Kingston Gazette, January 20, 1816, page 1

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u- ->*- [SATURDAY, January 4o, i8i6.j [VOLUME V. Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES Rice Four Dol UPPi Francis Gore, tkut Governs. To our belovec •Cfluntellorg o£©** Province ox Can-da, and to our Knights, CitJZtM and Bur^fcfe of our faid Province to our - i-oviiKial Par-lament, at our town ot \orfc, on the Thirtieth day of December, Yo be commenced, held, called and ekg- cd, and to every of you, GREETING. WHEP.EAS by our ProcUrr.atu.n tearing date the twenty- leconc day olNoven:- ber laft, We thought lit. by and with the ac. - „;Cc of our Executive Council, fo frtHjg* our Fronnoal Parliament, to the i'nth For Sale, or to Lease, THAT valuable Farm in th'~ town. (hip of Aihlphm Town* adjoining the vflftsfy- of-Houand Viile, owned and formerly occu¬ pied by the fuhferibcr. PofTcffion of the pretnffea to be given on the first day ofA$firt!t 1816.—Al:o> That valuable Farm No, gj fituated and lying m the townfh'p of Ired- encksburgh additional, containing SCO a&rdi) more or !efs, together with a large and e?oin« iriodicus dwelling Houfe, Barns,and afetg> improvement thereon, &>rmerk' owned fry. the late Hafckion Bpe-.Cer, Efq deceased ; pofiefilon alfo ru be given on Lhe £rotdj&? c: /• - r s _ c /?l so, Tv.'o Town Lots, lying on tl e c:rof3 street leading to the Printing OiHee, an<S nearly oppofue thereto, being-lots No, Ir^y, vernment Contratt. W^TED **- public fervice lt lit, r. *- ^ ■* day of January next, at which time at our nearly oppoliw thereto, Kagm. wo. j47| » r„fW- -on were held and contained and 154, and hkevvife fcveral J own I^uta r^rfc WltE into e* Roya? !n flf-Trf*. *««* ?«?**»H 200 ToiTcaof Stone, or ;aereabcu:o, 3,ceo BuiheLs of Sand, 3,000 ditto of Lime. 0,000 Brick, 8::4x z, .f.oco Bufhels of Charcoal, (p3tt 3t Lingdon, and part at Point Henry.) To be delivered at Point Ht-nry. Deliveries to commence as toon as practic¬ able, and to be concluded in the Spring when the B«y is clear ji ice. * Lar£-e quanta^ ofBoardWd f >1, 3 --v-inch, :i ! g inch:., a..- r inch, EOR SALE,. /«? ^«A Ketilei, A'C OFFICE. NEW Johns & Fickle lAVE JU3T RECl£VEfl A Gg*,EE I . ASSORTMENT OP &?y Goods to appear. But Vv ^, t confederation, the cafe and convenience ox our loving fVjjcftr, have tbcr.g hv ni i>v o-! ith the advice of our 2*ecntr/e counei^ to relieve you. and -each of you, M your aue.-^ dance at the time afor^id, hereby cenvo- k^,and bv tbefc preTenta },u *nd esch of von, that on the Sixth di;> o February next enfeir^, you meet w « our Provincial Fariiament, in our townot V ,;rk; for the ritual oiipatch of Pabte EuhnTs. there to fake into conization.the itate and I which are lying on the road to Lower C^r... ads, and others on the road leading-to, t:- ' Charles Scitarfiu /-> ^fArZ) do » n-c do? ^recerm ; T; fe Amoijg which ^re the foil 4-arge quanu.:!^ of Vm Sca^W, ^ $^4 4x4 articles : owia^ Kftig5»ton, 23d Dec. tS'tj. .! . - if For Sale 4*5 i 0 h'"* "T'niM-aJ ^ *•• y rf ■ - Cloths; On reafonabk te-ms, * " f S e 25 u eavv * .*'-».J. :- p,,;.., - :f... . ... ,.ar^. ,„ t'w efrfuiajf fpring,.as ttw aiatc.-.j ca» be twafported byv.ater. * £"*4**l and common Droad C VLte^b,ckCottonCafrhrickc Blacfesrife, Madrafi and Cotton Bah^n ui variety of Shawls and Vedi ,9. Large damafic silk Shawls * ' *0 dfare of out feid Pi 0* ince-. and therein to Jj'J [ , as may (cem nccHfary, Here!:- tad not.? n *A In teRrvtnony wU-r^f, we have caoicd :hete oar Letted to it mvk patcn.