Kingston Gazette, December 9, 1815, page 2

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♦ A « fr % C Or: ih-; Death of ^Ir/CnARtEs SAfcrif, a youth whofe many amiable ^]uamies ft cu¬ red him the Efieem, confidence, a»d affec¬ tion of a numerous acquaintance; l^ay, part"o?it 1 rpi&eS ah3 hef gave ab$)1 'halfofwhat waYkft. She grew very 'ilck Me, I ^.ridwhen I fup^ofed foe would iooSi die, 'ftartcd'back with honor at my crime, ah ra!moftlifted her well, fiut.ifcc parity fc *covered,l tftnfiri thought rf giving her more, fet my Brother, £B Sifters wous! Mly tern that the LreaforeM> d^cdtodeS •adhefei fl* fa*m'M the Mount 4fcrf- at ,aJ«ft the fuWcflpto* n,m,,y ■ Ly the refolution of the jjft ^ 4 \. ttivc that the Treafurer is 01fir-J. j f;! ?ry> »-.tu d '»***&» 51 ,.c_ 3 0, 'chap, until mh verfe And fur- any particular nine being fjfcft^jj •thcr, I'hope V«0 will oft ho refie&ions up- w:il a« >f any pcrf.»n will receive „>„■»\ <„n ore /onc.dmg Hie-fall nat ont on thefe condition : Mo* afTurd], ^ .....'*. *aV tfe fnfrft of the Lord cotift -ams agaif I conceive it tSe duty of en-h c.w. • but fuppoftn, thm 1 l«a<ibt enough left to by the fcay.thefp.m of toe Lord CPbttaini a^'ferdcttfe i ftarted and Went burnihg Wto repeat .it. aga.n, and agsiw., to/Wk in be Haft thou e'er ft en a tender F lower When ghftening with the morning deftr <)r n^oifterTci by a general ihowcr, Cifclofe irsfwects unto thy view, ■ ? v/ich"fell thetnaliee of hell \u my botom to Docl. CheeJieVto orociue more—- more I "the fervice 61 the / Anrl haft thou fcen an op'mig roic, OrprtfPd with leaves hang down US bead, .And'its fwect fragrant bread repote Upvathe foliage round it Thread. And did'riot this delightful^ fit Afford to thy enraptured heart, Tb^ joy the pleafure, apd delight, \Vh?cb nature's beaoUg-a *c2£im|tittib xonld iftft lrct there--1 went on to JcfhnftoWfl 'but there tparn my conlC*encc.| conlcience Vhole voic^T had dffregsrded hod difobey- ed, fphke to rrfe in fefigOagel thai) never h>r- get. j. did ftot gvr nor attempt to get any there. 1 went ttote trying to refolve 16 injure herJfto more. But agair. and fegafn t xvasmiiigated'bv the uvvil tJ v complete th<S work of death V.liicii I had alrea'dy be^ur.. The remainder ot'tlietiolc 1 g;\Sr heV in the Lord, and above all to ktcpholv %c Cabb^th ;day--to fear and loveiheLord hi ^/our chiereO: good. Be pkafi:d to feal this to yd.tzr hearts, % dying lips. . 'Forfeit. I hope in Henv. en ta-fee-ou-srl, when all things have theft end. -Fure'tutU. J\ire rcl. .... from BARNET'BECKER Kingston, December q, ioi.$, * * # • 9 • • • r j -■ '. v •• • Q & « O * « • • • \vcnm^ mingled i U£>3iJ' V the cdufucp'mai'ioh mMMUNie^TI-UNS. Cut mark how "transient is the joy ! The chilling blaft foon nips their bloom Or gnawing worms their roots deltroy Whicfc rob them of their 'rich .perfumt!. Giacious God ! here Was of my crime. On the fe.cond niornm^ "after) Hie tireathedher lad—Her pure is'jom: I truft: r0 God who gave it, before vvh,.fe ••awful tribunal 1 muft (hortly abpear. The ; - v led ge So tell the dear depaTtcJ boy, Ju'ft as the operimfr buds of yont^ •Appeared, with modcily to blend, And blo'ffofri into e-aily trutib^ - . >~v. liis fixteenth year had UaVcr. rolPd pair When death difroL'd his elieek of blootn t lie foiik and yielded toNic blaft Vr7ht'.h huwh arotrd his iilent tomb> henid deed was done by me-alone, nd per¬ son on earth had any agency or know v{ the traniadioa. I leave the world freoy< forgiving rr.y enemies, if 1 have any, hoping Vhey will affo forgive tne. I harbor no w.ll qili agafnit^ny cue. [ feel that I have no •othet l:v^pe f falvaticn, but through the tncrits tr( my Saviour, and the atonemenC, madefy hirblcod. - To Mr, $dkvan?sf ike J'ahVr, r.ud Yi* VviTe, I owe mukh—they have been kind and human!: to me beyond example. Lei them receive my dying thanks. To Ivir. r/^iTO?., . X was much pleafod to find in the l?. ' ■'na'Jhrt'Courjxt of the zcth \:lt. that the ex- ertiorrsof ihtf inhabitant:; of Kinpft«m m feronaotitig the education of the clnldreu Uj \ht lov:er claffes 'of people, had attracted thj to call and pay the mim of his fub f-nptionto the '?Vea!urer upon apuWicn0i tice being given to that effc4^I amper haps as willing as any dtner member rf\\A focfety to contribute to the public good j« the fame time cannot ebnient to aft aj Treafurer ur.lefs mere salutary ;ref)lutiont are adopted.. And among the pneejingsef fclk focfety, I canno'; find any provifldn mad* to iitfiay ar.y Incidental ttpttifa that mufi 'cefikritjr ftrtfe. ; Many other equally good rcafons mfght W given to excufe me from a fling j thefe I truft Will fuffice. i ■ I am your mofl obdt. f r't. II. C THOMSON, JV .. . Try.UD.S,S, To *Ir. Iv\ Rfe&Jh $cy. M. p. S. S. The anfwer to this letter was a verbal on: that k • • tne lower ctanea or pcop.e, nao > ^ ^ ^-^ only imimatm M k att^.tmn of the peopre of Lower Canada. Prcfidblt worId ll0t em^ {nt(J a ^ Bc-io good S3 to onnt the rcllowme. irt-„. •. _.•«»„•.-; /N„ .t. i»..kl 4 g tT i';Dw //'^ Cbu'rani* Worthy of Immitatiqfl* deuce ii tvritin>- on the fuhlcd* 'J'he Rev, Gentleman has however; partly .accounted forthii in his note of the joth *'- Tfi inh:ibiu3ntsof KitSgUOn have pro- ,,;r^ therein He fays £< The letter commit pofed a p?an for creeling a fehooihouft in c- :,^ »-,;.■/ meaning the Treafurer,) re3fa A? riprning manhood graced hi5 c|iecBtf And ren;\.ridour buriied forth 21e fell—a youth of manners mcrk, A yotrrh that promifed lailiug worth, j In friendship he was firm ctnd trutj Ne'er would he act the guiltleft pari I Thefe viru"/j ilrenjthened as he rrrev/, UnvtlYd the ^oodnefs oi his lieart* Hq greater ple-rfure (welled hif heart3 Th:.n !i :c;ved Parent * to ohey ; JPb'rc. iiu'a' love each thought pofleliedi And quivering year* c^nlirmcd its vuravi So the f;oiod and pious people who fcavfi Vifltcd me arid praved rb.r and v. irh me, and tfpec'ially fct? thefe hunhle miniftcre of Jefus tvoa have often vci:y olleii vilited me, and pointed'out to me the enormitv of my gvlilU puunri'j iprrb the-': fouls to . the ilirofuc oA £rjc.*mr!oi mt'rcy fcVi mv, I return by hear:. ty and hncerc thanks. 