Kingston Gazette, December 23, 1815, page 1

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[SATURDAY, ftac&Mass 23, 1815.] ' * ,.- - - T— [VOLUME V------No. 99.] ^, UPP^CMiASu^ltoT^ AK3 PtoHtt DY raSs MILES.-?*** Fa*R * iW-_iWC3XJL^ llars wsr Annum. ..... ' PW \j % It ,K C^Pxick—Fo:'/: JJOZCWKS per Aomin, ' ^^ ■* **^«J " ' UPPER CANADA. George the Third, by the Grace of God, infmion, and Zt/. per line every incceeding iofemon. Adveitiremerfsiinnccnmpnnicd with writ¬ ten dirrctiW. ;ite inicrtiai till, and charged accordingly* r^a-rwK.T^ '-"isa- * **-** To be Let, pOU one year or morfc/tka ore half of lot No 14, and pnrt a'f No 1 J, joining the Catawxjtie, i> thrthft toKeeffion <if Jvtugftan with u foul! c-inverWHt frame kotife and ll.v blr thereon, au3 barn ton m* Inquire of the lubfcribcr en the nrcftdfes. .; • Thrtmia Graham. Kingfio^, rjth Nov. 18-15- 24rf. Stolen, I?ROM out Q$ the t'v.b'criSera t3rri:vge» ■L ftandiag in hii 8:bY, a Ve-i.t!an !3lir.d. Billed p»Vet>, framed 5o ta^hajjony, "•^•.il'fprlso- I >ck. -Whoever will f-iw isi- iirmatioii whsrti it nn\ b. u.'.uv! rill bo Mfdfoifiety reward.--! bv JO LIN FEltGUSOtf JCingstit;, Ai^uit i, iSig. __^_ 6ti'_ FOR SAllfe, A FgfF ELEGANT .-.uTinted to keep good time— nquirc * this ofike. »m-need, held,.called an< or the Indians in rfefcncc of the IWceVall ^^ Md W *^fer3S *hicl1.'cliuV.i.s, p-opeWy authenticated mast ffHm.Q ORkEriNG. . • be tranfmitted to the Governor's Of^ u, uli\ t ^.^T ««•»> li.e, before the a.] d:.v otfttmttry ** =c- fTffft ft S» ^£ °|Nf «*|«&J by a «r,ific*Vl«t the d&* Jg J* ""-S^ St« b-< ?,"J *& *■ ■* has KKfod no ewipcaf^n whatever, for '^ £*£ ^T? "^f* ^ ft?9®* toy pmbf-the bfVSLi in fiiscfefn^ SaaSS, l a,"?'nent' * the Twenty \\r\T triTimT eighth d.'.)-ofthisprelei.t tnonth 01 at Nov'r. . . VVAL HAL 1 ON, Wh.chtimeatottrtowt.ofYork.youwereheld S7^AJ Secretary. tod cct:!lraiVd to ap-ear. But WE, taking i^ ^, | ' * (ir.tocor Royal oniidera'.ion, the eafe~ and ' fOr oalC, 'convemanfie of onr bmug iVojeas, hale r, r .. . thought fit bv and with the advice of our ■ 0.rr«fonaWe terms,. e,tfcati,e ^^^ M ^j^ ^ and each 2^ OCtt iiCaVV «r y«'J. "C yur attendance at the time a- tt Have just rjjcieved a genera:. A6J0RTMKNT OF Dry Goods AND ;. Groceries : u DUTCH HARNESS. A. MEfCALK SiagtloD, 4tb Dec. 1815:. 2 7tf. For Sale. THE Body cf a Covered Slci-h, cuJiAruS^d td aafwer r-coa aay double -aVLSO, A double SM&bj Iron Shod) n.ade the taily part of i;rit winter. 2r;v;l Appl^to ^r Miles. fordaid; bereby convoking, and by thefc prcfetiCG enjortitn^you and e.:cS of you,.that on the fitch day of lanoary next you nx-ct 03 in <»»r Provincial Parliamei.t, at-onr town of York, there to take iftto cotta&fjtEMKutta (tatc ind welfare of our fa id Province of Upper Canada, and therein to ^ do a. may fceni necrlta'-v. Herein fai! not. In teTiimony whereof, we have eaufe4 theft caw Letters to" be made patA"Lf and the j^'t S*>ai ofour (aid Province a 1 _-a> _ _______ m AmbUS which ate the fc3Io\VBi» articles :— Gurr.RF'ttE and common Broad Cloths „ *i For Sale, SHOE MAKING. Wm. White. .. rnm.mand^ may depend on neaineft, punau- jlitv and dispatch. He will (life keep con- itantly on Jnnd Leather of ail kinds ior I'ilc. * ■ or 1 the '•curage- H. U. Six or fcv«i 500a work Tien a iwvc ^fincU will find the bell- „"OUi wenr, aiifl rli .