Kingston Gazette, December 16, 1815, page 3

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iv.f? ■"■: gtotiHb for me Morning Chroni- »■;- • .. coi line up dHorace to ihjs country and high corirtpiimtfhts to American diplo- niacf.-—The Chfoncle is now aniafmg us with whole columns per clicai to pruvt that the fixiiiti: siegocuitorsttf Client were nota ipatt-li -Vi fnch clever fellows aa the jftjfcrican Cor.miiliouers." • * Kingston, Decemper 165181.5- COM S4 uy 1 cjt:ONs. . ------t! Wfui. you db / &/// betters what '3 dpce."— , SUhfpcare': twelfth Nh'bT. 1 mull aflv V/'s pardon for having zrufte- ken his profeffion ; fort certainly thought Sevannah, Non. I,. Wasa" Phyficlan," «r«a vender of 2+ icines." . I was muct fflrpHfed to difcrtver V • Reported Ivfs cf tl U. S. BRIG L V.PEKVIER. Captain Smith of the (hip Eliza Barker, arriv-d in this city idll evening, from Turks Iflaod, which place he fefi on the lit inftant, FetfHfta that a few hours previous to his leav¬ ing that place, his agent cime on board and informed him that by ihc arrival of ai; Eng- lifli veffel intelligence had juft been received of the finking of the United States' brig "1/Epervier. The c:rci;m (lances related were, that the brig had fal'cn in with an Eti- giifh feventy-fprfr,fron^which fhe was board¬ ed. The boarding officer demanded Lieut, S hub rick's commiffion, which mandate was anUvered by remarking that the chi«*trs un¬ der "which he failed were the commii'i m which he bore ; and that he had been def- TO your Ga CI zette tif thi c e qth inft. t hat he is a Clergyman 01 no mean abilities.—I fieqtfeft, that fince he has taken tfe JiWty of puHiTh- 'ng t!ie " bairns of marriage between vou Li-nc(tTou,) Aibicfibcr arid mvfelF;^ lie wil r 11 tlcmen will wrtvranfwer them, rejoined Mr; Peattraw. and I adore y u Scth, »nat I can fclcft from the lift of the fublcribers, f whose raniies were puSlilhed in the Gartettr uf the 3 Sthnlt.) feven refpeftablcm'echanics,a3 Prefr* dent and Truilees, who would have not only made more ialutary legiilatiom, but would have gooe hand'in hand with ihc Treafnrer in collecting the money, and have, feen the fum intended to be -iubfcriheii, viz £$$0 completed I however mod fincerely hope, added he that, at the next annual meeting of the fubfe-'iberp, they will receive, inftead of a Vote of cenfure, a vote of thanks, for their benevolent and laborious exertions. CASH highest price piid fc: / \ SETtt .A- . Mav it pica!c your Kxeeffencjf. ; WE His Majrfty'a dutiful and Loyal Suhjccb, the Magistrates, Militia Officers, and other refpefitabie Inhabitants of the Lon* don Diilrict, beg leave to offer to your Ex- As also fc* 6? PEAS At the old Brewery or* patched by Com. Decatur for the U. State?. The Encliih officer returned to his comnmn- dcr and fr.sde his report ; upon which he Kmgilon, lt^\fSt^ts7i, tyas ordered to board Main the ^m-ricuu vcffei, which he did. He repeated his for¬ th er demand, and received a uVnilai reply ; Went to his owfi fhTp arid communicated to his captairt, in the "mean ^ime PEpervier thadc fall, wT.ich "tKe Engliih corBjr.apderper- nred a e-u'i at her. I/E-^crvier rt- ; i. arti extxcmely prry:, *hat Hnneftus shorild be fo ttrfpolite ;:,• to :i r-cotn-nend the btfuifel'of Bfatrs Lefiuirs, or tjord Xarme's elements of crAttcffiii,9' to ouv learned and .