Kingston Gazette, January 27, 1816, page 4

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For Sale, The Pabti € * 4 ff y the fttbfcriber, a few Punch':cr.9> Jamaica Spirits^ Brandy* Gin, "Wine, Shrub and Peppermint 7 t,oaf ar.d Mufcovado Sugars^ lea, Coffee and ChocoUi^ Indigo, Pepper & Allfpice, . ALSO, \ general aiTortmer.t ry Goods, Iron & SteeL Ail verv low for Cafh. ' SAMUEL MERRILL. fogstan, 28//j Dec. 1815'. 31^ Plank & Boards. "VSTTANTLD jo be delivered or. the 51ft * * init. and during the montn of Feb;u- try. Scaled Tender will be received at •.hi«? Yard on the 24th inft. flank, 2 ARE rcfj>ectiully informed, t&at a private LODGING HOUSE k e«ta%)J(|,. cdby the fuLfcribec ■•< Gananoque, w,.*jeTC fuch travellers a-i wifh to be retired fron^the noiic and bustle of a Tavern, can be BcrCOm- iBodatcd with £ood beds and StaMir*,g__ Break fast 9, Dinners, Bcc c?.o be alfo pj,-ovi«, ded. .-NDREW BR 4DFSJff Ha t 3- fa n ufa Ho ry. R EvSPECTFULLY acquaint t-,: ■ -,.•• * By Ben & Edwd. Starves^ Jamaica Sdiu:*. Brand--, Gin, SHjrtib, ir'^peimint, Port. Madeira, Spanijb am]' Te- neriire Wines, bottled Porter and Scotch Ale in Cafes ; bed Englim arid American cioaji, T ougar. .so, AI A fiT.idl adbrtment of Bj ^rv ( .?OOClSj 1 '- Ha raw a re AND jewelry. 3'; Ms • z r zcoo 15-50 %| 15,0*00 |' 92co EWD. LAWS, Naval Storekeeper KavalYard, Ringfton. 1 ith Jan. 1816. J 1 Jjtf ■■ ■ ' William VJ'Lean & Co; AVE juftre ;eivcd a large ailbrtmeni of thefolJ.wit.g Liquors & Groceries* Jamaica Spirits, Brandy^ Beftfl/.Uann Gin, Port and Madeira Wi^tS, Peppermint and Shrub, Loaf and vi ufcovado Suear, 6 Cheefe King's Arms, Pine Apple, CheQiirc, iH.'om and'SUtiaau Raiims, Hyfon and Green Tea, 1\-S, &C, &c. ALSO, An elegant aftortn.ent of Siltc of every description, Laches and Gentlemen's iSiack and Coloured Silk Hole and Gloves cf a fnpei ior Quality. . As the abc/e article? #e?e bought at an #arly feafoo, wholefale purchafers can be fup- plied on terms more advantageous than they now can be. in Montreal. Kingston, 2 9 lh Dec. 1315. 311 KiftniOfi* kd Jiin-Jarw 1816. " j&f () T 1 e C" The i\ 1 b fc tfoc'r it i p e d full y i j for in s friends and the public, that he ha.i etvcr.-.-d in¬ to eo-p^rtiudhir with Mr. Ge-itjc PL I-Det- Icr, and that the.buiinefs wi'l in futiir».ebe c-.inied on iftidei the tbe Firm.of THO MSO iv & DE i IC > R He return, hh an&ifr-ned acknciwledrrl ents to thofe v?ho have Co libeiaUy aflordfdi him fi'puort. and hopes thai the new Fir r will merit a continuance of their favours. /A^ it i.s the fublcnbcr's wi'.h ro cl ie his ffvfnw? Luh-icL as ibon as poffible» Ijg will tltofe '.hnlV- v/ho ar- itidebted to call and arrange their refpcSltve accounts K. C. THOM^DtN' . 2^d Oa. 1815* :^o FOR SALE, V^ N re&r<»!ahle terms,, i(?i ]V<?. as, »■» //:',:• q;/; Concession, Bo 23, ?/2 fiw o//3 Cincessfi% tot No. io\ in tke t ith CoHcmtm The whole being in (he Townlliip of l^ans- do\vn, in the diVtii® of fohnftown. For particlurs enquire at the 6f5effi tf ALLAN MCLEAN, Ff/. T^HE fubiciber informs the p?op'. r * Kiogston that he has commenced , A 4 SMITH k BUTiERWORTH, their Friends and the Public in general that they have re-comrrenced bufinefs in the new honfe near Walker's Hotd, where they have bn hand an extenfive aSbrtment of Ladies St Chi!dren-s beft Beaver Bonnets, Gentlemen's beft Bearer, Caflor, Rorarn and Knap*. Hsts 5 Men'gj Youth's and Boy's Woo! Hats. Likewffc, Ladies and ChiIdrenT8 London Fa€ionable Bonnets, Feathera and Tnrnminr»s of the following colours : Black White, Biue, Brown, Purple and Drab % which they offer, Wholefale and Retail tot Caffc a^ cheap as they can be purchafed at Montreal. N. B. Cafli paid for Beaver, Mulkrat and Racoon Skins. K-ingft'-m, ^oth Gcr. 18! 