j. Hefifj ri ami} A ND now orening at his STORE, a f\ rcnerr.l and well ehofen aflbrtment oi 6 DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, LIQUORS and HARDWARE. ALSO A General Affortment of Amongft which are: Chvcs ; Efi. Pep. Wa$ ; urb&taft ltd :>r i Qarnphc Opium ; Aloes ; n.-\ Sulphur.; <? 'cmher Salt: ) British Oil; Turteuton's Rah. Ointment ; Cheng's Iv oriA 'Lozenges ; Coil's Pills ; Efs. Mustard* \ Let** PHI*, Opodeldoc; 1 ^erJon^PiU; Godfrey's Cordial; \ Hoo}ers PtUs, o,. The whole of which he frill sell lo\- toe cafh 0rcdunttypi8baiK:e. Any orders from the country, will be punauhlly attended to, and thank? will be returned for their coftom. Kingston, August 7.8, - SI > 12 FOR SALE, A number of Town Lota near the Frew* Church, The txrm> of payment _ will be made eafy. Kingfton, Sept. 23 iSlfc H.EARL t 6t£ NOTICE. TViM fublcnpiions to Lieut. Colonel Bouchette's Topographic il und Geo- gmpbual Maps,~wtkh were originally fixed at Five Guineas, are now advanced to the London nrice of Seven Guineas, and Witt continue to b^ received by his agenis. April 22, l8l£. 47 JUST RECEIVED, -■And for Sale at ru:3 Owcc, IWKISSTF.R'S SPELLING BOOKS MURRA1 'S GRAMMAR* 4 AND A GREA? rAP.IRTY OF BOOK* FOR CHILDREN- *> * Laft Notice. *"pF£ kbfcrifaa tv& rim all that have any I demands again.i the eltatc of the late {facleton Spencer Efq t© prefent therh tin- It authenticated to him on or before the «Oth day of November, i8i£. and no longer. Alfo all thole indebted to the kin eilattf to mate Ottantdiati fettlemerat, or they will be put in Ac handss of an attorney for coi- B. C. SPENCER, Administrator. leftion. Kiftgftont i;th Nov. 1815 Notzcc- _ * HE fabferiber be^s leave to return his mod fincere thanks to his friends and Public in general for their liberal fupport, acquaints them h& h38 no connexion with a- ny perlon in uuiinff* ; thofe co whom he fa indcbte.1 are reqiKiled t» fend in ?Kc:r ac¬ counts, and thofe *hi:rare indebted to jajiri are defned to make immediate payment. No Per ion is au 1 honied ey me to receive anv Accounts due to the prior concern. JOHN YOUNG. K. B. Any perlon hs-ng good merchan¬ table Beef to difpofe tif, will find market by laying to the Sore of MeJfrs. Richard Smith and Son. For Sale, V'ERYlow for cafh, or mod kinds of Country product, three elegant wood¬ en clocks, warranted ro keep good lime. Enquire of Mr. Peter Van bkiver in Adol- phuttown crof the fubfcnVr. . * C.MERRILL. Kmgfton, rcth Nov. igJC« 24U WANTin, " A QUANTITY of good live GEFSE £\ FEATHERS, C r which a generous price will be given. Enqmri at this office. Kingston, August 2 2, 1^15. u . Richard Smith & Son Have seventy barrels T A R. _i'n^sfor.t 281 fj August, 181 c. iit£ IOOJBarrels T 9 i Tons Hard SOAP, • -Jfor faie by the fnbicriber-;, very low for A1H, HIGH'X). SMITHS: SON, A'iB£iton» $£p:. tot j 61C", X ffff WDTIC^ The fubferiber refpecTtfully in,'ma h ; friends and the public, that he has entered in¬ to co-partnethip wiih Mr. Geot • : H. Det- lor, and that the fan