-ir wr.^cs paid in '."p'ici,- every Sa:uiday night, 3nd ofcenrr tf re ?nir:d. Km^tV.., 2d December, 1815-.- \ z&c For Sale, A $MUrt!ry ojf Oat fumble for .id f'p:.iTx*'r.ii\brrw:iht.i a , reafonu- brl'c difiUnceoftbt Water ItAding into the B?»j oi QnjiMy Fir rArlieulajs^ny pcMon O; p-i-fin? wiriiLig t»* piircv.alr wi'l plrafe to call at tru\ Qmzc of at Mr. Jbfcph Valiier's HotilV. _ lC5rgft(;n, J[)cc- <fs iF 15> ^ r;if. BEER FOR SALE/ t ^ Birrt-Is Beef for Sals by x O'^ RICH'DS'JlTHir SON. ALSO, -3^ Barels White Fish & Kerriiiftu 1 co Bacrcls bait. R. SOU. Nov. ?7ih !^lC. 2 0tf J.'^ ptblijh$d9 andforfaiz at this Office ftfto */3< The LIFE aad DYING SPEECH ofJOSh-fH SWIR'i Who was excepted at Kiiigston i>w Mosday, the 4th day cf Sc*pfcre.nLcr, tSiJ, fur the murjer of Mary Bevlr, his niogftteiv to he hereunto ii'R&ed. Witnefs our truiiyaud well beloved Francis Gore, Lfij&irej Lteoteoaat Governor of our i'did Province at Ycrk, th?# T;renty-fec ondduy ofWovcmberjri 1 he year of 0111^ . Lordotic thoufanj etglit hundred and { iiftec!i,a;id iifty fifth Jwrarof out reign. F. G. J.Ir,m. _,T.,..was..3e*rtl.:rv TT 27 /•i. na Handkerchiefs: u varjery of .S ibwIs ana Ve(li ^s; Large Jamaik silk Shawls ; Frrnch Canibrick, for Handkerchieft ^* Fine LtUcn Cambiick and Robe JPatrrnat B!a?k, white 5c changeableOol'd Luilrin^; jjfecfc Mode 5 . Gent!»?men*o line buck, doe-fl;In and bea¬ ver gloves i Ladies' black, white and fancy colou!*-? S?lk do* Ladies* 6ocy cfi^rwd Kid do. Black, blue, g.K-u ik scarlet Uombazc'tt* ; Whve iha-l^u silk Velvets and Cotton Shtrci t^s*; pi'ie ln!h Linen, !vc0!a, Tm"rit.":)n a^d Scotch Shcetii'.r;; ; Black and White Jest::, Dnnui-'s znd black OK or about the 2plh of. September a Gold (nottobsdTortoHcfhell SNUFF BOX, marked in the centre W S. P. L. in a Diamond. Whoevrr will return the l:ime^ fubfetetbr ihall receive Ten Dollars reward. %t) JDIIN DARLEr. li; -gllo,:, Nov. ';, |i8lS« X KIR^Y Three Bnrfehiof excellent IVHIS KEY, For fa!c ve?\' low. Enquire of .rilOMAS H//RDY. 2Itf. F#r 5o/s ORM4\' LE7HTNE oi Co's. SlOIV, 4 « ' ■ .Rags! Ragt! Cash and the highest price paid for : . % CLErvN COTTON AND USES ■RAGS, . AT THIS fJFFICE. ^'QUANTITY CV WRITINQ PAPER, . - Of Quality l-^o. 2, fop. Sale attjus Offics K'un:ion, /£j-.7 ::, 181 y- FHERD?Pi SALES, _ For saip at this Oilice. PUBLIC WOtlCE . Zmatd Dylrld, \ T> Y virtue of a war- rt «*& j -O rant to mc direc- tf! i'wned by tsro of bis Majetty's juftteea of theftjzee for the &id Diftrjft, notice is liefeb" g'wn, that awectfng ofhisMHJdlif's lieivh;- g:vc".,---------• -- • - - Itifticiaofthc Peace forth* dtivfion ••! Itou- 4T--f " taaee, will be holden at the Court Hjiule, n „..n nf Kim-aon. at eleven o'clock Ml - she town of Eiogftow. m ~;------- ,. the foteaooa on Saturday t!