Kingston Gazette, February 3, 1816, page 4

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v^ For ^aie, fy tlie&Wc.:^r,a few PuncV.cns, Jamaica Spirits, Brandy* r*\ Wine, Shrub and Peppcrnv.nt ; Ldaf and Mui'covado Sugars.; Tea, Cofiee and Chocolate ndia;o, T>.. arepper « •* iUlfoice. A General aflbrtment 6, D G 1 AH Very low for Cafo. SAMUEL MERRILL, Kingston, 2S//6 /).-v. '^'v P i Is. & « n \ r d Du W" ' ANTED lobe dcliveiedcn the jift inft. and during the month ofl'chiu- *ry. Sealed Tenders jw8 be rceetfSd a: tius Yaid on the I4X& H»fi* ' Plank, if :o 15,boo So, 1 EWD. L AW3, Naval Storekeepers A ttliraJVard, Eingituii, : iih Tan. 1816. William &W caii f: Co. AVE }.ttft« ;etved a large afurt.T.eru of the Ml*wing . Liauors & Grvceries, janiaift Spirit^ Cogniac Brandy, Beit Holland Gin, Port and Madeira Wiwsj Peppermint and Shrub; loAi'and V.uicuvado Sugar, King's Arms', Pine Apple, JBloorn and Jutland Raijfifitfi Zfyfon and Green Tea, l?igs, &c. &c. An elegant afibrtment of Silk Trifrirmngs Chedfe. a 01 every defcnpiion, Ladiesand Gea.tlemea' Black b»id Gdbared Silk Hofc and Glove of a iuper.uf quality. As the abov t articles fctetc bought at an •\'.rly (cMon; .vlclefale purchafcrs can be fnp- f)hed on term? more advatiLaeeoits ;han they now can be ifi Montreal. Kindlon, iiftk Dec. 1815,' 31 tf * -* - ** - ■ For Sale 1 ■ 0 IN rrederrck/burgTi, Lot No. it, in the firfl C'inee'tFn>n of fard tovn, containing1 -co Acres / or.~ hundred under improve¬ ment," tfiifh £ ftm&$$6n\fc and Barn there- The Pubttc AUE rcfpe&fuliy informed, tfolit a private LODGING IlQUSEh estaM it fe¬ ed! by the fjbfcriher at Gananoque? wheeie fuch travellers as wlfb to be retired from fthe nolfe and bm.h of a Tavern, can be accom¬ modated with good Beds and Stabling — Breakfasts, Dint.ers, &.e« can be alio prtnvi- ded. ANDREiV BMAOISll rfr t>ry Goods ■ ^onfiftW f :J innnntyj?. For bale. ... • By B^a fe3 Edixjd. Siamese 7 -; Jamalba Spirits, Brandy, Gin, Shn,,^ Peppermint^ Port, Made ij'\, Spani.h and \\. ncrilTe Wines, bottled Pother and Scorch :\\,t \i\ Callcs ; bell E: -Hlh ai.ii A,^., .an ol>..,0> tbaaf S agar* AI.SC, A fmall aflortmoi't tit Dry Good: Hard w are c*- AND jv v v' e 1 r y :. L . Kingston* xd Jahuarji 1o\ 6. h'ii "ouie, wftvneflc will do &Uslne?s on »fl»i ^ fttirl proved w u 1 u r; 1, The iul-u.v'--T ftpeclfully infui.rr.d -,;3 friendaard the ;:..bii'e;, thttt be has entvvrd :,;. to co-p'-.rtntfh!^ with ivlr. George H. !)• t. lor, ai»d that ,'the: Wfiucf* wiil -in iiitarc ^e carried on pQuer t'ie trie Firm jf rwr^qM& detlbr X-lc returns bis iiqfe!grt?d acknpyvledgir.ert,tg to tboic who have i'ii iibliail/ afforded bSni fupportj and bopes that.the hew Firm - 'H hjc'rit ac*biitiruVanceuf>Hen* |kv.>ui> A« it is the fubfcribM-'s wilh, Ed dole his f.-nr.-r buiinefs as ftion za poibblc, he ^11, tltaiv.J< thole wlto are indebted to call aiiu aiTan;^e their refpeCtive ace«nints.. .., , r.T f '^t«r>VUPM. !c/s on CammiMmi Wi^buvand fell, . GOOD Arid the :. Ci S H7 Iiicrhest * ■ price jiiid fji . O ^ru^^-^ the liivek t ... . Will take in my brdera of ,ny dcfcriptiou & M «-> rtrrlons defirousor.cor fi|r»nici;tta to lii* ehj ' ' .-.r ;i___ ...___j mmitriujr con- " FOR o • -.v SALE* o I • ' ... \,JU i-eafdh^ble terrira, _ Lp; &V- 21, «i ^ y'h Cmcisiiflh No. 2$9 in the hi Gwccidtfa 4XB Lot No. 20, in t'fk i iiM Concessit The whole bcin«T in ilie Townfhjp of Lj. ci,.,:«)5 in tiicdistrict of Johnftown. For particlurs enquire at the office ALLAH MGLKAN.Ej'i. Kiien" c n, Aim Mi 2t>, i 81 c. ' iiS- l o; ? !. I HE fubferiber informs the pOrople of . Kingston that he has Coiisrncijt^ced lUs jB/?of ^;.ji/ ShoemaJurnY : O Over the (lore of Geo, H. Mac Lean . where utfnnitntta to In* eharffe, may kw\w thei-ate^ jf rtura.