'My cenr-.e ?s Suiih-d KiV race is run, the* clods of ti'eivalley will foou cover inv clav, I die truftiur oa my iSaviour, reiiin.^ on the merits uf. his b!oo 1, that Ldwn for the purpofe of educating all childreit ol bot'li fexes undrovided with the means of education; . On die l8th inftant} - the iuhabftar^s h?.6 fubferihed £ 447 ! IOS and ut a meeting of the fubfcii|iiS, they '"c- 'folved to build the Botifig fdlTicieiuly large to accommodate «oo dhildrCti. and that the plan oi inftriiclion adopted iit it be llie fame 1: that of the Britifh and Foreign fc!:ool So- riety in I.or.don ; which is patfttttized b" the Pnnce Regent an'JPK-eral branches of tht: Royal famii-/. It is wo: thy of notice, Mr, Editrr, that rhfa money was fubferihed before the c-.f laft M:tv but that it. has not yet b.en teoUcfted on account of feme mifundcrflanfl-, Sua; among the officer? of th.. mflftation. if g ru; (meaning the Treafurer,) f fci no. ailing in his dffici{^ capacity has na: been fubmitted to the Trutlees, owing tf tlic nature and circumftances of the cu» nicarion"**1—*Tke nature and cifciimltoflf that commanieation v.i h the document;dut 1 10th and hopin8 -^ to fpetid at. ettraicy with \hi Lu« ««lBOi1g "•- o»'cw* or in, inn.tu.tton. II fDu-Its of fait ffiin made vd fed. ' 1 am c<u, ,a!y Hnformed. the R*v. geu'.l.. fpirits of jult men made paAfc BARNET BECKER^ gave rjle to it, are ndW before the fubl:o That letter w^ written in hailc, j itonp have b. en expre.'i*d in otl^- arm i'$*$ have been mure perfpicaoiis mS deS*M tva. n#it however intended for the eje oftnc puj/ic.—But it*5 r* fi htlioa abovementiond the o'tiiberate a- of a learned booy, f,- d-./initeaad explicit ought tc-bf ' • e.iilci it not have I^enn?. cd^xy to hi :fp: iiled thc^erW fo fj the mo ^colle^d^theXr^^fjJ he d pofrteJ at i ■ 'm a" • " rSut. n^Viifc-^ care^ are fi:nkto reft in the dark, iileut, natnrw grave -f And calm eaeh *bfobbinij nfthebreafti A*evening Z€piiyt9t$Q the wave. Johnstown jo.ii, Oct. \ r/, 1815 ».^ 1 am correal}- intormer., th- Kcv. gentl-- r,,,-,.._..,., -| <f Trealo*-- •»«T mSnjVhofcttliefuhfcriFtiopoaroot, pre ,.' .' . . ^ (,. ,v£nge tine fobfe^J poU-.l -.-nlh.ii; /. 5co, which (1 have e«-/ ,..v r,.,,,, .,, . :..,, ;(|,^1 (.hfcribtf.^P rttfeni So be^«) might eafily heen rtccom- „:, ..^ fn .,.„ ,. .,,, pa7meot.da mWJJ ■ • ... iiow let nic tell the Vojithfuhhron^ Who carelefg tread hic's flippery tHrr^ J*liat once rr y f;iend like yon »vai QfpJtg i'et death not ipared ins tender a<:e. a<j ■^ »L 4 £or youth is like a tender Fkuvcj4 Deeked out in various colour^ gajf Which buds and hloffoms in an hour" * And yields its fragrance in a day. thE FOLLOWING LETT E a IS FROM T.m PRISONER TO HIS I-R1EN0S. Jtjbmlown jJily Sunday Morning, OcJola- lstt 1815. Deadly Beloved, Fafitr a#:lMothetf Sistersdhd Broth- ' <l This day my iiearts defire is to meet yo.if and as a dVinff man to <\!k fain' oardon and forgive, eftj to befeech you not to give lie* p to your eyes nor flumber to your eye-li«l«, ' iiotil you find an ir.tereft in tint Crucifix] Redeemer. 