E- }. Henderson, Has Jus* fcMcstr*z>i AND *jv optmag at Jus STORM* ? general mid well phufcfi affortiacot of DRY GOOD/, GROCERIES, LIOUORS ard HARDWARE. A General Affort merit ci Drurs and Medicines i c^;r':d on under toe the Firm or THOMSON iff DETLOR. He returns his an feigned, ncknotvledgnierrts to lhafc v/h3 have fo liberal!-; afforded hlfii fuppott. and hope that the new Firm will merit a continuance of their favours As it *U the Cubfcnber'a wi&vto clofe his forme, ffibls, he will thank *• r, |AmoDgft which arc : Uaytphor; I C/w » £»uuner* as loon as po;i thole -who are indebted to cull and arrange their re{y-{bve accounts. . H.C.THOMSON. Opium ; jtkes i Flor. Sulphur ; Qfttufat Salts ; British Oil; Turlington't Bals, Efs. MmUird; Obodt . :; ■ Efs. Pep- Mint; Wbef&n** Itch Ointment ; Chtngs Worm '■Lotevgei i Coh's Pills «' Lee's PUk 7 ad OX 7° TV. j 20 O FOR SAIL, ior ecu: itr-y prgce.ee. An&rfir?* Pie* I Go.lfr^sCorJid; \ linger: Pills, 6k. The* Mc of which he Will sell low Tor calh Any prefers frdfc the countrv, Iviil be pon&uaViy attended to, *'d& »hank«'wiil be returned for jjhcir cu&oua; Kingston, August 23, iBij. *3 fo^smST" A number oi'Vpym Lot? near the French A* Church. Th* terms of payment will be rraek eaiyj. H. EARL. Kington, Sept. 23, I.Si J.________ rfitf. TiHE Bo, is d by hia agents g< NOTICE fubiciiptiona In Lieut.. Colonel Boucnem's TnppgrMitnl ar.d Gi*> f-^Hcd-Mdfsi which were orig;oa% fixed 3 F;>e Guineas, are now advanced to the London price of Seven Guii-.rfes, and will q»ntia'Oc- - be receive April rt, ibis- 47 "tTjST RECEIVED, ##*> _,.- &jf££ .,r THIS OfFICZ-, SPELLING BOOKS, 1 'JR. R A'l '6 G/? MM MAR, AtlD A &&EA* VAMF.7Y OF BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. The fubfertber rrfDe&f.tlly fr^orrns hi? fpends and the public, that he has entered in- to co-oartneihip with Mr. Q« *ge H. Dct- -jj ESPECTFOLLY acqt^nt tnu ;ot and that the bn:1nefe yr» » future be" J\ fifta* and rhe Pubhc mgenr.a. li»l - ' ' thev have re-commenced bnpneft w the ntu houfc near Waikcr'b Hotel, Where thev have on hand m e.tterjve affortrnent of Ladies ^ Children's belt Eeaver Bor^ets, Gentlemen , h\\ Beaverj Caftor, Rotam and Knapt Hats j Men^ Youth7? arid Boy'*-! Wotfl Hats- Likewtle, Ladi.s and Cnildrcn'a Lcndofl Fafnonabi.e Bonuet«, Feathers and Tnmwiinas of (he folio^vitig colours ; Blac! \Vhfi.,bhic, ErOW«i Pur|»le and Drab? wfclcn thev offer, Wholefble and Retail for Cafii as cheap as they can be purchafed a^ Montrea*. N B. Calh paid for Scivu j Mufl^rat and Racoon Skins. . Kmgfton, ^.oth-OiSfc. t:--t ?. iitd ^rNOTICK. THE ftibfcribers refpeftfully inlbrra the inhabitants of Kingfton and its v:- cmity- that thev have entered into a Co- Partperfhip'v inthepradfVe of Phytic and Surg* ry. ' Ali calls in die line of iheirpr©. fcfiion will r-. punctually altered to, Thev kcej ill loon hand a large and com¬ plete aflcttment of DRUGS <sr MEDICINES, P-Jac-, Oil, Dye W-oocK &c. Lc. The ri»ihv.rMor is a ft jt a few of the af- • • c^ j"ft rec*^vct! ;. S Argent V-.. \ \2 lbs Bolus Atmena, r !i lintuny Cid. 20 lbs V»l-i*» Vitrfo1 12 lbs "Lay wa •; \n w mc Alb, ' :■" th nlavk ', ■ • . z L t. a! I'm, ! ^lbsli'iln . St. "l\% 21 GsiTl ^ ; iliol, 1 4 rlv C • -'hat . , //fl^ Manufattory* m^^^m^^^, to rep-rtfr to Cornwall vJh-qt delay,8f tor¬ por'. thcm^lve« in Afcxan&r ^y'W/FjA fiiprnmeneant of the Department for Ur t;r.;T the ne-.v Settlers. B ' 2 r//" FA 1 T 7 N reaforiable term*, Lot No. 22. inlthe $th Concession, No. 23.3 /» #{? "6iA Concession^ Lot No- »o, /w .