Poetry. [Thr folir.rvi** (fays the BrWi/ij Critic ) is a ji/Jl am! fucc Jfd ridinuL ff'iiadcrn fairs' of l.orrtr. . . ,--■•- -. THE STORM KiUCr. a so-iNtf. T.Y J. It. FISHFR. I^eard you the wailing fcream at rnidni;:ut h«ur. Of the Storm King t—Heard you the rat¬ tling fhow'r Pour down the (leep ; while thro' the dff- mal gloom. The bird of daiknefs chaun£ed from the tomb ? , , Heard you the neighb'ring monks defparing ft* ... As,fir*d by ligtnmg, blar.'d their monaft'ry : Heard you the dead men's mouths move to and fro, And gha-flly grin, and chatter tale? of wo i Heard you the t.rav'ler's agonizing Ihiiek, Toft by the roaring tempeft from the peak ? Heard you all nature fli'udckf with affiiVl.t, Fearful her rei^n was clof'd in endlefs night ? While the fierce Storm King rode wild thro' the fky, Thofe horror3 heard you i— did f. . Mo I—No more FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. • - ft " Phis impofmg ucn'..r*.c:mi:m, 2-.(i the wctteof ihetwo pawm the ntR delegated de facto. It has th U3 acquired' all the fore; which the faered rights of nations, the right! of nature, and '>f perfons; could impart to it- • It is becdrrie the unalterable fafe-guard of a!U /'lenthmen whom th't misfortunes of the troubles may have expnfed even to the legitimate refentment of the Prince. " Htsmo'ft Chrifthn Ma jelly pofitively acceded to it himfclf upon entering into his capital i more than once he has invoked the impofiug authority of th:s political contract as an act indivifibly in all it* parts. " H^nce, Excellency, can it be .doubted that 1 am well founded, as one of the pcr- fons for whom this ftipnlation was made, in claiming the benefit of the 12th article, and the religious execution of the guarantees ex- prefled in it ? . • i .-' n \ I prefume in confequence to require e£- prefly from your Miuiltry and from the ali¬ gn ft power in the name of which you exer- cife it, thafc you caute an end to be put with regard to me, t«i all criminal procedure on From the London Courier of New* 2T. .. Important Letters from Paris. Whe Marfi.d Prince of Mojlivato the Amhaf Ja.lors of th: four grand allied'powers. '• Exckllkncy—It i* r-t the Idft e%:tre- truly, at the moment in which the critical '^i-eumftanee to which I fee royfolf reduced, k'lve me no longer but to feeble means of :»voiding the condition and the terrible dan¬ ger pf an ?ccuiationof the crime of high tre:i- i>jn, thai. 1 ref'»»v-ed to have reoonrle to a le- giiiinate *wdrefa to you, of which the object 1:' as follows. :< I am lent before the Chamber of Peers bv vfi ;u€ of in Ordinance iiincd bv the Kinr on £h$ t ith irA; a:vi after a fpcech addiclTed 16 tin elianiber bv fits ^aiciiy's t>rinie minis¬ ter. coivfi*jtratiotls iipdn v'lwch h 1$ founded, are of a nature to give me juft aopiThenlion* sfwr, r otrrcr motives for inhibiting my pri- cels; « have read wfth Mlo\ji{hihent in that fjtesclu 4< tliat it was £*&tn in && ::crr>: of Lu- r&6f that the Mlnlilers c*^1* to conjur*: the Chamher, ar»d to require ii to tzf mfc *' Silrh ti <ie*Jara:Io:i, fuffer m,«fc it ofeiVrve, h trr^cmi-- periods efazitattjn in Franc*. I da not conceiveIiow the atiff*ift allies carl btj I'haJc f.o iiTifrlerc in this criminal proceeding, fince llicir m?.;rnanirrvtv was preneroufiy occ ?