'v^fouto believej might eafily been riccom- plilhedi :f h;s fUccc(E>rs had followed his views With equol eneis/v. _ %. EiinrlRi GU.MORE1 diate); foilou thf demaod ?-h n»y "^ pert J mention h re, lut the R* '^ in te en though he declined eiJtrM^'of;;; ncorrcSpoodenceonihefi^wtf". / In a our lift Gifcil v t ofeftHKr - "Vo^r*. mil nidation fro ri \\i': frefldcnt of the Mid¬ ler, did me The honor to Wit up» j periunafew Aiyntfter.tte «« * ^ *:_.....11 . r ». ■ Wi trv hk_. mtini-ation frdri th-: ■ jprdhicnt of the Mid- tions, obferved { that* thc-refj **/^ lay^ Diflr, Sl\^«i 8ric;ety, in which I have "not, intended to convey the rfteanin^?^ the hotter to be lidticed with fe'Vy particL- feij; but a meeting feouia be ralfj ^ «... . i. '__ .a it . P . c edllcd tm«..j- ! •' * I ulcij ciu me ooix^eie removed^ 'rv^' er, in the rcil '*' ui? that in my imal! inter- deed was only a verba! promife, a7d I * lar marks of »V entirirt. i Sm happy howev- ateiy and the obftacl Short and uncertain life we find, Which mews the fleeting race wc iu[t rhenn'fe each d:iy of death in mind, And view it with tjie fettirg fun. 1\ c. w, JPoint Freda■*'#, 1st Dec. f%i%. Tfaia morning he fpoke to nt; 10 like iraimcr .Is he did to the thief which Was naHcd ori the Crofs—with him thin day couric m fo th«.u (liaft be with me in Pauadife. Tins morning- |blefled and praifed be n - !^od) I have Ktl * A Widowed Mother'. '». * * 4 • ' * >- MISCELLANEOUS, r • • • - 0 4 * - 1 i, ing| atici cauied me ^o boNFESS my awful uime. Oh! whither ftall.I go to find re¬ lief icicfucto th'or/ myfelf guilty Rnd wretch; d, ana blind and naked at the feet of Jefus, be^t;iniT and pleading with himfor foi- givciui^ perddverture he will forgive. Oh i my dear Father and Mother, pray for' your guilty h;;ll defejving Ion. Oh ! my dear Mothef; what heait rending forrow I have' brpqght upon you. it h enough to bring your grey haiis with forrow to the g<ave. 0 ! the beloved tics of nature mud bel>roken for my wiekednek. I h;u-e irhbnicd my hands fn the blood of the innocent^ my hand trembV,- my heart melts. 1 Jknow not in what ia'iguacre to paint it. Would to God, 1 had the tongue of an Aflgel to write it up- v 4 . . ... r -...-_,.._ ._ on the hearts of my friends, to love God, to did of" thehiry which cu!* me off from this keep holy his holy Sabbath day, and let it be known to \oii, i&at-on that holy day faiva- ticn has come to mf foul. To fear God, to ua kin his wijf9 ihat his holy fpirit which fippeared to me e r the morning of thiV holt- day may abode tf ith you. Tray to the Lord in the cvenfiior and in the morning to giv^. ihv influence of his holy fpirit-^yea, ?>nd you: need not be hindered from yoor daily labor* if yon ■ day lift your thoughts to Cod. I defire that my dear Friends ffioukl hve touether as beeometh Chriilians, and more particularly tfiy father and pother. Oh ! n;y parems, take Chrift jefus for yoitr gtij-je, and you need not fear. If I had?Jonr th»s, I would mt have come to this awful! aid ffismtful death. V/ho knows but God sft ]m all-wife pro,:iJenee has ordered it, irv furo-f-, b'tf^yccoifcieittc whxh had long order that you may take warning hv ine rtu i\ i: :d, foc/kc t& mc with Inch an over- ftow yon the wiefcadne^ and demerit of an. toh^r, ji^ p.fluT.e., that my heart failed me Norw then, ,'t U our duty to believe that' this «o'dered for the Left for me and vou. And fucli a 'pint. niece made iTi apoearance, I bad fatis. myfeifwith thJs convifti/n thec I had endca.