Kingston Gazette, February 17, 1816, page 4

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For Sale, 3* the fubferiber, a few Pi r.-/irons, Jamaica Spirits, Brandy. Gin, "Wine, Shrub and peppermint ; Loaf and Muicovado Sugars* Tea, Coffee and Chocclate, Indigo, Peopcr & AlHbice, * ALSO, A geiieral aiTortrnent ot s, Dry Good Iron & Steel* All very low for Cafli. BAMUEL MERRILL. . Kingston, %ith Dec. 181J. Plank & Boards. WAITED to be delivered on the jiH inft. and during the month of tebtu- aty. Sealed Tenders will be received at this Yard on the ioil. Hasikj ^ 2 ooo it 2{ . i coo 25,800 *i 20,640 i 9800 ^* EW1). LAWS, * * Naval Storekeeper TavaJYard, lungflon, 1 11th Jan. I'd 16. 3 3vlf H William M'Lean & Co. WE jnft r* jeived a larpe afitirtfaenC or the following & Jamaica Spirits? Cogniac Brandy* Beft Holland Gin, Pert and Madeira Wins$, Peppermint and Shrub, Loaf and Mufcovado Sugar. King's Arms,"* Pine Apple, S Chcefe. Chefhire, Hyfon and Green Tea, Figs, &c. &c. ALSO, An elegant afTortment of Silk Trimmings of every description, Ladies and Gentlemen's Jilack and Coloured Silk Hofe and Gloves of a fnperior quality. As the above articles v*ere bough* at an early feafon, wholcfale purehafers can be fup- phed en terms more advantageous thaa they now can be in Montreal. Kingston, Dec, loir. xxti p— For Sale, IN Fredcrk-kfburgh, Lot No. II, in the fcrft conce&on of laid town, conteiniag 200 Acres ; one hundred under improve¬ ment, with a Frame Houfe ayid Barn there¬ on. There can be cut yearly 30 tons of good Hay. Any one defirous of purcha- Fing can apply to the fubferiber in Camden, or to the Printer in Kingftorr. JOHN CA RSC ALL AN. Camden, January, 4, r 816. jfrt JUST received by the fubferibers, a Con- fignrnent of 200 blue Flufhing GREAT COATS ; price (cv^n dollars----Alfo, a fe?7 Blue Jackets and Trowfera of a Superior quality. A. MACPHERSON&Co. Kingston, dth Jan. 1816. 311 ? Rags ! Rags ■ Cash and the highest price paid for CLE 4N ' .COTTON AND LINEN RAGS, AT THIS OFFICE. abet, town, April 27, 1815, being a day apptehend fold runaway and bring him baefck Planted for 3 general thanksgiving in Up- or lecture him in any jail iw ekher Province For Sale at this Office, A Dlscourfe delivered at Brockvillc, El> 7lt>Ct. tiuvn. Ar.%-;i •»- ,Q.- v~:_____ *__ apj^Kcaiorag...,...........^.....g .„ ^p. per Canada « for putting an end to the War •n which we were engaged againft the Uni¬ ted Sates of America. True Piety, a fonrcr of individual happi- «rfa and national prosperity. By William Smart, Minitkr of the GofpcL OSrHam trnfifa /,orjm 7^ fm -m vaih STVfftnp fyr* -, an J nf ' •■ f , reign* For Sale, By Ben &f Eciwd. Siarne¥9 Jamaica Spirits, Brandy, Gin, ShriS,*^ Pepperminty Port, Madeira, Spanish nud T* J" neriffe Wihes, bottled Porter and Scotch A jn Cafxs ; belt Englii'h and A&erkaa 3o22P' I^oaf Sugar. ALSOj A lmall aiTortment of Dry Goods, Hardware and Jewelry A itw boxer, Smoakd Herring^- Krnnstor., yi jnrw.iry, 1816. 33:'^ The fubfenber refpecLfully informs rh« friends and the public, that he has entered itn- to co-partnefcnp with h'h. George H. Deb¬ tor, and that the bufmefs will in fuLure !bc tarried on under lire the Firm of THOMSON89° DF.Tf.Oft He returns his unfeigned ackitowledgrnerntS to thole r.ho have fo liberally afforded hiim iup^ort, and hop- .1 ihac the new Firm wvill raerit a continuance of tHeir favours. As il r« the fubfciiber's wiiht, to clofe his formccr bufinefa as foon r.n pofChic, he will thaotlt thofo who are indebted tb call and arranjsge their refp'.Ctive account-;. H, C. THOMSOM. M?d 06t. 181*. _ _______ :o FOR SALE, J%j t Man ufa Bo ry - SMITH k