Kingston Gazette, December 23, 1815, page 3

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\\-i tlit bi'ic i m an uniform national cur- lialto every modification oi the fiumivcs, 1,'cinterest, the occur a is a prnper one for KCllKlIg lie sUcftTitt of eonjret'a to the rfStidipoitancc of catabMitng tbttuigtiont j^^ritfjrthe roads and eaiM.U which can fcftbefcwcu'ed under the naijpttal gtitliorjcy. (luobjc&wfthin il»o circle i>f political ecu- Bomrto richly repay the: expehfea bellowed tirtnetn; there *rc none, the utility of which amort iniivcfiatty a{eertafncd and acfcjiowl- :1mJi none tiiat do more honor to the tfo/. rrndieot, whole wife mddrtlargcd patriottfni du'y appreciates then. /v'or is there any country which prefcutg n field, wh re Nature i!)vit-N m'TC the irt oi fnui, 10 complete her own vvork Tor hi* free mimod?tton and bene- iit. Tliefc cf».:iideratbn9 arc strengthened roireovci by the political rJ.-dt of thefefaci- te fur intercoinnuuiicntioti, in bihiging & binding more cloudy together the wirings jHita 6f Cult extended confederacy. Whilst uV state;, individually, with a laudable cn- terprfetf«nd simulation, avail thernfctvea of their local advantage*, by netf toads, by na- tyable canal*, and by improving the streams fafceptibfc of navigation, the general jrov- c:nm.'iit».; the more urged to fur-liar under- raking^ fcqArHiig a optional jnrifdituon, and nltioniil rr.rif.a, by th^ pro f|; eft of thus lyf* tc!naiic?.Uy cOrople&ng fo inestimable a v^rk* And it wa hapoy Veikdjin, tint any defeft of constitutional aiiihcvi'V, which ntty be MCOtttttertfdfl c-in be fuppli-d fa h mode which jfecdnnttutioQ itfel* has provid 'At!) pointed iut. let ton* *-my oerm knowledge, during a thort ;c- KfisMtaS in the place. TW i'oove ire fuppnfrd to be part ** a gang now- ,„ tfe- p» rryrnb? (tint f6f con- Wence oi a harbour a.c chiefly in this ftb. oi a ve trici) the principal of whom is one Bdrn* ham, who defertcd to the enemy 'lining the !afr war for Irlo^y, abandoning conlidcrV.,"! [•oiTcffi >na which luvc fiftcc btai confiieau.h A character a£airdl whom there is the ftron- gclcpierumptive cvidcric; '■*■ being deeply erjfturincd in the eotintc/feMflf? wajf, tnakti UQ heiitalion in open*;,' avowing that thole u: n wimc coir.iniltc<l (j cranl " dafrined iiK- jiiitly, and 'hey (ftotild not rcmafri (IterctHree days/' and noCwhhib .d;;ijT th- grcitcil Vt{J- 'lancc Iwvitig be?n afcd Cm" the apwc!u*n* fion of the traitor Rnni! oni M.JIciy '* t = Iiad ihv' .:o;.iu..)r.i.U,- r'.rontcrv to ac- kuov.'ledge or boil ra'Jicr,that Itc harbour¬ ed iiirrJ ; nvi <:\\n there fcw* anv doubt that ha i-sat thia n:c':r.-.i: conceslinjj h-V.. >. it po.v :ibltM:uiL w have so !«•-•; ' ;t .viil reach ilu-tV '.va'thc^ ? Yoii .'••-i/ ' - *.' 'nn'fcd at this hut v/ili r- hi!: more !