Kingston Gazette, December 23, 1815, page 2

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. ••■••#*••• POETRY. • # • • .«••»-*< *r. r (he Kingston Gn%ctt€* The Swiss Cowherd's Song in a Foreign 1 and. 09 phen shall Ivhit tlx. land /my birth* Tht I • tiest land w ifafau ythe with ■' When JjaU 11&os w*W«r of affection . ■// -., Oar/on u% vurjbun am$$ Oar hatrJei*- s*ur nwytltaiftx* Witt thepjhlr of pw mounUtinef the ^ I a Jure? 0. •:••/.'/: rMi / duntt on 'he daisy su&ft ■::-■'./, Jn ih shadt *>/an e!ms to tht"soana »j tk - ed When shall I return . il. .* L : !,• I '.'. ;., Vhere all myjand object* ofttnt&mtw mfet,— The knits and tht heifirA that Jv/Uw my ealtt My father^ my mother* /,•!,' "r, my brothsr,, j idear hakllai tntjnj if them a$ ' 3 wlen shut! I vhH tht land of wj Utth % • -T>r :hc JcrXis;,':irJcn tit/act ->J h earth PETER ENIGMA. +-*$he$Uove a pthtfjhtyf thread) Of , "Li.; nirj/lfig t/.any tthue ; Oj :-xttr: int., as Summer'* Chndt Bi-rtririL'l'd <fer with mffll'ni? </Va\ The piece srasj'rmti of *\M-y rj fvttt* Now hopi dL?t'r.y\L fi'<L> t!*>i;'t .';;.! ;'.iTt Neath wrought •::;."' hurnl'h>dgjd> Andhemm\f ruiih ftiy*s ttlent teat* U'uh smiles offom the i\h& i ere sk.u. /, Tie <tei«/t r.'w/iv mj'Uitsc tht tyr< Tht zrji.\ t'tcJuwert mUilrStded— —She 4bove—the auto—and L^ fJa *&»« Government Contra J, O E R 30N?? defiraus iaF on' r ltt&g *jx TRANSPORT 01 Boards & Plank, From Cadanoone ro Kingfton, arc retjoeftj J M fend then propuult toihi* cilice wjJ:,jt Jtudc'irabl- thn;aTI ren!:rs Ihould cx- •ii'fi iK1 *;if per thou land icti 'board mcaf- jof !;f whxll jb* f.^.:ii-3 ait; v. Iling to tOi trafi Thr fcrvtcf • totommracc a*foots ■»" if' winter ruach «ii io roi-fncd ai iy admit t Slofghs travel ling. C.•mfr.jif,u0:t Qfffc 9 2o(f K'm^stsn i \ih Deeanb\rt iX|j, C \ 8 11 Jjld the highest price paid for AND . ( Ops; c As also for At the- old Brcvvery of James Robinson^ By ROBINSON h JILLESPIK. * Fw* SsJe as above, a quantity of • Excellent STPOxNG BEER. Kingston* j}r-ember \:t 1815. 2R/>" ALL pcrfot,. are herrby fbrhfel cutting creanying off any timber from Lot Nq. 19, inrh<;*ilrlt concefliou of Kingflv.n, joininjr to Mr. Oliver Thibodo'a, on penalty tit bu'iig pr.jfetuted. MICHAEL DEDR1CK. Kiji£SKnt Dec. 4, 1845. i/Wf . Wanted, *y*WC -jr three Journcymei, Tauor^ ;viio will find Heady ccnployroent: by applying to * JOHN DAWSON; Tailcr. FOR SALE, tf^« Barrels ofixcelknt rnme Poivk. En ^ «: 1 Mr J5iJ^*oy 's tavern. FiiOM rS£ UNITED STA'l ES. «ot,rhe «aff oflicm who la« InAeita :^ cxrlievcu, be a tcni|)<irary • • • ■ - . ••'*••• PR£SU)£HTA8 MESSAOX* ■ * • Jntow the National ftde/Sgenceft Exit '• This day, ait : s o'clock, the PklMclK (,f the United Stat**, tTansmitudto Hou" f« of CorgreL, rV Fallowing Mcffag^j ^7 Mr. Todd, hiu 3tcrcia»y ; Fellow Crthtth iftie &iwie> and of the fj'*f uj Representative* ; , I have i\\e utistadioii, on oar -v*-rnt meeting, of bdog abk \o commuri'caf-' to you the fttcceuTuI teicainaiiou of the XVir which had been commenced Sgafnft the j "u ted Statesby ih." Regency of Algiers. •'-c (quaJr n in advance, on ihr.t Tervi-.e, ilHOW Commodore Decatur, l>(l not a momc,:ai" ter its arrival in the Medittcrranean, iu iutk" ing the naval fon<- of the *neiny. then <-UIfJ- mg in that !ea, :ind fncceeded in capti' mo two of lu\ (hipa, one of :hern th.r prinSPa* lliip, commanded hy the //lgerio< adinir;*1*""* Tliefetgh ckOT&cr'ol the Amcrfcan ":i' mandcr was brilliantly tnll-mied oil the °-* cafion, whfch brought hi» own ilnp :a° clofe actio 1 vritb that of hisadvetCwy, as was tht accuftomed gallantry of all the offi';<:rs and tr.trn actually engaged. Having pi ?a* red the ivay by shw demonftration o£ .