Kingston Gazette, February 3, 1816, page 2

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nm bcr 6C Spars W ANTED to be delivered a; the tf& val Yard, in the month of June ucxt> -ftedfor the Quebec market, and to be of 'the quality fent there to he exported to F,n~ B y *x Not to- be leu Gdh 1 tnan twe^ve m~ I ches fquare, one Wh i te Dc> Pine, Red Pine* 1 third to be thir | ty feet lung,on< • third thirty ftvi a« id tr ie e e other forty feet long SPARS No. ofpfc&f Six Six Six Six 9tx Four . Four Four Four Four Two Two Two Two i ■ iwo Two Two Two Two Sis- Six Six Six Two One Four Four Four Fou r wo iwo Two Two Two ■I length. filches dlatnetefs 2 30 4* 66 *22 33 50" |8 * 25 10 86 57 4* I? *> "^ I 1 33 ~> 28 XI 40 *3 26 20 42 24 • 61 Si 32 i! 5.5 10 29 2 2 5o n * * 22 9 5° to 43 • 11 Sid ■ 38 CO i*. 3'* S3 77 . l6 64 76 * * a 39 13 "> -* *3 JO *S 10 S<5 11 • -0 AZ 2 A i/WO Two Two Two Two Six Six Six: Si>r sue Four Four SO (j 0 39- 45 . 34 104 = 7 ■ 46 I 0 22 X2 8 ri - *our Four' Four Two1 I WO' % ■ iwo - Two Two Two Two Two - . 3 21 5/ 34 44 H4 35 2S 9 29 *! 9 ; 9 11 . . ■ IWO Two Three 1 Six Six Six Four Four Four Four Two Two Two Two Two .- -.. - 1 .3 " 5°' ■ie s° 93 47 21 6 r' : 75 1 ' * * Two I IWO T Two Two Six Three 3* • 43 57 29 55 72 39 24 68 38 25 26 50 69 Ol 20 - 9 39 Six Six Six Six Four Four Four Four TwD Two 1 wo Two Two Two Two Two Two Iwo Two Ten Forty Forty Six Six 01.1. Thtfte Six Six Four Fouf Four Fouf • Four 1 wo Two I wo Two Two Two I wo 1 wo Two Iwo I xo Ten Forty Forty i. f f f c , 1 )', T* Six Six J-IX Four Four Four Four Four Iwo Two Two Iwo Two Two Two Two; Two, Two Two ten r - a »• 5.8 66 47 c6 r» ^ 48 33 45 46 45 3- ■35 36 -A 2 •28 75 60 45 10 9 . ^8 58 4^ 79 4'9 3° 4f ..'.7 2 J 40 * ■)■ 41 l8 40 55 49 3B 4 J 3C' 37 ' 26 33 53 3- r> ft Forty Forty 3° 35 3° 22 5'-> 35 • *3 ^v •« 16 14 q 12 9 10 Is %J 9 9 r. i 10 SO E I 9 8 J n 0 18 ». .^ ^ 11 ; 2 8 26 ^7 1 r. 10 r * t H a > 7 4 1 • 1 x I '2 A s if ? 14 : 1 3 8 9 T 4 2 4 to 6 3 * *7 19 18 128 18 24 An* perfon wiftung to deliver 2 QpeCfied quantity of the faid timber mult tender for two thirds Oak and one third White l-:nej -and the Spars qui ft te taken m proportion cf the different fi/.es- g ' Sealed Tenders v,-111 U receivea St th«3 Yard on the 31ft inft. expreflinj: the p.{ce3 for delfv^ring them in or out of the v/j^ *hen the parties are requeftcc! to attend. EWD. LAWS, Agent for receiving the faid TimVr. Naval Yard, Kmgfto% 3ztt *iith Tan, 18 16. t W am ted F|"CR the fupply oflfis Majcat^n Forces at this Pos:, From x 4 to 16,000 pounds of good Merchantable FRESH BEEF per Week, Deliveries to commence on the Tst of May next, aird to be continued to the *ist De- cembe'r ? 81 r^. Propofals for the above fupply will he re* ceived at this Ofrice until the 1st April next, on which day perfons having tendered will be made acquainted with the rcfuk of their propofnls* Contti&ffhriat Office, 3-Uf fcin«:ton, 2~tb Jan. i«x'6. PROVINCIAL PARLUMtNT. LEGiLLATiVE COUNCIL: "' Friday,-6th Jan. iSif. THIS DAY., at two o'Clock, Hi F, t«»«c* The A»MtK„TaATOB ,-„ Ci,;/; oamecown .n fate to the Leglfiative Cou- c.1 Chwber and, Led ^,' Throne, tin Gtfntfeman Uflier of the Bl-rV Kod wm f.-nt to command the itamedate*- Uhdanrt of the AiTembly, which being rorw" up H,8 excellency wa* pUafed to op» tR. Seffion with the follo-.vfn.r r ■ SPE Et H .