Kingston Gazette, December 23, 1815, page 4

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E- J. Henderson, A JD now op**nir.J» at his 8T&PE* f rcncr.-,! and i»sU eWti affottawu* m SOT143J • , - T;»c fiibfcribei r-ficcli'iiliv M*tttS itij f.iends and the puHlic, that he * M > Mamtfal m ■ tiitcrclb- D&Y COOT;:.;, GROCERIES, LIQUORS awl TIARDV/AlO'., ^/ 50, £ General AttofteieE£ or Drugs and Medicine: Aaeogft v/Ucl; arc Carr.i'Ur f K tt«i>*o«.Ju}y rtth. O/sitt/n ; ^/'y4j ; F/w. Sulphur ; C.W* &*a ; Godfrtfs C ■•'\7 I C'OVCf Efi, Pef tiktf, Wheat'*n i Uzh Chi ft S h ■ • ■ ••' Coif j P;th f Lti* Pilh, KwAer* Plllh :':' lie retunw his trafctgnecl adcflowicdgwtnM to chofe »ho have foifbeia% affofoc^him iuppcit, and hopes thut the new Firm will nftilt a continuance of iheir favours. As it a the fubfcriber*8 \yifh, t:> dole His f-umer luiihcfa as foon as pofiible, "be will thank ±o(c who are indebted to call and Milage their refpeeUvc accounts, H. C. THOMSON. Ufe nw Wnlk^s Hotel, xvheve ^ «u hand ho txtei6« affbrttnent of r*tii* * Rot&ui arttrf Kttapl Childt en's bell Beaver £/ ill n irgt I \ron-Cowimii!T ' ,-.*" ant) ; pU ei , wfe* may have «e .' '"< r iltd i.. f.e< -I. ., ( (%»;*£ ^V"'* toMnruG -v..:iu-nh-,:^>uv^^ pon :i--:111c. •:, to /Ikxandt? /-/7J^f;/E fujn»t imcmkni of the Departoiem f0rl2 i..^' the i.ew Settlers. Byir&rof H;sExceiW;;cvi)J(. P'ov,,.K»al Lieutenant Gct^ a i// i;. fc Robinson, &;.;; "1-OR o SA LE I Thewho! ot which h: wSI «fl ■- w ^,rtVl' CTcountry produce. A:.y order* iroa. :he -country, Will b«: punc-.utd'.y-utouied !*\ a.:i thank<*wdl be Fe&irflftl fof ifceic puftoiu- FOR "^All^ " "^ \r.ambc: C- To^i I.<ts n» a*, iht i':cncl Cbufcfi. Vy N reaibnable teFms, Lot No. 2a, m //^' 5iftft fioxc&rfm, Let No* £c> fe ft&tf 11/^ Concession. The whole &efag in ihe TownJhlp ofrtsm? do\'rn, fn the difrtiicl o'f Johnilowu. For pSrTictora enquire at the Afflce of ALLAN MCLEAN, Bfy* K'm^iuii> August 2 S, ; 8 I $. 12 IV lira* oi" payiiK-nt .viil he tpi!: caly. **• EABX- Kh^it.^^p.;. jj, l«J ^___^.....JO'cK NOTICE, LrU't. Polonel rr*rlE fiAIcrirttdm t-* I^ect. f olon.-I :tapmco: Maps, wk«*Jl W*JC ori^Cy i'^d ?'K'-*'.. ed 10 il#c vv ill ^t Five Guii c:hs, arc uof rpntinue to be rrcv.i-.cJ by l>!« i.^1 «w. J0ST RllCIMV^U, 1 ri.vr /•'-/< .S^i'? ^7- Tins Oisiss, IV/FH8TKR S SPEEUNG BOOKS, imfl'Rjft'S GRAMMAR* I .aft Notice. rf'Hi. utij '-»■ r • .l«<utj3 .-i that have u.) X'Ja7.!ct(n Spec. Kl-j. i*j prcfc"i tlicm d: - lv authenticated *•:■ L.;.icu or befoa* tJ. * 50th d.»y of XovcrrLer, 1S15, audruj l.njur. Alio a'l th *ft uicebte J to the ivA eftatc to m^j.kwr.cliaie!VaJ:nenr, or "shcy will Lcpv.t in the iaudi c»f «u attorn>> Jcv col- B. C SPENCER, Acitijn'tsiratw'. Kinjrftcn, 15th Nov. 1S15. 