- ,, r . , . n>1 proWc! cu.,:, Who, he &odd hav, fee f^T^Z^T^^f 'T ^** b-J^W»f« I^P^^S^^ ■ B? Sale as abov,, a quantity of Excellent . fames Robinson, By ROBINSON & GILLESPIE, /r' ■ * AT - * ». mce. The exertlonc t&d by your F^rdlcncy Q T R O \T P U R IT P v-hen fepardt^d from us to promote extenfive . *>Vi^\T iJl^JUrVa Kingston^ December trlt 181 $.. ^^m^ contributions in our mother couhny for the relief of the unforrnnare fuffcicrs by the late t%tj gl c:-iVmgj nrei • urned It'; when, the EfcgKft fev^ncy-four 'Opcrfecl her broadfide Bpon the brigand funk het% CSpt. Smith V_*ard r.ot -whether any of he'r'crcw were Hived, no:- the time or lat¬ itude in 'wlv!ch the attract rjs'tfanTa^ioii was perpetrated', but Fays the above rcvovt. jygs commonlv believed at Turks Mfcndt • v norfl the The foHC^ing taarpan^e, c'dpred fr Newbu'ryport Hcrr.h], we wouJ pat deal ir> ly recdmm'eud'to^he attention of our rea¬ ders. It eaiiftot fail to excite th'; liveSii Mterelt;—- —, 'trom it* 'fo&fof&ori ftetvtJ bfmlsr, ;r- We announce «StB pliSffuw that th-: e.e- gant brig DrVH-ie, ]ixn& B »15i'g!on maflcr beuhd^Ceylona^CfcltWta, iytf-t to i«a MR. MARSHALL, S.rgcon, tak^ the liberty of aorrbunting to the pub¬ ic, that he has taken Mr. Earl's Houie, where allcaiisin^his line will be imrntdlateiy atterpd'ed ro. . Mr. M.has for u:!e, (befrlea a gsneral afi fortmer.t of drugs imported by hin.ielf) ti:e Foliowutg patent medicines, viz. BHtrfll O'ii, Ap.drrlou'sp'illa, Godfrey's Cordia!, ■ Hiixhain's Tiiicl. of Barli,, Ohel'teiitiam Safes, lad} ; Rev. fcioiatfo B*'nhv«ll Snd :',■-:■ ' Rtv BcujammC. Merjrs and lady fkn<J ! , \ my nej^ltbour^ obiiivation? on the condncr bt oianki(id4 I> ai this tJme-j diffenied f«nti him. For Gad I attend to tin .: ■ r;cxt feiiteftqc in the cp^T-orafcatioh, affrd you will rn : • 'v.r nn- P;-i; is. \t (i IchovVs no reafhn -; . - , . , -1 ~% ftr^rtJ. ,,-i.V- t-ll>- ':lu' "jC raii^Faelocytb the public for dr. V-r* Lhen native and and cneii trienas u iu. ... . r . KI , ,* ■„ Pa- - ,f fciinuiff th'diitiesofandfficej ivhenlhe*pe?i he ittonar/epf the American L^biu o! f « /* , t» • if -n. s - r \t<t, „. ,tllt, tu„ to norrtiaatW/wd rtmntaKiy Accented the uoraxriuR >« ... .. ^ r , traiftand KldpI^dgcVj lr.mfVrby his accept¬ ance to fulfil the ewgagetibe'r-t.- But Repli¬ ed he, the Trcr.'f-.-er, in hi-' letter, rns^- h?ye ft-Sted fdme iftfu^rrab!e dilEoolties which it :i^ <>f the *&< it; v did -v)t wiih to he bouh. 7^ ?w ^ A^%o, *^^^^ r^« ■, Tfcoiig^i • bneValiv p^ I on at <teff r- -:; ^ , • th:joll^:ng An:w:r. umtfcmen* 1 fceacVoldn d i;r.n ol'preaching the Gofpel § f pcdcc md CltatLb ^.rig tiw hentheri. Thev will ' laifd <:: Columbo in th 1 am g.ratiiled by tli!^ cordia] afTurdn'ce of K:sfocA:cm, with my pull ;idmini(lrat;on. r,:u». ,;^h^.,, .; v 1../ D (ip fth*(Vf^ff?f^j 3r^ happincis ofal! his Majcily's lubjcfts, have bco, i'.nd |Ver \Vili be; my puncipal Itudy, vis thuds frorii iQciinacioi] <:3 frOJTl duty An-" fcivicvs, I it.^v- haVc been rale i'd frehtler'tllw Province, in inviting the muni- Rcfencc of our feiloW fbhiefts in Great Hrit- fehij to the n-'icf of diftrtis, ocenfioned by the invyfion oTtli'19 Province, were due to my •■ Opodeldoc* Paregoric, ^ Cinnimc^. GingeY, Nutmeg", in 3 j amaua;?, Jjiquoricc Re?* ^Ifcnce at Bero-arnoh Po of Peppermint, j)c of Rofes* Barclay's Itch Ointmcr.* Jcfuits D'Ops, Dutch Do. xurlingto«;s Baffbra oflflfcj Tooth brushes, Do. Powders, Court Plaltcr, Rofe Pink, Windfor Snip, Aingfton, 2Sth Nov. i»l|. ±)Stf for the lack of wifdcTxv.j X n ,nfemenr^,f t'h< hrrf&rfg pirtvj v;he« jarob -» H- M- R^1' °* U<?. W^f? V' ^j"8 prSfcrit month,-f.,r the p'tirpofe of rencuin trav brid,.