^#atio« mil U to fi.pe™u»i«i the org** — /of newly formed fcbools, and to tram I'Cmatter*. At the lalt Annual meeting Mr I aucalter read a highly intcreltmrr account f hi* tour in lieknd. ( which has been hte- \Jk lead ncceflky. * * A &*fcitf« ;* publimed,) boce which of great «»* it* have been hieh time fchooi-rooros erected in teveral J9 of that kingdom ; one at Cork, inten- and othci* at KingItonJ"'i2th Jan. iBto. Mr. Miles, Will yon he fo good as to give z a place fo your next Gazette to the fixth clauffft 0f the* fourth aft of the Legiflatur* of tjjya Prov¬ ince, patted On iHc 14th MarefaJh 1814 ; *. during Sit Gordon Drumrnond's , a(] par • ded to receive loco b<>y» , Rofs, Dnndalk, Watered, &c. In Scotland the Lancattnan iyfterr. r.on- tration, entituled, " an zSt to repeaa] an(j ikw'up ««« with an 'ncreafc of ^J0"" advocate*, la Edinburgh there have been veiled two large fchool-rooms tor boys, and one for -iris. One of the boy's fchoois is fully organized, the other only wants for a fchoul-malle.- ; and that tor girls will U * a fhort time. ow there are three very large fchooisfor hoy, ; thw w«* teftfW* * xoco ch^-dren each. aiimmiH- r-ened in a ( InGlafc be returned to the hcufc of affembl 5 >" yours*, VL.. ........ > .4 A. fix inches diameter, and arife to the height of from 4 to C feer without branches * In honor of the tfifcovcry, Mr. Charles Whitlow, has received the claflical name of Urtica Whitlowl A commute of the corporation to whom Mr. Whitlow's Memorial on this fubjeft was referred haVe made the following report thereon : ■ " The c"ommitte to whom Was referred the memorial bf ChaflesJ Whitlow", on the fubject of a newly discovered plant as a fubftiute for Hemp and Flax rcfpedHuIly report, *4 That they have had feveral interviews and conferences with the Memorialift at which he has exhibited fpecirneng of his new¬ ly difcovered plant in its various ftages, from Kingston Amateur THEATRE. ON Wednesday evening, 7th February, , _ 1016, will be performed thm «.,^w admired Comedy of O * e Fartfe of CV 4 *X At New Lanark, at the expenfe «.t the Hew Lanark company.afchcol.roivn inbuilt ILr 1000 boys and girl*. School, are alio eRabliihed rt Stirlmg, * in Ccveral other places. In the BriiKh IVtclement. of Amr* a Wy conliderable defitehaa te« samteftcd for the eftabUfh.mcnt cf fchoovs. Canada containing a popohAft of about W Uur,d- , Vi. liAhd hit further cna^c J by ,t})C i^i^s ^ the nettle in its natural date*, including the Hifoi excellent majesty. That from ant] after nax and tow, to a ftron'gand finefpunthread; the paffitvg oi this aft, no perion oor c^ifon of what condition foever (hall he eel|aible t s to |»e propoKu chot'en or elected as a./Keprefen- tativ'e or Representatives of my c.v nntv, ci- lames Edwards, a young man twenty^ Jearsofaffe, who «*t m.mitor-geneial » Jhe Lancallerian fchool at Dundee ; and * is hoped that proper encouragen^ent w:l. be afforded far<he MtMSm&A of other Uaooll in the ooft populous |M of that c.tcuUve CTn7committee,togiv-U^aidinth- powers have voted pto?er fettci WBjMi ^ gthcrwith copies of Mr. Larger s pub- ^atfon.Jnrtheufeofthatcccrary In the United State, ftj^^Sj h', ndingof borough, or other plaJCe 0f an» d^fcnptwii now or licreufter !eudi: ^ a p^p. refeutatiwe to the Hcufe <>f ^fTemh.'y 0f |n|s Provhicej iin^efs he (hall be poflefle^jofjm ljn. incumbered treehold in laud-in fee^ fjmnle in this Province to the aflTefiVcJ value 0f forty poii.ids avid 'io be p■•'.itiied ot <ttht^,r rateable properly ^o hi-* own life fur which j,e ^8 af. fefled :-'i the a(Te,hrment roll of fomeg^e coun¬ ty. Riding, or towiimip withir^'^ijsFrovince to the amount of one hundred anj .j-^ty pcundi lawful money of-.his Provijjj-,€#»* ICiiigston, January 25, 1816. : tu5St' if 1 point il,.whick r am cv_ at ■ Imfafte&ib each laughter loving 'hrp^fyg, s Ti>c -jdihzing whisker glides from ofy t0 'totkr> And e'er the confehtm ear receives ifa ])(1if With Uttering they betray the suf.ed \alinht Suct>'giggling gtce ! whatfarcefij%11^'naAh But ielide tickling caufe that gave ifa Jfofa Mr. Editor, You will pardon me I out to you a particular e« ery Sunday witnefs to, viz. ol th^ vcry ,^m_ proper behaviour of many geatl«pmcn u.