POETRY .»# t o • © O * * 0 ♦ • ♦ • • 9. • • e- Of* a . For the Kington Qazil-:. THE GLOW WOI The male of this infect. U laid to be a Fljr, which theFemak CMTerpJlar a:tia&$ in the night by the luftur^ of hex trau:, - When evening clofej nature's eye, The Gtaw-woi n lights her little fpafk, To captivate her favorite Fly* And tempt the rover through the dark. Conduced by a fweeter ftar, , Than all that deck the field's above.. Me proudly haftens from afar* To footh her folitude with ldve« Th«* in this wilderneis of rears, 4 Anu'dl* the World's perplexing- ijloorn, ". ne tranfient torch of flymen cheers, T^.e pilgrim journeying to the tomb, "Jnhappy h.?, whole hopelefa eye. Turns to the light of love in vain * Whofc Cyncturc is .*i the f!cy, hit. on the dark and lonely main. proceed ;vita the Sntiih ttgJrtdi Bppo&td to accompany Bonaparte to tft. Helena. He add< d further,that the ilianJ being dreadiady infetlcdVith rats, his majeiiy's mineilei tad ■determined that .it mould be fmthwth VslFeciually cleaved of:'tnefe noxious aouitJ.i. To facilitate this importantfurpofe, He M bee>'i deputed to pufenate i. a week, as rruny cacs an-1 thriving kitten, as c- uid poJUblj} be procured fo^ nioii«y w that fhort ipace d* lime j arid therefotc, he publicly offered i«j his handbills, ifo for every athletic ton £io\mtorn-cat, ICS fcr every adult Kmalc pufs,anahalfactovvii lor every thtrvng v%ci'0U8!;ittcn,that 't&M fwiU mi&, prm<*. a ba't ef-h-xa-J. >r f&llenits jroung iangs ji a dving mouJr. On the evening ofthe ttfrd J r 'after his advwmtemeat hud b n didributed, the people of Chetter ^rc :anWlhed - i fc an in.uptic-n rf a -muJutmc iut'j ttor enthe 123 &AAct- Cw etwfcu of iL^e mow a.« many ^W*S ■> ftoIm>i1yth1Vapers,wcreincnl.e;;;:ab,vo., ft* county ,i; Uie iate iwf1? bcfiU ; river, which have b,er ureXtltu.ee I'ranc* <#« t* t;.r a.rrs pait have been completely driven --------. g*=~ ■ •£AMPB£I 7 , Who Veathfi* ^enchantment on every thing- he touches, ins imparted a wonderful ;utcrclt to a poor Tree.--The tcrfes^re ito- Jar, but much iweeter than Soutbey's, on .he Holly Tree—.WhaVa fender 1. uroent tloe '.. e.ill up by arociation, in thi bfl Si ' " ' It ft in itruviriv and leizang thefe all Wj that the great charm of Poetry r,oi lit: The Beech Tree's Petition* tv& Orf ki«e tfl is barren fpo.t tomr, Sparc.Woodman, fpare,the ejeheo Tf:e, Though flirub or fiow'ret never grc«'j h&y Wan unwarmiojT (hade bel(.--.% Nor H rimer bad perfume the dec* Of r..!y hnfli or ycllj-.v hue ; Moi fru/t* "f autuotn blouom born. My green an 1 elofTy teavea adorn- Not tuurmuring Jfibes from me derive The ambn;!ial treafures of the hive, Vet — leave this little fpot tome, i'p:• « Woodman, fpare the beechen Tiifies t'.vi-r.ty fommefa 1 have flood, In bloomlt'is, frait-leQ folitude , Since childhood in my ruftling bower. Fir-' Ipent its fwcei: % ' Tpr>I \ h./Uf, Siiiee youthftl lovtrs in my /hadci Their vows of rnjtli and rapture p-.ud, Anion mV trunk's fuwivin" fr:mea Carv'd many alorig forgtl ■ name* Oh, b; bevow^of grath found, Fi fi Lh'd upon this fa rH -round, 25v » hat