^-6 1 i/i Concession* The whole befng in the Townfhip of Lans- down>ln thedistiicr of fohnftown. ALSO. By order ^f His Excellency &e Provinon'd Lieutenant Governb- F. ?„ ROBINSON,.V0'. T^ HE fobler-lber informs the Ladies 0f Kingiton and its viriaitv, that hebai jul! received and has for tale the rauft extet jive aflbrtrnent of Figured, Twi!"d & piain SILKS k RIBBONS, .S:iav.is S Handkerchiefs— Ever ofTered for lale in this place, who}}- fale or retail on moderate terms. SAMUEL AVKROYD. 2« / To\a:Lot iio. :% 2> in the Tokan of V 'ST, lit figs tan* For parttchirs encjiute at the oiTict of A J.:. AN MCLEAN, Efc Kingston, Amid 2.?. 1 * t c. 12 IN k'V:rC" • a iKu-t ♦.':- • -"nee, a Poc'^t Book., c >n*ainin.g - *' ten dell :r bill-, itwen- Cy dollar bail, I t -e Jollar !-•'.'., 1 three do!- hirb'll. 1 (<•■ it- ->' e J^:;r bill; a^doneblf » Richard bmitli c^ oi;/*. Lait Notice. T_- AVE jnl opened at their5 .Vejv pl<?fe *••* uppofuc to the Poft O&cCi a very general dflontPtnt <?F Gorcprinngalmoll every article in genera! demand, iBunong wlueh are, 1 Superune and Fine Bro 1 Cloths; ' Common, do Calicoes Silk Shawn*, Silk ^< Cott a a d Common klo Vr!l patterns, Gi • -.',tf, S/(h :,■..! Riding "Whip*,— r^.h'fh .-:- ld'«-=. rid t*virile*,— Porr.,t Hon: ... I ucikjns 1 Ih-ilc. ol Uillercivt fi-zes, fvhVs iT'O'js ; Lady*i io. Mens Bevt Caflor, »rMl common Hat?, Gloveaj H< f » 'L Bpe8, Bohbin, J3i"i jr.? Copper and Iron 1 a Kettles. Tot., Boi • . ers, li-tnd Ir.,. GilJdh*^ Grid Irons and Copper Sauce Pons. 1.- ■ a' "atto, Ed^k all AAiet:tai r?one.; together with otir.i papers, V"1 ■ ■ :il SdSiir W .■ " 1 1, s • . C! • (> ':. IOCS, 20 Ics N *t.' a :d, 1; lb' CI vij. ir 1 chars, j \R7!S LAW. ' •• -,-.. ■, *.'. t ' 1 . .•. - .... * . i/tn ^/ general affortmcr.l c: fowthe^oth (t/^/1, cj Crocker ] i longer. •#.<-.- . «-* ♦*, ^ THE fubfctmei infnrma allthn have any • n4i - : ft th<- ell^tr- of the latC 3azVton Spencer Efq. to prefentthem du¬ ly an thee Seated to him on or btf Cay c>f NVember, iSt c, and no .. „fc /AlfonU thefe inuebt'-.i to the i'airi eiiate to make immtdfate fettlemcnt, or thev will . , -or* be. :t ;n the hands qf an attorney for Col- GrOCtTUS & LtOUOTS* . Mcttioo, v. = 1 B. C» SPENCER WJiich they arc c'>lpwea to fell at the WARE. 2< IN 3! • •:'. ,':ip.b. ! ' "■■■■ ': wcari'dj, : 11) "•-■ Fee:)) , rrs i;.., f]0 r>^.|1. » ^ « lb do S . ',er, j 1. lb? do' '^'nr^'.. 2 1 ' - B . ■ •-. i 4' J'hii ;•- CaiTir , 3 C . J ilone, 1 '■ Iba do *rpHm .. S . i!m '" u r> .]■•», C^yann k Pi*pi cr i' ■ II •• r'n T. nbra, '. It) ' al ielj ,] IV-,' ' .'v:r^ pnO, 6 : - Fle'fn Colrrwrl, 2 Gn-fs c. ». rcu'h 2 11).' ( " • "; ? .-..«.r* -( < ('...,>;«' K/.it. Tart, ic II s ' ictifi riJ-Jrtis, Enu-rv, 1 ' Crn , I art- 1 ns, fan m. 6 l< l, L-nil.:, Cc-| FJos, ch.