- byexcome tlic aJ-eriay, and have ctmfefed mt ored to the beft of ,)ly fta^ a^er ex;ft. &«#- Nb tpirgtie cad tell the awful wrcft. - fc^.^iAw'mffiwWfesi to difrharge the duties _ I have had, and were !t not for the par. of ^ ^^ w v%h;rh {he g^- };3d ^ , tic-jh;■ intiTpofiuon of Aim.ghty God I k,^d fc n,)c,!iimte me...Ho-.VL-ver zs the iri. u!d have died with a lie 211 my nic urn. - - -'- - - -- - -- But his cuyine fpirit wa? upou mcthb morn* Till this libera! clnd de!:c^te 1 yras therefore not a little fur meetirj. ■ * c » feafon &i%ned why that meeting ^ had fo lnrr lings take place, has not been railed rrl Freiiknt thinks other wife, I .mull be leave, for his fut:sfa£lion and that of the fubferib- Tnal tJfBAREN J B£( KKR. CoNCIL'DFD. IjiiRurf BjECKEit. fett# of May fields *ri Uie c.VT.tjr of Monti-orrurv, and now a co«-fen feed ciirnmal. cbi.fined-m the rail of the laic.'. Ounty, on the icxordday cf'Oclo- ber, mi the yr*jof n\y Jo- l^.d 1 trufl mf Saviour .j.e thJ/iifandeTgfct hundred and &f- teen, knowing tha I rnuft fhortiy die an i*;- jjorrjnotis death and apre r tkfore?n all-wife and merciful God, w/iol. h\v~ I have broken and ccpeciving that 1 one it to the world as well a. to my G'.o, to make an open dec- iaration of fry. guilt, do-vblift the following (Uicmeni ;—I confef.*> \t±t world that i diejuilly—1 have been tried ac\J condemned for n.urJering my wife with p ;ior\ the ver- dicj of thehiry which culi-mc off from this wond as a dangerous member of fociety, was a jua &nd righteous verditt. Mv ^uilt'is ie^- era, to infert the followinfr documents and fir he aie a fc.v fifts, from n'hich the public \vill z able to judge, whaf grounds the Re/er- bnd gentleman lias to diftrefs himfclf with ** not bt?en fubmitted to the Truces0^ u to the,nitUTe.anic'rci:mihncesofthew mun.fcatR>n;M^rAfter,tfiis ^t.Ianationth Rererend Gentleman tobmmt* that I fe _ u abondoned the Office" to which I ft fuck painful and gen emus apprdienGoui for . appointed.:^ J endeavoi s toronS-mthcmHi ny characler aad repifeat ion. of the public ?n this opinion bv &yin£«^ At a meethigofrhe.Prefident and Ttuf, Prfad':nt and Truficei have \ not m Urn Lees of the Midland Difhici fehool Society power to'accent the 'ehgnation oftheTrn. l%d 21 to this world. the I iildered my U'iv* tec- held on Mond. r thejfffl July, 1815, the f o 110 '.s ing re fo 1 ut io n s m ore i m m ed ia tc! v f0r the direction of the Treafury tvefe paffed ; - among others R^folved, ifl. That (he Treafurer be an- thorifed to cjllecl the fifbfcrlptiona without da-. 