Kingston Gazette, January 13, 1816, page 4

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HAV£ j\i%tLkWcd 2 Jarge aiTo'tmcnt of Lire L>i£ * iag JLiqucrs & Groceries, Jamaica Spirits:, ' CoJXJ/ac brandy, * Belt Holland Gin, Port and Madeira Wine's. Peppermint and Shrub, jLcuf and :\*ufcovado Sury.r.. JaM, j-iv /few cif £<£W; Siarktf* ... Jam;..'ca S|3»!U, Brandy^ Gin, ^"™; Peppermint, Port, Madeira,' Cpaniih a::,d 7C" nerifTV \Yim-9, b-:t • I'orr-v indrS&w \J'^ fnCa&cs ; b'>ri Ln^lT'h :»!)'.* America-, ^osipj Loaf oupar, C A s > T o A fmall affortaieiit of Dry Goods. ? Kind's /iiiTiS, ""Pine Cheefe # Apple, 7 Chefhirc, . Bloom and Rutland Rnifins^ Hyfon and Greer; Tea, ALSO. An tlrgar.i ?,fk.Ttme:_C of Silk Trimrnin ot every dcfcripiion, Laditsand Gentlemen's &)ack and Coloured Silk Hulc and Gloves of a fiiperior ouahty. As the above ar:ules vrere bought at an parly i^Tilun, who) eiak-'pur chafers can be fup- ylicd on term- more advantageous than they now can be in Montreal. {{ingston. 2 9 //» Z). ■, 1 '915.. | £tf arciv/are AND . I ewej rv. *.. Kingston, '*(*. ^(dinars'. 1816. 32tf 0.1 i c; i?,. .. >j- Henaerson 0 Has Just Received* AND now opening at his STORF. a general and well chofeii aiibrirneitt of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, LIQUORS ai;d HARDWARE. A General Affortmcnt of n/^-5 and Medicines Amcfigft which are : Cloves ; The fubferiber refp'eeTtfully inform;- f,fg ft fends and the public* t?tat he has rntervd in¬ to eo-J>artnefhip with Mr. Gev.rge H. ^Jet- lor, and that the buf.iu-ia will in fu.t'UVg he carried on under the the Firm of .< THOMSON & DETLOR. He returns Ins unfeigned acknowled'rm -.,.. to tliofe who have lo hbeialiy afforded [,-n] fnpport, sS3 hope? the new Firm i ■;;; merit a CGwinuance "' rheh* favours. A«,-;t is the fubfci iher'a \vift*. to clofehi« fiii ,J fciifinefc as iicfir. 03 pefiible he tltrtfc wfto arc indebted to call and 2n;iin^ tin... refpec^ive acconfits. H. C. THOMSON;. 73d 08 iftit. ■ 1' S^^^^^^MwUadi ^ — • t i - ,. Notice* 7-! tf. 4,4? aiso for . I «>E /ubfcriber refpeafulfV ■;#,> I .^"'endsandth,^^; hJf • 1 !i 3 ut raarket . OATS At "« old Brc»vr; J-f ^1 l^PEAS. mil tl,an:: -•■ -**. 3-OR CM W, ... GOODS • t'p ol-down ike R;v„;.- ' * ,n take ia 2nv orcirr. f r^ j - , , - - mf !" «M tat S M « « L VT Lot J^ r«:r.ionr.c-!e term?, f* va. /;7 P 6/A Coficessk h. Uoticessi.::-h 'Lnmhhor ; ' ]ptum 1 Aloes ; Flor- Svlphur ; firithh 0:J; Tvr!.niton's Tid':. fy. 'Mustard; Opochl-J'jc ; . • IVheatorfs Itch Ointment ; Chefig's Worm Lozenges ; Cit's PWs ; JLee s Puts, \ Amlerjov.'s Pills ; f-ro.'ljrc-fs Cordial; \ tffioftrt Pills &c. Th^ivholt of which fee will :rll low forcafh mz/ iry pr-vittct. .Aiif orders fforn the fenintrv.' \r,V. V •, •"/>,. -Ij-; :,.',» . -up A. 5ou:.;r- ; win i^c pi aCfuSIlj Rttcndrd »o, and thahk«; will be returned for the'-r tuftonu K'-n%stop. August i 3, - S r; • I« FOR SAl£j numfcer of ToWri Lots near the Trench Church. Theirrmsof payrr.T.t Xil'l ye made eafy. K. EARL. JSingft sti, Sept. 23»_i fJ 1 C. Lot No. ::o, in ihc iiih CAcem % The whole being in thc.To^ nfhip of l.,..JS 5ov-n, in the disbict of jol:uilov,f; ' For parsiclnn enauire <at the Srllcc (.2 A T 7" f \.T n ■ r- t ••< ■ » - • > r \ ^T,,l '••'uon' Dec30, fSir. **'*.