r. w hath whirred hetQg Or Beauty heard with ni^fned ear, As Lovi 3 owu d'tar. honor me, Spare, Woodman, ipare the bccclien trc-:. ■—n /^ LI / i JVTy h] h;jve '.reath'd you nivmv a lie, And wh). n-rh fijeh^dclighcsin view, Wouid Jofc them for a lie 61 two 4* Nay—'o%>k not thus, w;th brow reproving, Lie, are, mydtar.ihe foul of loving 1 If h-.lf'v/e tell the girl- were true, if half we f v ar to think ?.nd do> Were aught bur lying's bright ii! Jion \ T!i4. world auuJd be in Srange eonfujion I U ladies eye^ were, every one, ; As lover» (War, a radient fdn* Agronomy would leave the skies, To learn her lore in ladies eyes \ Oh no ! believe me, iovely girl, When nature turns your teeth to pearl ; /our neck to fiatJw, your eyes to fire, i'our yello-.v lock^ to golden wire ; Then, only then, can heaven decree, That you mould live (or only me, Or 1 i.-ryou, as uwhl and morn, • V% e've hvemfig kiff'-! and killing fworn, And now, my gentle hints to ckar, For once f tell you truth, my dear £.. Wi. never y .11 may chance to meet A living youth, whofe Jove isfweet, Long a- you'r - falfc and he believes youa Long as you ti uh1 and he deceives you, So lon._r the blifsful b.nd endures ; And whiic he Iks. his heart is yours ,• But .. ! you've wholly lull the youth, The inftant that he tells you 1 -uth ! ■ ^..«-. FVaElGN INTELLIGENCE. ...... ..... % •«• From a I.on Jen Pabcr. Jfoax at Chejlcr—A correfpondent, arrived in thjs otj ,/ib urhoodfrom Chc/ter, has llattd to Ub t\u following accounts of a curious trick lately played off in that town. A fhort time ago. a re<pec"table looking man caufed a cun ber of handbills to be distributed thro' Chcfier, in which he informed the public, chat a Kfr-te number of genteel families had ofoldwouw . Dov, tfU'tl giflsj p from then natural channels, deitroyinyr in rheirnew cctfrfes, numerous buiMm£G o* gnat magnitude At. the port Royal and o^t. David.-. Mountains, prodigious havob vna committed among the coffee plantations ;— 'numerous valuable works and houfes were entirely deitroyed, and others confiderablv •damaged. 0" (onus of the plantations bany nego.es loit thc.'r lives; 'vhoie habitatiov. w-.tc completely demoliHied. The kdnfe "bridge building at the Botanic Garden was er'.i.cly detiroyed, not a veltigtof it remain* inf. Eqtialfy melancholy v*rere the accounts from the pai'ifoes of St. Thorns, in tiie liafc r-:;tlard, St. George and St. Salary. The north hue pai!(he?, from St, dfluQ down* V.iirds, and tboie toleewardjXuffered left. r% ia tne nug'ujorhoodof vV^,n • '■ '("'^:v '>':'ay iu.ht, ^^rf* ru&^t.is.aiU -bled and adm«"»^« « ' ^ he1- il!«,;. I oaths. Mo-ndaj la it, LiV„t. Oen-Meyncltwl .. _appo.rt.^to^commond th/pr^ Counties] feveu hereircni Clonmd , ^ Ji-ady '.e h:j: mark, in concert wi^'Cft Bar; y aftd -ic rnagiftra"-, the folln^i f poiiMoss of me t.uops^ • iz. Hie 74th regfr/ientj 700 tag Ft g are ofe ftreecs, every owe of whom earned on tFur fhoulders 1 :ier a ba* os a feck, vvhtfh . appeared prtginmt nth i no reliefs ammii, thari-n.Li labi»rihg iiifo birt'N. Kv.