Kingston Gazette, February 10, 1816, page 4

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For Sale 3} tfce ft»M< nber, a feiy Pur'hronp, Jamaica Spirits. "jRi-andy, Gin, Wine, ^.hrub and A Peppermint ; Loaf and Muicovado Sugary Tea, Coffee and Chocolate, Indigo, ?enper Sc Allfpice. genera! aiTortment of Di V 1 Goods, Steel Plank & AU very low for Cafh. SAMUEL MERRILL. oards, \\7 ANTED to be deliveteri on the 31ft W inft. and during the month of EcliTU* kry. Scaled Tenders will be received ?.t rtiia Yard on the ittfL flank, 3 if 4 Jfatil Yard, Kintjflon, nth J a if,too 50,640 9800 EWD. LAWS, Nival Storekeeper, William -tf'Leah & Co: ' HAVE juftre :elvcd a large aflbrtfecni of the £>]$.-wng Liquors & Groceries* Jamaica Spirits, Co^niac, Brandy^ Beft Holland, Port and Madeira Wine£| Peppermint and Shrub, Loaf and -VJufcovado Sugir* fang's Arms,} Pine Apple. }~ Chcc-fr. Chefbirc, ; , Bloom and Sutland R^fiaS* Hyibn and Green Tea, Figs, &c. &c. mm, - , An elegant aflbrtment of Silk TnmiMnga ^f every defcription, Ladies and Gentlemen's Black and Coloured Silk Hofe and Gloves of a fuperior cjUafity. . , As the above articles were bought at an e&rly fesfon, wHolefale purchafers can be nip- plied on terms more advantageous than they now can be in Montreal Kingston, %ph Dec. 1815. 3lit For Sale, N Fredenck^burgb-, Lot No. II, in |fa firil conceffion'offaid town, containing 100 Acres ; one hundred under improve¬ ment, with a Frame Houi'e an-\ Barn there- On. There can be cut yeaf'y 30 ions of good Hay. , Any one deiirous of purch fi¬ fing ca4 agpfy to the fubferiber in Gafmdei;, or to the Printer in Kingdom. .■ ■ JOHN CARSCALLANV Camden, January, 4, ?8i6. fitt.' » *** JUST received by the fubfenbers, a Conr fignment of 200 blue Flufhing GREAT COATS i price feren dollars.—Alfo, a few Blue Jackets and Trowfers of a fuperior ouaiity, - A. MAGPHERSON & Co. Kingston, 6th Jan. rifi 6. 31 tf Public ARE rcfpecHully informed, that a private LODGl \ G HOUSE is estatmuV ed by the fuhferiber at Gananoqtie, where fuch travellers as wi/h fo he retired from the notlV and bus:!-: ofa Tnve.r, can be actont- modated with good Beds ind Stabling— Breakfasts, Dinner??, cVc. can be aifo provi- ded. ANDREI1/ BR A DISH. By Ben W EdvwL St antes $ . Jam;; \, Spints, Brandy, Gin, Shrub, Peppermint, Port, Madeu'ri, Spar/fti arid Te- periffe Wine?., bottled Porter ::.'r Scotch Ale in Cafk * .or . Si I. ALSO !n Caiko ? belt Koglifh and AnV^riGaii ^cap :- A fmall aflbrtmeftt ol Drv G H d jewelry-, A few boxes Smoak'd, Herrings. hingstotif %a January, t8i6> gitf *i ! !Toi; 1 en:: The fubferi'^jr :efpe6lfiil]y informs hie {fiends and the public, that he has entered ir.~ :.:> co-partnefh'p v.-ith Mr. George H. Detr lot, ;m.i that 'the bufinefs will in future be fearrfcvl on under the the Firm 01' THOMSON.® DETl OR. He TLiJrnG hh dnfeig*ncd acknoy.ledgmenti to thote who have1 fo liberally a^'orck-J birn inpport, ant! hopds that the ner; Firm will merit a continuance nt 'lieir fa^o-'irs. As it is the I'.ibferiber's r-ifli, t.> clofe iiis fitrmei bufinefs as CootJ as poilible, he will thank thofc v.-ho are indebted to call and arrange their relpccbve accounts. a 23d Oct. i^ic. C THOMSON. 