Kingston Gazette, January 20, 1816, page 2

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Timber oc bpars, % x 7 ANTED to be delivered a: the Na- VV \.al Yard, in the month of June next, »f»afot the Quebec market, and to be cr Iv^tyle^er.tubecxportc-dto En- gland. Tf/zi^ Oak. Do. be lefa than twelve tri* Nut to P;7Zc% M lied Pine* rhcsiquare, on~ third tub1: thir¬ ty feet long,one thiid thirty five and the other forty feet k>o£, Six Six Sis P A R Six Six our i« i-' Four four Two Two Two Two Two Two r> 1 wo ••Two Two two' OlX r>'-'%r Six Two . One Four l7our I* ! our Fou r Two Two Two Wo Wo xWO Two SiiS 66 33 25- 86 46 33 28 ■ * 29 5° 2 2' 5 ° it" 3* 64 5<> \ 4"2 66 Is ■ id 17 si 13 IO ■ 14 I I IO I 1 2: 9 ID 16 3* 23 io ■ u 6 Six Six Six Six .■•'our Four Fou r Four Iwo Two Two Two Twc < # Two Two I WO .\t*« •8 ■* *4 '-7 \ OIX Four Four Four Four Four- Two ' Two • Two- Iwo Two I wo .- i wo Two Two Two Three Six Six Six Six Six lour Four Four Four Iwo 1 I■ Iwo Iwo Two Iwo Iwo Iwo i\vo Iwo Two Two Six ihrcc t c 34-' 44 14 5° 40- io: 5° 71 93 4r 75 32 ► "5 S * v n t. 9 -3 18 9' 1 I 1 I 6 id Ui > IO- o^ < 1- wo Two ien Forty Fort- Six Six Six I hre Six Six ■w V our Four • > > 0111 F tour Fo* r •' i wo I wo Two' Two i- \\ O 1 \VO Two Two •l\vo r : » IWO fen Fortv rortv •J Six Sis Sis S i x Six Six I 'jur Four Four Four Four Two Two r Two Two Two Two Iwo Two \ Two I WO Iwo f 1* len Forty Forty 63 G6 47 < 6 34 4^ 3o n t »* f a 4 i* .-, A- 4- 60 a o o -» -• j6 49 -<■ 1 ^ V-' 35 42 64 4C 4i iS 6 2 37 56 49' 45 37 33 53 U 54 3° 35 5.6' 3° 1: 5° 35 inctfi £ai<A& * - 3 1-3 6 ? z 2 2 id i:. «. 2 9 9 L i y : 2 V1 i> <■ •;'0 c 1 24 V I 1 i 12 (1 -» r « - if 9 1 r w id 6 7.6 it 8 1 4 *3 it 9 t'r / it 9 8 J5 10 9 ■ x 4 10 7 6 3- I JOHN SIMSON TTTAS received by the Fall arrnJa fror.i -* ■• England, and rtow offers for Tale, zn c\« gant a'Turtrncnt of • '# o v POETRY. * • * Dry Goods ConiiHing of SupcrRhearid common Cloths, white and -Joined Flannels, Flufhings, 3, 3 12 and 4., 1'oint Blankets, black wodled Hbfe, worAcd Sockj, boy's and girl's Hofc-, l^artan Plaid, Twrki y Stripes and Checks,Shirting Stripes, ^-4 and 6-4 Giughdms, Garment and Fur^ Aitiire Calicoes black and coloured Cam¬ brics, 6-4. and 7-4 Printed ana Imitation Sli^awls, Bandanna and Madrcfs Handher- chiefs ; white Cotton ; Lenuv Book and Sprigcd Muilins ; Dummies ; Tiircad zi:d Cotton Laces ; bfatz and caloured Velvet; plain anil tlgur'd Sati:\i, Twil'd uwd plafil baronets ; Luiires j T^binetta ; imftation SarcaeU ; Poplins ; fil-fc Kelt ; black Crape; l^iack Qk Handkerchiefs \ fewing Silks j Itxbbgtfs ; and a number:of othir uftful ar¬ ticles to fee difpoLd of by wholefale, on rca- I u-and • • wandered fa a lonely ei1(5f -r/Iong the Beneath «w,„ding valley p]a', Jf the m6riiiiKr N,.aiv. ' f g beau.. y$ht o'er the woods of dark k 1 Below In rum cottage rooh conceal^ - a^rock abruptly broie ' " IlghH reveai'd. roA> 'Twas in the ir.fancv o? ^% ffcopknd sgln vedrngrc/narra,.. ' V/mle from the ran^ina- eve • ^V ^ect ihc bending fkv: ' Tp :; fonabie tcrmo fcr caih, Tis(w^t| itifoluude to he l or & r cd :t. on approved United States Bank Paper taken in pay. foetit, by aKowiog the difcount. 32ti: Water Street, Kingdoiy, Jan. i7, i8iC .