Kingston Gazette, January 27, 1816, page 2

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Timber & Spars, ^T7ANTED to be delivered at the Na- VV va] Yard, in the month of June next* rafted for the Quebec market, and to be of the quality fent there to be exported to tn. gland. rr. Vh lie Oak.'] D Pine. Red Pine. J SPA Not to be lefc than twelve in¬ ches fquare, one third to be thir- * ty feet long,one third thirty five and the other forty feet long. No. cfpieces Six Six Six Six Six Four * Four Four Four Four Two Two s. - Feet !er^t%. Inches diart^t. rr* I wo Two Two Two Two Two Two Two Six Six Six Six, Two One Four Four Four Four Two Two Two Two ^Two Two Two i.WO Two Two Six Six Six Six Six Four Four Four Four Four. Two1 Two Two Two Two Two I20 66 33 86 I 33 40 42 61 29. 22 43 J ID 5° 77 64 76 39 33 25 46 42 59 66 14 59 39 45 so 34 104 56 35 46 63 46 33 57 *4 - Two Two Two Two Three Six &x Six Six Six Four Four Four Four Two. Two Two Two Two Two Two Two Two Two Two Six Three ■ 44 39' 36 5° 46 41 22 *3 18 10 21 1 t • . 50 7* 93 47 75 32 64 . 43 45 ' 29 .55 ■ »i . • 72 24. 68". 25' 38 16 5° 9* 9 21 38 12 16 35 23 •3 *3 10 11 23 J4 6 is 6 1? 35 ■zi 15 18 9 9" J J 21 n 6 14 9 10 22 3* 39 12 12 17 »9 ■ 18 28 iS ■•• 19 24 14 8 21 14 11 it 7 11 16 34 tffleets > .pMi liiivib- PuhurX^,^ Six 63 23 Six 58 1> Six 65 16 Six 47 IS Four 56 14 Four 34 9 Four 48 I "2 Four 33 9 Two ♦3 10, Two 45 *5 Two 51 9 Two 46 12 Two 46 M Two •' 3* 9 Two 4: M lwo 35 IO. lwo 4 3<5 lwo 42 • • II Two 28 9 Ten 75 - o3'* Forty 60 8 Forty 45 5 Six 109 Six i§ Six 5« >^ ThrtB 93 at Six ' 5* i-i Six 4.1 in For: r 79 *9 Yo^x 49 Four TO 8 Four 41 »X Four 26 ,K ^i1 16 Two 4 » t4 'lwo •• 4 •) Two 04 if Two 40 id Two 20 8 Two 41 1 Two 18 6 lwo 62 i£ Two 37 if* Two 27 8 len 7° I* • Forty 5^ 7 Forty 40 4 f Six 5$ Sis 40 M1 Sisr ., y 0 Six 8s ai Six 4.5 Xi oix 3° 8 Four 65 *7 Four 37 r 1 Four 26 7 Four. 33 9 Four 25 7 Two 53 14 Two 3s it Two 23 8 lwo $4 ' ^5 Two 3d 10 Two 28 8 Two 33 9 Two as 7 Two . 5* 14 I wo 3° 10 Two 22 1 Ten 65 11 * *** Forty ' 5° 6 Forty or 3 &s JOHN STMSON received by the Fall arrfvaU' from England, and now offers for fale, an el gant alTortment of Dry Goods ; Ki ■ • • • Y 1 Con fi ft in 2 of v-'V-'ii :j null/ UI Superfine and common Cloths, white louredI FlannA, FlufningB, 3,3 r-z a, and and 4, p S 1 3;4 and 6-4 Gingham^ Garment and Far- nitu/€ Calico^ black and coloured Cam-, 6-4 and 7-4 Printed and Imitation 7> i8ie ^^v^r;^;........ How carelefs on l^T" 1 A few dayg flnc , , Some novel toi-S*1 *«** Cotton Laces ; black plain and fi^ur'd >iacfc and coloured Ve.!v« ; Satu'n, Twil'd and plain "ch.„g as man> (br ,d—k S||^j from kind pa P ^ " T*nd wand-- ' - • ' ■ ^rtiin^T^^^^^^^re, « rv p Sarcnets ♦ Luftres ; Tabinctt eKdtohe^ LKSstSfc'SrlWK!*-1' S^ncu; Poplin,- tHkNctt; black Crap,; 'AH ftul me th^s J ^ Handkcrchtcxs ; fcwtng Silks ^oft and bCwilder>d in'he w/R iilk Ribbons ticl y vale ;" c the ch'M ; and a number of other ufefnl ar¬ ticle, to be difpoil-d of by wbolefale.on rea- Icnublt terms for cafli, or iliori approved He w eeo3 the tea credit. United 53tatc\ Bank Paper taken in pay- allowihg the difcoiint. 32tf Water Street, Kingfton, Jsrn J 3, tSid H« calls aloud—bat calls In • nu ,» . ^ uul c«» in vain 1 hen ftrives to feel: his ho Thus as fomc tender vernal flower Ita blooms and fade, « one /'. IIC cries afcH T^.o ..,„.. , . ,hort &°Wj me a g^n. :aics^dfcbsa,ayJlishreath) iv«w Lz/26? 0/ Stages. df *"*■;ollcep *• *4.^S|* i npPlL uibfcfiber has commenced mnfrinsfa A LINE OF STAGES from Montreal to Kingllon Uncc a week. It leaves Mon¬ treal on Mondays arfd Thurfdays at eitrbt o'clock A. M. and arrr/ca in Kingfton, on Wednefdays and Saturdays, and leaves King- Kou at the fame time fend arrives in Montre¬ al on Wednefdays and Saturdays. Persons travelling in this line will find good tejms fie carerul and experienced drivers, with covered Height) made comfortable for the Ettirpofc Another line will leave Ogdenujur^h for Utica, every Wednefday and Fiiday for the Convenience of travellers into that part of the country. The Books to enter thr names &( thofe who may wifh feats in the Stage, will