% to he hereunto acLxta. \.u..i^o.... truft? and well bebvfd Francis Goi*?^ rop.eresof pickery, 7 , 4 'P feet g< r;u,rs Eim, (*° fbi -f';vereQ r«. Efqute Ueutenint liovernoi os c.v; 1 I 1 jsid Province at !JL«r-x-j this ifti.%JC*.i day of December, m :he year ^ ouf A. ML i CALF.. Ki-n-fTon, 4th Dec. i8^_c_______9llf,_ 2-03-: f««t of Okk PaaL, 10 be dciivei ~d at -----•-- — : " "" F;3iui Henry, To he ta:-:ii..ed tintr.eJLteix, For rhj articles named m 1) s two 5rfi pnr- agrhuhs, tenders will be icceive 1 at tnisofSce A gratuity o^ O^k fukablc fa 3t-ve- andfaiWeTfUib^r^thin . ; :'.f '!,;i- Twih'M Sarcenetts; ^lacfc Modej GentlcmeQ a fme buc^doe-Hcin and b-a- ?cr g^o/ea : ^ LaoW hiack, white and fancy colon, \J UJIK CIO. /. rj fiftcvn,and uithcLf:^ axti. >cat AifcHU .1 »--.',-- WW. jARV2r.j <.-rjrr>^-;-» ;o ble dLtance of the v,atcr leadini; m?n Jay o* <^ •' •'•/• * or j; :rt;Cdl;;i.i any , .. • , c r peifons vvirhirag tq puichr.Ce will pU*Ui*% ^> call at ll-iis Office m- at Mr. Jofeph VaUi;cr'a Honfe. Kfng(lona Dec. 9, i'8i^» * ;tf. untii tnc 2fUi January- l..-. u» eLc latter im- tii the ?oth I on which d:-ys fcvety perfhti ■•v1: be made acnuamttd with the lefult of r rtir prcpolalr. Cow#:ffiarl'zt Off**-* Q Lzdhi' fancy afTorted Kid do. Bla< k, blue, grren & scarlet Bombazttn t White faStam silk Vchets ana Cotton it. Klr.gst'jh) J-/, j1^-. 1 Rt • ^«iw Fo be Let <"!"*• A I\EN op bv the fubCcribers on chf inir. ?5is SHEEP. They were out thv* farm for fome time previous to ta- *'ubrcribcr on the prcmlfes. Thornas Graham.;. Kingfton, 13th Nov. rdte. Stolen^ ROM out of the fobfeibers catrmge, ftaadrng in his [laWe, a Venetian Blind, painted Rrcen, framed in mahojony, With a metal form* lock, Vv hoevcr w,il g^e n> formation where it may be founu v-ili b-- handlbmely rewarded by JOHN FEUGUSOcI^ I ab king.theAi up- The owner or owners a.-e requefted to prove property, pay charges, and take them away. Kln^f.on, January 8, l3i6. ___15:11 fames G. Hanna, bppcfiie Smith &f CWF* 3^^» Offers for fate the folio ving Jewelr;, \ -. Gold Cor-fi3, Seals and Keys, coloured Till Dollars Reward. LOST, OH or aboii- i:-.n 30th of September a, .. . Gold n otantrf furtoTe «h..i'i SNUFF l\0's'., marked in the cemre W 3. I*. X... in a p .... . i/d. Whoe-/ev wilt return the Dme fio the Libic:: ..: fsiatt receive Ten Dollars ' -f ;r^Tv DHRLET. \'\\\^Ctoej . N : v. •", ». S 1 r.. 1 KfHT¥ Three BaneU of excellent Black and white Jeans, Dimities and blajfi * Crape ; Jackonet and Book Muflins, Lenoea ; " 'Ginghams, Ribbons and Lacts ; Fine pi -it ed furr and wool Hats j Oil d Hat Covers. jfLSQ, ,'vfon, TEASi iyfon, "1 7our.,- Hyfon, > / id H-yfon-skin J * • If'HlSKEY, / 16., fetu ; Pearl, iett and Corctiar. i-ng- , „. \d Bny. Rings; 'Ladle's and Gctllemen'3 plain do. an,yr Necklaeea j gold ar.d ea?.meied Fauce Montees; ^- T*ekeU - iilver ?,K ;y. En<5 >U'? ol For Sale, THE West hajt' of lot nnmba nineteen i* the fecond con^c'Tion of the towiifir.p of Ringfton. Apply to the Printer Kings tun, Jutf re, 1015. Hp, ; dlt CI:!;.3 ana caies and without ; fporttnen* j. r.-.-/,, ^ - -: C tt. ifW v< 5iWi2 MAKING, m. White, RESPECTFULLY htorms h% old L Cudoineis and Uw Ptit»li6 k general, that he will hkbauneb cppon.e of Cook & Smith's, o-, Wednelday where, thefe who will r'.ivour him with Ltiett commands may depend on neatnefs, punca- ality and'dispatch. lie will -A(c keep con- Kjigs^m 5U-,. t-fti; v --th /\T rloauAa J2;.rT:TN£ Sc Co's, St^'tj S ~0 Pieces-lar.?