2d O for sale, _ N reafonable terms, lot No. 22, in the §tb Cmmswni No. 23, in the hth Couessiott, : 4Kb t of No, 20, in this 1 uh Cmcmkti. The -vl.'ole being in the IWnfliip or' Laus- dowiijin the distuct of Johnlloun. For ^particlurs at il,: ^s ct ALLAN MCLEAN, Efq. \ Kingston, August s8, 1H15. u T'HE i"ubicr:Ser rnforme the people ^j- Rinffston that he haa commenced 11^ "• Kingston mai nc 1 A Bvnncjs '% re Over the Sore of Geo. H. Mac Lean ; #ti he proposes keeping odndautly on , tia"*j i«enllemena Uackttrapped miutarv i"-^fg, Long (narrow do ' * £ do do Wellington,- do Gentlemen's fine wax'd Calf Shoes, Morocco drefs pumua and ihoes for t' tlemen. " Ancle Boots and v-;alkirfa; flioes trlmn. , in the neat«~4( manner* MiiTes and children3 fhoes. , He pledges himfelf to tlibfe who . picaifed to favor him wi'th tlieir ctrso'm, t£ ~4 all wwrk made in his (hop fhall be made c the beft materials and finifhed in i. i'upei-^. manner, as he is determined to keep the fc,.(% workmen he car» fjiiploy. WILLIAM TU.YAN. Kingston, 23d December, 18:5. " The iubicriber his for faie, CO % 1 w d H « c Rags i Cash and the highest price paid £q! CLE AN COTTON AND LINEN' R A G S, AT THIS OFFICE. We'll adapted for the army or navy ; anq a quantity of ready made gentlemen's and Lds Great Coats, Lady's Bonnets, and a few pairs Pantaloons and Veils, and a Small aflbrtment of 1> s J 1 QGdS loxh For Sale at this Oiiice, A Dhcourfe delivered at Brockville* Eli- ^abethtown, April 27. 1815, being a day appointed for a general thanksgiving in Up¬ per Canada ; for putting an end to the War in which we were engaged againll the Uni¬ ted Sate:, of America. True Piety, a lource of individual happi- neff, and national profperjty. By William Smart, Minillcr of the Gofpel.- 0 Britain, trnjl the Lord. Thy foes in I'jf/i' AUHnMthf ruirtj and obpofe bit feign* 'JOHN DUNCAN. ___Kingston, D&mfor 30,:.l&tj<______?f!L JU/F'fublrjhed, and for fale at ibis Office, Price tfy. The LIFE aid DYING SPEEC>rl Hat MnnufaFtcrn* SMITH & BUTTERWORril, . ESPECTFULLY acquaint their Friends ai.d the Public in Dreneral that thev have rr-cornmewced bufinefs in th^ new houfe near Walker's Hotel, where they have on hand an extr..niive aiTortment of Ladies & Children's bell Beaver Bonnets, Gentlemeri's b.-il P>e:"er, Caftor, Roram and Knapt Hats 5 Men's, -Youth's and Boy's Wool x^iUs. Likevvife, Lac:es and Children's London Fafbonable Bonnets, Feathers and Trimminrts of the following colours ; Black White, Blue, Brown, Purple and Drab ; s?/h:ch thtry effer, Wholefale and Retail for Cafh as cheap as they caO be p'urchafed at Montreal. N. B. Cafli p?id for Beaver, Mufcrat and Racoon Skins. tt * i D ry Goods. Cciifi«inffof o-ery ^rticlt in that |(ne f„J. able to >,, i^.n, together v/i.[h a |H Choice*fcrti»Pt Silfer&tti^ oar,„e!n Crapes, Thread Laces, Tn'nuBfnff8 tor "?il Lace Veil, ml Shawl,, M^St cliict*, Tippets, &c. ftc. ij'pets, &c. &c. ALSO, Ha rdwa rt. E, G iienware, eries & L Kingdom 30th 'Pel. 181 J. 2: tf. auoK Noiic THE fubfcHber rtfjferailly informs, Ms friends and the public that he is abbuC Opening a Htm e in front oxr the new mai' houfe, where hit will do Which they will fell on the mosi 'rcafonj ok- terms, wholefale. and rttaif.-- Kingston, 19th January, 1B16: |^ . r> JOHN aviSOW AS receu-td by the Fall arrivals fcj Englaiid, and i" "* " - - iv.glaiid, and now . iTers for uk, and- gant afTo:.;ment of 1 .♦ ^ Dry G V? & Fi rd cal 1 > • t GOOD Confiding hf ■ ■. Snperiinestid common Cloths sMtt an! mirecl Flannels, Fli.Oiin^, 3> 5 izn:hUt Up Jr down the Riverj will take in any orden :)f any delcr*pt:L\ in that line of bufinefs. bnc3, 6.4 and 7-4 Printed and fimtaii »<"«. u.jy ui uuixueis. " """, **"f a',lJ ^"*r i Ji"iea Rncl 1 inrt?inon N n Prr . ,i- , . . /. Shau-li, Bandanna and Madrefs Kandker- or tlo.age and corn, ,flion by caijmg at the Cotton Laces ; black and ensured Velvet • newcommiffion fibre. . ..1.;., ,~i r..