|>ic>1 v i'Ji the care of the gft-Kt-ranttfeies me atTaintl it, and fince a formal, facred, and invioalabfc canverition exills upon this ftibie.^. * • '* Deign to recollect that by the treaty of Paris of the 30th M-y, 1 S 1 _;, the high con- trailing parties, had formed 4n alliance wiih . lu's majefty Lcuis the 18th. Being inform¬ ed at Vienna on the t?ih Merch la ft, tliat thecaufc of legitimacy in France was threa¬ tened bv the return of Bouaoarte, thev le folved upon the folerhn |)act of that dat (1 Jth March) with the mini ft ers at the Concrefii of his moll Chriftjan Majeftv. In tnw-pafik the allied fovercigns declaied " that tlu-y were ready to give to the king of France and to the French nation the nccefiaiy O-C-'ors to reftoTe the public tranquility and to make ' common caufe again ft thofc who fiiould un- • derfake to dlllurb if.,T '♦. ** In tr>e conrirmatory paclof the ijtll of the fame month of March, the high power?, engaged folemnly to unite all their force to maintain in all their integrity the conditions r.fihe Treaty of Paris againft the plans of BonaparSe J they pro:?iife to ad: hi common. ' They regulate the refpective contingents, thev (-rrjh-jful to rtiarch a?ai/ist the common eve* rr.v. In line hi" moll Chrilban Maifjky was invited to give afj.'rit to the [aid meafurrs^ in cafe he iho'd 1 ftand in need or the auxiliary trccps that were promiftd him, &c. 44 It refult* de*rl"» from itefe rlliierenf * flipubti^ns that all the armies of Europe, without dittin&ian, ha**e been the auxiliaries ot the king of France, that they he.ve fought in his diredfc intereft for the fubn-.iftion of: stl his fubjects. Victory foon decided in fa¬ vor of the Englifh and Pruflian arm3 united 6a tlie plains of Waterloo, and brought them under-.the walls of Paris. There rtemc,ined t'ooppofe their ulterior progrefs, a corps of tlie French army which might have '"old themfeive-s dearly. A re^ociation took place, ar:donthe3d of July a convention between the two pant-ies was figned. The 12th ai tide of which fay^ :— ShaU.be eq".a:ly rei'pected. perfous and private property ; the inhabitants and in general all the indii iiuals who are in the cap¬ ital ihall continue to ci.joy thrir rights and liberties, without being ditl'ub.cd or fought after for any thing rtlattng to the- functions they occupy or lhall have occupied, their con* • duel and their political opinions. " The convention has been fmce ratified ' b^. each of the allied (ove- iv ns *> :^"ng the P account of the rufietions which I filled in the mouth of March 1815, of my conduct an J rr-y.political hpink-ns. 4' My ftatc of infolatibn and abandonment i? a reafon the more for determining your excellency to come to my fuccour, and to enable me tv ehjoy, by your powerful medi¬ ation the right I have acquired. 11 If I had not blindly relied cnl tile Word of fo many foyerefgus, k ihouid, in fdme ait- Jtnown laud, have made royfelf forgot ton. It is this anguit 2nd holy word that caufed my lecurity—can it be deceived ? I canndc believe fo- t and I expect w;"h CofefidenC* you will grant me ye'ur powerful intervent'.on (Signed) from our !ow;hv, that you " NEY." '^cefs of the Marfbal* 2 of France hau The Duke of Wellington In a prjvat dience granted relierday (Nov 12) to Mud- ameNtv, pive as the u rait rids fo? the dii;>o- fit ion m which hews3 Dcr!or.al!v not- ti; in- terfe: e at at a'rl in the p 44 That hU meetly tht kin^ not tatifted the ennvention ofthfi |d July. 44 That the ftipalation.s written in the 12til article, expiciled only ilie renunci'atiou of the High Powers on their own Account, of proceeding agamflany one in i ranee for his conduct or political opinions ; *4 That thev had no r»ght then to med- die with the act^ of the King's government."