-y roau, ever}' lane., was thronged 'with tus conucyl ptncefHo^. and ttt<j Vvauderiig 1. la tors of the fasne «-ei< inVoluuiariy co=np ,lcd to rerr.'ernber th •'.: riddle aboit gale ; but tlrs merchantmen and co-afters fu ■ fered !»:• :-ely. S^yeral ve&Is were <lfivu"1 afliorcj and part of their crews loii—/*v. ot. Lv- 3- — ki As 1 was going to St; Iv^s) T nn-t lii'i j old v iv«, J'lwiY vvti< had lifcy facks* JEvi ry lack liati ftfty t.»u, Every eai bad fifi y kideus. • K'ttcJia, eat., lacks ana vvives^ How man v n c e going to bt. Swft ;■' Before night faU, a congjeg-atjou of near'; j000 cats were eolkcted in shelter. F'"'- happy bearers of thealcUrcii voiced creaturo? proceeuedaiI (as directed by the advei' la¬ ment,) t iwards one tireet, with their d*eJei table buidcns Here iiity became clolel/ v.-ed <r*d to>*eihe>. A vocj! e mc ti leso1 cnl"iu:d. *l*h*s wo u-irn fo^c2n .a—the ca fqitaikd-^the boys and gii-Li " raked trtbio iid the dogs pf the If.- . f h'.nvled baiV, ! th. • it io.«n becalm" dijl»cu]t 1 the :iicL-t', car t ".fecr.'ai.i ».vhctln r canine—feline—or t! hum -ii tone. '.•••:■ ptvdominant. Some 1 he cat-beaiiiig [:k1js, ^ hof»/ JilpulU -n:. v . j- 1 >t of the omit: placid natui e> rnuhn^ then ftlvejannoyed by the prellu ».oi th r «•.'.. {-. ts, ioofl eaild ivvn theii burden", and .■ gantii box* A battle royai »?«fucd 't c.r ; founded the var-wh* ■• \ ith mi.'.r an I mam. hdeanu'ijiii ?.'- boyac'l the ; ■ ■..■«. kvm cii mighti^ to ti.lt(h b« fo^u, v. c aclivc! employed in opening die m^utl »ol the del erted faciei, and hbeiating the uts from their . LONDON; Ssi 7. " . WA TZRLtJO SOjiSCH IP TION. The foi:owiu'» is ^fven a? a (ample.t"u -in fenpti m mad*! by individuals and associated b,vu > ;—- Ad. harlSt. Vincent'- * • * • »£ yot* Augerlteiu, j J. :.: 7. L......^je> M'n.nmg, rtndeifon 5c co .......315 Sub-r.rtbera at Ll^ 1% Ci mv ed to be caiito;:«d In this enastj-jy ^uarterstobtat i^feale, Thiy arc to leave this to-m - jv/. -^ Th^M h'-t-•":.:, , B8ih regtmeEt, 4 :l.e command '.f ?.-3,-j . Sami, are ord^ from thisgirii' n to be ll.riro'id 2t Civ? CaML — r"ii;i di-'ii;:.:' r.vv;, to i-y^ '■f&e 74th regt. "re to u KplactJnw by the 93d Bighlaife, under the, coq. mand 01 Colonel Cr»3gb, sn'-J tfu -?o>h b? - ae I,. turn mi'itia, . . *ThU !'..nni-i - -jii ofScerl dctscbn&fBttf * - * the '%U?i rc--u-.. ?rt :r-, ';;J aence fer Pail) f ? • • ; :co c o 0 o Ban' of Engiaud' * • * Patriotic: Fund, DubU.i••».#*•»• 5000 Bank or Ireland........»«*»• • • 1000 .Lalt India Company •••.•>,•».. ^000 Corporation of Londou»»*• • *.- 2000 Stock Exchange, about.....• * • *gc.q Volui teers CambHdg ..:>..•-.••-- o Th'. Univ: rlfi.'iea ••*•»• *» j . v'i .'.j County of J ' . n • • • » • •« 2026 C;fv ui •_, Lfief• ° -...»......r.-; q Toh:i oj JJcmf.%8......••• ;^2 : iouuty or Hadd'ugto* • • * • • - v'?,o i'ovv . •.; Hull • •............ft' ; : * * ■ . Pauhis Si-::- !, Efq. DeputJ CommiiTaiy 0 fieial, ha,s$r'ived hereto make arasp. nent'r for th " rrocjps tlbt arc to began i . efery pi: ■': of the cotinty cf Limtui. /j,:///-'.r-} Q,$. ff—WeVegr?t to to <iliat f*ie fame i.'nit of difcofttefit..'8WrI« b^c i mar. . ;-l is the coin.tics or Tip?