^cn •ti Church, which fulje^ts them t0 man^r marotful imputation*. On my arr;va} Church, 1 find that most (if the -who quite ^ic^^^ riit m conwi.g in, by thur whiip^j^- cac{l other & appeat to stiflre a laugh. vVhtu ft*a- t^d| two or three of them group ^,, -m ^ie ' comer of ihe feat with thcis \\^d£ • i^c jjOWR and enter into a private cabal, fe.^'j^gj t(> dh'c uric upon p»«intsoi great ^ *rccY ^and iinpoTtauce, but of equal rc.crr[ct I(\.H'l\ IIill "','•; Caicu;."a, i»4to«1»fcftMtaT»* f10?" Then con*cr&tsoo is_ «^*^ ft idiool for GU'is was auutoa a .*«.— «.c .1 t» . . . *uu K - — - -'- my&tencs of the -5wff 2>#<*, IQ wWueh o$hera arc forbid'Jcu ttj have any (hrtre. It U with them a continued whifper and lalau^h from the first to the last of the c«.T".rioi?ny. \Vh<-.i church i;i river they make their exixft i 4 «v-# nf Robert Cu.dj one lupenntendance ot .^oowi v cSift bbc8s «f M« Uneatter. M^Und, was opened by R^ea Cud or. •" i* m th-it dav to the r8th Nov. nutted, horn tuat uay ___«^i-and 1 x<s fema-e uuu.«.a » atio%cotiiift of men, con^reija- • f * 3I2v-s?7 obskIs ar.-!4'; total 4.00. In 1S10 a Free-School fo vvil 6 - conf-.:lr.fi of aboi*t <40 boys Sc r.eur 40 giris The report tistea *r.-u ih« fchnolc a'*"** con¬ ducted upon Lar:c-(ler's plan, the knowl¬ edge ofwiiich wai acquired from h^ojfipy a M* Leonard, \Hio .;• r< r. refer,ted !u hesi rr.cul laudable end aftivr man. The fucoefa with which thcic fchools were ou6uetcil ex- t;iied the detci.ninaticn to act open a wore extensive plar* , grour.d was procured on which to creft a building for So; h'.>--s, r^fervxng the lower part for ^ii'le. m par- The remarks of A Resident in yourpr.per of the 30th ult. are, fn general deferving of tery confidcrably notice ; but, I thinL, he has turned his attention u;ore to the orna¬ menting and embeliifning of the town* than to the convenience of its inhabitants. ■ Let us, by all means, in the fir J! pkee, turnpike our roads, and pave the foot-paths on both fides of them ; be the cxpence what it may. The bad condition, in which they have, for many years paft, been kept, is plain to the moil fuperficial obfetve-y, and xietds no comment.—It is however to be ho- |ted, that, early in the enfuing fpring, the liberal fpirit, which, laft fummer, {hone Iq ties, and ^o ufl hand in uhiiu whifjfpeu'dg like the two IvtflgVof Brentford. lithe mifconduct ucfcrihtdhactdheen only on cue or two Sun hys i (hould I not have troubled you*with tVi«« j but the . iarr/e kind oi" ill breedin g ptevails by the iiinnumerable vs.ajiid v/hirperers cveiv Sunndav. Mr. Mats, As I was this day walking in the ftreet there happened to paffi by on the ether fide of the way, a beauty whofe chaTrrrns were fo attracting that it drew my eyes 'wholly o that fide, infamuch that I negglefted my own way, and chanced to run m.yy nofe c-i- re&ly againft a horfe's head ; whl'jichthe la¬ dy no fooner perceived, but tevll -into a fit of laughter, though at the farnnetime (he Was fenfible that herfelf was the ccaufe as my miiforturfe, which in my upiniotjn was the greater aggravation of the crime.. I being bufy wiping 01? the blood whicfch trickled down mv face had no iin-,e to acquaint her th..t from the accompanying certilicates and documents, publimed in the Baltimore Medical *< Phil fiophical Lye urn, it appears, that it is a hardy perennial, and believed to he a fpecies not hitherto difcovered by any Botaniil. it further appe?i sfrom a certificate figned by a number of Manufacturers of Flax and Hemp-, linen and cotton, that they had examined the plant above defcribed in its different ftages of flas, tow, and thread ; and were nnaiuinouily of opinion, that it is far superior to any flax or hemp they had ever iecii, as well to the quality it produces from a fingle ftem, as to its fuperior ilrength, beauty, and fiencnefs of texture. That, from