* ■ 1 1 - — ■ *" 1 Notice, tsLLAN MCLEAN, E'fo , S/tigust 28, 1 •< 1 c. Kingston 1 ^ Wanted. A young Lid about sixteen yeafs oi age, as a Servant, Lo live in a final I ferr.»% ng in the country. Application to .'-'c •■<-,; lor Ufms apply ,0 t]M p,;,lftr ■ --■ ■_■ 1 ___._ '* " * • reudi made at thin office. KingHon* ?.//v ajf i^!c. ?«$ «■ i6tu Notice- UST received and fof sale at the riuNTiifc Office, l.'.irgi-. _*■ 1 P.earns Oovn py raping Papier, 31 ditto Cap ditto 2 djito Writing Pofi No. 1, /*rt7« ••. 11 ditto ditto Nn ?., 'j d:Mo &S&.Q im'eu'. July : t. A Gold Finger Rixr.. ■ wt.iius ,0.1 Whoever may Sild it anil wril riXnvh it vt> l\te lJ.«*..i * ft- J I\ i If . " J ■ ^ropc, an elcgarit aflbrtment of fcufcf br h-.Mri'.onitly rewarded. . Kunf-tou., ^oth Dec 1.815* ... 20 A fetiu Barrets cf excellent Prime Fork. ■ »1 '"T^iiE fahferiber pegs kavr to return h.n' ^ *■ rroft fineere tjianks to bis friend* and jpublic jn g-rncrai for rhcir Jiberal tiipport, 'krquaiTits them he has no connexion with a- pcrTon in bpAneF3 ; thofc to whom he is For Sale at this Onice, .\ j)-: -tii/rfi: delivered at Broeuvijlr, "!abethr:--.;^, April 27, j8i;, behig a •ippoint'ed for a, general tfranHsgiving in per Canada : tor t lulling ari end t;> tie W. in which we were engajj-d a^ainll. tlie TJfi 1 - fed Sdtes of America. True Fiety, a fjurcf. of indivfdiial baprv ^tK/uire: at Mr Badgley's Tavern; JZkeitm Uscemkr 15, 1IU5. ^^ grei* quantity of GrocerieB and Liqaori of ev&f defcription, .which < they .will fell iov .♦or Cafli. The roods havlng'.ibeen- fdt^M by themicK-cS, are. .weJl.wtv>Uiyi..€he atten¬ tion of town and covmV'y rfrader;^ bat arc (00 eKtenlive to infert in zn advertifc.-ncnt. Purchufers are reqfueft'ed to Judge for them-, fclve?*, by calling at Mr. Caflarlpy's iione riOUff*: latelv occur ied by Moles Carnahdn. 0 » * 9 • - rOTlC an mn. * • .'-.<-■ &nzs1<xht M December, 1815. 9^ # t • ..jdrb: «i ."tr^qiVefted to fend in their aly" Counts, s..J tholl vvbo a^re lJ^kbted to hirrr ^re d-.lire4to' .•tp&ke immediate payment.- nefs andi national profperrty. j N') FeiTo'n h ruthorrirci by me to lective any By V/ilham Stncrt, Mlniller ot \h THE fubfcrStes take tats mettioq >'» iniurm their f.^nds and late culiomers/ fhat all accounts and notes due the comyjaf Ci ie Z>: .; Gofpel, • account due to tiie&nof concern, rt'.JO>IN70jNG./ * j N. 5.' ^ny perf m ^avinn- ftfl°d merchan- ' ' . '. O Britain* Irnn the Lord. 77>y /gsrx tii *d#in sluimpt ily ruihi and opJ>ofe bis reign. i./^R. M'A.ftSif>*I-fW Surgeon, tafal i VX the liberty of announcing to the pub- K that li* to ^ken Mr., EaiTs Hjuf^ • r-herc all calls in his fine **U be immediately dtfiredtocaUand make iinmedtfte payrneoT. — Dc:. 77, r&T> ; '••here 5f*tefldt;d to;. ■•, , w-ithont dcr.iy 10 , ... - -■- fteuaeo to;. / -\ » f Mr. M. hVr'for'ale, (befidtta general af.