> . I t * ' A 1 eti Lin of* ^ tages. - ... rpHE fubferiber fc'as cofnrnbnced fanning 1 LINE OF STAGES from Mont* (o Kingfton twice« \feek. It leaves trcal on Mondays and Tlunidr.ys at o'clock A. M. an'd arrtves u\ Ki a Mo«- ln ruRic folituJe ^io f^ect, *he vjolet from its tomb, ^ The r,rawberr>% creeping at our feeV TLcfohei^fimpleblolm. ? , eiirht o ngfton, on KROiH rM UNITED STATES. !.■>.] at thj ikirte titffe End a'rr: res in Monttl- ' ^ ° HI IT1C1"C13 i 1 1'ea t V d<mW£<incfday,and.iJatutdayfc. p.fcM -ir,,/,....,. .. ... ' „ / travelling hi this wril tind good teams fc tarefii! and expeVieaccd driver-H^ with covered iiciglis, made c^'nn'oii'iible for the purpofc. . Another line vviil leivci 0^dcn;burjrh for Utiea, every Weriiiefday and Friday for the co'nvenienct. t-f traveller* iuto i Hat part ci the? ^umry , ^ . . •' The Bonks to enier the names of thoft ute'may \Vifli feats in t.rje Stage, v. Til be J^ept at S&nitd Halves in St. Paul Street, m Montreal, and at Robert iVJlir's HoieL io Kinglton. BARNABAS DICKIInSON;- Montreal, January j il, iWi6t 32 i'reffl motions! Intdi&mcri Dec. 25. (Concluded.) Article th Second ■ 1 DC No higher or other .duties Ml $ importAtior* to the impofed pu Uuitf: tlifj d of an P«5. Ofiicc, Wmittbir, 4lVcpn&queiiee of 11.aruai.1ui recrived". -"•fthe Depmy p0jt Ma'fter General of ■ •.". 1.: *"V» rp-Oii'h. iiArwei .,;. , ■«.' .o1 .... .U. . ,.v«:.. j>- tlsat no letter from Kin^ffon, for Newfouu^* fend, Bermuda, tfie Vre'ft Indies, or th'e U-- !iitcd States can ue forwarded from Hal:fat imlefi ihe inlai.d 1'ulluge be p^idat tb.U Poil- Officfr - . . By a new arrangement entered ,tnt6 v-nth" Che Poll Milter Gmeral of the U. Stales, Li tters rifnv be conveyed from thu OTjcc to be put mi board His MujelH'* packets at 2\ew Yorii, provided the Britiih lnlafld p6s- Cd*;e to Swantou, byway of Montreal, -,,'v L.'itc's poilage Frofl id at the time of p ♦.Ins Oilice. Above the ad-irefs f;>r the place in Europe 10 which the letters are to be conveyed, rnuftbe written thefe words, "Via Kiw-Voifc Jfcf H- B. HLpacket?' 32W3, una (he Stke*s poilage from thence to Ne.vYcrk be paid at the time of putting the letters into' growth; £Yoduc;.;; or manufacture of M§ Bntzmle:" Majefty^ lenitomj ixi Kviropc> o-iid no hlgfeer or otfxcr dutica lluil; be rmpuied en the importation in • Uj the territories of his' Britanni; Majefty in Europe of any articles t hegrowth produce or uxmuh&uzz of the U. States than are or /hall be' payable' on- tlie like articles ^ inaimfaclure of* any other foreign countries, nor ihall airy higher cr other dutiets or ctrarges bc.rmpofed in either of the two countries, on a L the exportation ot any articles to th'e V. States of to his Britannic ■ Majefty% territories in Europe; reflectively > than iuch as ace paya¬ ble ob the exportation of the like articles to any other foreign colu• try, fapt fAaii rfny prohibition &c impofed on the exportation cr articles the' importation ny growth produce or manufaclur?; of the United States, or of hU Letters remaininQ- in the Pod Oilice at ILingftoii, \J. 0. en the 5th January, 1816, Aului PicrrciA'.hi I.tvi, Alexander Geerge9 Affclln Louis* Ahtord Edward. L'cmy David. Rourgard' l>jpt'ulet Burl Witt* Turn, R fs