Kingston Gazette, December 9, 1815, page 1

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. - ■ • ■ [SATURDAY, December o, fSic.l i ? [volume v—No. «;.i; r --------------------------------------------- ■*—*—— ______ Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN ^TfT Price Four Dollars per Annum. ' infertion, and 2</. per line evevy fncceedincr ' . infertiop. ' ' Madiafs, Roma! acid Pocket do AdvertifeT*entsunaccompanied with writ- India, Flag agd Bandanna do- ten directions are inferted till forbid, and blade Crapes, bizcit and light cc^oicd firouiff charged accordingly* \ i Silks &• Twist: black & white iilk Gloves : XSSSSSSS^SSt^aBSStSSSSSSSSSSSA blade and white filk Hofe : white Cottons f 1 Robe's : fewed Cambric do : large indfe filk Shawls: Opal] do do do: bun" and purple cotton do: black and white cotton Hole: black worded do ; Ladies habit, kid and bea¬ ver Gloves: Gentlemen's beftbuckf>doe & beaver do : gentlemen's patent (ilk and lea¬ ther Sufptfnders : broad and narrow Linen Diaperr bed 11 Jits and brown Hollands,: Riiflia «ml Im/(ation Sheetings : black and < * 'oied Bbrnbazettes: broad cloths a^.d flas- »c!s: colored and white Thread?, fine and £oarte : cottpn checks and (tripes j thread •-vitri a Imdll convenient frame houfe and lia¬ ble thereon, and barn r^'ofm Inquire of the fcbfcVfber dn the premifer* iCingftcru i^th Kov. 1^15- 5+tf. Cofcrte into the endofure of the fublcribef, about the firft &i AuffttA lift*1 a middle 5/ed bay Horfe. Th? owner is re- <;ueAtUo prove hUprOnVTt-y* pay charges and take linn away. • , -W'liham rortnttfr, Yonnfr Q _7th N'2^ Jjili^l^ J^5._ and cotton Laces: gentlemen's left Beaver '*"* Hats : ftcram, beaver and wool do: boys do and do do:' Ladies fine Beavtir and. ftraw Bonnets, London faihion : lace, kid, moroc¬ co & leather Slipner** * q"*i s morocco Boots and Bootees r gentlemeu's fine and coaj-ft cttuest Stationary* 3c. ana lv!array's Sailing Cooks : TelUmcnts a,ud Bih'cit^childreVs Story books : black tfnd rVd f»k Powder : black and 1 -d Selling Wax, and Wafers in-tin bwes . -' :!; Lead Pencils' be« HollandQui}!?. ' . Groceries, &c. . Loaf and Mnfcovado Ritcnr : AllTiice : ' ^ * Peoner: S:a:cH and Fiff Bine: Nutrticg*: Cindamon .; Mace n rid Gloves: B'-oom Rai- fins : fine Currants : Madei/i, Port & Ten- erirfe Wirei: Pepoermiiii Cordial ; Bran- dy : GIm and Spirits : Pigtail and Phvr To¬ bacco : Englifn Soap af.d C-mdle*: *.7ind- h Stolen, ROVa owl oj ttrd fr.ofcvibcrs eaVrfdgC) ,, llandlrrg in 1»^ il 'Me, a Venetiah Blitnli Snted. or.-rii, fm .^^d in niahojrortv, wilh a metal fprmj lock. Whoever wi?l giw <n- forrpi^ion —here it ftinv bo found vvill be handiornely rewarded by ..." Kingston* ^l^lJliV:________~- , __ FOR SALK, '.'■ ate?/ elegant Wooden Clocks, warranted to keep good time.— Inquire ?•'. this office. July 0, i^r5- For Sale, ' T: I-IIL West half of lot numbers Inetcen in the fecond conctffioti of this to.vnihip of Kir^fton. • Apply to the Printer* IB?/**, y^hjzi iSt5~ ____■■5;s.f^ SHOE M< R Wm. WhiTi:. y £S?£CTFIjLLY informs his o'd \ Cti'.tomers aiuHitic Public in genera', that lie will iCc-^m-che liisbofincfs opp->5':e of Cook & Smith's, on Wednefiay _ »«*^ ' where t!i<>0 «-'no «'ill favour him ..with, their '.'commands nv-r-impend on ne4*.n«'f«, punftu- ality and dispatch. He will alfo V.'*? con- ftan'tlv on hand Leather" of all kinds for 6k. ...... N. B. Slior fc«rt^odcl worij.aien at.the yardi and frriles! ^lanolbws and fickJcs; : above bufineft will findthe be ft encourage Mill do ;>M Files J Cod and Hambro fjfixits: nient and their \v?