Kingston Gazette, December 30, 1815, page 3

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* mu-, i'Mcrdl on monies tying in b'* -heft. 5)ot*fl»>* the writjer in ihe next Icntcncc af. ir.e an iincomiiimi pofitioii ? 4* I know ifo regfofttf fspfc? M tlial can Ik* ia(i*faCton to the public Fot declining the duiieW aji olfic^ *hen the pwtrtM nominate! *iad voluntarily accepted d» truft M.'W ptctlgci! himfclf [>j hti acceptance to fulfil the engagement," TheTreafowti It is true, voluntarily accept¬ ed of the trull, but he did ot»ta at that time! txpeft to fimport a but den which neither 'lie Ptclident not the tiuftfcca thcmfclves would uc willing to bear.—-Where is the pent le¬ mur, io dhitttcrefttsfl as to lake money on the T-rmsfperifkd in the 2nd refohuiua of the .ji(l July? The Treafurcr pwkfadj affirms that he river intended io abandon bis office, which the Prrfident- W hw communication, infinu- ares lie has done. The following afk-rrion of the PrefiJcnt," mould bow ver any diffi¬ culty OCCtfr t<> the Trcafuiei the Prefideut i T-u'fiees are difpofed and ever ready 10 re¬ move it and to afiilr him by thetr council-" ill accord* with what the Treafurcr, in his defence, has advanced. Vox it evidently ap- pears from the tenor of that defence ; that !u paiiisweie laktn by thofe gentlemen to uivFtbe way for hitn to aft. Was it ffOt indeed vciy friendly in ih( pre¬ sent to inform the Treafurcr,, " he is refponfihle for the management of his tvu'l only so the Puiidcnc and Trullces at thtir annual meeting in may, and not to an indivi¬ dual among them, who may arrogate to him- tii the pnvLcge ofccnluring or pmltag ac¬ cording aa-he is impelled by prejudice oi par- iialuv."— Have not, Mr. Editor, the con- member* :»f any legalized body not Ottly a rlgoi in ih: mlelvcs,,td call ftp^il their itpicfoits'Jves, fo'- <1n explanation of their conduct, but 3f«i a power in their hands of demanding it from them, at all iU.ies, and not at the annual meeting a'ume, when thefe leprefentaiiv-; ilull be ; exoncniv J (rem ttUtfg eh; ■ chill tubfcpiiou/'ir the education of poor dren mi Ucrt of p:iy. Nothing but example win v.m:;n;« • and, ss loon as that was ob* laiur-V] caf>/ nifed the Gxsn fpecified in the I ell ycar*& account annexed. The fub- fcripliui) was quite of the nature-, of a con* tnicl ; of every guinea fubferibed, fifteen fliUiingB/xr annum wa*confiiered a« the price wf each child's education ; and the remaiti- jnjr fix fhilh'ngG were to be expanded io hooks rewards, and fchool csoence^. The only perfon who* fulled me in railing fubfci i[)tioi>^t wa« EltzabcUt Try wife of Jo- feph Fry, of the Poultry. Loudon,. ilie foK- cited her.immediai'" frandir.nd CQnnexkm*: and was fucceibinl ?n obtaining about iwentv fox guineas•> with thjs Mud afltftance 1 was encouraged ho go cheerful]} through w.e toilfomb drudgery of railing (Vofcnp^on* fo. thefcco^id year, in which I uasTo iuccu> <.'