theexperimentsmadeby them, Iht-y were furher of opinion that it will pro¬ duce from 26 to 25 per cent more from the heckle then any flax hemp known to them $ and they are fully perfuaded it will become a great benefit to any country that will eotfouraije its cultivation. From theft) and various other documents exhibited to your committee) as well as from their own view -end obfervaton, they are decidedly of opinion that the difco very of the Urtica Whitlow?, (the name by which the plant is now diilinguilhed) is of the higheft importance : and, aa far as they are competent to j ldge, the plant, will be found a valuable fubftitute for hemp and fiax, and its cul¬ tivation and manufacture will be highly ben¬ eficial to every country, which will afford it patronage and encouragement. All which is refpecKully lubmitted. r NICHOLAS FISH, (Signed) -> p. H. WENDOYER, / Wm. A. HARDKN13R00K. New-York, November y, itflZ. JV'^ifcovcrcr has obtained a PatentlRight MARRffiD, On Saturday evening the 2cth inst, at Ernest-town, by the Rev. Mr. Official Stu- arc, Dr. Lester, H. 1?os.ward,10 Mils Jo¬ anna Fa ik it eld, both oi the village of £.1-nest-Tow u. Alio,—On the fame evening Mr. Ir& Billings to Mifs Scfkia Da7Y, both of the fhid village. At Kingston, Corporal James Arm* gVaong, Joth Regt. to Catharine Gor¬ don. OnTuefday the 23d inst. John Brock, to Mifs Ruth Hawley, b^thof the towu- fnipof Ernest Town. * COHRESPOKBENTS. '* Qlfadiab,y and the " Ghost of ThaddeuS CsrcoJ" came to hand too late, for week's Gazette. Speed the Plou To which will be added th The Tooth Ache. Boxes 6/3, Pit 5/ Doors to be opened at SIX o'clock. precJfelr, and the Curtain to rife at SEVEN. Thofe perrons who have Tickets in their pofTtfiion, and were prevented, for want tn room in the Theatre, of obtaing admifTion on the last repre fentaticn, are hi formed thu their tickets will enable them to gam admit¬ tance ontheneKt qij&t's performance. N. RADIGER, Secretarv. aStWaa. i3ir5. LOST, Whofocver may have found the fame and will return it at thi* office Hull be handfomely rewarded. 3+w2p Hy. Wm. Wilkinson, & Co. TJ AVE just opened at the (hop lately oc¬ cupied by Norman Bcthune, &'Co. f* extenfive affortment of Dry Goods. Counting of eveTy article in that line fife- able to the feafon, together with a very choice aiTortment Silks, Sattins, Sarfnets, Crapes. Thread Laces, Trimmings, wreaths Lace Veils, filk Shawls, Scarfs, Handkgr chiefs, Tippet^ Lc &c. ALSO, , Hardware, Eartkenzoare^ Groceries & Liquor:. Which they will fell on the most rcafofta- ble terms, wholefale and retail. .'..i.igs'ton, 19thJanuary, t8i6. J^jf. NF.W GOODS. THE fubferiber has just received now olfers for Lie, an cstenfivc Well chofen affortment ut Dry Goods, and an^ Groceries^ . u. nd Hardware. ALSO, A well cliofen Aifortmcnt of MEDICINE. " The whole of which will be fold at the lowest prices for cam or country produce. Ewb. L Henderson- KitftesfeHb 26 January 1816._________34 viUSi Wanted, coiilpicuous amonj n*c fieads or jocicty here • , , *, . . »r ., «Mua-,»»- «« * t -v t- 4 , 4 •! • • with her barbarity, a* afio with r.my refolu- in contributing: towards tumpikms tac • ■ '*. , K f 7 »^**»mi „ j 1 • * i .- . .i v r 1 • tton, V12, never to look out ot my* Wav. for loads and mvina1 thn Tnat-nath* hrforp thi»:r ... . ' a> * iU{ loads and navinrr the foot-pathg before th.eir «p> * II uO to lmit'-*** tac t)wn doors, will alio be inri^fsd lower ranks, and ireduce them though faintly, that noble and generous sm pie. The next thlr.g ! would recommend to my fellow citizens, is the obtaining of two are-engines zr.i their appendages, with a company of men attached to each of them, and the granting of a premium to z ».-.: par- vour one of her Fes more : therefore, '»hit humble fervant may be revenged, Jg defirea you to Infert this in your next; Gazette, which he hopes v.iil he a warningr i0 all the* re?, of the women gazers, as Well -as to poor For Sale, Y the fubfcviber,a Blackfmilh's^A^/'VL and VICEA^r which produce will be accepted of in payment at the market price. ELIJAH BEdCH. King{*on, Jan. 24, 1S16. 