-.;, tnr omir.on fnVr.J, v-ho had Ann F:.lm:;ino, ^augntcr Of tU late iJ:. the ]icctlc.JS fa ^ yeH|. next e„fa{rfg . K^ tune of Old Huridre 1 'J- ,ing ^Cii SETH. Parewellto the Musionarm Soverd^r, of vVctlds \ dtlplay thy pdw'r* B« thi* thy Zion*s iavoilr'd hour j Bid tK«? bright tnofnihg ftar drne, And prjint the nations to the mice Set up thy throne where S?.ta.n reigns, Ob Afric's fknrej or, India's plains ; Onwild^ and contloentd unkaova— And be theuriivetfe thine own ; Spe-ik—and the wotW fhali hear thy voice Socak—and thedfifert fhall rqoice i Scatter the (hade* of moral night ; Let w6rth}efs Idols fi^e the light i Triifting in Kim, dear brethren ; reat The Gofpel ftandard, void of fear ; go^fek with joy your deftin'd f^ore, To view your native laud no more. Yes—Chrifliao Heroes ;—go—ph>6laHn 3a vacidn through ImmaHufl'8 name ; To India's climC the tidings bear, &r.d plant the cote of Sharon there. •e'Ji fliield you with a wall of fire, With flarr.Inv zeal yourbreaii mipire ; Bid ra^i, ? ..indft their fury ceafet And hr.ih ihe tefr.peft into peace* And when our labours ail arc o'e*, lhen wt rtnll meet to part no more ; wet wkh the blood bought thtang to fajl, >ic:o*nour 7*£wt Lerd of dtl I [ ■ . : Frederldslu^Dc:. Ur l8i|. • WeH, ntigHbour Setlu feM Mxi Pealhav;, wife for granting new licences to thof<i wh'.>v tX'iflj td rhake application for the fame. All Inn, Tavern ami Public houfe keepers; will give the:r attendance afecofdihgly; he enclose o: «k jbuj^^ m ^ • ; mmfc _ACK HORSE. , KH,guon,D«rc.»4,iS,5.,. ^ The owner is requefttd to prove property,, 0 , ^C*'/,, paychafgfes, ar.J take him zv ,ay. otrayedCT OtGLf.Tl^ TrfO?>i.: i' Grj.HAAI^. ; About t-.vd months sgb from the PaftuJ* of Mr. Mac'.ean, KingAoOj a |Srg* broivn Horfe, bti.vce:i fifteen and fixtten hands ABi coming up to rr.c this morning -vita a faiiii- ^jng^d«i 15th B.C. l8tj._______z8Vl3 of Mr. Mac'.ean, K.:ng":yn, a larj^e broVn cal fniile «.ii hiscot'ntenanire, ss 1'.vas ^rind- ------—-—1?7^{?~ cf y; 77 Horfe, btl./ce:i fifteen and fixtcen hands ine an ax", *hat do you row thfrk of the ^ '* ^lv ^^g' .. , hf?h, lame in the off fore foot, a frhite fpot Trerfurer's mvltcrons conduft } i confefs, A fem Barrels cf excellent - ^ y, i;nper jj- and .he cfFf-.U,ck white— i - r 1 rime Pork^ ai j iv uerlon or penb'na thai v.'il! g've infor- mation to Wm. Moore, Kingfton, where hi ■ you in ooinioh the other evefl-ig, w«s j his youth* fas; I am informed he i'a a youn^ man,) ar.d his inexperience of tre, which I thought had cjuied him to eppofe -Kither too hafti'.y, the iheafurcs fo learned a body cf men as had bem cholen frefident and TvuRces of the Society. I cannnot conceive, continued I, what argu¬ ments they will bring forwaid to rebut thefe, which the Treasurer has advanced »n his defence. How will they afwer the fol¬ lowing ooeftfQYia, which he propofes ? "Is r>-e Ccondrefoiution, the dcRherate aQ of « Government ContraB. ia*. . •OERSCHSdearauscf contraciing for Kngftcn, Pre, ig, 18.5. L the 2*vJ T/- • ft ik ' ,J ,3 C*W» hlli I'i-orn Cadanoque to KmgftoB, ?>re tCquelled m,,l;% (o fend tliei. propofaL to this ofiiee without ' MICHAEL DEDRICK. "ay- , , ,-. ja ^ K'mistdfi, Die 14, 2 315. sjjw5 It is dtHralle that all tenders flioold e::- J ' +._„r______Z-J "y the rate per thoufand fee' [board me.if- - rjr . J \*r- d-, lay clir;ty » V/ould t!:e Tieafurer have acted concaiy in roving the fubfeription money from any individual fubfc.iber without m- tereft in cafes where payment did crt rmsce- ^eJf foifew the dtaa^::- Th,fc Gen- Bkisha travelling Comm'ffariat Office, JOHN DAWSON, Tailor.

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