* W *l. --> «C— Mi Kingston, March j. j iS o. • > a ■ * > Wc have received liter t Inn 1 .| tli u't« of i'rpf>rcuiice: no I B ' ft * there is lorae talk oi a \> .* Ixtween the Americans antl i7paniaftlv» but people ot luformatter!! (h>not i V- ll v. w 1 • V'.c find ally helis vi There has been a horrid mur.ler coram •'.- :ed in St. Lcwrcnec county, N. Y. the partic¬ ulars we do not yet leain. ... trc.'ifi ii' Muni real Ihra'a* : Mr. GrAy, , ' Bir, give the! dlo-.ving a place :n your u'j- ful paper, and oblige ' Si Subsrr'dw. The Inftdllation J the Officers of W&K& o ton rerjt'veriK? Lf-"*'re, No. ?.o% took pla^t, accbiQUlg to adveitifctrient, between the howrs of three and feven o'clock P. M. ^n Wednefdav the 24th uH. at the afTenO-dy room in Telfeyman's City Tavern, si part of the ceremonies wrere public, asu were at- tended by one bandied and thtity Brethren, and a numerous circle ot Ladies and CVnt'C- * found hlencc, the invocation prayer, the encmony of confecratiou, the mufic, while the e'enent^of C"rn, Wine and Oi1 ^-ere Kin<r/lf>n Shoe Store. fprin kled us upon the Lodge, impreiTcd with real religious awe ; we could not help thinking that a Fraternity, whofe fuperficial ceremonies are fo impofing, nsuft be found¬ ed upon the purcft ptinciples. tke Inftalli- tfon of the orTcers of the new Lodge, was accompanied with fuitable Harangues upon the nature of their offices, all inculcating pure principles of morality, benevolence, a'nd duty to the Supreme Being, mingled with fentimenttf 6f obedience to the Sovereign au¬ thority. Upon the whole, we have not witnefled a . C. IT. SHIP MAN, having ett-uVifhcd a Shot Store, on the corner rlT-ee doors wed of Mr. Burritidea tavern offers at whrle fale anH retail a large alTortment of Gentlemens and Ladies Soota and Shoes % alto a large aftbrtment of Leather. ALSO, . A few Saddres and Bridles, which will be fold very tow. very . 4_____ :_. 39*'3 ceremon f more peculiarly ftriking and have been more minute in onr defcription, as it is the firft we have feen in this ahyy where res¬ pectable Grangers have, been prefent ; and ^ucerely hoper that IFellingtcn Perf-jering r I ' Ledge", No. 20 will become an ornament to A the Society ; let the officers imitate virtues of the illuftiious Nobleman whofe name they have nftumed, together with his peVfeverintf fpirit to do go^od, and like him they may¬ be crowned ultimately with the plaudits of the Fraternity. A Friend t? Frrs-Mc/om";. FOR SALE, A. \ number of Town Lots near the French Church. The te'r.ns of nayment will bemadeeafy. H. EARL. K.ngfton, Sept. 23,18 TC. ifa NOTICE. * » HE Partnerfhip heretofore exiftin" vSmytii & y/lia!l % crwecn Patrick , John Duncan, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has received Taylor, under the firm of Patrick Smyth & Co.i$ this day di(f>lved by mutual content; Thofe who have any demands againfc them, are defired to fetid in their a.cco'im*«-for pz*~ meht—=ahd ^11 thofe who are indebted 