- as to double the amount ot fi\e fehaftr*. Iinpiovemcntrun the modes of tuition had been made to good pnrpofe, In thofe two n\ ft veni's, and a rCffnlar ff item '^t order ettah* limed. Though a fyftcm uf order was Cdlily eilablimed, a nevr fyftem of tuition was ati other things and to this I found tnyfclf mcA uncx* eftedly and gradually advancing. * St. Augusta* 23.;. r&bfinntit i^ij. him. Should heibink fit to cont'inuc Ate generous and Laudable eteertiona ,tn promo- ling the interetks of fociety, he will, difrrve the gratitude: both of lht3 generation'and of the next. - - - Antoh. / ,.------------------ . 1 Telegraph^ D.'j)\jtch. A telegraphic mef- fagr maybe fent from London to Poitfrnouth* (73 miles) and an anlwer to it received ilfl 'o-vri intnree-quancraof atminute. A tele- graphic mefiage may be fe^t from London to FtytAouth, {z\C mike) and an anlwer to it rceiycd in town in ouc minute and three qrs. 1 at Iidttor bega leave to zpologi/.c \fo nis readers fo;- the badnef* tif his Ink, and af- luristiieni that the evil \"ill fooii be rime¬ dic J. - euargc r can/Or it, 1815 HdRnos. _-■ ATo. io FauNP Mii.f,.*, , .M a Amiuil e.-nVnre and reproach. ftrltC ar.d contention, fuller a pca^e'ui Quaker to con¬ tribute hw I'm dl mite towards promoting tlic wcliure of Aj community to which he IJo- Idn^s, ^ 1 was Siffhlv ntofeii to Tee ?n cue of fliv iite papers, I'libfirriptinis to the annum", ul ■ l,lt, Th? plan appcanSl a i«j to***- JhabitwW of the l«ck fcttlor*.-n.;, IKe fvilcrm of cducaliori Hrpok mc by .t» novcUy Mr.. Editor, $ I am a Tanner and Cunt*T by trade, aiid have abfgfiftock of Lc^tuerou hand, but can find uc ialc for it, owilijf to the quantity brought in h,y the Americans, who from the low price ot labour are enabled to fell cheap- ei trim v:e can ; therefore excludes us from tit-- rcarkrt—1 hm thofe very people, v.*!»o but the other day would hove rut our throats are allowed privileges, ivhicll they themfclvea are not di^pdfed to grant us ; tins is certainly being indulge it to our cofl, for ihe confe- qucuwewili be, that the leather manufac- tui'es of ;bis country mutt ceafe, and its in¬ habitants remain forever dependant on their ncighbourpjlhc Americans, for fltues to ihe.r i'eei, and fuddles for their horks ; alf:) all iinportailonsfrom the Moih'.r cn,ntry pi fhoei, bo.o and laddie:y- The Ann'Kcans f.ilu^evtfv part of the province w'th lltcfc articles frotn iheirown ManufattureSi Ought chid ot Ul rout the atiention of-'ov- emnicnt. and to -.11 forth the ttmtjjbt of the JtjjJflaturtj if any it ga8cJ&t.tdput a Hop W this evil. Thc^iive«iit.u:t of the Lov/er Provsace, taffi t^td, h-- adicd very diliVrei U 1% hdve Fact theiaou vheir vwu gtouud hv .„:i .. r * of Amcncan Man» •tKui'.'iu-* ' ■ - ijhi iutiij.owcr Caunda,amte equal to that bud on th- Nlanufactfirea of (Jrtat U itwf'i u-htjn btouclrt JntJ Ainerican Pous. Before t^\var if any of the G'.-iw I1;-)' 1 n nbcr^ « ;. our LegillaixirctweS as M-iTviUED—Hy the Re*. Mr. Officijl Stuart, ou Saturday the 2;^d int(. Mi. IJem jAMiN Sternes, Men.hant to MiCj Eliza¬ beth M.iVILLfc. On Sunday the i.jth :n(t. Henrt Si».«ts- BURY to M.4R** L.J MoHT.iGHE* DIED—?April 24. 