^ Ument of druga xuiportcd by hunfeif) the » - ■ • .* *" * ^ • For Sale, •7 "YTERYlovr for cafb, or mod hinds of , . ... /lLSOy ....... 77i£ CHURCH CATECHISM. CsIWY; into the cnclofure ot Uie ioMcn- ber about five weeks ago. a Co'.v, and foi folioWirrg1 p^ent medicines, viz. Sfhiih on; ; failing Bui! and H. it jr. An Owners siereqiTened tu piove pr TFre owjtw <,r operty, paf Country produce, three elegant *v6od- "J3 en clocks, warranted to keep good time; Enquire of Mr. Peter Van Skiver in Adol- alter Fo/}, by Frana: Bfjelly, ^ take tvern awav.. v J ESPECTFTTLLY r%naint their CI - RICHARD BLLERBECK'. K mends runrti.e r.nt)iic in jrenersi, iliat -v- _a^ Ffc>^_ -2^. I"*11:* phuftcvVn or of the fubferiber. C ■ MET? PITT Kingfton, :5th Nov. 1815. 2Atf J?_ *v. sheods ano'the pnoire in. genera^ tnaz they have commenced Public Houfe Ivee( ■ ing, Stahling for Hoifc-s', and Lodging ft Gentlemen j with good accommodations Kiur^^i.m, i'^d Dec, ifii5. ^'neftr,n, 0ec, 27, 10 15. • T t e The fubferiber has for faie, 2000 i /iiv^r le n^HE fubferiber informs the people o - Kingston that fie has commenced the FANCi------- . t:KE T-bfcrrbiT informs the Ladies ti KingCon and i.S vicpfty, that he h»* 'ir/e affortrnent of Worded ■ - « Well adapted for the army or navy ; aod a quantity of ready made gentlemen's and lads Great Ccat-s, Lady's Bonnets, and a few pairs Pantaloons 2nd Vefts, and a , Small affortmcnt of Dry Goods, Ander.pectsa large afTartment of Good from Montreal every day. JOHN DUNCAN. Kingston, Decemhr 30, 181 e- aotf Boot and Slioemaking inured, tv.-uvi t< p^ $1U*j ^ n ' r RIBBONS, ^ _ , Businc s Over the (lore of Geo. H. Mac Lean ; where he propofes keeping conflantly on Irmd Gentlemens Back llrapped military Boots, Long fuarrow do I do do Shawls U Handkerchiefs E*r <m& fcr !ale in this place, whole Wellington, do ft Gentlemen's i^ne wax'd Calf Shoes, Morocco drefs and frfocs for gen¬ tlemen. Ancle Boots and walking does trimmed in the neateft manner. MnTe^and children^ jl^ocs.. . r.. Wanted, TWO or three Journeymen Tailors, ■v\ho will find- Heady employment by applying t > JOHN DAWSQN,Tailor. Kingston, Dec* lj,l3l^. . a8tf lie pledges l.imfclf to tiVoh- who av: pleafed to favor him with their eufrom^that all work made in his fnop (ball be made of the beft materials and finifhed in a fuperior manner, as lie ft determined to keep the bell workmen lie can employ. WILLIAM TRYAN- Kingaton, 2*d December, 1815. Godfrey's Cordial, Huxham'sTi-^t.cfBar/, Cheltenham Salts, Opodeldoc, . J'areoorc, Cinnamon* Ginger, Nutmegs- T^maraodsjj ■ 'Liqumiee Kcct; ^ " Eftnce of Bergamo:, p6 of Peppermint, i>b of Rofes, ; Barclay's Itch Cmtmcn. JefuTM Drops, Dutch 3Do. ,f:g Tu.iingtoM'sBalfomo.U. Too'.h brumes, Do. Po^dersy court mm ■ ;, RofeFiiik, ^?.^^:iif^>«.e^ Office^ Pifcbarged Non^--bee,reeor who w-1/ "" j ^ 'receiving C mended tor and Soldiers, :ny C ran 7HO nortt^mf^v^ Jlirtnntendant of M . ... li-VDot*'" hH loAk*<*«* p.partrn t„ rcpa.r » Con.wal.^X ,;■-;>„ cit r,r t**-

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