fine fs will In Futui e be carried on under the the Firm of lie returns THOMSONS DETLOR his unTeigned acknowledgments to thofe who hive fo libaally afforded him fupport. and hopes that the new "Firm will merit a continuance of their favour*. As it is the fubferiber's wiih, to clofc his former bi.finels asfoonas poll-.blc, \te will thank thofe who are indebted to call and arrange their refpvetive accounts. H. C. THOMSON, 230" pa, 181 y, ___ :o N reafor.able terms, Lot No. 22+ in'the <ih Concessions No. 23, in the 6th Concession, S XD Lot No. ^c, in the nth Concession, The vhole being in the. IWri-ffalp of Lans- down,in tie disti-'d of johnitown. ALSO, ToiunLc: No* ^82, in the Toivn of F '.. p* .1 Kingston* rtichrs euaiure at t: Ac dl cc ALLAN MCLEAN, Efy* 'l&fjpSi on, Au•' ust 28, I i' T e. jz f Richard brnitft o oon U AVE Juft opened at their New Store i-L oppohu to the Poll Ofiicej a very g nt-ral aflo'rttnent of GOODS, ., Cbmpnilng aliroft every article in gi '■ 'ral demand, among which a.':, Superfine and line Broad Clotl > Cmnaon, do ' Calicoes, Bilk Shu .vis, Silk & Coit n >nd Common do Velt patterns. Gloved, Sletghand RiJing Whips,—Englffh Saddles and Briilh — Pocket Book's, Looking Gla lea of Diff rent ti^es, Men's fhocs : Lady's do Mens Be^'cr Caftor, and common Hats, Gloves, 13"""> Tapes, "obbin, Buttons, '.:<:. ALSO* Copper and Iron Tea Kettles, Pots, B««^ ererHand Irons, GridclUb, G:;d Irons **»4 Copper Sauce Pans* ANT), " general affortment of 9 Crockery W A R *7 i v» Grocer:cs & Liquors4 Which they are difpofed to fell at?j moil reduced puces for Cash or apnro>-.J Credit. Kingfton, Nov. *£, jRr *;. - :c \ Van ted S A young L?A about cixteen y: r£ of a;-:, as a Servant, to lwc in a Tinall fa: ,,|y reficirii; in the country. Application t'. lK. made at this orT'ce. Kingston, July 25, i$i r; Btf fT -^'^ sohsenbers will do ComnV on A BuCnefs, and ftore and f-'rvvard GOODS ■ K. istf 0.1 the*moft reafonable terms under tlie firm of SMITH 3r COOK. CYRUS .SMITH. THOMAS COO Kingston, iSt/j Angust, 1815. JUST received and for sale at the Printing Ofjtice, Kir.gf. ton, 3 1 Reams Crown Wrapinp Paper, ^ l ditto Cap ditto 2 ditto Writing Poll No. 1, Vehm i 1 dilio ditto N6. 2, 9 ditto ditto uncut. July IU A Jbiscourfe delivered at Brockville, Eli- zabeth?own, April 27. 18 rj, being a day appointed for a general thanksgiving ift Up¬ per Canada ; fur potting an end to the V/ar in which we were engaged again (I the Uni¬ ted Sates of America. True Piety, a frurce of individual happf- ne4s and national proiperity. By WilHsPtt Smart, MiniuVr of the Oofpet 0 Britain, tmjl the Lord. Thy foes in vah Attempt tly ruin, and oppofc his reign. Watts* ■*■ 0 ■ • • • • ALSO, tlJE CHURCH CATECH(SML Blank Summonses For the District Courts* for Sale at this Officer fe^ frtanuft BiWlril ft BUTTER WORTH, RESPECTFULLY acquaint their Frrenda and the Public in general that "they have re-commenced bufinefs in the new houle near Walker's Hotel, -"here they have on hand an extenfeve ailortmeut of