1S14, at.Galway, ^ 2ed 102, Tlion.r.s Wilkiin, .M. IX many years Surgeon of the county cf GaKvay Itt- 1'imny. It 5n his arms the immortal WOLFE breathed .his laft, after Qjicbec on Notice. TUE fubfenber rcfof^fuHy fnfo:'m» iii* friends and the public that lie is altodt openjng a Store in front ul ihe new :-. ail^ houfe, where he will dr» Businefi on Commiffion Will buy and fell, , Store & Forward GOODS 'up cr down the River, W\]\ take in any ordertf.of any d^fcription iu- that line of bulinefs. .N. B. Perfons dcfirous of comrniiting con- fiKPnu-nts to hrs charge, may know the ratfifl of Horace and eommiiaon by calling at the newcommidion ftorec . JOHN DUNCAN. Kingfton, Dec 30, 1815. 30 • bad furrendcivd to hi.-; Maieftv* the 18th oi'Clctoberi 17; ajeuy's fbree^ The Scots Mti?a*ine. ■ • ■ The 9 and I was ticularly into Its flwrefiwe induce d to enquire p«- meiit> and demerits. Af- it. at Kingston^ r~$J t*&. iBTS* . AT a meeting (,f ihe OiTicets and Trus? tees of the Midland Diu;"nft School Society, held at ,tne Chu.rcH on Saturd;;« the 23d iuil. at which meeting were pufeut thel^efident, Secretary, Trtafurtr} and iLe fcHovving Truilccs, viz, , Mian MacLsan, Esq* thtnntis Mark land, Esq. i aurcmc.llercbmer, E^q- WUiiam Mitchell, Esf t foliocinp Keport of the motiei [a the'IVeufureiJa.Hands, .was laid before the Prefidcn! ::nd Tniilcc« by huai kuro'Rr . ... Of Monica received or! account ot the ituh* fiiipti »us to i!ie Midland Dillu'ct School Society* , From Joel Stone. Efq. for t Hizrct.£t MO The Rev. Thaddeus Ofgood'a j |a |f> Nolc of ha*id fur 5 (hare*, ( J .___^ _^ Currency, ^15:0 Nnff. The above /"zio was left with me V»y jocl Stony, Ll«. prrvjous 10 ;'he 3 & ft J ^ lv, and the note of hand wa* handed to toe by the Secretary f.r.ce that dat,^- » Kingstor. iSthDec. ♦SlJ. fStgfa} .U.C-fHQMiiON,. Treasurer M.J). 6". Society. The fubferiber has for fale, 2000 Pairs .. Worfted Hofe, ^ ell adapted for the army or na»y ; and a quality of ready made gentlemen's and lid& Great Co:«t8, . Lady's Bonnets* to-'i a few pairs Pantalcons and Veil*, and a . :: Small aiTortment of rj' Goods, And exge&9 a lar^e ?.fTi)rtment of CccSa from MoiHrcal every day, - : .. JOHN DUNCAN, . Kings/ont Dmember 30, iSte. -jctF Notice.. D • .■ FOR fale, the books of the J*WCTW€ Li- b»arj. , tor f/rms appiv tn rhe Printer. v.h*> I as in Lis peifeflian, a catalogue of the oooks- Kinrrfton, 28th December, 1815. 'jo. totee, fo wel! convinced ol the inpuio, .ty ol l^nodeoYeducation .Voove all others, now nrtclifml, that I dtOOght 1 WM from ti-ne fr .m it ard t^, n,:;kc a few extrae> traiifmit them to thee " Thea.uhorofU-^ v-oik, 3TW pi'Ojectoi Oi thcfchcnCW iiaaud Jrkph Lancdl-i^.v.a ^mmen^^th »>to*t ^jf&JZ C,corses ':;<lus. Scl-»L Berou-h R oad, ^.t.c account of U*.fmm 30u .Ort'C aC\.v;uiii ui »v-y-..... . ^ti.Gyear»'/9ft,nfcysth* ««'«•»/^ p^lda k»a>.»l fr? U.c aatwflftoft of pact children,{n ria'Hi^, wrltuiR.a.itbmette, an« ^knowledge of iteHahrfStn|»tu«»i ifcfl caJTdMn »«< taugl i at dK few ?««< « foa; per, ,,er w.xk. I b.c* sf >.o_ ...odes of. rjii.«mh.«,:'.:;.!!, to pfflftwe* and 1 Ib4 , Mritai fciowtedgc af thc^-' 1 tc, numocr of children i*«> «tcnd.