-n j h-jlic f>M iff, Flos, Ben 2uiri« tin ?/inri, • ienna I '.cula, 10 lbs Gum hXtohiCi i i lbs do •.ML'v.vda, 17 lb* doGoac, 6 lbs do Mvnhfl j01 ' •.- ,Sj • . ts !':nce From . ' i- \ irm( \, r.GThfrnfc "of hf.ow'r dc do Gum-, ' " 1' 1 • • prrpofES i'lft .^,. -.,•'>. • ;- \, I ■:.' :':r?efi7?.- •, pac -h , '■--• ifkff v. h.^ hud ia -^ ■ .•r---':-^1^ sfl ^«n : th- • -'^ I '" -l1,f3 , ., n Hah . t<- ,— •"...... •"; h^t ■ -t ,en,^ . pe.iw^o ^ff*!? Gu. titit vvill I •• fn tls.ti rwofoy" j6u 6 'bsGun! ■ ainpiiorj lbs do Conal, S lbs do Gaibauinn^ 4 lbs do colat, 8 lbs do Shelac, i Pack Gold Leaf, 8 lbs G)ne. c,y Kjr.jrflon, 15th Nov. 1^15. Administrator, 24Tf. Notice* v '"|r"HE fahferiber bef3 kave to return his ^_ mod iincere thanks to h\* ft rends and Public in general fer their liberal r.nport, fecrj-.aints them he h Ui £.-/> connexion with a- ny pejrfori in ; ..fjne:s | triofc to wtttjrn he is inde-b rj af^i? tewed tc lend in their ac- c and thole who arc Indebted tc him are lircd &i mrhe irnnv-dirte payment Ki; P'-rlon is auth .-rifed oy me to Teceive zuy accounts due to thepriii concern* IT.tj-NTVaTlMn riiofl reduced prices foi Cash or approved credit, Kjng$on4 Nov. i99 i'S'i|. • p.i. 'Van tea, ft lbs do GrTrflbougc,] 4 lbs aim Scam'ny, 4 11 -« do Opii, I Inik Powder, lolhsdo Mannar | I* r»tant Indigo* i?. lbs do Ivino, ) Fchtbyoctila, 6 lbs do Atn»oni'ic, ! India Rubber*, -• A young Lad about sixteen years of ag-e, as a Servant, to live in a fmail Family refidin^- in the eoitntry. Application to be made at tlih ofhee. Kingstons fitly 2C, jHtj|, 8tf do Coir.nuliion forward "j RE suiMcribeTB will d X Bufinefs, and (lore and GOODS N. B. ih jOIINYOrNG. erchan- poje or, will imG" market by applying to the {lore of MelTrs. Richard •Smith and Sen. table Le t\ ny perfon hav ir g good ef to difpofe of* vnll find 1 For Sale, on the moft realbnSble terms trnde: t!ie ^;m of smith u coo::. CYRUS SMIJI-t • ^ THOMAS COOK. Kingston, 2 %th August) I f? 15. 1 21 f JUST received and for sale at the Printing Office, Kiiigf- ton, 31 Reams Crc-.vn Wraping Paper, 31 ditto Cap ditto 2 ditto Writing Pod No. I, Vd»m II ditto ditto No. 2, 9 ditto ditto uncut, _____Jvty it.___________ For Sale at this Office, M«tir ^ M/i #,v. ,A &*#*"/' delivered at Brockville, Eli- gmn, August 22, 1815. 11 zabethtovvn, April 27, 1815, being a day ----------------,---------------------------------apposed for a general tnank?giVing Tn Up. Richard'Smith c^Snn ***$&*; forPmtb^an"41»the w*r ^tUUUU Omil/l O O^TZ in winch we v-ere engaged agafnft the Um- TJ ted Sates of America. VERYlo^.v for ca«h, or moil fcinda of Country produce, three elegant wood¬ en clocks, Warranted ro keep good time. E%o; ,reof Mr. Peter Van Skiver in Adol- phuftotRrn or of the fubfenher. _;■ n C. MERRILL. ___k'ngfton, 15th Nov. 1815. "WANTED, A QUANTITY of gcod live GEESE t . FEATHERS, for which a generous puce will be giv«-n. E> Kiiil KmgS Yelluvv, Hair Powder, Lf?mp BlaeJ*, Leiili Ann, Lapis Pumiscji Artovr Ro< :, L>t; Qnaffia^ Lozenges Ppt^ Le'i-on candy, Lead Pencils, cr< •■ :> LaacettS| Lip Salve 