24I1*. h 7 ' Notice 4 .A. . Tti L u*lnc;ibci begi !env- to return hia moft fincere thanks to liist friends and FoStlc in gtner-i for their liberal fiipport, r.cquiiinrsihem he !ys no connexion wkh a- njupenuQ ;r* buhotu* ^ tncfe to wlioa he i;j idtbtedare requeued to fend in rheir ac¬ counts, and tl'ofe who are indebted to hii»j are defiicd to : rrmkc immeuitite ppymeut. No Pcrlon is autftoti&a by me to receive any accounts due to the prior concern. JOHN YOUNG. N. B. Any per Ton having gjfed merchant table Leef to difpofeof, will find market by applying tj the ilore of Me.Tis. Richard Smith and Son, Foi* Sale, VERY low for cafli, or moft kind^ of Country produce, three elegani wood- en clceks, warranted to keep good time, Enquire of Mr. Peter Van Sfirer ID Adol- phuilown oj of the fubferibefi C. MERRILL. Kingftcm, :5th Nov. 1815. 2^i£ wanted' A QUANTITY of got,! live GEESE FEATHERS, lor wh.vh a geritrooi price will be given. Engirt at (bis 0//' e> Kingston* August zz, i^jj. 1 r [Richard Smith & Son AVE SEVENTY BARRELS T A R. _AV^r/o», 2$//} JugH't, 1815. i->ff JOO Barrels SALT and • 2 -Tons Hard SOAP, For fait by the fi:bfcribers, very low fox Cask. RICH'D. SMITH & SON. Kington^ Syr. 30, 1815. \«ttf. p Store a very 'lichard Switii c^ oun OAVjE jnft opened at their NV-w AA OppcrfitetO ih- Pod Office-, i genera! aiibniiu'iit of GOODS, ComprillnE alf^oft erer? article in gentraJ demand, armartg wHcbare, Superfine «md Fine liroad Clotiis*; C';imH»ju. do Cuicc-'j, S.llcSIiawI^ Siik & Cott-.uand Commoti do Veil pattern. Glove , Sfe'gb and Ri-'i ;g Whipt,—Eiigliili Sjvldlc^ and lit idle*,— Pockrt book -. Lookine Glniies .1' DifR mi ! j'/.cs. Mli-'- (hoes ; Lady' .Mens IV-^r Cciflor, *»J owr.mou H%U* Cloves, Ilo!., Tape»j Bobbinj buttons, e\c. Al SO, Copper and Iron iVa Kettle^ Pots, B01I- lpT$f 1-JRud ircu*, Ciiddlc, (»iid T';-u. -t'.d Copi^.* Sauce Pans, • AND, /.' geiitfra! aifortjuent of Glafi & Crockery WARE.- Groceries & Liquors* Which they arc difpofed 10 fell attlie moll reduced prices for Cash or approved crVdit. Kingllon. Nrv. :^, 1315. . 2%tK WajntedT A young Lad about sixteen years of age, hi a Servant, to live in a final! family refidmg iu :he cotmirj/i Application to be made at this orliee. fc'.MMrfti, 'July gfr»jgf;fr . M HE suhscJibers will do CYr.imilliori Batinefc) and flare and forward GOODS ■ on t!ie moft i-'afuraWc-'teniu undc> tlw firm of SMITH y COOK, CYRUS SMITH. THOMAS COOK. Kingrlbify 2?//; Jfagiuf, 1815. izti UST received and for safe at the Printing Oitice, Ktigf- which they offer, Wholelale and Kctatl fcn Cafh as cta-ap as they can Ik jprnfaakA « Motitnal. N. B. Cafh paid for Beaver, Mu&«ftitai llaeoon Skins. Kingllon, 30th Oift. 1815- ^ -r. ^ NOTICE. Tfubferibers Etfbf&ftdly ittfima llM tiabitants of 3^:nglton and -s vi¬ cinity that the/ have entcy:d into a Co- Pnrtnciihip, in the praciice of Phytic and Sirtfery. All caHfl in die line of their pu?. fcffion will be putiitually attended to. Ti.ev keep alio on band a large anil com¬ plete aflortmtnt of DRUGS t& MEDfclNliS, Paints, Oil, Dye Woods, &c, &c. FAXCr GOODS, TP