*o when Von .vc told lhat treaton is but a comrjion occ -- Fence here. TfiW 4$fc iv/allory !.;;3 been more than &nct auaigc^d for that enme, bi*t tew neqnitwd {I faUl-St to fay it) M br his T'>'in:v I" Once in i panfcuJar inan^er ho wa»fried at -he ftfllaia for damping the from the priipetty therein fnbj-d to the ;il-- jherfty of fclie general government. Such art $ttittft:nq duittia the patronage ctfConrfref^ Wa mnnvMrtrmtt of ihcir folieundc f.-*r the Jfancemcnt of linowleilge without \vh:;h wblelSoga of liberty cannot be Tnlly ta *r»y- '^tor iPripT preferred : as a m *del instiuc^ tweiiiilic fo-.-matioA of other C:mfaarie' j as ter aflonimrrieut of Hie court, and mexpreffl- ble mortjficati m uf cfrcry fntnld to hia ccun- tryr a vtTrdtd ofi; bot^mltyf' «a» returned by thefatrlotk fan I .MiiiJcr \,?s h?en co.n- conrncmc.-.i longer than thofernffiansconl3 H^^dUMirf p^-ptor,: as a *aS*m^^ c;nn,il tefiirtofyifiith and seiuui &*« ';v'-- •: pWol Iiitii CiMiriJiy, LHiTnfing on ih;r rtt- jani ;vnn;t ]tg ufibofe o;:tio!Ul tcrlino^thore "wwal (cui! uents, and ifcife eougenf^I ma-.t- *Ji wuicli contrrtiUh; tu CC&eut our imioffl 3!Ilig"vt 'r rwili tothe^iot noiicnul l.o. ^ofwhfeh !|:t» ?ithifciim^»io!.. fodouiigi^ cornmunicatinn, i onjrht 1,01 to repu-rKaiViiChility in svl>cU yoo &U .. i'..- T'l h LVMnVmUnjr Ir-nj. dtfitcc ^ wlneu w •'*" ttiaffw i tor it. iVbikl mV-1'1 p til-Hi's *.t inawhind ai -. hth-tr idei the dtitreflesof \v-ar,oi sthi^ijlinjt mother form** the United Stares a«e ir tlletranqnll enj »yniehi oi prof- ucrouiand hunoraWe peace- m r^vievriri^ {lie few cs tl»ro'a'.h winch it has. been attained vv.-iv rejoice in the proofs g-foen-c l'-'it# °«r political institution.;, F»i"iid..l in hliJT»Knri»hti -,.,! h imcd in tteai prcfcr«a*ioii am e<|ual to thefevtrcst imlioiuin, as well a^ adApted Id {lie ordinal v p*iii d- o! rep- »e. A-ti-.ritq iifthis^Kperiencc,aridoi ti ■' r^ptrtatW ac¬ me w vitl' ndvwfiiv qiiiicd by tlW An ettcan uin':;» on lie Ian.', 3nd on the water, the cation finds itftlf p«l ftifcd of a pv'w-wg rfaL-rt abvoad^ of ii jnffi wnfidmee i»i hffilt, wIh» 'i &remrit«ig ilk heft cledges fof tts pcaccFul r^eer. Under other- ftfjwftB of ou? cctinEiy, tlic nrrftigest featutV9 ItjflourifhhiK eondiucnare feet? inapopuia- •lonrar*ldly incrciun^, o:i a Urft aory as prod- Udive X* it :5 oteofivc ; in a gftitml inda»t—, and Fertile bibcsbIwi wftsch find Ihem amp • rewards, and sii at cfeitrirt te^e-lne, iih'cb s'lmitsa rtfdufiiunof *'h public burFhecs, mtlioil; wiih.h »v;inrr the means of fcttaiui rg Republic cr-.di:. *u graducjly dlfeharging Lncpuhtlc debt, g£ pn s Idinjg fcr 'he nrceiTiry dcicafive tfftd precautionary citarilffhmentftj -niiof patro.M7.injj, in everj ..ntir.^r cu r.;i;Je, Bftdcrtaktnga cr;io'»:cive t:: the aggre^^s}i and individual c*jc "o:t of our ci. It remains for* t! e guardfwis ofihe fatbli. 