*\ii5jr" J/;an flcill and prowcn, he battened to l " j^ort of A-lgier*, wh rr peace waa promp 3 yielded to his victorious force, in the r :.':n.i' iiipulatcd, the rights and honor oi ih" ■ ni" ted States were particularly cor.fuhed, I ^ 3 j .petual relincjwluHmen^on the part of ut l^ey. o^allpretenfionsto tribute from iW**1* The uh^refliona which have thus been »H"!" ' ftrengthened*s they ^ill haw. hceisbv c fcqaent tranfactions with the re^ei.riv r,i Tunis and Tripoli, by the appearand eof 4 *i- iargcr force which followed under Com^lt'" dure Bainbndge, thechjrf in commatid <y* thtfexpcdi:ioD>ar.d by the judicioua pr&t**1* tin our cunirr.cice which p the Bafbary cruifera. It i$ anotbei" fiiarci of fall fo&ion jhas treaty of peace with Gr. al Britaii hut tce:i iucceeded by a convention on the jfiljcct ' r commerce, concluded hy tlie plempotit*,a" rieS rffthe two countries. In tiiis teful difpofitioa in mjtnifeftcdonthe sart r»I :',a^ nation corrclpcpding w>iti tlieCifpofitiori Cl the fTnitcd Stan -t which, it may ;a* inj ' will be improved into :il)."-*l w'an;vn: "^ on other lulucf.i?, 011 winch th * two pttui = bi«e mutual mtercfts, 01 which rtiiffht f dao- ger their future harmon;. Con,.;\f; <W1I decide oil the expediency ofptojaoi^ng I >£n a fcqud, by giving effect to the rnc/fun ot confining tht; Amttfean narrgation to Am¬ erican feafnen ; a meafme vrhich, «it Che fame citac :':3t it mtgla: have thatcu'u ilia'"1""/ tendency woidd have the'fanrthet advantage of iuc'cahng the independence of our iiavi- jation, and the rcibincciof our ma-iiirr dii- Iii-' conformity m\h the articles of tlic treaty of Ghent, relating |« the lndvn?i *? well a$ with a view to the tfanqutlfty of ani •reitem and nonhweft*rn frwiticrf,. mea"ircs vyeretaJttn to el^blifh an immedi.uv ptfacc with th« feveral tribes who hud been engrfged In hdfliHci'cs againfi die tinned St*!**?' Such ol them ?■$ veeic": rnyited to Dctioii ac- •eded readilj to a renewal of ihr. former '!C> Lies of fncndih-'p. Qt tht other tnhes K'-bo were invited to a Itetion on the MifSiflipf ,"*' greater i.u^ber have alio accepted the j.-a*c oiured to them. The relidu-, cci;iiUin^ <:r the mcjftdiftatft tribes or parts of tnlies, r,> main to be brought over by further expI3na" tions, or by foch other means as may be s" dsptod to thedifpofition th«y may 6*)*% dilclofc. The Indian tribes within and borde!:rili on our (bnthern frontier, whom a cruel W on their part had compelled us to chattif? |fi- to peace, have latterly ihowr. a reftlefei cls» which has calied for preparatory mealP**9 for reprf fTmg it, arid for proiedin.r tlie corn" miffioners engaged m eariying the tetml °^ '!ie peace into execution. l^pmviii.uallyntained. « alio iceom- » helmed,bca tettWjr^.,^ ■ mended to the consideration of CaujjreP* they can beagain rci Wife e:(dj In tVperforrtanceof the executive duty up- u u of exrhan :,, It devolve mnk . J ■ ( ...............' ofCowrtMo p -.vuie a EbUtki 2 fliall tHna!lyenga{;ctliccfln<ideiifi , ^j'^ on tht* cccsfion, the* ha? nor been wwimna a -nil kaiihiluv to tn« nwritt uf the A:;.