>c 23d of thts *aiii:" t ) Wm. M.nre. Kinfftton, where he "»y \,t tound. flwlibj haidfomely rewarded for hir, trouUe ; ar.d iityfcrson keeping htm McuRody, wiilbe pr.)fecatcd accordiinsi to m. Kingfton, Drc. :3, lS'-S- S^'3 Blank Summonses For the District Courts, for Sale at this Oflice,' At r ! CO Pieces Fancy Caifcoea, various pat¬ terns. 50 Pieces RuperSne Chintz, do. jo Pieces Wc'li::^im Fancy d^?» Bv the Trunk or rieee. 6 Ca&s Isaflfij jodi t6d9 l$&9 rod, 7d, a J 2 Ci;fes bottled Mulhrd. : C;<fe Ii.digo. The whole will b'j fold cheap for ©ails on- *? . Kingston* z)>th 0:hk'r 1M5 2 t j»* For Sale* A vnluab'ie trafli <*f l^nd if tag in the "-^ townf»ip of Ciu:?ctt?i4burg!., COOXafu- HntrSwii hundred andthinccn acm .oo.e or 5cfs ; and kuowu by irtn:..;,: ofL:AS No. %2, 14, ir, luanu 17: being parr or a Ihi? *Wf between the 2J r.iidj.Lii eoncefHoiis Oi feharlQttcubureli. Fo* tcrma apply ro JAMES G. BTEKUNTi. Efcgftoai 5»^ OAuber 1815. a-»tf. Notice. a Uj perfona having J urns agaJnft the -^\ fubfciiber, are rcquetled to pre ei c TOerti du'y autlienticateU on or before the %fl da/ of January next, after which Ao ;;c- %W»tS will be a.u»*v.-ed- aI'i per&oft indcbt- cd to him arcd.:fued to make immedjate pay- Sv.e"? MICH/VELDEDRIC!!. Gioghama, Ribbons a=td Lacca ; Fine plated furr and wool Hata ; Oil d Hut Ccveis. Myfun> V Vouhjr Hyfon, I TEAS';- And HWOfl-akin J W»g, pigtail ar.d ladies* twlfl Tobacco ^ High proof old Jamaica Spirics ; Cogntac B.andy,' 1 loIlanU Geneva ; Shrub < Port* Wfne. •' ; ' The above goods,-together with a v&rietfi of articles not mcr.ticmcd, will be fold at the IWoll reducd prices f<*.r caft/ ' V/e tend-r qui tfcankfiil aeknVwledgratnti to our cup- t im,v;. for pin favor?, and folic!*, a cuntiau- EUJCC •'". liieir future putroi.a^e. *i. Kingston, 6e/j dugitftt i&tj. 9«f ——-------------------- *_____------------------------------------------------------- ADVFRTiSEMENT. THE I'ubfcr'ber offers for Me to the Public, cm liberal terms of payrneur, the following lot; of wafie LanoU. Lot?: No. 22 i:i the Sth Co.n. Noo in the 6ii. Coo. O.WrA } 238th Con- ' No !J Eaft |_jth Con. of th? toVi> dip of Kttfe»rgli< " " also I.irs N;j. » in the jthconctfiio'i ' No. 2v» in the 6th cOivccffion / NrrdfiS, »v, 30,^2 & 33, in ."ithcor.- No. .• i Eaft a 8th con.of PittfturgK ALSO, Siveral Lots of Land of one and two acres in extent, on the hont of L,t Number 24 in the tovvuihip of Kinjrflon, lying and icicttatc on vlie Ihore of the Lake. And Hkewiusicvcral lota of land of one, two and three acres cm the tertr-of u.e laid lot'Ni . 24, lying and fcituate oa the road ftom the town of Kingfton* to the cOtintiy.—The lota are well adapted from th- ;r foliation for Luilding on them, and Tor the '.(iuh!ifhrrjcj.c uGaidens in tLe vitir.ity of the lown.j ' AbpHcatiou to be nib.)c ('» i\»0 fuh'rriber CEO. OKiLL i,T!.rAKT. For Sale, A VALUABLE Far.:., whh bui'Idmga aUo large improvement* Lhereons hi vorably fituated within 48 roitta of Kiugs- ion. l'ci'un< difnous of puichafing to W- qufre of t!.e Puiitei. - KKsJWtJtsb ;o, xZiz

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