34tf. re of the fubferi- of Aunruft. a line baclc'd fteer, about two years old. The owner thereof is rcquefted to prove "property CAME into the end ofu her about the 5ift c FOR the f up ply of His Maje&ty*8 Forces at this Post, From 14 to 16,000 pounds nf good Merchantable FRESH BEEF * pet Week. Deliveries to commence on the 1st cf May next, and to be continued to the 32.8I De- cember iSi.5. Propnfals for the above fupply will be re¬ ceived afthis Office until the ist April next, on which day pcrfons having tendered will be made acquainted with the rcfult of their ^ Va T">* ** <Y, which ihoiild n rr*vt tir a the place, where any hre broke out ; and ihowed them- felvcs the moft alert i>n fuch occalions. The third u.nd lai\ consideration, Mr. •Suitor, is to have our market well attended . to, io that they who are inclined to impofe on uxtir cullorneiH, may, when detected^ be hem up to public view, find receive that c^n- (ure, they fo jullly merit. Though lamps atrd trees fet round in different parU of the town may embcllifh it, and add fomelhing t--> the convenience of its hihabit'itits^ yet thrfe are objects of much !ei"s irjipoftance, and can be diipenfed with for at leaf* a veaf ^r two : and riot^g is more beautiful than •-0 l'-ea"weli te^uTctcd police, and citizens on vice either, and which multiplies 1 fo abun- nda-^s, trequentifirr places or Divine Ser- refoe^uve inftcid of tl wot i%ing at tiy; ( ■•«,*. «%-*t! re cvisi". t^? P iH-:u« luabl Mr. CHARLES WHlTLO^w a reu- dent of this city has difcovered a-, Lbititnte for FLAX and HEMP, gfeatly hiDerlor to itfeh'i dantly as to yield from 500 to ~J00:) from root? and feeds per annum. Mr. Baldwin, of Montpcl'er, Vermont, the ingenious inventor of the Pater^* Machine for Spinning Hemp .and Flaz.'has, rnnd^trial of it, and fays it v. ill v.orL belter ^ c;tv f of thole articles. Dr. Eddy, the Le&orrr on B^vranv, giyei it as hia opinion, that owing to th,e bulbous or tuburous form of .13 roc:, even, faouy ,^e old root die, the pb^t will be COint^Q^ b/ fuckers 01 moots Jrom the parent* ruot. tji2t it rrfey be cultivated in good uph^j a3 wti| as in its natural foil, which is low ay m01;^ ^ that it will bear iiom 15 to 20 i*.cm3 on onc v?hi:b grow h^c-';lecir- ^ mm ^ pay charges and take faid fleer. NICHOLAS PETERSON, Sen. Adolphuftown, 21 ft Jan. 1816. %w\ ■ Advertiiemenu TO LEN from the fubferiber en the 30th of September laft, a dark bay Mare, five years old last fpring. She is a natural trotter, about fourteen and a half hands high with a heavy mane and tail and a fear on the right fide of her breast, perceivable by ftv-.kiug the hair upwards, two curls on her forehead and a white foot on her withers- The thief is one James ChatterfoU, lately of this place \ he is about twenty two years of age, of a (lender make, a fwaithy complex¬ ion dai k eyes and hair, and a downcaft look. Whoever will return faid mare cr fecure the thief in any jail in this province fo that he may be brought to juftice fnall have all rea- fodable charges paid and receive the. thanks of the fubferiber, Sebastian rlooiEk Emeft Town, Jan, 19th, tSi6. Hvv4 Blank Summonses rjropofals. 34^ Comrn'tjfariai Office^ Kingston, 2-]th Jan. 1016. --.>- ry-HE fubicriber refpeafully begs leave i to inform hi1* friends and the public* that he has received a gieat variety of Drv Goods & Groceries, Li cloths, flannel*, calicoes, ftockingfl, rea¬ dy made coats, trowfers and waiftcoats, handkerchiefs, {hawls, linen?, pverfocks, mitts, wonier^s fhc.es, tippets> bombazetts, umbrellas, earthen and glafs ware, mulHrd, tstj/t candles, raifins, loaf and mufcovado fu.gar, Sec. ladie's trimmings for coats, cloie brulhes, {hot, powder* itidi&c* pepper, ^a, &c< and will be fold at the lowtft terms. JOHN DOWJL ^_^ngston^a^tr^Jan^i8L6v_______34- C~AME into the enclofureof the fublcri- bcr.fome time ago, a COW. Tbq owner k requested to prove property, Tajf charge*, and take her away. Barnabas Spoons*. -■ V- Xicgston, Jan. 25, \§\S