- ri- cao armrduruie the late war; but thcob- ",J" ch»w) t,,^-;^ ott-'iueue. sad ar commodate ih v^nts ufthe riti*e«ti ^.V ontthcooioa tftb-.-p. ,»ii*ii4a»fai vioua*olicv and defign in fixing an efficient out the u.i:., ir tk 7p ,llf)u ,, .f;r s military peace etlabl'ihment, did not allwd Banks can iflt produce i\„ refalt, i!Kpr^' an ..ppornmitvto di%Agtn(b the anu bjc op .tior. oj t\x Xr.Mnn| BaArtft^, inBrrt, on account of their paR fervJres ; 11 ■■- r CO I'lde. it...n -( :,,!, if neitL-. of ^ ITie execution of the z& fot fixing *'* military peace eftablifimieut, has been aifcn' ded witlj difficulties wfalcli even dosveari L'n* ly be overcome by Iegifla4ive aid, THS ^ legion of officers ^ the paym.ent and && cjtargc of the troops enljfted for the \ iir » he paymentol the rewtned troops, and r^e,r reunion from drtacfjed Uaticns ; the co/'ec- tiou andfecutity of the public property * the quatter.mafter, comm.'iTary, and ordi >:c- departments; and the cc-i!lnnt medicaf af" fifiance required ftl the boipJtala and r.a,Ti* fon»i rendered a Bomplcte e?cecoUon of A< ucr itfipraSi&afcfeea Ibe firft of May, th<FPc* rioii more immediately cunte'njplatcd. ^ toon however a* cucumftances would Per" mic, and as far as it ha^ becn prfl^icable, on' fiflentfa with the public intcreftfl, the reri,;c- tionof the army has been accomplished ; bl,t ..... _........x the .ippropriatfOuafor us pay, and £,; #tt flcf?f°%i the meafure-i ,,f the moft liheraVpo' branches of tnemilitoyfe?*fecJ»aviW rPr°- *^S but v/ill, a"lu), jullifyan immediate aia ycd inadequate r.^c earlieft attention (J ;:^- K«#jta of the btfrthen, Roofed bv ihe fie- ^"bj-a wiM be nrcefTary i and thr exPct»N- celliu% of the *w. It w, Aowcvcr, effen- an <.pportunHv to oowng mfirrt, on account of their pa(l fences ; tr - the .voundolauddiiaWcd, bn account 01 their prefent lutferingn. Tht extent ot lh<2 rrdnftion indeed unavoidably involved the cxclufion of the many meritorious ofltc r of every tank, from thcfcrvicC of the:: coutitr;. ; and loequd!. aswejjas fo numerous thcclaim^to attention, that a decilwn In th.' ftund ird of comparative nient. could fcl don be attained. Judged, however, in ex * dot, by a pcneral rwndaid of p fitiw merit, the Army Regiftet v. ill, it is bilfeved, do honor to the eftablilhment; while the cafe of thofe offierrs, whofe names are not incla- ded^dc^ttjves, urn th« ttronwtt ifjtcreft, up-'- theJigiilato'e j.ithority,for inch pro- viurn as (hail be deemed the hell calculated to give fu^port c-ij fblace £0 tiu ,tnd invalid ; todifplay the b< ehcience, as wellnsthejuSice o£ the government} and to itVfphe a martial zcatfoi the public nr- vice, upon -very futnfc emergency* although the embarmfltntyita arifmg from thewaiuiffln unifui"^-. national currency, have not been diriijiiiil'.d }f\ re the 8'3]0»*TO- , mei: uf Congrefe, great &•■ ifii&i m h«ia been derived, in contemplating fh'_- rcvK-alofthc pubuc credit, and the efficiency of the pub¬ lic rcfources. The receipts into 'he Lrcftftx« ry, from toe various branches oi revenue, during t!;e nine month?, ending >/n the joth Septembfr la,."\ itave been efttraated 'it twelve rallliona and a hall of dollars; thfe iflMc* »f Trmf:i.-y ]«• tea ofctety denoroina* t.on, during th< 1 -mc period amounted to the ! im ■.; fourteen miliums of dollars ; an 1 luerv *v;;i al»o -,l f»«d npoii loan during the lame pcri«il,a fum of nine mfl!i«Tia of dol- u* ; oc which the ft >n uf&c tniJIronfiof A !