(e and eominii'iiui: by calling at tbe newconimiJuon itore.. • ». john duncan; Notice. YITO^ fi»1e, the books,.of the Juvenile LJ- i* br;uy. l"or terms aj^ply f.© the Pjifl;|.tr- to';o ha* in His p> SeJ&ouja catalogue pf the j Kinnrfl-'in..f Rrri December, i#» c. • 3Q: OP^b.siti) the Sitfrr d >cr of Mk C. Merrill, /i Gold EiSirpr Riv^ ■ • (• > rX. r'S 1 Whoever n«* find it uZ *i|) return.u*. ^ l -AND ■:; © OATS & PEAS. l-'ORSALE, y/ /-•«, ^ar/^ of excellent Prime Fork. Over the lioreoi- weo. H. Mac Lean : v.herc. . '* * . j . t ?, T-^'prri, he proposes -icepinr conitantly o.-, j,,ud JJucfUtrC at Mi* J?aub"^/. 2v.; Gentlemeos Backitraiiped miliary ^0Jt^; r&fauM Zei'Mer \$< 'x l5"_____^ *\i>(T 1 t:-1-tv* •--./ n'\ __—--■ — -r" Long fuarrow 1 do do d!5 Ncrrrci;. * Wellington, . do Gentlemen's fine wax'd Cali Shoe . Morocco dreis pump* and feoes i\)T ggn- tlenieft, Ancle Boots -3 walking frioes tc.- >' thai nil .ecu.... »"d»" ^Uh'dav rf?* A //^.*/ W1 IJcccmtitT 15,2015. * "v owner U requested to prove ^perty, pay barges, and iiU her awa/. ... . ' Barnabas. Spooner. Kingston, Jan. *5±2f^i'.-L*____3^3? Tmllaft Rewai m; I f v* 'Med JCHlTCARSCALLAa Camden, Jun'uary. 4/ 2 816\ 311f.' JUST received by the :ubfcfib?rs, a Cor.-, fignmcnt of 200 blue Flulnirig GREAT COATS ; price feven dollars.—:AIfo, a fevr' Blue jackets and Trovers of; a fuper?bf quality. A..MACPI-IEItSOK & Col M____._* J iuthe ncatcft iranncr." - Mittesar.d childrens fnce's. . . Ide pledged bimfclf to thofe v^.Q ?lt pteafedto favor him with tfisfr cniton^ t|12r all work made in his (hop (hail be m^j^ 6? Che belt materials and finif.jed in a HUerictf matine-ffl as h;: is uHeroimcu to keep u|*. !iCft workmen li-' tari' employ... WILLIAM TRY.\jj. Kingston, 23d Dcceuiber, 1815. ^o The fubfcribS liars for faigT" 2000 Pair? KS^er A^W.'thc ^ d,a)' f, ,1 ■' *■* fald ?' Ifnber a«o defcr«,ti,n be; or //.•'-/.•.f W '" , f ;„ ttrc hands »<l;»' , ovvncl, tbeir?o«itooc^ . bu„ ai. fory not. vv-.«? ?" ffi&hK all pcrlo" • ld,h:fd to the u.a J^,cdial, W* defireo to call and W . ,0 . ;„ drc Uanaf w ;"• " ,1(. owll£1, V"Wf% -- h • wiihout ** of 1 .1 I * Si Fi 1 CM - , ft nrT &C %Vor{ied Iloie r r ^ ^ . Ra&s! Rags! ■© r ■ Cash and the highest price paid for CLE AN Well j'Japved for the aim . or navy * 2nd a quantity ol ready made gentlemen e and ia'-0 Great Coats, Lady's Bonnets, and a few pairs Pan talc ens me!' Veils, and a ... Small aiiortmeut of GOODS- COTTON AND LINEN RAG S, AT THIS OFFICE. For Sale at <:his Office, A Discourse delivered at Brockvjlle, Eli- zabethtown, April 2j\ i8f£, being a day appointed for a general thanksgiving in Up- . per Canada ; for putting 2n end to tile War* • in which we u ere engaged againft the Uiit- ..€cd Sates of America. True Pk -y> a fource of indivlddal IVapp:- nefsand nationarjirofperity. A* By William^Sin|irt,.MiniHer of the Gofpel. u______________ f^ritaw, trnj the Lord. Thy fors in <Cair. ...f:m<>(thy rutn\ ar.d eppofc hi: rehti. Dry Goods* . And"expc'as a large aflbrtment of C-oodd from Montreal every day. JO Hit P UNCA*' ■ Kingston, Durcrfikr 30, 1815. ______?.1.^ J^jtpM^ed^ imd^F/SM at W . Office* Price j/3. rf The LIFE and DYING <* JOSEPH BEVIK i -Hi Wfto vvas ex-cuted at Kin-Tstou. An Mon hl. the 4-th day or oeptfmber, roie, 'u' murder <^f Mary B^vjr, bis daughter. Written by hhnfAf rthile in Prtfoti.■fJletl —^ ^ .1 . . .c. r r rie/it oj his unforlu, fume all ivho are charitably difpoftd, vilt and pur chafe one of the Jtoohr.' £» «#** **« p .^cthemaway.^^^^J J>y an»cl ^* t>.

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