-d the CW attha! liiw, wikft «»■» *w**Jf »*««**? and twenty. B4.'<«2 lin« cnp^e<rin flw 11.:- feofedacation,wishWH MberKy fi,n«k wlat experimcuM i pteafcd, £ foMtl « p..or .in'd'v.hoU- p-irmts %7c:r; nnabk to paj k m hidraftioo, 1 ga»c liJto <duca- •Jo., mii* This rl:.i". of ci.iidrr- macAA fomucl), thai ib<m tMrt? r';inKS v-crt' on- laebooksfl// f mMiw, iii a fliort ; ?nd i-. ii v.,v probable jio twofthOdrcn K-w l!ul then were "th'.r ftee feholnrs in trie fchbdl b.-lides ti>e!nf::"'-s. I attended the fdioolpeifimzl!-/, resaiiiiogOT aiBftw* It wsnot rniatteiidol wltn essence of wagep, »ai iaxe?, nam ird*, &c-. ^» ?'11C ««««* a.' 'jfing from ti.e pSyfcli .1 sr<i was mocll flt- UAA by ti c education t ga« ^ '" many» g^iN ^d as there wc,e (UU many mote ^ob- fc5i of 1mem*.«ce in the &hool a"J n«g^ wrhofid,! ;va«wioostofinaBnes?ed.«J. hichwouldcnablfl ">eio er.te.,1 top ■» ud by -i Ireitj we made with the •' nei'icad Govenimc"* t'Jme ):a,-s ajjo. t fear llial iws noui.u Jirft time they oannttrd ■arNc- (.<:••!jtv:s. Bu: .!!d =t the. AinerfdiiTttdo chre war agaiatt us« &rdy then that treat] mult be iitun «d. I am m P&!itician Mr. EdUot, bat I fear Lhlng* will «? mi > the ••'tr' way 1 h iwcvtsr will hop; .ortlfc sbci.J it acbn.'v fa tun .mi I will make the r..>ll .f my pi... : ltwk-j and '.hui turn w atirutiiT i'-<tr.r ot! w wa* to gain a liWtnj fjl' TTl^ fi:-/..l). ATA.ssr.a- Ert:^Ti'-^7.r 1 . . 1815. ■ Mk Editor, In your bit Ga4ctt*, I i'-.w an account >l a roeeting of the OflJ< '* i and 'fruilei. of the M. IX S. ooeiet: , ReW at the church Ort Qtt tSth in!l- and a notifcatlotj ot anotVi to beheld at tiU IVme p.-i-'e on t ., 23d i.^aju jfttlu Foiiwsrtjft! Ji:n;r;U.i;Si' appears, 1o hohuefs, • Native to thiSs:i«y#i ast.-r- fitaed, oiv! • ; '. > lift 1 ?•"' '^a ri'^rum ? SoPe,h.nvever, At -ie li-Wc, I It tlU! nvf.r - •mwii thdcoi. .-ers"-:- I cj ami I'P, ths d!iL.uh;c,l!uowu:n W Trejl..-; , wa) -in..vcd,a.-d lomc MMtaC ui «vhtf Lhty Uve don S*nfki »a Ma-)-n th* period « f tbiii vrcki t meeting, laid befow the pui> i,CTl;,toocv:d.:nt. IU r Lr, -'latevea rf, at trMudmeeiuY. t>- Tmjto ^ U piMriy aulhor'-fcd to collect ih. fub.cnp- ^wSouughtubc^^^^ Lntvthu* loll ^.k: what IhwU bTadaptta by the fthfcAm :^> ^over this C rtsfrnfr Jar, :.^5' Tliv following Rtfolutiona were alio pjs- ecd-j Ri-sahsd, tft»i,Tl'«at aft the Treafurer baa declined hitherto colleSingthe S\tbfcriptidn»j in couUt|urncc of a lefpoulibilitv appearing to him v\>;th relpecl to vetting the money at i'lccieft agreeably to the ad Kef.ihiiuKj of the 3 111 July, to remove th". ohjc^t'ou, l^e \$ \io\\ directed by the Pvefidentand Ttuftcco tti commence -he cidlect:on without .delay* and mak' thereon a moniW; repo.trothem. 2d. Thr.'t t'/'ci."- '■">•'■ ojpieM githe^ulM feripison o,apct be pViai -d for £hc figwtasca of tlU Inl.fciibcis. ..... • . ., jil Tliat [he Ofliecra and Trwtwra wM y. the Ch.nch on Fli Lty, tlw i-.'h day of iami.^iv. 18^, a the hm« of ? o'clock. WiUiara MeuilU. too Dollar: Rczoard. ~r^ SCAPED trotn fli^piiW to t% tav?ri XL of'gitons on TbeifSav night laft* B sillw,by wise, C)eon;e 5foung,ti»te oi the -ov.