10 faid firm are requefted to fettle their acct's immediately, as after the firft day of ^pril neKt their accounts v;ill he given to D. Wdfhburn, Esq. to be collected. Patrick Smyth- Allan Taylor, . from Qj'ebec and Montreal, an elegant af- fortmem of Mirror and drefTing GLASS¬ ES, from one to, £0 dollars each, of the firll quality ev-r in Upper Canr:da,—Bed Tur¬ key Carpeting, Furniture Paper andBor- doiifo, Ladys rVork, Card and Cotton boa- -S—Curtin pins and Ring*, Bell pulls, Brafa Nails k Hat Pins.- 4n effortnient of La- dys and Gentlcmai»b' Reaver Bonnct« and Hats,— Boxes of Colours, with Camels hair renci!s--Crockeiy and Glafs v>arcf Sit. eXc. ALSdj . Jamaica Spirits, Brandy, Holland Gln9 Pcpperm-nt, S!ifcub.and In'fh Whdkey—all which h? will fell low for Cash onlv. N, "iy Com mi HI on Score? p.n^fc••:. Mctn£2,18*6, 3otf _ ■ TO LETj & poffeffion given ift That valuable ftand for buiincfs now oc¬ cupied by the fubferiber. PATRICK SmT+11* .. Kinpftors, Februan', 24th 1S16. ^R * • * • . r* ieceived"ai.d toi ialc'by ttifc lublcri- Le following-' . •%. For Sale, A g-oil '".j.'y-l! and IWnefe, c,n?te new **• ALsr a fpiMof exteilen: Horfo.— rr«i 1 ne pi/m ms of Or'^n rr:.,f wdl c rl'hev (jo days ii" lerjueited. aoplytng at ih»s oraee. Kirio-fto-n, Feb. 21. : ? tJj be a credit of can* be S?c« by ■ * U5T her tl GOODS, to wit : Cordage of different forts and fi^ei, Spun Yarn ; Ropeingj fewing and Sa^ne Twine ; Houfe and Mar Line ; Canvafs, Sail' Needles & Palm I * Paint a'nd Tar Brumes; Steering Co-npaftes : Blo«.Knand Grunriets ; Spikes, Bdat Nails and Oakam. A large ^flortmerit ot Iron Hollozv Ware. Ship Si tapers ; rons . K U r \\:ti 5t i on. Crn; k-*, «-.J P*;fc-2...rf *T*0 be fold by Aitf&mat the BarracM * OiUce, on Saturday (lie nth Jnii. a coa- ituerHDW um-iititv of j //a ///«k0 Id Fit 1 it iture Confi(ling of One han-ifome Bcdltend and Curtains complete, with a large new and mo ft txcel- Ivnt Maitrafs, Boiil.er. 2 Pii'ow!, ± new rofe Blankets an^l Cotton Counterpane, 27 yards ofe^reUrnt Carpeting, 2' Carpets, Chairs* Taolt =, a large and mbft excellent portable writing l>.-:\, writing Table, fett of Pigeon Hole's *, I* teak fa ft and Tea China, Crocke¬ ry and G\?.(> Ware, Knives and Forks, an excellent Dutch Ov.eiv a^d a variety of Tin Ware, Kitchen and Cbokinr utenGlstoo nj- merous to mention. Aftsr which will be-fold a valuable col¬ lection of Bocks, amor.g v^hich' are Robin- I Mldren^To'. < and Dolls ; Backgammon Board*, arid Damme Plays. A gje'neral aiTortmcnf. of Seamen s Slops ; s to wit • 'Or?nt Coats, Pea Jackets, - , • Blue Jackets, p.nd Trowfcrs ; Summer Veils ; (th- oe(t Cotton and Flannel Shirts o{ cue duality. ' Lady'sj young Lady's and Children 9 beft Beaver Bonnets. ____ saver Hats 5 With fundry other articles, too tedious to mention. All of whieh he v\iil felt cheap for caih. . . . ALSO, A lame aiiortment cf . ■ fon's works, Burns do Scents do. Blackftones Q]~>^«z»V onrl PirSr^t^ san, among wl«m many Canadians «rre Commcntorv's, Nicholfon's EnfcycloPedea, " UUJl5 cU1U **>****£ onfoicious. The rooms were fancifully" a n>a; confp y ;* ., , , . , Jr t 1 ■ I_I A6 111 it received, and for fair, a l^rjje jfullv decorated w;th icariet, JT1 . J M . v., ui • m * *• £ \:r ,• 1 n- **■•*■ ^nd very varuable allortment ot and fine linen, the aiient to ^ 1 o ** it