Ladies 8t Ch'Iilren's b.tl Beaver Bonnets, Gentlemen'3 befl Beaver, Caftor, Rorafii and Knapt Plats ; Men's, Youth'3 and Boy's Wool Hats, Likewife, Ladies and Children's London Fafaonabh Bonnet^ Feathers w& Trimmint'3 01 the following colours ; Black White, Blue, Brown, Purple and Drab ) which they offer, Wb.olelale and iietail for Cafh as cheap aslhey can be purcnafed it Montreal. . N- B. Cani paid for Beaver, MuUira'c and Racoon Skins. Kingllon, 50th Or., ipij. zr if. S TfE fuhfcHbers reiheclfnllv inform the JL inhabitants of Kingllon and its a- Cir.ity, that they iiave euier:d into a Co- P.rtreifiiip, in the practice of Phvllc and Surr. , v. ^ji capl? in the tin? of th- ir pro f efiion v.iil he pnndlually att- : ded to. They kf:p alio on hand 2 hvge anclcom* piste adivtment of °t Mugs y medicines. 2 c Painty Oil, Dye Wc.ods, occ. kt: The following ij a ft of a few of the Ar¬ ticles jud received. ' r^ib* Argent Viv, ! r^ lbs BoIcg AiTnena, z.y do jfiLatmiinjj GitJ, ^-e> lbs Blue VttrioJ, 2s do Arinatto, ,11 lbs Bay Wa.i, 4 do AilVnfc (Ahi | 2^ lbs slack Lead, 4J1JS Bahn,f>cca:illaSj 4 i1;s Cantllaradcs, 15 lbs Cloves, 1 Cwt Cr>t atirant!, I C lb.s do C a fear ill.a. jo lbs do Peru Fk", rolbs do Winter, 4.O lbs do C-nT*a, 6 !b^» do Anguflara," Cay any e Peppci* topal yamifiif cork Scre\;*si corboinc tooth Pow'r .-urffamot, wt. Ailum, j 12 Gallon j aIc-o&oIj 50 lbs Gurn AloeSj 20 lbs J.'itie Acid, 20 '!■-; P.'fTii', Capcb- j ib do Pisrjf ? ib do £.»u!phcr, ..to lbs Ijn'ax, j C\« l. Ihimil e, Colhi i.V'.i '!L.i, 10 lbs du Rnhia, 15 Um Cak'ruCi, 4 Dr.-. Court Flail, 6 do Fkj'h Colourd* 2 Grolsc. H.PeaT!s Lmplff, Diac Simplxi 2 lbs Covisge, do ilo Oair- t oroif '.iul Coik*.. Enu. Tan, t•? lbs C'roctis ^lartis,' Emery, 30 lbs Crm, Tart, ' Kns, Venerjs, 6 Dox. iit)ttles, C':- Flos, ciiam, phal.c $\<m% \ 1 Bbl Sulphcr, Flos, Pen Zoi , j 61bsGnrrJ camplior, do z'i"ei. Senna Tolicola, , —■— ------- io lbs Gum AtrobacJ 4 lbs do colat, 12 lbs do Asfoedda, 1 '8 lbs doShehc^ 1 • lbs doGwKJ,, 1 Pfei <?-]cl 1*^56 6 lbs do Myrrh, 28 lbs Glue,' fj lbs do CrannVongCj 4- &» «nm Scam'ny, 4 its do Opii, I Ink Powder, rolls do Manna, j Flotant Indigo,, it lbs do Kino, I frhthvacnla, <5 lbs do Anrjoniac, j India Kchberi M?,g, a!1.., 6 lbs do Copal, S lbs do Cralbanooif ■ ■ i ! Were j Cor. Subj Mate, M:.cciibo'* 8nn&, Nut Meggs, i± Gi:\. Oin.m Cli-'ar 6 dc :. E'Ot. do I?.icil)if 31 Ib do A 1 lb do j ir.ipcr, 4, lbjrdoam] g Biilcj Galangfiil, : »bl. Rail •- Ha;: Powder, Lamp Blackj Leith / L?rr, - Lapis Pumisc-, Anow Roct, L':, QnalT'a, Ie.^zenges Ppt, Lemon candr, Lead Pencils, « crown I nice A3, Lip Salve, * ■ . ■ 14 lbs Frr. Bcrguiur , Ve:. rian, Patent V'.ilo'.v, , rurcoma, Pomatum, Pa-'-.t uoxes, 2 cwt Rtfd Gentian. Rotten St one, 2:.. los do GI5 -, 1 Kofe Water, PtilnisMm, [do Pink, do Jabpi, : Sue, Give, <lo do Sjecaej' Sac, Satanr, Sctlla, SenvJn, anuic$ Sperrna Setti,- Syrringes, Sal, NHer, ReHnedf Semarouby, do Tartci", j Sapo raftflsj r ubl Sal, Glaub, *p lbs Sal Sodi,MVd Spirits Nine pule, j leafing Wi%, do do Terabinth,! Tamariu^G, do do Vina, ; Urinals, Starch, • Umber, Sand Papef, Wax balk-, Serp, Virgin, Verdigris. Seneka, PATENT MKDICINS3. Anderfous, 1 Hoopers, {- PILLL% do /in 1st fiilrliar^i ! \,n,> ;;,„, , :,',- and Soidren', •• , ... . •. r l,1'-«.:: mended fo: >c .,-.. r .'r{, ,r":nr"- tor^.,... : rCoraw* 1 ,^ ,. j{i .,;';art ; . Lhemfdves '..