2d, Tha*t the Treafurer deport at infers ell thefubfenptfon money, and reouell of the fubferibers intv-rtll on their fttWcriptirms, provided they do not pay at the time" on which he calls fof p^vmcrrt. Ccfj of a Ltiiet from ilk Secretary io the P i 3 r* oi!.pan«on of roy Lo^PT: without any caufe, "he T'-cafuj 'er* he deadly drug which 1 procured from D j:t. thty* I gave her mingled with iUwede'r;^berries. Her whom I had GnJ- Cpiufy ptomi|ed before God and rti«Jl, to pro- led, tocherilh and to comfort : .She, of rl.ofe cc'i^ucl I had iiojufr reafm tD corn* ; ., in. the. I havr cruelly in the piune of I er fife and pfefufaefj cat off from thij Tfrrrid and fe.ut to her lon;.j home. The vjfro\J .vil! bc'ie-ye rr>c, aiding man, when 1 lay that I nevei gave her poifon but twice. 1'ae poifon thi,l I procured from doctor J)e- roudej I tev;-r g?ve her. I got ft- for that Sir to' Jurfgfton, «d Angrill, fS 15. . I am c*Ire%d by the Preildent of theM. D. fchool Society, to inform you, that aia meeting held at his houfe on the 3 1 ft J ai}^ you were autborifed to collet^ the fublcrintions, and requelt ififereft offuch as did not pay yo-j, -ommeneing at the time on which you called on them, until they do pay you— I alio fend you the frbferibtion "ft* I atft, &c". Sec. . TT ' '$*CHkfry% Bin £<. C. * homhon, Tniqjh-r M. L\ S. S.' RE-TV TO T«/E- 4lfl»; n. lower to'accent tne refigriafiota oftheTra. nr^rM—T afhrm that It revcr #as my intcv tion to reiign, nor Was my lettef ever«wt ed to convev fueh an \iti. On the o:te li.snd I was prepared immediately after of appointment to the office of Treafurer on ft rft M.-^y laft, to enter upon' the duties of that office, though conttary to ffcy expeft- t;o»»s, and I believe to the expeitamn; of ' all eowct-fned, no authority was velleJ q me until the ^ifc Jul- follow! >£ ; and if ■ •— » • __^_ ** ,A a that authority which was officially notitieJ to me in the Sectetafy*a letter of the jdflf Augtrft above Verted, !iad not been cloj- • g«jd with difjfculties iujiiroin fo my pw# , fitereft, and which in fufticetomyfeffW not overlook, IlhouMthen have proceeded • r • to ac't, immediately on the receipt otit. 1 now ica-e it to the moderation of * Tubhc, whether the 2d rcfolutionof the Jilt )uly was not Tiable ti materia) objeft** Whether it was fair irrthe Present toco* fCm&iWi $d /trtptfi. \>\{r. neiiher in vfotd,or aftiofl g'^H *f^Lj caufe for fueh a:f^:lni^tw, and A ' to the Preihlciit Ufofetftow r',rj f Jy prom.fetliat « a meeting Hiould be c- imn,ediai-lv and the ohUacle0 I eoB?^fr and j r ,v it awa z', I rcfrivea never to fr rfc of 'r.iur- :g her thereafter. But alas J h',v> f *.- *jn-S.iia»i overcome me, I again rol- icd 1. * jp ;-i mv con-jue as a fw-ct morfel. d^r- faf pcfca whic^i I tfiocuYcd of J&r- now f would have, that my Father a,rd Mo¬ ther /hould live together in love and friend- mip, and be an example of piety w t^err chit- *Wm aafd tbciir c&MrdTJ hii'Iren, al> <h^ you for the information or^thc IVeficV 'l under the eXJft?ng circ:tmffefi-3 *>n felt tote. dent (Sat " Should any AUTicuhy-ciernr ro u^ ^ I Mmnot u rrr, the Preiiclent »nd Tni«W .^ " fed and -'er rpdy t" r-nnvc'1'31'

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