'wilrii . to per- vcre in thru Jus-.'icc andgt on will towards rther nation?, which invites f- ■um of thfifefemim< its Towards the Unft^ dcligi s ? Debiof-s evfn [lavs bee- Ifberati'd hy t"-;- IwirSvjwIl I H»vt ;t !i J f&tticc'tj tl « pio-ti- c tod "• "■- n ! Aftci all th:s.ih^# vid uwnlHiiefa other ^zgrii)\ ac^i rif lV.|i,;oM, where m.iv vA-nv : il fatejtj I fjave noj c«?- erove m^on-; !:•;-'; jt e r;;re1.i 'V- nay, ii.d pc '"' !t ?---'.: -v' i ih^cc pen I;.* no leg &ji*i n;-y :o txQ „!.•!•..! (rs fori.e pi'i'L—id tr hi\) v.- [ltd hi t, iti ftjeS a c^:V ofi, •V n ; "'-v-'M'-r',;I , ';i* M'v meiiib .rw Rtigtit l-a :. 1 m ted Vi the 1 .'^. . Ittotftt or thefe ui»gt?u-Ful Mtnftcfcw, «■'.. f< ,.J..r,c;n pr;tAicr-s in deli;!-.... oJ. :•., !.,w, are ;>■> .-..n-.i- filllv intended for &c ribfeHion ofuil gov- errn.ei.c and good or<Jet 5 }f|.?j| wt whoft lives luive been iV impttcith devoted H? tv\e carle of cur country—who have fo freclj foil¬ ed omi blood whith Hat* fcarcely done trtefe- l::iK frerti the U'.iiinds. in d^ftrnce >fthdfe tn- enttnaBU hiwi \* hich For went '«f patting irs* to execution an r^fiidcftrl iidV.««] of a bul¬ wark tbr proteftionj a men; nonentity,—■ S%U we, I (ay, fit u. ,eij and fce our i ib- eltjfi tint qloiio;i;l!Lt.:y wi,;rh o«n faihcra h.iTtiiy. vefyli.nUy Ccrnr.-i, ftrettcd frorn ii^ ano our law* tt.v pled ubon with fnipuiiit) • N'o I" '.ot [ v:lltot believe tluit Cj«?!adtHn3,\viHe\ i bu'fc fat detfctiertfted as to become the d^peaol X^emiicra y I et Uii tlien with one accord aroufc fvom kbit Lethargy and Sariiih thaiapailiy,wfitch muft r.!as,i)c' atknovflpdged t<| have be^n too lonj.; an inmate of ;bc nv-» ;3 rfcey in tins plac« and hy a dctertnincd vigilance roi • ont all who rcny dare macrtain *hnr. which »s flfrcGly OJ indircftly ppjodti ial to rooi »ti w in arsj wife cr::m:j«l t j His fttajelty's government, Tr.;-' \\ is iii.Iec:', and with due dcT . ;c 1 be> Isave to tiiggefi that the clvjj aaclmil- ty, without the alRfciice oFa oilitiry, *s ab- toluulv "ifujl-cifiu to enforce its Mandate* in tbup^ce ; and >nd«edwhdi \^c confide t i picUliar d Tad vantages urtder whice uc lcboUT in the l)iili;Ct pfNcIO CfllUe, U.*'.)' want m*" a milhaiy p"lt (wliicfh'fe not &c cair [•: a^fothei in the Prorrace*) wc fhaM net bsfiiSpriftd to ; *ul thedvil power &l!- sng^rt. nor willeverthai dignfty cfleuciai to a fcivil authority K- fnppo ted, have trio thirty of them proved, to the great injur) of morality and aproper execution df Ihcinofi falutary laws, without which Uber- *) becomes an empty name and government I mei c chlniera, . riONEST'Jo. ■For the Kingston Gametic* U I\OT.:iNG EXTENOATf, NOR SET DOWN AUGHT itf MALICE." By thN rilic, Mr. Editor, in my opinion * Gmtd who calls himfclf Honrfljt, id his h.fclurcs orl W. ilaudj coriue^med. How Fai the Littn- rnay -iefetve fbcll cutting re- j r »of, depends in fome tn« ?. "ure ;:pbn the "iri.y oulis ;nt:ntionsf $bict this rr-'ie^'- cr ha* fo u&jehAruahly ami Jextciouily diftdr- :_d wiili a " mi.tor'* of fych boWfcl'filJ vir- Itie aa to reflect at once the