BlTTiERWORTH, ESPECTFGLLY acquaint their Friends anj the Public in general that they have re-commenced bufmefs in the new houfe near Walker's Mote!, where they have on hand an exteuiive aflbrtment of Ladies & Children's bed Beaver Bonnets, Gentlemen's beft Beaver, Caflor, Roram and Kriapt Hata ; Men's, Youth's and Boy's. Wool Hats, Likewife, Ladies and Children's London Fafhonable Bonnets, Feather* and Trimmings of the following colours ; Black White, Blue, Brown, Purple and jbrab j which they offer, Whokiale and Retail for Cadi as cheap as they can be purchaT^d a'c Montreal. N. B. Call-, pzlil for Beaver, Muilcrat anc! Racoon Skins. .Kinitio.', -oih Oct. i815'. ■liy. Vvm. WiLi VINSON, h C Il AVE .J6, opened at the f 1' Y « copied by Norman Beth,? W ext.niive aflbrtment of ****** * Co. D ry Goods. able to thf feafon? Sfe? Sl^ f"!'U Crapes, Thr*ad Laces, fil f',e!9' Lace Vc-ls, 51k Shawb, sSS*ja32* -Hk ALSO, rdw a re, Ea rth Groceries »enzoare & 5 2 t if. Notic Liquors. Whkb they ml] feu on th„ ble te e TiHB fnbfcrioer refpeafu!!^ b&rtns lU _ friends and the public that he 13 about opening a Store in front of the new market hbufe, where oe will do husinefs on Commi/fton Will buy aa-l fell, • terms, wholefale and rctc'l. Kingstofl, igthjanuary, t'fi, 5. JOHN 'SIMSOW ' f"ost reafoDs- 34tf- ceivtd by the Pall arnvafe fi4 i:ng and, and novv offcr8 for fa, iftT gast aiiorfmect of * /its v Dry Goods ■ Confift-ng of Star o & Forward o N reafonable terms, Kth Concessiom Tl\ -» s Lot No* '29.^ in ihi ho. 23, in the ~6lh Concc:siom, AM) Lot No. do* in the 1 lib Conccsslo:.i. The whole being in the Townihip of Laaus- down, in the district of Johnftown. Fur particlnrs enquire r.t the office ioi AD LAN MCLRA$% Ejq< Kingston, A'ugwi %%% 1815* il "L-nC fubfetibet informs -the people oi Klogstofl lhat he has commenced tHlie hoot and Shoemakinjg Businefs C-or the (tote of Ceo. H. Mac Lean ; Rt'h.c :l'^ he propofes keeping eonftantly on liaiW GenUemciici Back [trapped military BckiC^i Long fnmjow do 4 fe ' CO Wcllingtotij ^ do G-entl(fmen-93 ftne vwaa*d Calf Shocsf Morocco dreia pumps and fho^s for get Licrr.en. » Ancle Boots ^id y&alkicg(hoes trimmer In the neateli manner. M-tT^sand ehildreoa (hots* Up or down the River, Will take in any orders of anr deferiution In that hue of bufiiiefs. N. B Peifons deiirousof comrfrrtiing- ^on- njnmeafei to his ejiarjre, may know the fates or dotage andcominiilion by calling at the newcunnniiiion {lore. JOHN DUNCAN. Kmgfton, Dec 30, i#i$> ook and y-> Notice* jpOR Glc. the book1? of the Juvenile |>1- y brary. For terms apply to the Pi infer, «ho has in his pofTeiiioi:, a catalogue of the boolcs. KWfton, ?Prh December, 1 K r 5-. z.0sr, 'I urkey Str?pes and Checks, Shrfting fiinfe^ 3;4 and 6-4 Giiighamey Garment and Fm-- nitare Calicotsy black and toiooreS Car:., bncs, 5-4 and 7.4 Printed and Imitation Shawls, Bandann-i and Madrefs ftanrJke:-- chi<:[$ ; white Cotton ; L^noy Book Sp%ed Rfuffins ; Dimities ; Thread and Cotton Laces • black and coloured Velvet; plain and figurM Sattin, Tvnl'd and phln Sarcnets ; Luilres j Tabinetts ; ImitAttpa arcnet* ?■ Poplins; iilk Nett • black Crape; black fiik Handkerchiefs ; (wing Silks; Ribbons ; and a number of other ufeful arju tides to be difpofed of by wholefale, on rta- fcmablc terms for cafh, or fliort approved credit. United Stag's Bank Paper iaken in pat- merit, by allowing the difcount. $m Water Street, King Hon, Jan. 13, 1816. PPO'STTE the Storr i OrrUMTJS the Storr door of Mr- t; Met nil, A Gold Finger Ring, find it and will return it to the Printer H;all be bandfornely rcxszrd-id. Kfngston, ioth Dee, iitj^ ^9 ^ FOR SAL^y And tfic CAS II pnee pai id ft» He pledge? htmfelf to thofe who an. pleafed to favor him with their cuflom, tha t all '.vork made in his (hop Oiall be made c >- the heft materials and (mimed in a l«*penv " manner, as he is determined 10 k^ep the be' , workmen lie can employ. WILLIAM TRY AN. Kingston, 23d December, 1815. 