H •'• fabfcnfccr fnfotuM the Lai^j JL tvinglior. aad tts viciniiy, thM fej jultreceived and h«sfdr fcfctkmoHtttfc urc aflbi-tmtnt o'" Figured, T;vii'd h plain SILRSi Ever clfe ed fur Ole ir thu place, vbb idle or retail o;. rrodeTEtc terms. SAMU1SL AYlIItOYD. . T J » ton, 51 Reams Crown Wrapiurr Paper, 31 ditto Cap ditto 2 ditto Writing FoftNo. i, nhm It ditto ditto No. 2, 9 ditto ditto uncut. _____Jut? 11 ■ For Salfe at this OJEce, r A toutwitf fctivettdat Brockvillc, rjf- Zflhelhtuwn, April 27, iKij, being a day appointed tor a general thanksgiving in Up¬ per Canada ; for putting an end to tin- War la whi<.h we were engaged againft the Uni- ted Sates of America. TrocPicty,afourceof individual happi- neJs and national profperjty. By Wiliiam Smart, Minuter of the Gofpel, CBritalhjtrtfl the Lord. ThJbeshmMn /Itfcftp My yum, gfidopfift his rdgn. ALSO, THE CHURCH CstTECHISM. THE SUBSCRIBERS • HAVE FOR SALE, A OUANTLTY of Ve,v Excellent /\ IKENCJH BRANDY;_____WJ, ' thty*i"Il»eHclieuP for cadi. THOMAS MARKLAND*Co- \. 1'ijj" is a It of a lew of U.e ar The foilo HcleSJuft received. 141b. Arftnt Viv, ^4 do Acliraogy Cid> z<* lbs Blue Vitriol, t$ do AtTKattO, 4 do Aiienic Alb; ?. Cwt. Allum, y; Gallons .\lcchcl, 5c lbs Ghoi Aloes, Z'J 20 LOST about c%<« weefes Ciiccfcp Sacktts Harbor, TivolivtrauiA coloured poL.jcr DOG PUPPIES |4 come to the'r s^rowth, and ofalam !l^ 'O.ic paeea lflce an American bnrlttltf«fc ei has had hia rigitt c;*r cut off and fani 11 ' again . thq v«iwtr to the ramAofr- eumfsh 6c San<iir> fuppofeito have ^ brought to litis Jlde by fome of the lt*Sj 1* lbs Bolus A'mena, boatmen^—Any pcrfon whb c^jmif information .it the office of the Afft.:-. '- (I'.n. that vi-1 had to ih'Jir iccovcryW^ ha/tdt'omely i*.^raided. Kfngfton, Dec *. * rfif Ib» Kf:t;C Acid, 12 lbs Bay War, *ShV; BlStfc Lead, >.tlhs nalm.Socatilla;, 4 lbs CautJtarades* * IJ lb3 Chwcs, 1 C*vt Cort Aoiantt* 200 Dollars Rewd 0 lbs Balfntj Capcbj i $ lbs doCsfetri!Ia, 1 lb do Peru, jo !b» do Pern b'luv, j Il> do Su!ph:r, tolhs !d Winter, * ei Ib-i Borax, j 40 lb3 € > C; T; . 3 Cwr., f> lbs do %ngul(tit4 C^yanu C Vi^pcV ojial V;«tni!h, IOST on TlimfJay the MA l** f i!ierri tSerJretUof V&W*** ; Erneft Tom a •J ■ •• iC z' 3 50 His Ci.cta dbaf 10 lb: (Kl Rubra, 15 lb* Ciiiomel, jl Doz. Court Kafc, r:oi k Screiva^ rorbdnlc toot Ur.jvv'i Red Stitoa* ff-fate, 1' -.-"v' Ig "OV 1>.I ' : ■ * « 0 '* tin femt •> : tt<l! btte-j htoi5n --^ 2 Graft 0. v. IW!.| y.,,-pi,-,, l>rr Sftnjl*, f | " '" ..... ' ifaOowuft .to iln Guv, ■.,-£" ,-... ... L. .5 ,..,u*i*PT . ____i* .."1 /1 .1 \7 _ n- Ml •-' ' * ■■«■* Ml U- . . . : 2 ll»S CdW^gt, I do do z c.vfe viol Ci-rls,' Em*. Tare, rolbflCrocirtMa l:s, E.-ne'ry, 30V.M Crm, T.