<wf and '--' U1, "■■ k-'J ut iome time ^ fuhfkicrii. ^ : ^»arter,hasnowft^w wii'« »e:;bv«.d -'1'--nr. < • n 0 ^ Cj'Onei r the ,.,ent;:,or I'eb"&'^^ t.;;:'.;'aii> eclired to he In fnfiif«8ni«" Ulroner mrafti^bwl been rafeen to coerce ; ha '"'.--i to •' - lavvji. • , I- m '■ • -- ^ .f TJvper-rypby » , ,,! 1,!.. ,v,,,^- f' the poor f ); 11 • f • - * . » • ^iliitiL Club------- TpY?h of Ca;:!„-J......** ■ Sbvjfc: d - > - • » 4 0' ... iryfl ItOvi ! c[(......* CI 3 ;;;(» uj .., graces *? '•You - :- ■ ' ' '■"■■:-°:': Lfcf -.-»• -■■■■■■■'■•■- ^*!55 Proa* I-l^..,,1^;,i:.M'(^^ edpef acre,/or third or cm r&j - % fpfan^r, raking poffeflloH of the rooms b; ^. woval kind i,[ ilotm or efcalade. The cat:o in the ti;dc!en affult on the draring roo, ;• and cither apartmeota of the Chcftemesj ru/!v- ed with the rapidity of liVhtmoz up the galleries, For wftich the town n; fo famousj and fo (lap dafb through the open \v"indott-H into the apartments. Never fiuce the days ot the celebrated Hugh Lupus, where the drawing rooms of Gheifer Med with fuch a crowd of unwelcome guetts. New wee heard the craih ofbroken china—the bowlings of air lighted lap. dogs—the Criea of diftrefJed datnfds who wept their torn fac.:s and dd- Hfveiled charms—ahd the gro&ns of fat o"!d citizens, rufliiug and tumbling forwauls towards the balconies,bald bafeand bleediug*; All Chefler was foon in arm.*, and dire wer«; the deed* of vengeance executed on the feline race. It is necdlefs to recite tlie various combat? that t-ok place between the cats and the men. Suffice it that our corref¬ pondent counted ^00 dead bodies U oat in?; the next day vn the rivei Dee, where *ncv lia.i been igtiominor.-y thrown by the iwo legged victors. The reft of the invading holt having evacuated the town, difperft J in utter con"! &£tm9 cafjrytu^ with them, ho.vevcr, their arms from the field of battle, Lateft From N. Bonaparte, Capt. Biirnie, of tbe brig Sir George Bcckwith, arrived ha*K 1 aM evening, in 15 days from Barbadbcs, infafrhs us, that thz Britifliflot>p of-war Dauntlefs hud arrived at Barbados in a fhort pauage from the Ea'E Indies, having (topped at St. Helena, where .'he found the Northumberland, admiral Cockburn, Ndpoleofl Bonaparte had been alfo imder iMarlhal WelliVirton, rf-res Th*. killed and wounded of ti - Pnifua.-i army, m the four days. zitQCQi Making 2 melancholy »:ota] of ^ 5,4.99* From D-M'm—B3 the arrr-r! or tne* \ ■'<; Orient from Dublin, we have ftceiyed a tile of GarricPs Worrm* prjfi to the V*':\ of Oc¬ tober An hifuiv.3C.nm had broke" out :rj pi-i.'i. In Ireland the military had 0 en ordered out an d *Ut toned in-varios pa'rts nf lJ»e- country to h eo dov^na the refractory I ■ - rft v*hieh had manifetted itfelf tQ Dp'pt hti< rj to the Jaws, Wc haue only time to make a h\v extrafla to-day, ■ Lonihny Sept, 50. 