deeds of W. .»tt'J ht«*/7///V. It isperii^pS, hot fo \'rA\ to vhHi!ifcy;iT;;/v,rnvia| faults, U/ien they here refiheJ from ■» good ifecntldn \d\ in check- Ing the incorrcr't rum of tin* lengucge, tie feoft; itfelf loit. This rtvicpxr k *o eoivfufed in his eXpreffiorts as to 'cave us ahncfl in the d&i, <u.l:\h lie confiders the faAJe $& midnight. Yet he makes ule of the phrafe <: laYlarius [goorancc". Arid having let Himlelf up to jud^c for ev.Ty body, it miv be ■ foreign' to bis ' intentions^ to he oflcred 4s a public r.:r,n.-nuri* hi fomeofthoft ,-ery defects with m hich he by borrowed /!/;» ire ha« heaped upon ariothei. So a gentle¬ man; hispivdccejTtif fn irtipudencf. fet \i\m~ fclf upoi-cc' to be ffiotat, for the good ojh|* family ! Now Sir, does the w?(.?;»/\/?e//of IJ-j flyle, and the crrooeoof turn of h,i» languige comoenfite for the Uttemervefs of hi* invec- tivci ? As a critic he rtlay W furpn'fed .that NohoJv fhould return him a foiill part of that *' ai>r'.h°[a!iriS' fafeafol which he has fo" ^-«r;;w/7v'oelrowed upon the 4 elaboiate pro- dnetions' of \'v. It were fcd hi witlv:d I fancy, that his onvfi /p'Jt.tmen, was m<>re la- bobrcd; Nor can h? cafily irxev e himicit tor apr>ear;n^ in lo care Ids ?nd gr'fi a r.ian- oer befere iHerjub.ic, (lo rciilrJe tKejivdecu- i»n,l if indeed h: \va»capable ofanyo'hxr. And !e!ti-y himlelf upon ri (teeple to wfetf ?' lU:ir;^d«»L.s;; willi £/*:,.-//,<;."ciitks wi";h- * <>jt an., he (ItBtvg ;oi esnuiole of iirei.*. kecri- •i-.'s ot eve figliti c*en iTafufted by hi3glarSi CORfegRpONDKNTS. are under coofideiatlo, and will probAl, appear ;rl HUr next. - " KtNCSTONt «znd l)tc. 1015. x\T a meeting of fhfe Officers and IVte- lets of the Midland District School "or^ty, fee) Vat the Church on Monday thr 18th ir.- were prefent, the Pref.dent, Secretary, Trcafurcfj and the following Trustees i viz, Allan M'Lcar^Lfj. William Mitchdl, £fq. But as there was not a fufficient number of Ttustee3 preie^tto form a Quoriira, ?H^ rneetinj? was adjourned to jfattkday the 23d fast: when the Officers and Trustees are a- gain requested by th" Preficeut to attend hi the Church at the hour of ?-' o'clock. H WILLIAM MERRILL, Sccretan Masonic Festival. "pHE Festival oFSt. John the Divine, fc?Q x be celebrated by Lodge No. 6. A. Y. Mafous. on Wednefday the'27th instant, at Vv'alkerrs Hotel—Thofe brethren, divD :i"d Military who with to join In lue festiv..! of the day, WU pleafe Bgnifj? the km*, to Mi. rlouert Walker, on the a6th. By ordtrof the W, M. SAMUEL SHAW, - Sea\iar\ />/. tc\ 181c. For optics fitarpit need* 1 vytenj ( To fee Urhat is not to $£ dxiU" tf lie makes another ■ gh»U Uride,' nohl- fn«; up to dur virw, his ' fi.iflier1 p\iy upon ' ;.. :tdlogy*-=i* ditho^phtcal1—* plagiar- tfl —and : that'and ' this', he may pjflibly be il:JK-i.i.ubM [niln.M :.;• •>•<. H^forfU (" . cr with only one c}' and dcpicfiiuy Horn ' "fclf, ;is he