^rt, ', \%mt Vf ty}-t f\ I) ./.. Bottle*, C*. K!o , Cham, pliajlo Saulf, ho-., Ben 'i'h ...» Urtfti If owun, tli' it ^oin, <lo 2,1 nrt, f?ennd I'oi'cuh, 1.. lbs Gam &rroD$e« 12 Ib^ do 3tsfoetida, \z lbs doGuac, 6 lbs do MVrrlii C lbs do Gamboug-:, ^llji do Opii, 10 lbs do Minna, 11 lbs do Ivino, 6 lbs do ArraoDiac, King3 Yellow, Kaij L'owder, Lamp CiRck, Lcith Auif, , Lapis PumlsCj Aitwy Root, Lg, Qiiaflia* Lozcrtgea Tpt, Lemon candy, Lead Pefldlp, Li*nvn LnnccttSi * 1 I Ubl ejidphci. C Ib-Gum, f\ lbs do Copalj ^ lbs do GalbsaoflJi 4 lbs dn coh't, 5 lbs d » Sbelac, 1 Pack Gold t*& 2-c. lbs Glue, 4 ibscum Scaru'i.v, Ink l\>wd^9 t Fiotanc Indigo, Iciithyocnla, India Rubber. Mag, alba, Me**c, Cor. Cub, M.:ce, Miiflc, Rfaddcr, Maccuboy Si:uu, ^ Nut M&gg«, ! 14 Gal. Ol.'um Olivaf. 6 do/ liot. do Kicini, I lb t do Annis, t !b do Juniper, 4 Ibsdoamyg Dulc, • ri"0 " tng kiiowif, a-d rrcatures !i;wi ..,.,. J'ciu!-.- Jundi ft>»|«*j«Ktft •"- ^ j temp'tihg to pr.fs rfwfo frauji.A^ l«iJ^I»n.-.-e«J::d t.mi f0:-f, ,„„.; J> *c K'^stnn, tbtb Q'l. [Sir. b RkM3 S: Afr&i M&m* Deaiiirg under the name aod fii, / fcCuoifiFe& Co.- rcfpe&ft»H? iafciju ilicJr&'eodswidiwl k- ... g...K-al .that 'he.- have b'^ufi SufljJ*, an elegant nflbrtatMC rf ^ GOODS, Lip Salve, . ^ mauu 34 !bs PiK DutgunJy^.Velvrian, Jatmt Yellow, f cutenma, romctum, J Galantjalt, Paint fifltoar, ,1 t shl Rofin, ? cut Rad Centlati, Rotten Stone, 2o lbs do Give, fblvus Rhci, Jalafii, . do Specae, >u!I.. Rnfe Water, do Pink,' Sac, Give. Sac, Saturnfj Gemen, annhj f^perma S«lJf Syi ringes, .-ul, Niter, Refined, SenWF0ub)* ,li Tarter, Lsapo ciflllc, I Bbi Sal, G!aub, do Winder, /^ lbs Sal SccIJ, refiM Rofc So»p, Spirit* Nit:C Dole, SeaKhg ^Vax, ^ doTembinth, Tamarind?, <M do Vinit, Urinals, 8m&h ' j lumber, Nnd Paper, Wax balls {Wrp. V^rgJu, Verdigris. *^ 'field I PATENT MEDICRJf^, Anderfoo1?, Amitrlbn'*, 1 Honpcrs, J- Coi;s, J Baterr.nns Drops, Godfreys Cordial*, i BritifhOil, &C.&C &c. J vanetv..(olher articles, too mhmrnm t(' *'-".'"."'"anadvrtflfcmtnt. ?ll« "" and i"V R'r lhem(VlveS. Fn,.- CARLISIJ, ^lARKHAIvI. v lb Kinntlto tor Ufc. 7 lie goods having J^ ^jj byj m<aofel.ffc^ afe Bfeli worthy* ihe ^ «Or1 of tjwn a id cntlittry Ti-aden, batare too cxtenfjve to infeit in ail adftrt&o^ Purcbafcrfl ait rtr^tejled to jndie fcriM f^lvcR, try calling at Mr. Cafladay'i (be houir(btcly ocaipicJ by Mofei Ud^ a5 .-"> inru /|" K. MARofi^/LL, Surges, ulei .„ __ the liberty ofannoanciDg to tV.p-i. ic, that h< has tsdten Mr. linn's Haiife, v-hcie allcnlli in his line will Le nmuaikJjr attended to. Mr. M. has forfule, (bcfufcsagC'Jtfdif-' D*rtmeut of dru^ imported by liitnf"!?) W fvUou'ing patent medicine^ vi/,. liiniih'Oil, AiliierfiUl'i pfjfc, Godfrey^ Cordial, IJnxham'sTina. of Baric, Clrr'ltciiliaii BujtS, Opodeldoc, Paieyoric,' ' Cinnamon^ (rfn;;err NiMme^s, Tamarana^ Liquorice Roci. I-Jfence of BergamQti Do of Pcpperminr, l>. of RofWj \ l?-uclay's Itch Ointment J fuka X?ropS| Dutch Do. Turlington's Balfom odiu, Tooth brufnes,, Do. Powders, Court Pialler, Rofe Pink, ^v»ndfor So^p.

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