1 lie mail from Cornnnahas brought very fmportiint intelligence, nothing" Itfs than ac¬ count-, ofai' infurre'trfoii againil the extftfug •jrovernment of Spain, in confequeuce of Its Stiff jfiJ^oprireffion. General Pettier* who diitingudhed Himfeil fo much in the pacriot- ic watj under the name of the IVfarqrtefko, ath nbleda body oft»*oopsoothe tilth infl. at Santa Lucii, entercil the town of Corun- mt arrcrted theprineipal I'Utho'-itie?, and !ir. vbg obtained quiet polFeiSoo of the town, il.ued a ptochni3t:on, (fating the miferres vhic.'i ha i been heaped on Spain, by the cotiofels which have prevailed finre King Jerduiaiid's raurn, and averting that all fbr- e:gn pe'vm, from the very beginning had Poo.,:-ly disapproved of t!ic King*a meaf- me He proceeds to inakc »he (ohiien Ve¬ ry flattering offcis in the name of the prov- meee, wlu'ch he fays will regulate rtiemh Ives by their mternal Juntas, until the conven¬ tion of the Cortes, who will determine the •tttOR fyftem of government. Fun he ac- A new nation istjjk-'dof, te k &<m irr^ fame cf :lic Frrnc* Mid C^»m:, !ftr^ ry to be called u e K-r^dom of thcKfi^ Ti e Archduke Chirlcirobe thcoBienfe. Report i\-i u that a conjn.f; },8i S pb.ee be -ween >h~ Duke of STd'injtltt aj *?.'■ j. m y contain the particul-.ra oi ihc lauding of Napoleon. Merm sj chert i;';r. Dijhcfflng Gale at out 5pam. Corunna » as illumiuafvd when the packet which arrived at falmouth with* the mad, lef; that place j and it feem* that vertifcr leccived Jamaica papers to the zd :n- ftant,which contain a lon^; detail of the di cad- ful eiicct* of a violent gale experienced in r.-fpedting the (late of Spain. The French papers-fay t^at many old caflles have been ti'lCU UD an nrtfr.ne rf«J *L-* ... t /• - r. a&ftd »t J'lsjMitfh, jod would certain|f th»t iflaud which lifted three d«yt and ended LINGULAR PHENOMENON.' T.r • are informed by s p,entlcnfaa fromSlBS I...:, d, that •'•'mediate!/ jficr the bte tre* mendoit> !.«u:rt icaiie in the Ealterfl .States, e well, in f'ommetfet, -nths c<w$tf cf BrfdcJ, MaiTachufett:; sfwu? [»lfa mik /fo.n Tann* toil vie:-, near : y> feet aho*ff dieferelrftfe river, and which always had yi.idcd pure, nveet and wlioleilvjne frtia ivater, waj co^ verted into a felt {pring, that i*, thewabra the well, which !> about ^0 feet deep and partly blown through a (olid r'-cs, became, i:ot mere'v bracliiih, but mor^ fait ftcfi rht ocean. The well i&s /?nce bten completely emptied and waiheJ *vi«?i fre/h water, I»m the water that ru-.s into it comnu?s as hit as whrn tl-.eclnnec iVaefrrt Jifcoverrd, sn^ will probably rem-un fo. Tho wdl»«fl Mr. SAMOEL GlBSs' p.vn.ifes, and our m- formaut ha i known it for federal 'crs. 1« caute iitthwpiieuomfnon, l^tflOK yet N difcovererl—Trej' ^$&r- ■TREATY OF COM^tSC* It was rrcnerally believed hete, tN. ^ rear y of Commerce ber unseo ^reaIr'JrT an.) .he United States,negoefetcdat_^« and forwarded to our execute r°rt,^3^ probation to be-complete. It *'-':'J J^ by the fldlowing W^u**** ^rt miniiKfi&l paper,that it ha; ^\uCFd# %«J on the part of Great £aaia.-^ From the London ?^f°^^ "It is time to iwakfi '^- Jif ^m* Slornltto- Chmdele respeetm^tw • /^ mong j M: niii-f CJir;::i«Ne rc»p*vw.«»fl ^ Commerce with the I'- 0«-c';, t# ^ ^ is limned. A Io-.f- report w a^- b^ perofnegOL¥k)ni.W^«i^tro