decorated by appropriate Banners, 6mong which was one repreientmg- the I'nion of the two Pvival Fraternities of England, un¬ der the aufpices of His Royal Bjgbifefs the Prince Regcj, as Grand Pat'on of the Or¬ der. His Royal High-iels Edward, Duki of Kent, as laft Grand Mafter, according to the old lr.ithutions, and his Royal Highnef* the Duke of SulL-x, at prelent General Grand Mafter of the United Fraternity; combined with the refneclablc names of r Denecuau and Cculson, the prelent Provincial Grand Mafter and Deputy of Lower Canada. In the centre was'placed tt altar, fane! purple, gold which, was by three (Wps o\r (lia'doV/ed by an arch of Crimfon Silk, with fringe and taffds, fnrvounded by-double triangular Can- dekbras, of i ich plated V^are. The Holy Writing we«e placed upon thus altar, and the Warrant of Union i^odge No. 8, under wh'ofe ayfpir-es the ceremonies were perform¬ ed, fupported by the Warrant of Lodge Mo. 459, held in the Royal Artillery. The Mailer's Chair placed under the Union, and Knight Templars Standard", and was deco¬ rated with azure and purple filk Velvet, tlimmed with rich gold Lace; the chairs of the Other officers wcie attended with blue & Crimfon Banners. Tfte tovA enftrnhUexhib¬ ited a moll impTfing fpeclacle. The Iftru- mental Mufic was peifoim«d by the Band of the Regiment De Menron, and the varjous a'rs felected, appeared judiciouijy chofen ad* mg greatly to the foiemnity o-flhe fcene. Tke"Er<hren a?on theit knees, th- pTj> « it Poiterand La Baurncs Campaigns in Rnftia Count Rumfords EiTays, genetil tcgtilationi of Health, elegantly bound, Dundafs do. Articles of War, &d &c. ?zc, - ALSO, A Therrriorheror and r. p^ir of carj^.il fllver mounted (crew barrel'd Holder Piiio'.s. About 10 dozen of empty bottles. g5"$aff to begin at 12 o'clock. - John Darley, Auctioneer. , Kingston* ir/ March, t8i6 . 19 DANIEL BKOWN, (ftigh Robinfoh's Brewer) J*; Garden e:c Of all kinds, with Dry- Goods AND • Groceries 5 f AsufuaK . James Richardson, Scrh Ki^a^on, 2()th Feb i^io5. ^^^______________^' _ , 1 ■ . l^or Sale, MONjEAtJ U StGKRMAIN, Spirits, Rum, Brandy, Slnub, Gin, Pep* permiut and Wines. . \ ALSO, An afcrtirie'tft cf . Dry Gooas w«?_ ■ * AND Hardware Too numerous to mention. Kingston, 29th FeKi lSitf. ^ f)f every kind nrceitary fcr the mod ferrfive Gardens* ^mong them arc rine different kinds of Lcttice fe'vd, early, late and red Cabbage, Culliflo^'er, Savoiy, Kail, eight kinds cf kidney Beans ; early and other Peafe, Wind- for Brans Celery, CarreU, Parlnip, S'.u'n- ->«re, Pardey, eaily and late Turnip,"Vng PrickU-y Cucumber, Squafli and Melon feed, lhyme. Marjoram, red Beet, *c. &c. * LQ7 of land cor-raimng ore hundred ^ largepa«toi them were imported dt- /\ 3cres? fltualje Jn ^ towRflu? Qf fca from England, rn^d the others were ran- Loughborough, being No. 10, in. the ffih ^d in this country, and are all of the^bcit iinds and fvrft quality. Kingfton, Feb. 26, t8l6. TlS is to Ce;t"fie. S Smii For Sale, 7 concciaonof iaiJ townfhip. Thclotisvrrv Jiandlomcly fituated, with 35 nciestof irnnr*-w ved land, a convei ient houfe, ar.d fmdl tl-ible H h and i« Wife i ■*■ is pared and not to'truft Heir now mo-e * * * Ef they Doue they molt be anibwoele for iieir ... - 2Qw % &c. The terms of paymeht eaiy. Apply to will b e m^. DAVID HILL. ^ Kft^lloD. March i. i8l6. 20?