- iaia ivg fnhfc^ibvd in caln. ni ! the fum of tfiK-c mOtions nl dollars jn JTrcafury NoteJ. WUh tfi* • n-y il)::, !fi 1 »n the fum of otr: milbo, and a lialf of dotbttj bcir.g the bal¬ ance ofmoii y \h th wifuiy mi the iii of Jannury, Th tc lias been paid, between tiic f!t Jnnuary and the iff of Q^q|ier« on Ktco!>nt tht1 "ippn-f«Jations o' f1 • preceding a»>d rht prelei . :«'»;-, restclu vely »•» cite treafusy notes iuNfcribed to tin. lout a id the amount r. •;o.*uv •' [f 1 thr p ', - mini ol dniMri 3»id tar.v.s) the ajftcrcg-ite !'*ni of iluiM- three mil!tuna-isnd a farf of doll^'j, J^avrng a I-jUmce then iu the Tretffory It- matedflt the fttm of thr;c millions of doU lai9. Jnd. dendent, how.-ver, of the arrest ■t£cs die for military terviccs and fypplics; it is p'df'imed i^^t a further iuin of nvv tu'i- lion of dollars, deluding the intefeii on tbc public dtbc, payauir on the firft of January next, will be demanded a: the nvjiury tj Complete the CXpenditn eof fhe p»';feut year- and for which the <;\i(- ing ways and means will f'ltiuKiHly pn-vide. The national debt a-* tt wis a-e-riaincd on fhefitlTof October^ laU, a.'^ount'-d ;u th? n'liole to the ftiftJ Or one hundred and twenty Biiljiona of dollara, coniiititsg of the unre¬ deemed balance *>! the debt enntraiied before the late war, thirty-nine millions of dollars, the a«notmt of the funded debt contiae^ed in couk^jiRuce of the war/ (Ji»£y-fouTi millions of dollars,) and the amount of the unfunded mid ilo:ttintrdcbt, ('including the vfriona il- luco of tixafury no^f* } feveni.cen millions of dollars, which 1*3 in a gradual courfe of par* incur. There will, probably,be fome addi¬ tion ro :he public debt, upon the liquidation of various claims, which are depending ; and s conciliatory difpofition on tlie part of CongtefsniJsy lead honorably and idvanteg.*- onfly to an euuitnbo. arrangement of tlie nu- lifia evpeuces, incunde by tljefeveral St2>c* without the previous hurt ion cr authority of Che U. S But, when it iscomidcred that the new, a? vx)\ Fst!ic old portion of the debt has been contracted h\ the a/Fertton of the natiouti rights and independence j and when it is recollected, that the public expenditures not being e^dntivrly beftowed upon (m!> iccls -jf a tranficitt nature, will long be vilible |n Hi? number and equipments of the Amer¬ ican navy, in the military .Works for the de¬ fence of our harboi.Ts and our frontier*, and In the (applies of our arfenals and majr i/incs, the amount will bear a gratifying tO'iip.v.i* foa with the objects whicl: uaVc heKn attain* ed, as well zs wfth the relburces of the coun- try. . The arrangement of fte ffn^nces, with ft view to ih£ receipts mI expeoditm*es of a peJ-manent peace escabliilvnent, will neevtia- nly enter into tlie deliberations of Cnngrcft dhringthc>refentfefliofl. It h true "that expedients u^: kerned cftcaual, it ttfy bf cometiecefuj - to u&ertain the tenm iipoa which ' notes of the govenntet, (^ IonifU re futrtfd its an tnftttfme<il uf cretjitl r a\[ be "* icdi upon motives of - rtcral puj, ; -, an a common medium afctrcahtion. jJocwhlabrnKng die !-canty for futar?, which the United State.