«-«-s paid :n fpecic every fnurf Boxe< i frtaviijg do with-and without 1 Peppermint and 'Liquorice Ball: T Opiafrt. r r f r ** Cloth wl Shoe Bniuies: beft To3?!i do : Hei*ih do : Broom Head-, j Ladies Tortoife 'Shelland Horn Combs : fvoiy and DandriF do : platedafidbrafs^CsrvdicfticIcs : Snuffers arid Stands : cupboard, chdl, clofet and |)\d Locks 2 Brafs Cocks * b:!afs and iron butt hinjrefi : doll L do; Stirrup Irons 6c ridle Diits: b'ick and horn handle Table Knives and fr'o-ks ! Jack aSd Pen. Knives & Razors : large arid fmall Sciflors s fnoe Knifes, Pincercj Ralps anq Hamtr<f$ ; (leel- bi I &tur<3ay night and ofteiitr if required. 1 Kingston, 2d December, 1815. 2 &> ......"'......."'I p:a(i"es Decanters, Turhblers end Wfnt? Gkfles : Earthen Tea Pots ; fogar Bo^lsSc Milk Pots * 'a^ge and fmall Cups& fauces : Watch Chaiusj fenlg and Keys ; Finger rtrtd Ear Rings ; Window Glafs ; Putty ; fotintS—=Orec'n Blye Yellow and White ;— Linfeeil Oil £c Sgiriis of Turpentine ; Pow¬ der and Shot. Sec. &c. i-,dOAobt?r? t8!C. Juji publiftedy and for fate at ibis Office^ Price t/3. i?^v / Rags Casklnd the highest price paid for CLEAN COTTON AND LINEN RAGS, . At THIS OFFICE.., - . t . --/ • ■- ._. ■ . ; lie LP and DYING SPEECH A QUANTITY OF of JOSEPH BEVIR • Of Quality Nb. t divd Ko. 2, For Sale ay this Office. Kingston, April ti, 1815. 4 THE SUBSCRIBERS - Have for 6ale, QUANTITY of Very Excellent fkENC H BRA N DY-------Which M\.»t11 cheap forcafli, _THOMAs MARK LAND He Co- the 4t1i day of September, 18*5. for the murd'jr of Mary Bevir, his Saughtc . Written by /.»/;/: :r while in Prtjon. 7tf and Nirchoj'c one of the Books Sept. 26. PLANrv 15AIL BGiNDb, ana SHERIFF'S SALES,_ Canc.dc, and to cur IvnVhtH, Citir.ens ^nd liuvgelles of our faid Province. 10 oirr Provincial Parh'amentj at our *tmrn ci* York, on the t\" eilty-rightb day of Nov- c.ribrr,to becommepced, held, called and e)e&ed, and to every of v^o, WHEREAS by rx:r Proclamation beau'n^ date t!ie twelfth day of October Jail, WE thought Qt; by*ndwith the ad¬ vice of oUr executive council, to Profflgtje oar Provincial Parliament, to the Twenty eighth day of this prefent mo:>th 01 at Nov'r. which ttme it our tow !i of ix-^kj yon were held 3nd<!o'nftrainrcl to appear. But WE, taking into cur Royal confiJeratiofl, '.he, eafe airj conveniance of our loving fubjefts, have thought fit by and With the advice of our • Ml- It executive councu, to relieve you, and Caen ot you, oi your attendance Bt the lime a- forefaidj hereby cafiyoklng", and by thefe prefence enjoining you and each of you, that on the fifth day of January riext you meet U3 in our Provincial ParliamVnt* at our town ot York, there to take into consideration, thfe iiate and welfare of our faid Province of Upper Canada, and therein to do as may'feem necrfHiry. Herein fail not. In tel'.i.'Tiony Whereof, we have caufed thefe our Letters to be made patent, and the great Seal of our faid Prpvinctf to be hereunto affiled* Witnefi our truixy and well belc-ed Francis Gore, Efquire, Lieutvnant Governor of our faid Prrtvmce ^t York, this Twenty-fed ortaddv ofNoven)ber,i» the year of our Lord one choufynd eiVht hundred and frfteen,and fifty iifth ye»rof our reign, F. G. Entire of .fir*. 3u*scxiber iJm DOLPHVS7017N, OR A7 THE tSlifT- 2NG.OFFICE. ~*' *■ - -_______ ' Johns & Finkle, iiAVL JUST RECIEVED A CENERAJ, A^:JOIlTMF,NT OF . JJry Goods Groceries : i Among Mich are t!^ following artidas:^ j ° White and rtach Cottoh Cmbrfck, j Superfine drtj-'d .nd ijfafa Chides; na riandkerchi.'fs j ^ variety of Shawls and Veftin« : Larjre damaft silk Shaw!? • 'Vm. Ti^ .j ■ ^... 