Ell'xilj. CamfbrliJDimcm, Campbell Jdmtt, CJ:a- botte Jntorne, C'jjfcr Jani£s9 Clark cy » jaoc 3^ T f? 39 I A-iy pitfon will.inf to deliver a: fp'ecineJ C^ri:c Richard, CuchuxK %intt Cuzzeti* • * - - o» r *^ Dtloire Ttcfl&Lr. B'ougai James, Dufdult Jofiph% Ducharme Jofiph. Gttrard Daniel, Godlurt John, Ham/on 'JdU±~ Hemifur. Jof*pht Harjjely Harvey, Huffman G, quantity of the faid timber mud tender for tvro thinia Oak one third White Pine, and the Spars muft be taken in piopertiorv cf the different hzes. Scaled Tenders v. ill be received at this ____ # Ya:don tire 31ft inft. ejCpfeiSug the pricea for deliveiing them in or out of the --vater,. fojip/it Graham ■ I 64 43 45 ST 29- fS 72 -4. 3fc 16 9<- X *c v,hen the parties are requited to attend. LVVD.LAWS, JaSeu Mr. eurgt. ■ Agent- Lr receiving the iaid Timber. Lagrandcur Jcfepb, MacKton tbomai, M«c<la« •go* Ja- • 7 x9. iH 28 18 »9 54 8 21 if 12 7 11 16 %4 '■ ii^iu^iur ic«i»iii^ kits. *»-*i^ jk«««»kyv-»» »^>»tWi ^ fju-iuut driaCi (1^7.1 ffffftCS.* Naval Yard, Emgflon, ' jwf ^%«* U^ Afito C/.^rAv, AfatfiW %/:-/., irthj.n. 1816. MoufctU sHcx, JJ* ins upon the PaAte* 7dm«, Po-u'lin? Nathan, Pec has Andrew, Pic6U John, Pfoin Pkrrt* Pu imcr C\ LL peiioris ha vine clai ^^i IlOate of the late John Maclntofh ot ^^ Rightmycr William* Piorifon James, - I hurlow, Liqc^re, deceafed, are requeued to Jimpfo George. B. Smith Alexander^ Smitl tnc e deliver the iame, properly attelted, to tn • lubfcrioeis,within three months,that the fam may be i'djufled ; and all perfons indebted to the faid ellate a:e lequelted io make pay- / K. Smith Paulon, Stuart George. Tisdalc Ephraim. Thiboudeau Pierre, Th'ibc- do (llrccr, Thompfon David, Turner Jane, t an Allen Petery VanOrnam Jacob, 'Whce- * A, Alrrdra, IVdliam Jofeph, IVdfon Ad«m. JO-HN MACAUl^Y. K M. Tr.urlozL\ 2&th December, Iv- l-> 3 » ■ <5 . • For Sale, A VERY valuable and plcafartfly fitua- L Jl ted Tov/c Let. Tor tetui& apply ftt ♦his Office. anted, '-pWO or three Jouruevmen Tailors, i who will fi«d ikady employment By applying to r ' fotf K JOHN DAWSON, Tail or. Britannic Tvlajeity's territories in Europe3 to or from tlie faid I^ti- toricsof livs B-ritam/ic Majefty in Europe, to or from the laid IT. States, which {hall not equally extend to all other nations. No higher or other duties or charges (hall be impofed in any o£ the ports of the United Satts on. Briti(h veffcls, than tiU)fe payable in the fame ports by veffcls of the- United States ; nor in the ports of any of His Britannic Majclly's territories hx Europe on the veffeb of the United States that &ail be payable In the fame ports on Britilh veifcls. The fame duties faall be paid oA the importation into the United States of any articles the growth, produce cr' manufacture of Lis ; Britannic Maiefty's territohes m i VtatcsVr* brBri^h ve&ls, and the fame duties (hall be pa"* on tlie ur.purtation into the ports u» Lis linannic Majefty's terntonos inKuropeofauyarticlestheirrowth, produce or manutarture ot uio t- States, whether luch importation fliall be in BritUh vfiffdUl 9^ lft veffjlsotthe l).States ' Europe, whether fuch imporUUwa halt be in vellcls of the United helatrtfe diitic • t f ,iU be: f4

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