3o The fubfenber his for faldj ~ 2000 Pain Worded Hofe, Well adapted for the army or navy; and ^ quantity of ready made gentlemer/s and ladj3 Great Cf^ats, Lady's Bonnets* and a few pairs Pantaloons and Veils, and a Small affortment of Drv Goods, And expec\s a large aStbttment or Goock-, from Montreal every day. JOHN DUNCAN. J ferns Barrels ofexcdlsm Prime Pork. Enquire at Mr Badgley $ Tiver: Kwjrstm tbceofor 154 iS !$- 2^ FANCY GOODS. PIE fubferiber informs the Ladle* of Kingdon and vicinity, that he has ".id received *r,d has for falethe moft CXtea- As also fo? D^ra c? P£,IS, At the old ferewerj? nve a ffortme nt of ^icrured. Twil'd & plaift SILKS & RIBBONS, Shawls & Handkerchiefs' y Of James Robinson Bv ROBINSON & GILLESPIE. ■ 5 Ereroiered far fale in '.his place, w fa!'-or retail on moderate terms* ho?<- 200 Dollars Reward. •' n* b 4-^*1 l8; SAMUEL AYKRCYD. i^f ;>* or Kingston, December 30, 1815 • 30tf ^o Dollars Reward. RAN awa-y on Sunday the 4th inft. a;vn Indented y/pprentice to the Shoem-c-rt- king Bufmefs, of the name of Francis Adi- ams, otherwile Bofelly. He is about few- e^teen years of age, abotrt five feet four iV>» ches high, of a fair complexion, fair h »ir, blu4« eyes ; hr.d on when he went away, a gre«y f'.ort coat and trowiers, yellow waiftcoat an:>d Wellington Boots. He Hole ihoemaket"3 tools and other property. Whoevor will* ALLperfons having claims ggamift the Estate of Robert Graham, Sen. late of Kingston, dceeafed, are requested to preferrt them, duly airihentiested, for payment on o before the fiReenth February nrxt, as no ac¬ counts will be allowed after that date, and m pcrfont indebted to the faid Estate, defired to make immedinte payment. THOMAS GRAHAM. 29 LOST on Thmfday the T^ «*a- the ro,d towards ErneU Town, a Red Morocco Pocket-book, CmtmmZ army bil's nnd other pap en of <_.oni<'.n.!..*,<. j Txri.n^ver has four.- vnla, only to thej^wr. .^^X prinur.or me and will B tow Mr. Sheriff Stua.t.wmKceivetne are the fame ai to reward- THO Kincrston, 22d De< Si m.Boh-* «J a"SS*S 1315. BLANK BAIL BONDS, and SIIERIl'Fs SALES, For sale at this Office the owne ing known, ready taken to Eiiiofficd. g^KS^^ ConfequetU.} an> p . liable to arretted u< 20 Kingston I forbid al^ ii (hall receive the above rewara. perfons again ft harbouring or employing him under pain of being proftcuted to th'lC utmolt rigor of the lew. ^11 Printers, aF well in the United Slates, n<; cither P™v'~ fnce v/ill much oblige trie public bv giving • »* '15* tttis an mfertran in tftenr pa^erb, as he is al old offender. JOHN ELIXRr.F.rK. V!. THE fubferiber refpe&fully begs leave to inform his fi lend, and^ the pubhc, 34 %&l% has received a g. eat variety of Drv Goods & Groceries, teuuAh calicoes, flocking W- trowfc".. and waiftcoat*, women's, tipped bomb.^ts, then and gl»f« ware, mottard, loaf and mnl-ovnoo fnfrar, &C. ladies trimmings for coat-., oh» bruihe*. fhot. powder, it.d^o, pepper, tea, &C. and will be fold at the In welt t.v.ns. John. Dov/ Khjgston . July *7^« l?rS] C/.iiCJ*' port a--^-jXiw^ lupermtendant^oi r.' r for UIJ as cloths, dv made coats, mitts, umbrellas, eat foap, candles, railin . ladit'stninmings for coats, ting the new Settlers rienCV ^ B By order ot H« *» QoVer»">r' F01 i «Vir»ntir nr 3-'.- th^ Office . q, r.

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