}- C-.iicrc% v^;_:i ". * *rn*. »■'•. piee--9 Supero -.» Chintz- do •: • Pieces WeVlinjrton Far-cf do- B ' tie Trunk or Piece, 1 r C-/^ 3 Cafe* bfii:tled Muitard. r C •<!'■. I^vdigr»;. The waole wil! cc fold che?o r .- :• !hcn'- Kinvtian* 2^th OSohr t^i? 21 -f. Minot i p for ftantly on hand Leather of ail k*ads fale. N. B. Six or feven good v.-crkmen it the above hufmei's will find che bell _ enco.ucage- went, and their wages raid in fpeeje cvery 'Satnrd^y night, and ofrener li required. ^ Kingston, 2d December, iSi'f- For Sale a m the 1 Loifc, zOLt Tvt r ft Whoever v/ui return i :tRu,' ■%- Printer (hall be handionely * pocks to tae rr«iitc» warded. . , _0r< ,2«.,: A. valuable tra-fi. of land lying -^* lowniUip of Ctiariottr-,'?'■;?^. cootain- inrr firtlr hundred an i htne^n i«rr«9 more or iefj ; and know bv il>- n^nie 01 Lou No, I :;, I 1, I r, 16 an 3 I V , b'ing part of 3 ill ip of land between du- -vi and^di concefiions or Charlottenbu' ?h T' «r ter na apnl r to f/\Mt . G. BTEHUNE K»ngflo»i ji'ft ^ Plug, pigtail and ladies' twifr Tobacco j Hijrh prorf old Jamaica Spirits ; C iiac Brandy, Holland Geneva; ohrub; Fort Wine. The above goods, together with a variety of articles not mentioned, will be fold at the mod reduced prices for carti. We tender out thankful acknowledgments to our cus¬ tomers for paft favors, and folicit a continu¬ ance r * ,'.e*.r future patronage. Kingston bih August^ 1S15. t 9tf ADVERTISEMENT. ^jT-^KE fubferiber offers for fale to the jJl Publics on liberal terms of payment the folh/.i sg lots of wafte Lands. ijuts No. 22 in 'he Sth Con. No 9 in the 6th Con. S. Well ' 23 Sth Con. No 8 Baft I 5th Con. cf the town- flop of Pittsbo'-gh. ' * ALSO LcU No. 7 in the rth concefHon No, 26 tn the 6th concefiion N< 3 >S, 29, 30, 32 ^33, in 6f.h ccc » ICo. 23Eaft-| 8th ccn.of Fiti/burLh. Several Lots cf Laud of one and two E-res in extent, on the front of lot Number 24 in the townfljip of Kingfton, lyinj and fcituatc on the Ihore of the Lake. A;>d likewifc fcvcral lots of land of one, two and three acres on the rear of the faid lot No. 2 l. lying and fcituatc on the road fiom the town uf Kinglh.m to the country.— I ne lot:; are veil adapted from their fixation for building on iherh, and foi t ».- eftabl ihme: E of Gardens in ti.e vicinity of the towu. Application to he made to the ftihtcriber,, GEO. OKILL STUaivT. *4 JCtoDti iriy. 2itf. Ktr.r/ton% bcpL 6, 1^15. .____ "v » For Sale, ERYiOW for cnfK Of vr..A\ kind J of Cocntry produce, thise elegant vrood- <u dork*, wairanicd :o uc-p good *l&Z. inquire of Mr. Peter Van skiver m ^--oi- vhnitown or cf the iubici fht r. C. M-MRFvIl-i-- K^on.trthjan. i8if-----------? ----r" \/c- Rad»/lrt%'i S.^^avttpi *«/av from Wlr. Daot ■ I St For Sale, 'TPAYED away able, 3 Dark Bay r* rr HORS£4 »*v THE South o.- front half of lot nu'iiber thredtn the fourth cone Ti-0 ofKinga ton, 100 acres. A pa : of hior'.cs, plated b^arnefs. Several I\wu i-o ol-y to Mr. Miie- i'rime . A,rigstcat %ta fw&? wirti a ot« Ap- For Sale, A VALUABLE Earn, wtth build -•» al-o large improvements there,- :- rablyHtuated within a* miles .of h-.7'- ■j Pert ns d.-Srons of Knrchaiing to -a- vor ro quire of the Prnitei. ? KiDOrdnru ! eth Kqw 5 gt C tM '-• i.

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