14 lbs Pix Burgundr, Patent Yellovr, Pomatum, Paint Boxes, 2 cwt Rad Gentian, 2o lbs do Glye, Pulvus Rfiet, do Jalapd . R'g, Alba- Mtrcj •- or. Sub, '•«-5ce, P I u Ik, Madder, i.iacetibVv SnufF* Nut Meggr, 14 Gal. difurn ©Irrar 6 di>/ not. do Ricini, t % ■ do Annis, 1 lb do Juniper, 4. lbs do am s% Dulc< ve)-:nan, urenma, Gnlangair, 1 r-bl. Ro'Cqj Rotten Stone3 t Rcfe Water, v rLtk •.,:,• w,d:,fd3yt! sr.it. 8t pub'ic auaionf unleA n*l • « w Horfcs, . y. - e^if cht, ol a gnodfo Perto-s dehro- rf p,rehaiin(r" 1.;,, . ell to tttend to this fale. TKhp „l ° tnav be feen a: the ftahle of Mr r, °!f'J ait,,-Ureinhv..>. Tire Me will5ft o'clock at the fhble aforeTaid. *,f JAMES CUNNtNGHAM Kingston, JXr. 2,iS!5. |6 «r< 200 Do/ko ^<:^ra. LO'HT on ThmWr.v rhe -^h ^V therir tl*c llrcets'of Kasfcltir- g-fton, or oa the road t&nxtdt Erneft Tow:.,a ^ri Morocco PochirSm^ C • • Sue, Give, do 8pecae,! Sac, SatornF, 2.ttr Semen, nrn,.'^, Syrringcs, Sernaroubv, Sapo caftiiei • AV Ki 'f "seventy barrels tar. trigs ion, ^2 $th jlugust, rRic. ntf lOO Barrels A and Tn.tPiety,p!Wcof individual haopi- nels and national profperity. By William Smart, Minider of the Gofuel memptthy ;mn% and opfoft Ms r^a. Watts. • • • • • - , • • 1 Too^Iiard SOAP, Tor tke iubferfners, vt rv low for Cash,. I'ICII'D. SMITH & bON. ALSO, Blank Summonses For the LUtrict Courts, for Sale at this Oilice, do , ciila, Spcrraa Set J;, Sal, Niter, Refined, do Tarter, 1 nbl Sal, Glanb : do Winder, 20 lbs Sal S.-Mluveli'd: Rofe Soap, Spirits Nitre Duic, Sealing Wa::, do doTerabiiith, Tamarinds, do do Vinft, U.iuals, Starch, Umber, Sand Paper, I Wax ball** Serp, Virgin-, | VerdiV'is Seneka, PATENT RlEDlCiNES. Andcrfons,"J Hoopers, t PILLS, Coits, J Batcrnans Dropr«, • Godfreys Cordhfo, Britilh OiU&c. &c. ^c. « v/vay.ctyof other articles, too numerous to mention in an advertilement. I hyficraw and others are refpeafuliv i,N vited to.call and j,d-c for themlelves. Earn- ^AKLisLr.&MARKHAM. Kings!vi, August I, 181 r. Com1 ■mmg army hills ond other papen0" ▼alue only to ihe owner. Whoetcr hasfouni the farhe and will bnVp% it to the Pn'nter.r to Mv. Sheriff Stuart, will receive the ibon !•'-"- vard. i iic iaiu i»ii24 en he cr no lueexcnHa the owner, their nmnberand ci-fcrrption be- ing known, andA meafurea having been al- rtady taken k> flop payment at thearmr. Bill Qfhce. Confeq'jeMtiy anr perfon at- tempting to psl's them 'Vaufiineatljrwillk Jkble Lo arrefl and trial fur felony. Wanted, UQR tire Public {service, ?.t KiogH Po'nt Frederick and Point Henry, a may be agreed upon, toco Cords of ffood merchants- ble FIRE WOOD, ^nd 8,000 BUNDLES STRAW. to be delivered during the months of An* gull. S«pternher ?nd Ottober following. Perform difpofed to eonirafi for the whole or a reafonable pr.-H)ortion of the above q^ t.ties will be careful tocxprefi in the bodyot thjiV tender the p.eeife peri.uh of ddi^j and it is to be nrVlertlood that nn propon will be accepted unleis the names of f^re- peccable perfons are given 3S Iecunt««• the due performance of the Cuntract entered into. . ■ r;i the 2c'h Tenders will he received until tw > I-tf .. Common Of*