- NEW GOODS. TKE fuh^criber ha3 just received now offers 101 fale, an extenfive well chofen altortment of Dry Goods% and and Groceries > ana ] araware A well d H chofen Affdrfmeat of MEDICINE. ' The whole of which will be fold it the lowest pricea for cafh or oouhtry produce. EU'O. (. Hlndersok. • Kingston, 26 January K>>i6. ?4 ily. Vvrm. WtLKIKSON, & Co. y.J AVE just opened at r.!ie fh-rp lately oc- A * copied by Norman Bethune, & C-j. ah titenflve aftortmeHt of Gmtlmtn *J the L%jf!a/he Comal, 'and yentlcmen of the Houfi'ofMtmhh. His Royal Hfghnels the Prince R^CTit paving tenpkafcd to commit to meV Adrnm.itrat^nbf tins Government. I have entered coon the duties which that trot! prercnbe^vv.thadeep-ienie of their irr- jtortance, and art earneir defire to difchar^ them_f«;r the ^rarral advantage of the province j to ^h,ch ri-.V attarhmcirt natural!* derives additional Hitngtb, from the c/rcuni y having been Mm in iti capkal. il a net of m power to communicate any favburabifi accotnti refpeainr; the indifpofition -of «uf 'venerable Sovereign Dry G 00a s. ConflRting of eve>y article in that line fuit- sljV ;o the fe^fon, together with a verv dvoice afTortnient Silkt, Sattins, Sarfncts* Crapes, Thread Laces, Trimmin'rs, wreaths Lace Vei]<?, fdk Shawlsj Scarfs, chiefs, Tippets, <kc. &c. ■ ALSO, Handkfr I regret, ' ho^evtr, that I have no inch infoftnenti'oif toinipart • yet under this anfti] difpenfation, it!isnot an inconfiderableconfolation to be afTnred, rh?.^ His M3jeity has no corporeal fiiffcring, and coKtinuea in a ftateof mtdiftUrbedtrartsui!lttT« The total oVerthro^ and final ejciie'"oj the Ufurper whojc infamiable amhition ami ikmoxkUfn thirft tit blcod. were per mitt ed fc» long to afftia \hii world ;—the reiloratton* <-nce more, of the Famify of Bourbon to the Throne cf their Ancestors, the general Feac;r which has been given hack to Europe, br tl /r 3. ie magna')t<nnus exertions of the Allied W V Jtiardwdr%% r* iLdrtnenrvare Powers; andtheb'igh"ii&iSStipn obtained by the Biitiih Forces ttnder the ccftidtrift of the illuftrious Duke of \Vellinr^op., confuin- mated and crowned by the glorious Victor? of Waterloo .- — while they fill ol .,r? minds i Groceries & Li quo Which tlwey fell or. trie most leafon*- with exultation, and open the profpccl of pfcrjninent profperity, will not fail to awaken >'S, *lr<f -T-r:i< .v/holrfnlf aiul pp.r^tl < ■ Kingston, i^thjanmry, 1816 34 tf. T HE fnbicriber refpectfully bc-s leave to infbrm bis friends and the pubhc, ♦hatb.e has received a great varielv of Drv Goods & Groceries, Is cioihe, fiann-ls caliches, fiockings, r-a- d?made coats, tfowfecs and waittcoits, Jiandlterchiefs, Ihawlsi lifnens, overfoeks, rnitts, women's ft*** tij.peLs, bombarett*. ur-breHa^ earthen and glais ware, multaro, frap, cindles, raiftnsj loai^ and mufcovado fu^ar, &c. ladk -8 trimming* for coats, cloie bn:,hes, {hot. powder, luaigh, pepper, &c. and will be && at the lo-eft term?, Tohh Dov;lan J t jrvrngoron. 10 Jan. 1816.________34 rtifement* v <■ -> A ck .- five years old last fprittg. STOLEN from the fabfcriberor.thc 30th of September laft, ii dark bay Mare, She is a natural trotter, about fourteen and a half hands high with a heavy mane and tail and a fear on the right fide of her' breast, perceivable by Uroking the hair upwards, two curls on her forehead and a white foot or her withers* The thief is one James Chatterfon, lately cf this place ; he is about twenty two years cf age, of a (lender make, 2 fwarthy complex* ion dark eyes and hair, and a dowucaft look. Whoever will return faid mare or Secure the thief in any jail in this province fo that he may be brought to judice Hi-ill ha;/e all rca- fonshh- charges paid and receive the thanks of thefubferiber. Sebastian Hooie. £rne{\ Town, Jan. 19th, 1816. hlinpthis Pt'oTtnclal Parliament, i have t© ^.irecl your* fear!