-„i ^......,. . ci. ' . . JOHN DUNCAN. . Kiigfion, Dec 30, iKfv 30 Cotton Laces ; black and ensured Velvet; plain BQdfigor'd Sat in, TwiTd and -u: iSnrci , * N ce. I7CR fale, the book^ofthe JuveuiL Li- *< brary For t^i ms apply to the Pi ir.ier, jrfcfc has in his pi JfefTton, a catalogue of ehe .... Ki'i^Hon. 3Pth December, iHrr. *—r^ ■ —m - 1 a mm ^ ■ ■ ■■ »— — _____^—__________ ' *' ' c/cd't. men 10 LOST. TE t! ic Storr dior *fc /i Go/^ finger fling, ftampc^ intheinlide [S.] Whoever r ,:* find it and witl return it to the Printer (hall be T'-ii" lr ' .ely rewarded. Kivi;'(=U)n, -. 3th Srcc. 181 >. 2"-' United Stated Bank Paper taken in pip nent, by allowing the discount. jitl Water Street, Kingdom, Jan. 13, igj^j "cash And the highest ptith pM fdi 4 - FOR PALE, ;? ^<tt Barrels of c:.:clUtt Prime Pork- * :•:/'"uireat Mr Badgley's tivern, Kingston Dei ->t j& 15, 1815.^ „ _ -2 g » NOTICL. I LT;. iubftribers take this method to hifonn their friends and late caftoineis8 that all accounts and notes due the company of Thorp BT Forward, the t*nih day of Feb¬ ruary itfxt, will oe left in the hand^ of an at¬ torney for colic tiioti-. Therefore all ptrfon-j indebted to the faid Thorp o Forwaru, are dtfired to call and make insmediatc pajrp^nt witl'iotJtdelay.—Dec. 27, 1815. £0 . JSND o As also xor 3 OATS & PEAS * -. 5 At the old Brewery of ^^^^_ Robinson;. ■ 4 dines Bv R(#NSON & GiLLESPIE. 28./. Kings ion, Ijccember, 15, 181 $< •'. ^. - FANCY GOODS. THE fubferiber Informs the Ladies of Ongllon ai.l &i vicinity, that vie haa 'uft received and has for fele the molt Cktcn- iive affoitment of Cii AME into tf/e enclofureo'f the fubferi- ' ber,{bme -tfm* ago, if CO^ , Tb« ,wner is requested to prove property, pay AHarjre?. and take her away. . E-TRNABAi■Spoon??.. . .:■* O Figured, f wil'd & plain SILKS & Shawls & Handkerchiefs—- Ever offered for fale in this place, whole-' %le or retail cii moderate terms. SA'MUFL A'YKROYD. OO 'Dollars Reward, . Dscr. 1, Itfij , of JOSEPH BEVIR ; Who was executed at Kingston on Mo:ioa>» the 4th day of September, 1815, for ;e murder of Mary Bev.'v, his daughter. ALL perfons having cl ims against ihe . Estate of Robert Graham, Sen. late of Kingston, deceafed, are requested to prefent Sriem, duly autlientiqated, for payment on or before the fifteenth February nest,a3 no-ac¬ counts will be allowed after that date, and allpeifons indebted 16 the faid Estate, are deuced to make imn-.r<liate payment.. THOMAS GRAHAM. Kingston, 22d Dec. 181^. 29 BIANIC BMh BONDS; and SHERIFF'S SALES", lor gale at this Office. * LOST cm ThmHay the ipih >ift. e» th, rorf towards Ernclt Town, a i&d M^roar Pocket-Book, Coining »^y b^« «f«thVP^f value only to O.eowner. Whoeve, to MM ,he famel.nd ,H11 bring * to Jj^gg to Mr. She, iff Stuart, will re<Xl»« the f*%£ faid Bills can be of 0* «*^f ,S &„;.heir number and defev^uon be ' K,nrston, 20/'. OS. .615 dfter defraying 'the expencei\ arc intend the hencjit of his unfortunate Children, *r%tfi fume 'all nvhc are charitably difpofed, ct>//, *ndt>urcha?c one of tie tiooh. C"^ AME into the enclosure of ihe fubicn- » ber about f;Ve n'» ft of Aug-.:Vt, aliuc bSek*d (leer, aV/out two years old. The c'wner thereof is lequeited to prove property •pay charges and *;<ke laid il,tcr." NICIi'- 1.AS PETERSON, Sen. --------~- , p.,.-mvall without A«i»y« ^ to veuatr to Loi nw an Af i^o/itf ■il Efq* Cnjonuu-.ulant ot « ? tl,c-,e-.v Settle, j-,. ,u,t.v.h« ' Providoitsi l ^\

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