5. 21 tf. Notice. ~ £ friends and the public that he is about f pemn- a Store in front cf the new awket boute, where he will do . Businefs on Commtfim nd the 6 A S H AND e ^ As also* for OATS & PEAS ' the old Brewery of - &t the old Brewery of - . ?«ffl« Robinson, By ROBINSON- & GILLESPir \T"' tvii! buy and fell, 200 Zto//a/j iS^S • .. —\ ■* * • l nmrnmrft . Boot and Shoemaku the FOR SALE, A number of Town Lota .near the French *r Church. The terms Of payment wili Mmndeeafy. ! H, EARL. Kingilon, Sept. 23, 1^1 c. i6ff. JCT . f^ * : €* Ah\E into the enclofure of fiibfcrber, ,• about the firft t;f September latt, three HElFKRSanda STEER. The owner or owners are irquefted to come foward, pToveprot.trtf9 pay charges, and t-ke them away. ANDREW JOHNSTON. , Erneft Town, 9th Jin. 1816. 52W<J — . For Sale, N Fredenckiburgh. Lot No. n, in the firft conccfiion of (aid town, containing 1 • ny one aenrous or p *ing can apply to the fubferiber in Camden or to the Printer in Kingfton. JOHNCARSCALLAN. Camden, Jxnvary, 4, z8l6. aitf. TUST received by the fubfenhers, a Con- J^fign-neut of 200 blue Flufhing GREAT COATS ; price feven dollars.—klfo, a few Blue jackets and Trowfers of a fuperior quality. A. Vi ACPHERSON & Co. Ktngston, Gib Jan. 18 16.- 31 tf ' - ■ Rajrs ! Rags ! 1 £> i Cash and the highest price paid for CLE iN COTTON AND LINEN otore c^ forward ^ GOODS ' Up or down the Riv*4> tnat Jme of buhnels. %nmenu to Wa charge, may kn(nv thf ratga or ttoraB- ^d commffion by adhW at th» • • Trn ft r^ J0HN DUNCAN. K,'V^on, Dec 30, 1815; > T votice. pOR fale, ihe bo&ks;oFfte Juvenile U- ';;•")' for tenja apply ,0 the Prlnttr; •*o nawn h.s ? .fief.lon, a eatalogW of t!,e ^y/ Afffwev PockefiBook, Contain i^ a,.my M!s ^j ot, , ..e fame and «,lbring ft t„ the prj rLS. StUart'Wf!1 reCC[vS the ab-^' The faid Bill* can be of no ufe except to he owner, their number a„J defen>;0n be- «»ff known, and mtafnre* having been ab readyj.ken to ft0p payment at the army.' ,. . '• eonfeqaentJy any perfon at- tcnpfaiig to pafi them frsudnleutly will be liable toarrelt and tral for felony. Kkigstm, 20/b Gfi. mi, io - Bin dm ho,.ks. King^don, 2?Ith De cerr:her»..iRic. LOST, t\ PPOSITE the Storr do ^^-r Merrill, or 01 Mr. C A Gold Finger R;„# ft:»mPtd in theiniide f>.J Whoever may rind it and will returffit to the Printer Jhall behandfomely rewarded. Kingston, 20th Dec, l8i^« . 29 Walter & Patrick McCuntft, Dealing under the name and firm of ' McCuniffe& Co. refpeafully inform their fiend, and theptfS he m general, that (feey have brought from Lurope, an elegant atTartaierit of Fancy . Jmine/s Over the ftorc of Ceo. H. MacLean ; v'.j.e-€ he propofes keeping Gooflant.y on *j Gentlernens Backftrapped miliary B'.* .,. Long luarrow* do do '-To Wellin-gten, do Gentlerr^n's rne v/ax'd Calf Shoes, MoTocoodrefs pumps and fhoes tor dem en. Ancle Boots and walking (hoes tmx^eg in the neat eft; mannci. Miff'isar.d childrens (hoes, He pledges himfelf to thefa who gre pfeafedto favor him with their coir cm, ^jat all work made in his fcop ftall b£ rrac'.L Qf the bed mate*-iala and rini(hed in a fnp^-Irtr manner, as he is determined to'keep the ^J workmen he can em pic v. • . , WILLIAM TRYA> Kingston, 23d December, 1815. The {"ubfcnber'haT'for fale," 2000 Pairs Worfted Hofe, FOR SALE, Bar reh of cxcellen Prime Pork. > Enquired Mr Eliglcy^ Tavern Kin&m Decern hr 15*,; 1815. 