••, ,- (, , ^'^« fupennrendaif ^thr D, l,,.1 - '*** ting the ,rw:s,r.hrr. ^ ^^t^ Pro .honal La?u -f,;Uli r, I Kingaon and its vi^^'i^ »fc*r« ** ^ for &e^Sheha RIBBONS; Ever ottered rcr iik m thfc \ S/UitJEL AYkXOYB iotf t\t tr* Xtv! e,if g*on. a il.crt time fine?, 2 Met Bc«ik,c mtaiiihig-*? ien dollarbill«j 1 twea- tyd'.ihr bill, 1 live dollar bill, 1 fee del ar bili, 1 feventj4tve cent LilUndonehai: Eagle all Amejicyn mouc j together wi bther nensrs. Whoevei -Si! Jdiver faidi pocker. book, with its contents, to thepiiofr fag 0<l?c-\ ^yglltjsr, [nali receive a reward V KJrgslO", Arr-'—/'t; 40 JjcLars, JARVJS LAMB: • 284 i8iy. 25 IOST abtjin ••.bree weeks mice froc. ^> Sachets Haibcr, Two Iher ard wfiite ct)l*Jred pointer DOG PUPPIES iiill come to Lueir urowtlu ?ind iva Inr^ fize.— ("ne paces like in American Imrie tbeoth- r far, hatl his rifjh't br -cutiijFand few on a--;iiii ; th'*r atifwer tc ihi names of'U* cumi'.ih & CKiirfii', fnppofj.l to h.i*e b«8 brnivW * t0 t] _:.., fi^e by ibmc of fee IJ^H b::;^:nen.— <*.......^ information Gc 6 Any pcifon v fi" caw jn've ^ at the oinee of :iie Aft.ac> Gen. that 'Vfll lead Lo the if- recovery wiK is .o.«-'D.!Kjrr.ely rewarded. - Kin^ilon, Dec. 2. » CIWMlt intliM • v.-ikJ of the f.^: ;r >• oh the atcth Nov. a r ,,V""'/u(,ll?'f .,-, . OXEN. '•' "£"^5 •••'Cou'iicr 15 re-,;;,.,t-(l to pay charts nnd trv.- ilieta a^"' ProP«F ™, -LhDcc. l8l : Kingston, J)xt . ^-ICK. 209 i^/;/4ri /^^, f OST on yjvurfday tk ,p ki tie-o-A-1«....-^, i:,„t;i iwn% ifcrf /l^r^.^ Pocket-Scoi, Containing army bills an(j other paper;of ^ ■ lJ*7 «0 the owatf, Whr-vcr hasfourd toeftone arfd will i, ;ag ft tef the Printer, to Mr. Sheriff Stuart, ^ill receive the afic or abon ^ tsn ne of no Tife except fe do Wfndfhr Rofe Soap., T;i-. :^ B:i:s C2" > the o\.-ic.> th-jir numher and defcriptionb* *•.£ feriown, and meafures havinr; been a!- [:^Y *aketl to fl:;p ??.'/twt*: at thearmr- Bill Office. Confeqnently tnf perfon at» terrip*£?g to pafs diem f-ai^/i'entlywillh I-'abTc to irrcfi a id trial h?r fllocy. .'•'•■ ■ten ~ '■ "•' iH'*e 20 ?^///iT & /V/r/r/ MeCuniffe, ' iOeaJiog iirr'Ier the name and firmcf McCunifTe&Co, refpec^fully inform tbe'r fri:•:::!: and the?*- !rc in g"erxcr<tl, rli.u they have brought frora Europe, an elegartt a/Torfr.cnt oi rtttf GOODS,. . Coits, 3 Batemarrs Drops, Godfreys Cordialsi, Britifh Oil, &c. &c. &c. A varietyof otherartielea, l'oo numerous tn-ni-ntion in an adveitifement. " t FV.ylichns and others are refpeclfully \\\- yited to call and j.idgtr for themfelves. Fam- ily cheftsput up and dirc-aions fxstn oralis. CARLISLE &MAREHAM. KMsiont AuMUSt I. l8lC. r-pf