rfwhw."V» *«f$ *= a,l.or eonntrTP"*10* W«t prices f;>r ca... ■- -■ uERS0N. Kington. 26 January I »'rt' produce ,,-od voucher • £ ^ wlJ b» aitend«d to.

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