fay:;, trhfetyrety tudeavoh to I;; "lent ;: bwjfi'.k ri;\fti!aiitm of the imrnor- tm IJlalr and Kafocs. But how rrjuchofthC ,/'•/.; is 1 >n ,*n ti»»v fiimfv attemps ! In the v ." full Hep he put* fcfee noun UfUBlta ■ ----- -- T»^ |-- *v **»^ >t .. fcA if or- m *** 00V toa$re<? »lth the veri. k jfradgft*— a j lu»*nViHi|; oi* i^fcuttes ^dicuicus, when ';"-. !ti htin argtjing that ' private dagger* °). luaith'is Letter than ' private d^go..; ot '• <\J\.* fintj- !*,e dafr^er i- the w;;-'r/ and ;'• ■• the principal ol hrciii. And i&chiscnt- V tfm ? With h.'a l common p^.' cxpres- 1 :us, S pi-teiiei cf %ja'wd jl,$i% he is de- ♦ived if he thinks to Know ri.ut \V. iV btt* '*r ilir.n I l-.nv -../o fe is. And by tiii.s il- : s«a| cfl-y ht has not frMwkknt&re* fet Ills ^f-puta* ion upon fo immo/fcMca baS« as he Who V. U I cate noc r nor dt I'.r-cr* rrj»,„* to Le":tit!c: to that II-tic ; p- thu». fo tttjuti&itiifix !f given,'by an dtt- •V Iron out, wN.-fc prr.ifc ftould be better lupttd W the end fn *icv?- A.;d f«.;r,e of def -Is fit which ihe ieview';r corriplidi $f .y be Ci/nfeqaent ilpon W*« nr.'h-ft c; ihe fi':;! rr.:' fr':n:"ig <»f ,i Iftur. 'i'1.1- rr;./V I iiuk mav find better rn.^i'Vcrcnt in crrr- "'.ciup iii? own Sjlc tlian in hooting frt '•ard v--.>ijs to r*pief» ai aTtcmpl fhut for ks : . -HlUim i ir ."evved well of th" j ublic' Af- 1 r a hu:\e . r% vc.v he cakes bieaCh i tftc loviuc darfc ieSi rail;. • Ui .:* Notice* ' For Sale, or to Lease, THAT valuable Farm in the town- Hup.of Adolph^s Trivfi, adjoining the village of Holland Ville, ovmed and formerly decu¬ pled by the f-ibfcriber. Pol'reflion of ihe premjlrs to be {JittU on the rir:r day rf rfprf^ Iftiti^dlfo* That valnabfr i:,i.n No! T», £to.ited and lying in thetownfrnp of I-'ied- ericL-bnrghaddiiicvial, containing zcoacie^ moi»: or lefs, together with a large and com¬ modious dwelling rlouiVj Bams,and alargs improvement thereon, formerly owned hj the late Ilaxleton Spencer, Efq. dfeeeafed: p^.Tcfnon alfo to be given on the fir^tday bf ALSO, Two Town Lots, . jying rtri the p'ofs street leading to the Fiihtii^ Oirye. and nearly opnoltte thereto, being lots No. tir, «mJ ic*.-and- ItlcewiTe Tev-ial Tnwr.Lr.ti :n il^e rear of die toWiiol Kington. Ki.ik ;•! which are lying on the road to I.r.ucr Ciri- ada, and orhels on the road leading to U:i« Bay oFQuiote. Chirks Stuart* Kingston, t%A t)ec. 1815. iq Tj ESPEC'I'FULLY acquaint tWir t\i friends and the public in general, 'li \ they have cornmchced Fhblic Houfi? Keep¬ ing, Stabling tor Koifes, and Lodging for Genilemen, with griod aecommodations. Kingston; 2^d Dec, :3ie. jc^tf. - . ( LOST, OPPOSITE the Storr <Jcor of Mr. t. Merrill, A Gold Finger Ring, itampcd inthtsnfidc fB.] Whoever rnay ond it Elvtd will fetnrn it tu the Printer fluil be !