27 Ten Dollars Reward. /?)aektox!e;~ Gentlemen's fine buck, doc-^cin and bea¬ ver glove$ } I^adies* black, \vliite and fancy eoloutM Silk do* I-adies' fancy affofted Kid 3c. . . i Black, blue, grrcd & scav\*t Botnbazetts % While ihalloon silk Velvets and Cotton Shirtings t. . * " T . . • , Scctch Sheetla^fl ; < LOST, > * ON or afertilt the Jottf of September 2 Gold mounted Tortdifr Hid! SNUFF ttOX, marked in the centre W S. p. L, in ** Diamond. Whoever will return the fame *x> tli< fubfercibr fnall receive Ten DoMara *>ward. . •» ? 1 Kuigftoti, Nov- 7, irt: 7. rO^A' BARLEY* for Soap :—i'ivitilh and Cafco/ Oii : Elfcitte- | Pepce:-:ri:n^ and;»,n: Ball; T'r.ktrv T Three CavreU of excellent ~ Black and white JeanflS Dirr.!tics and black Cn**e • Jackwiet and Book WtfUios, Lenoes » #Gir.ghanv>, Ribbons and Laces ; Fitic plated forr and wool Hat») Oil d Har Covers. . AZSO, Hyfon, -> . Yoong Hyfori, }■ TEAS; And Hyfon-sfein J Hup, pigtail and iao'i'es' t*ift Tobacco j High proof aid Jamaica Spirits ; 4 - IVHIS KEY, .-.-I fur ialc very low. Eni;:r;reoi n-U)vUs HAtiDW t >* t8i? iitf. /; guuusj togctnxr witU 2 varTety or articles nor n.-itioned, will he fold at the rnoii reduced Pn*ce$ for cafli. We tendir our thankful ac^r.owledgments to our cus¬ tomers for p3ll favors, and (olicit a.tontinu- */}** Snip ' anceoft,ieJr f«ture patror;aKC. ________„____ ^ >" \T N'oKmah BtvitTVE & Cd's. Store* L c"^ 1 uancoe^ various r at^- 1 do neces * anc terns. 50 Pieces Superfine C!i;ntzt "&q9 50 Pieces Wellington Fancy do. £v the Trunk or Piece. ]7. 6 Cafks Kails, g.od, 16di t^d, red, 7^, 43 2 Cafes bottled Kfuftard. The whole will be fold die'ap for daft ba¬ ll K:n£s;ix9 iC>l/j dao&et* 131 ? . 21 rf. For Sale. A valuable traft of land lying !? the 2? I ; ^'"townfiup of CharIottenbui*jjh, contai:)- • Viw four hundred and thirteen ncivs more or ris ; and known by t^enamc of Lota No. 1]y I4,<ij, i /I iind i^9 being part of a drip <v" land b*-twe?n the 2d and4th orfnceiltous o ^■harlotteuburjjh. For terms apply *o jam£sg. btehune. ■ ^"n"^,7» ^'A Oftobet ! °>: *. • ?. 1 tf. "left" T N the Store of tV subscrilser, abont th -f Fourth May lalV'TTSG ?a-cUch %rhed L. H. T. Th e s + ADVhirriSEMENT. npHE fuhfeviber offers for {ale to the JL Public, on liheral terms of payment, the following lote of wn!t? Lands. . Lots No. 22 in r*e 8th Con/ ' No 9 in the r,thCon. S.;Weff j *jAh-Cd£ hip of Piitibirtgh^ , also Lots No. 7 n! tV ciacftnceiTloa No. 26 in the tfch CQnceffian - NAzSiig, 30,33 &3^in6thcon- No. 2£;Ktft !- Sthcon.of Pittlburuh. ocve-^l Lc.t;> Tif \.:\!i.! of one and two acres in extent, onTne t;ont of lot Numbc* r.4 in the townfhip of Kin^fton, lying and ieituatc on the fhore of the Lake; °And •ikewife feveral lots of Innd of ore, two and three acres on the rear of the faid"lot No. 24, lying and fcituate on the road fiom the town of King ft on to trie country.—The Jots arc well adapted from their filiation for" bpildiug on them, and for the eflabiifrrm^it oGautena in the vicinity of the t,own. Application to be mad«! to the fnhicriber. GEO. OKILLSTUaKT. KifigjlcH% Sept. 6, 1815. if., For Sale, VALUABLF Farm, with bniljfn^ also larpe improvements thereon, fa* ^Vef.iid articles U requeued to prove the vorably fitnated within 28 mre* of Kinpv Fbpcrty»and pay the neceffofy expence. torn p^rfons defirons of purchafing to in* SAML. MERRILL. . quire of the Prnitet. K. rt o'vncr of the A

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