-nDupof Amdtafl nrg,vrtw) wa«cora- tniUed fot debt. Wbouvir wilt deliver the nei:.ioi.ed vi!X*au to the Kirtfrston. fijad V... npHLv fubferiber. informs the . people of ■^ Kingston that he has commenced >he Boot and Siioernahing t Bininefs 0:tr .he flore of Geo. H. Mac Lean ;■ Where x'V"t"' : ^""' ,,? trrftanf'y or hind Gentlcmeus Badtibap^d i..Uitar>- iioots. Long fuairovv d'» i do . ^° Wellington, do , Gentlemen's Rhe v/ax'd Ca.f SBm Morocco drefs pump* and Ihors br gen¬ tlemen. ,1, ■ *■* , And; Boot^and walking ir.oe* trnnmed mi the ncatcft minuet. MiiTc'iand children* (hoes. He pkdge« himlelf to thofe who are pleafcd to fa- or him «^h ri eir cuftom thaj jli wotlc Rfa4c tn his fhop ^liall be made- it iliAeli attJwiaU and ft-uihed m a fupertor nutflner, as he fe determmtd to keep tbs bctc - j.kmen he can employ. „-,-•. v, W LULlAM TRY AN. ^Tng^on, a^dDecemher, iS:-f. ;i ,iosrr OPPOSITE the Stent door of Mr. C M..nil, A Gold Fwgir*Ri7ign [braped ui the Vnfide [S] Whoever mav fiftd it and vv'^l return it to the Piintcr mall be r.:*rci(o;v,Cly rewarded. Kin^s-cnn, 2 Otl I«» 1815 • 2" For Sale, HU V»d <>; the ;-.)jv' AVETY v;:luab!ea»id p.eafan*-]? f.lua- t-u Tov n Lot. Tor tcrmo apply at C ialcr in lb*: o! % clttioii^d rc«a:i'. rjU entitled to t'-. ribiatt » del;- eYVofthe &ffie. this Ofi - ■ Dee, i. 3Qrf 2yih IXccmvet'i • SiJ- 3 SO A JKHKim Z>«- -N »*« vh il •:•«- ■.tfioi the infiituttQU. wkhottl aa ■bded n«f«iw, who -.wdi'y f^onocd my vic^.Thouv^Siur-c.oi U««ro«to« bum ; jud A-.a,..y Sicrvv.oftl-.r ! Ji^-hu-l Bo- rou8l Ybcy hnd' boon in tho {WtW nt ptying k puce t.. ovh ' fchool-mal'CHi Ms. Mi'-: • whotrt 1 clicvC for ll.L ahicatinn of h>ov. .-'..liaiti., flWy met with in their cmU-;*wis f> (rfj I prtteild on A :o to «Bt5J :ur.'J S 0„„nd humop pu.3- .A.d Jowo j -4 ^•^^an^^n.iupatncui.lvar ^ rnc WV. the ruWic arc not cmlv en- no'i:k:v.. Tli?. fub&ribers ra'.-e this method to iufwm ifceir iii.:r:>'js and late >:,-n."^-r 1 that »li accouirtl un'4notes d>:e tlic compau? yt" Yltwf o F<.r--ar<!, Aic tttth day of Feh> i..rv nest, Vj I be left In 'he handu o?ao at- rovfley far colledion. Therefore all jwlooa .udebttd to the fiid Tkirpis Porviavdj, are l.iiv.dtocail and make immediate payment -i'.hoittdelay.—iV. 27. 's'r 3° *~ijflAE into the enclofijieoftheiibfcri. I- ber about Sre wwhs «gu, a tt»w, and ft veadim; Bwll and Ikiler. The owner 6r owners aiempicll'-d to !»ove propcuy, pay h RICHARD ELLEJUJECS. Kif'gi LI. vrfons are hereby forbid nutting or carrying-off acy timber from Lot Nn. ro, in the cn*ccilio.. of Kingftm*, joinjntf to Mr. Oliver Thibodo's, on penalty kP MICH//ELDEDRKX. 27,v^t Klnvttn* Dec. 4, 1815. ion. »-j ISI ;q Wanted, TWO ur three Journeymen Tafl^T% who will find itcady etppto%mg&t by Jpplving to ' J()HNDAW30N,'iVibT. K'\n$itons Dec IC, l^rj. 2^f Tor sALtj "^ ,/f /e/n Barrels of excellent Prime Pork, Enquire at Mr Badgley's Tavcnfe KgQstcnUttcmhr «J, lb 15. 28 70

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