* attention to the renewal of the Militia A6t, and fuch others as with it maybe about to expire, and as it maybe ne^ ceitary or expedient to coiitinue* I muft alfo, m confequence of many diC- eonlented adventurers and m*fch[evoil3 agi¬ tators, from the Continent of Eurc>pe, hav¬ ing Jrecently thrown tliemfelves into the neighbourinrt State", ftrongly recommend trie immediate revival of the *• Aft for eftab* lilhing reiiulntions reTpec>in^ Aliens ;" with fuch modifications, as thofe c'rcumdanccs' s may render st proper to adopt. You have had the fatisfactlon of feeing? that the Executive Government haa com-' pVtely redeemed its f]t#%C to the Public, by call»:g !ri, and pa^hig in calh, the Army Billa.'which were in circulation. GenC:mtn of the Hcufc cf Affembly. I (hall order a (btemeni of the Provincial Revenue df the Crc>wn. and of the Expend> turc, of the laft-year, to be laid before you, 1 have it in co'T»ms;:d from H>s Hoval Highnefs the Prince Recent, to afTure yov, that His Royal Highnei's views with rnnYh pleafure, the additional proof of patriotism - and puU'c fplrit,, afforded by the f^n voted towards The completion of apwpofed Canal from Montteal to La Chine. Hi* Majt»- ' 34w> . 8 22 * 14 11 7 x 1 16 ALL perfons having claims upon the Edate of the late John MaclntoS cf Thurlow, Efquire, deceafed, are requeft«d to • deliver the iame, properly attefted, to :hc fuUcrihers,within three month*,that the ^mjc " may be adjufted ; and all perfons indebted to the faid eftate are requefted to make jay- inent witliout delay. Martha Maclntofli, Admir\firat*ix. Roswell Leavins, Administrator Tburlw, z^h December, I&!f. P™6 For Sale For Sale, A"*VERY valuable and plcafantly filia¬ ted Town Ueh For terms appb at (-.his Office. , T> Y the fubfcriber,a Bhickfmith's^iVr/L O and VICE.Un which produce will be accepted of in payment at the market price. ELIJAH BB4CH: __Kingftor>, J2n. 7^- lg16. g^tf. CAME into the enclol'ureof the fubferi- ber about the ihft'of Auguft, a line back'd fleer, about two" years old. The owner thereof is requeued to prove property pay charges and tjke laid fteer. NICHOLAS PETERSON, Sen. Adolphutlown, 21ft Jan. 1 81 (S. 34.W3 ty's Government doty appTecatm;/ trie ma- : ay impo. tart important objefts With which, t-hat work is connec^.d, are greatly intereB- cd in Lta early execution ; and I await only •J'.irthtfr mftruftions -upon the fubje£t,to pro¬ ceed to carry it into ell eft Gentlemen of the I.e-njlali'vc CounnU and Gentlemen of the Houfe tf Jffmbln * ■ ■ I canr.otomit to prefs npou ft>ur COftfideV . ition, the importance of further promoting . ie internal communications of the Province, and of makingMFeftual provifion for the toll accomplitWnt of an object cf fuch obviou* and general utility. You will, I doubt not, jufcify the firm re¬ liance which I place on your kyal attach¬ ment to the Perfon, %a& Government of vour Sovereirrn, and your enlightened r.eal for the Public Service ; nor will yon, 1 WU«, ra tl d th will b and ei lie bufinef3. ^ You may he anured, that, on my part mall be mo'.t cordially diipofed to fecomi ifappoint my confident expectation, cm bis SefT.on of the Provincial Pariiameat .e diHin^uifned for acci^rebnt exeruon. ihcientdifpath in condufting the puu- - r L rw • ^- 777" ."' -------------------------------- your laudable endeavor*, by a ready c»r<>P- -blank Summonses €ration In«nr me^r^tZy2TVl r o advance the intercfts and promote tnc v. - "T nSLT* Clcr y advance the mtertrft* a;m\ j>romtu- (tie W«

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