* ought 11 find m their love \ f peace, and thdrcoalbai refpeel for tha rights of othtSr natwaa, \h chara er >: th< t3mea paft'ejlavlj incJ. c-ate-i the !clfij:i, that, whethci to prevent or repel danger, we ou^ht not to ba nopreu* d for it- This eonfidetation will fufBcieri*, Jy rccoin:rIend to Congrehalih^nl|iroviilc-i for the Entmediate estenBon, antl gtr^uj complctfoti of the works nf defeicc, both de¬ ed and floating, on our man&iic frontier; and an adequate proyifton For gturding our iulum! noi.tter, agaiffft dan^c-rs to wliich c*; -fain portions Ot ft Cflaj eotttUTJ: tobcei- As an (r tf^nWW M ' toitftajy«» 1 fh-nejft, •■ ill del .iK-<<».niyrati»!»cf Congi ■ u thei .corps itfJbnKdt ng,;' ,« fii orn-nii/.eti wrd rmplpyed, a * onc-^aiJ ktJu f.rpport i fieritofiuin^ d . •■>)<> tftbdri '"■ :-zc >7 l:]fimm' .■iii,ti«C:. "^ ?! lT)i;ih«<tot,B^WF ferrctotli pjBSci ^ be^fu oftntrfij- ttonaiy fervie* ;, andcftheiretetupurj of the roiiltary aeadeww, ;t)r.'dJy tfcP«i ani the c«iab1iflim^ ofoHicW in dW;» ti«M«ftbaWitw. A,Ulc3n:-7^" much on tie *tt$w I ^.p^'S the. sMhlritlrtflfdaW^lfft^Ji Ik- - -...■..■4l«] i'.- -n t!u ^/»!»:"!% ^. for;::. With M*fuly^* "33 * Thefignai ferviosa which have b«i iercd by ^r navy, and the cSpsffcte j. J develouci fprlnccefsful co.o«—ar;nn ., Cou^ru, a: an epo-i which calls for th. ui.tnt v^Ian.-eofall ^0^^... T c- the improved cooditfo-i 6f the public IWC. nuewii! „ot only a«brd the means of main- tafiflftg the fa;tiiof the snvomment with it* cred.tor, i,ivioh;e, at:d of profecutin^, ^ prercrve the fl :ps <.w m a f:.und ft^. .„ C?imp!e^ thofe -ilreauv c»nte:np!«rf ."JJ provfde amnly t^eunp^ifn.biemsterial/fo, prompt au^mentatioMj and to jmpro^ Ac ex!ji,'ug are.u7ge,wU5 Setta advaa'ap. oris elUUIi'hmcntp, for the conftnidiooiX repairs, and the [econty of ?ei&h of war, it dictated bv thefoundeft policy. I.i atyniling t!»e duties on i.aporti, to the obje-a of revenue, the influence: of (he uri on, jMtttff&dttass, vuilnceeltariiy prefent iu {elf for confidcrction- However wife the fl-eory may be, which leave* to thefagacity and fnterelt of indivij i:t(s th: application fif their tuduftry and rrfo;ireesf there are in ih aR in other oafet, cxcepCtons to the general inle. BcuJesthe condilitin '.chicbthc tk. ory ttfelMmplieSj of a ri-dorccal adopts: bf Other nali(7U5 experience trachea that fo many circumltnuces mult occur in intrafr cing and maturing the manufacturing ete lifninencs, ffpecially of the more cdcipli» ted (curds, that? country rr,iy remain bf without them although funicicatlyadvaucec, and in feme refpefts ctfen peculiarlyitteoi carrymff thern on with fuercU. Under pt tumllance^ ffivru^ a pcvvcrjmirnpulietorafr ufaftnring indui'try, it has m.ideamorg«1 protrrcf:, and txhibircd sn cftJcncT. W*P jullify th-. belief, rfufi with .1 protectionis* more than is due to thce:KeryoV,in^citircti ivhofc interctts are now at flake, it will fc come, at an earl/ day, noc only fafc spall accafional competition from abfoad, huts f mrc< of domeftic wealth. a«d even of d» In (&&Ug the fcsw&fl more pfpccially cnlttW to chepobk paw naire, a preferonce ia obvioufly claimed lj fucll as will relieve tlte United States Ml dependence era iW^n hpi^h W^ tocafual failures, for articles neccflary J the public defence, or eo.nne^d "J^J primary wants nf|tidividu;ak It *«i,e^ additional teeommenJ^iuH of P*Jg ma/.aif'ftclures. tvltcrci the materials wr are AttenRycJy drawkiW;«r ^" " S andconlequentlv in.prt and cnRirc 1 r ' « 1 xAi#»ritv and i"101 grot Hi*d »f««HHfJJ cmoi f)cr»lc..;.c, an mcmjr4««"cnl Rif IcffKl ri .t'k'J. 1 . .1,-uK JLaftng riiJ«B;ans j»f*l'«'«"«weF

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