btf .kept at Sui/rut! Hedge's in St. Paul Street, in Montreal, and at Robert Walter's Hotel* In Kingfton. BARNABAS DICKINSON, Montreal, January lit, 18 10. %l ■ Poft Office, r.ingCcon, IN conference of inflr;ictions jrecerVl;d jrrom the Deputy Poft Mafter General of ^ a \r- .iu„ for Newfuuno- that po letter irom Kin-lton, .or nJltd States can be forward. J from « unkfc the inla'-d Pottage be V^ at tnw r ftW >r 1 Si 2. taftmn Syftcn,.have been opened, or pr^ Mag for rt, in England, as fatem i Office* men! e r';-*d 1 Ul> 6e Kv a new ar'^em-r.. - - - this Ohicc. AbD^e the • aoc ,3 \V ^ Falmouth ; Godalmfng, Hc'lftead j Har¬ low, ffor gMs and bop.) ]pfwfch (fcf» girt*) Kidg&ftdj Latrntom, (for girls and boys.) Liverpool, (far girls.) Middleton, (forgirli and boys.) Newport, (Ifle of Wight.) Ne«-ca(tle, (for girls.) Nortk Shlelda ; Northampton j Peekham j Pnfr ffea ? Portsmouth j ftochfvrd ? Ryde, (I/!<r Of Wight.) Scarborough ; Shrew/bury j High Wycomb j W*yn*voi?th ; Wiibeaeh? Wakefield. ^nd in tlrf Met^^poJ's, a fchool urrderthc {Jatroiilge of His Royal Hitfhnefr the Duke cf Kent, for 1000 boys, Situate in North* Street, Ci'ry Road. For the Helbora D'iftn'cl, another fchool Irftended fat ioor?boJ's, under the patron¬ age of His Royal Highncfs the Thh of 1 Suflex ; but at prefent, for want of fuitable ^Itra.U.S, COndllttVidon kMlrhiteii &\± At Berrnondfey, one for 500 boys; an. other in Horfe-ferry Road, Weftminlte'r,for 50b boys } and a fmaH fchool in Onlni. btveet tor-500. Thefe fchools, in conjunct tion with that in SpitalfieHs, ar.d the Parent-' School in the Borough Road, provide in. Mru&ion, in the Metropolis alone* for -above* joco children. There arc fetetal other Schools in the Me¬ tropolis organised by Mf.^ Laucafter, of condudtcd on the Laneallrian fylcem, bat Won with the Parent Iv.ftin:- ti.m The fchool? kept in the Free Chapci, Weft fcreet. 3t*tM Dials—in Orchard Strec: WedrxinRer,—in Fitzroy Mews,irt F:r.2>.i-- t.__an(J the two Catholic Schools in Dear:-' Street and Bunhill-row ; likewiic the Be- nevolau Society of St. Patrick have pla¬ ced thofe ^'hom they clothe and educate',* not hi eonnec FMieiton, b. C on ttic jm j ?Am at the Royal Ffee School, fortte elf jocrOchrioren °S conference of the opoontion «^. Jn« the Lancalli ian fchecu whrcJi tabuvya^^^^^3^...,,.^ bad aMed quanti two and the Spars muft be taken tn prop^rtios^ of the different ir^es. . Scaled Tenders will be receded at ttafc Yard on t&e'Sift wft. exprefTing the pr.ce.9 for delivering them in or out of the wftt*» when the parties are requeued to attend. v EWD. LAWS, Agent for receiving the kid Tirobcrf. Naval Yard, Kingfton, 32li nth Jan. 1816. 7cfe:. no,,,, bff J** rd DdwU Godbo* J Jofcfb, D t* fat * Graham having extltCQ 1 0;chiUlren J the com-' mittee refoJ-rJ tfett** their protean ?;«d tjK ^^^ yy^fc ito»* A LLperfon* having claims upon /\ Eftate of the late John Macintosh otf Thurlow, Efquire, deceafed, are requcfted tco deliver the lame, properly attefled, to thee fubfc'ribera,within three months, that the ia:r may be adjlifted ; and all perfons indebted tco Che faid eftate are requefted to make pa>r ment without delay. . Martha Maclntolh, Adminijlratn*- Roswell Leavins, Administrator. Thurlotv, 2Ar*h Decembery 1815- 3l w' Gerra John, rr t J Hem\Jon fdt* B**fi» Harvey, Huffman George, Jtilieu Mr. fifdgut Ltw. Millet OMtricif Patten S#°?'j£nL Purr,, Pun,cry Andr ^^n George, B. Smit* TisdaU Ephram, T><hm'?? Tumer -Jane, J__ have U"itca . , n:.rt have been a„d P.e.byttnan', have *r-«isaffii sw^ f*a S2»w At & jjgs; Gratis /•.i i),;,U S/iurf &«"?'• . <vi.:;.„. .___^Ih.bliined trie j Jc"^. nf maintaining^ ^^ ^ -*nn« a ,-. -.1. Dublin, and alto * thetrainme for .f properly q" rfSi:«?t?3 fc ^.^ For Sale, VERY valuable and pleafantly fitn^* ted Hown Lot. For terms apply » this Office. _ PCC. IT, #^? TWO or three who wi" Wanted, 11 find iUady employm Dublin conunitte ^ ndatlCe o ^ l|C'-1 / A'...!!,)!. *■ / »lw' •L'** ncc taut an bpown a. the . ms^j ; ^ in «b^ ^ by w^hn Dawson/^ fcbool «Jt l .-having ° bA jCJylaa^ con"'/ tbc - ^ ot up's School »l

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