*andlom:dy rew^rd--d. Ktrlgstodj 20th Dec. i3tc. 29 Ma. ■A 3 For Sale, 7 «-?s :c ths latin ciufJtatt^ns, fo fcoh'C.I? -muvnted rtn*Thry do not come <9%Mt '*-- rdTo-.;: Lcl Forferoi«ipoljr a: ' is Or * L1,- : • iQtf 5&t« ; tocherjih inuiti:l«os which ^'ur.:n- tlie then1 fafetyand Uieh HocrUes, jcivil htjo iKv-aprorcr refpeS eommarrded, vrithout •digioos ; and :. fiomb'rs frifka IS - "■! fys- *'v^ awe Df a --;i!iit.:7 force in this quartet of Um of foreign commence, an ioiprovcmcat i Pmvlftcc. Whi: I have laid ie ntijta n^pert oftbe natural advantages, atid a ptotee5?on andestenlkrn o{ :ne independent refoi5rcea of ovr highly favored and happy eon trv. In all rncafiircS having fueh orjeits, my &ithful co-oper&t;cn will be pJirnded. JAMES MslDlcOZ Waihhmx, Decipher -,, rflic tne rrovn ©ere matter of fp-culation, but a cjnviclicn derived (rc*in exp-n'ei ce o.iV - -nor Can any thing Ik more Wf t5ien a -lcv,l,r/-'on of tl,e , T* rut caufe offitl thefe dtSu;banc*es i.> pc- 5 -laac to this Didr.v:. Having iu iiticrtimfi -.jinc'ilr.r.tion to cuter into a mlnutcdcbtl '"•"";"" V" . v -.....; : .- nr%JIS mvner of a BiyHovle, that wa* '• pcotap-a^u^m^ oftta " .. j^ jn|0 |hc r ;u of t! r rubferibef jnd i pedant ft%lq - « icrttf: ..- • ^a fi ^ h,vc 1: ;, hvorovj... the STsJg over the Pgnatvuew J v • . . ..• cl 1 - m ... feazetl^ *»f tho t/.i. iiiil; It he \\^tliijj- fl a '>wr carc^fe, he mufl ^yprcl 'Obe «: '• " a I Jr •Vrr^,'. Y \':j- {te has fpokcuoi, may pa& by '"'tii iii;:- the :;!le -rt'/W of comri". -. i-«'e, * 'hi:1 be y and paying neccfl^ty eh .•. {&« ?:in-V^, Dec. i2> 18:5. zz-jh-X ALL per funs havir.j c!i!ms against th? I'^atcof Kflberfc G.a'iam. Sen- *a;c ot d to prefent Kr^c.sTOK, Ci.cjm&rk ij7 18:; :...................,..... 1 c; lit KiaC iTct OAzl T?{ • e2 nKiuves nodoobt, cnroTtrn^ed emigra- - :i from ihz United 8UM< U* fcra»i«« to rciikftC^r accttBin portion .: the waflc liable to be called ■ fcor u; co»_,-.rsr, r:id by Ilia being 4»!'ll-d tn toe c:i:- may* eaftlj CA-mpt hi.ri *Vom che-charr^of the otheri, X.'ngsion, c:d Dec. if'15 -9 Dec iS r5 i.jih D<:c. iStj "Mr. Milks, Four men having been cornnnttto to ga..l in tr/i-.; I>,llrtc\ a few days iu c« on fav pu-.on of having p.dTed G->n«tterfcit Am y fi'ils, fjme of which v/cit found upon tlie;.. ^ni being (• #t, wi'h^UC ^--e^t rjftfoo^ *;nd<;r •Jinc'3 oftf* crawft. Ihe I ;•?«sm. Lom*. ADVCR'lISEMENT. BROKK into the Meadow of ti1-. fubi-ril-cr on the 29th c? Odobcr, i8i;,-'i t.J CO CO.^l. ti;,,.:'.ei- ■..ascl.crecej.iaclcotsgreat ma- lontvof thel- Bn«RaJ...U, Tor |.:t.», n....."*l KlclefottW-iiii4N»l.'» 1 ■Birw»t •■ -'■'. -, HJ i" rv - *H bay Mare. Tlic owner is requested to eowu On the tf* of N ,, hH at tne 40 M.le fo^ d wilhm;. dchy, and ^ hl, pI^- fcrcek, Niagara DM. S.ncerely rwn tted for ^ ^?; of ;he &Jiire> a:.. Ah Sfctfw C.wrttoif* J&ovcmeoicnt Printer, ,-, ft' ____ after a long and tingCTin^ illwxefi which he h ' hulian fortitude nru: refignst- bore v. • take her away. |. Franklin^

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