28 ^ .H NOTICE. THE iubferibers-1 alee this method to inform their frtemis and late cuflomers, that all aocoimts anclno^es das the company of Ihorp "d Forward* $& tenth day of Feb¬ ruary r-.Vxt, will be left in the hands of an at¬ torney for collection. T|ei efore all rerfons indebted tf- the laid Thorp'& Forward, are (feinted to rail and make immediate payment without delay.—Dec. 27, 1 c 15. adapted to eveiy fcafor;,- together with % great quantity of Groceries and Liquors of every defcription, which they will fell low for Caih. The ^oods having been feleft'ed by themfcUes, aie well worthy, the attea* tioa of town and Country Tracers,' but are too extenfive to infert in as, ad\rertifemerit; Purchalers nf'r reqitefted to Judpe for theci-. Lives, by calling at Mr. CaiTadiry'* (lone fioufe, lately occupied by Mofes Carnahan, is an mn. Kingstcn9**h Decemher, 181^. 'if4„ CARD, ■: 3° FANCY GOODS. Well adapted for the army or navy ; anf a quantity of ready made gentlemen's and ads Great Coat?, Lady's Bonnets, \ and a few, pairs Pantaloons and Veftc, and a Small aflbrtment of Dry Goods, And expects a large affortment of G^d* from Montreal every day. JOHN DUN GAR. __Kingston, December 30, 181 $.______3"\*_ lujt publijhedy and for-J ale at ¥** Office, Price ifs. The LIFE and DYING SPEE^ of JOSEPH BEVUi ; Who was executed at Kingston on MondT' the 4th day of September, 1815, for murder oPMary Bevir, hU daughter. Written bv him [elf while in Prifon. r"THHE fubferiber informs the Ladies of I Mhicrlton and its vici iityt that i e \Ai juft-recei cd and has for talctievmuE extea- five a(lbir.mei.t of Figured, TwilV, h plain SILKS fe RIBBONS, ^ Shawls & Handkerchiefs^* LverofTcrtrd for fale in this place, whole¬ fale or retail oil moderate terms. SAMUliL AYKROYD.- 261F a . Deer. T, 1817. ALL per ions fe^ving c! .i.-us against t]ife Estate of Roourt Graham, Sen. hie of Kingston, decealed, are requested to prefcnt them, duly nuthmtfeated, for payment Oil or before the fifteenth February next,as no ac¬ counts will be allowed after that date, and all perfons indebted to the faid Estate, are defired to make immediate payment. THOMAS GkAHAM. 29 Kingston, 22d Dec. 1815. ■ — R. iJARSrL^LL, Surgeon, ta^ea the liberty of announcing to'the puh» ic, that he has taken Mr. Earl's Houfe, where atl calls fc his Hue will be immediately attended to. s ■ J Mr. M. has tot'fale, (betide? a general at- fortment df dnfgs imported by himfelf) the foUowiog patent medicines, viz. Biitim OH, ^nderfon's -pills, ■ Godfrey's Cardial, - .. Kuxham's Tin&. or BaO*. Cheltenham Sa!tb> C»[v»oe; -'»C, C'r .^-->i, 8futateg0j» Tamarand*, ■Liquorke P-OOt. Effence of Bergamo*,' Do of Peppermint, 1)o of Rofcs Barclay's Itch Oi'.tmenfi Jefuits Drops, Dutch Do. . Tuihngtou'a Balfom ^ Tooih brumes, Do. Powders, CoiiVt PI after, Pofe Pink, \ViTiufor Soap. "••SUogftott, 28th Nov. 1815 f lifts \ ■ » BLANK BAIL BONDS, and SHERIFF'S SALES, For sale at this Office. C A ME into the enclofure of the lub- fcriher about tliv.e months ago, a. ind Sold.cro, Who may U** 4, are nrnded for receiving f*^" & to,e- and tnn to lepairto Con lfcVa:fwithnut c»ciay,& ^r .iPDimB E^ R A G ,, benefit of his unfonvnare %*tmur<m% '** ri-4'J /wfitf <*// 7t/^^5 arc charitably d'ifpofsdt iViU andpur chafe one cf tie Bods,

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