Kingston Gazette, October 10, 1815, page 1

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["TUESDAY, OcTov.nw to, 1815.] [VOLUME V.—^No. 18.] Kingston, Upper. Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum* Terms of the Kmmrm Gazette. w ted ... «5»pR(CE—Four Doijljxs per Annum, (actutiveofpofW) ifi m advance, 5/ at the en.i of &6 month:, nv.d 7/6 at the end o, the year. frits of advertfit-n hi the Gazette* Six ones and undjr, 2/6 ririt m!e:r:on, and 1ft ?ve-T fubfc epient. Ten and under, 3/4 nrd infemon, end 1/8 every fnbfquent. Ten lines and upward?, 4//. per hue ftrtt infmion* and 2</. per line every infertion. t . Advertifements unaccompanied with writ¬ ten dirc&ions jre infcrlcd till forbid, and charged according*} "COR the Public Service, at Kingfton, -*■ Point Frederick and Point Henry, as may b^ agreed upon, 3000 Cords of good merchanta- blc FIRE WOOD, and 8,600 BUNDLES STRAW. to be delivered during the months of Ali¬ gn ft, September and O&ober following. Perfons difpofed to contract for the whole or a reafunable proportion of the above quan¬ tities will be careful toexprefs in the body of their tender the precifc periods of delivery ; and it is to be underilood that no propolal wfll be accepted unlets the names of two ref- peCtable perfons are given as fecurities for the due performance of the Contract to be entered into. Tenders will be received until the 2jth BR THE PUBLIC SERJ'ICE AT THIS POST: bufhels Auguft next. I2U Comrr.\[fnr:at Office, KHmtii 7,oth Jur.e, 1815. do. Lime Sand Bricks 8 inches 4*4* Do.gin. 4 1 2^ 2 1-2 do. Hair bufiieis Oak timber feet Do. Piank do. 1 1 3 3-4 inch 1-2 iC 11 5,000 6,000 120,000 50,000 60 6,000 5,cc6 12,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 ,000 EFT N the Store of the subscriber, about the Fourth May laft, five packaqes marked L. H. T. The owner of the K. aforefaid articles is requeued to prove the property, and pay the necefTary expence, P SAMl. MERRILL, Kingston, August 21,1815. 11 tf o Ir- p\ I prouofab for the wh^e, or part of * articles, -will be leee^d at thu lit.f 18 inch *m?te 8e,H " " ' '^ trie ahov office, until the 2±i\\ August 1 ■•(hut. Stolen,' of tW fabCcrfber* "F7 in.;,!.i.ft=-We,aVc,,iianB'":£|. a ftarffty *2/ ROM o nt rn rri^re, Blind, pat - . J metal fpnn i,n whnc it lock Whoever w»H jl've m- m.V be found will be S^ely rc^a^ljv ^^^ *.rr I, t«l5 FOR _ 6tf SALE, w w*rran c red to keep good tune Inq uire at this office 18' V 8 For S TAKEN tip by the fubferiber, ahont four week* ago, a gray Mare. W|10. ever may own faid Mare, is reqnefted to prove property, pay charges, and take her way. JOHN ABBOT. A D VI: &TtS&MEHr'£ ~* ^PKE fubferiber offer* for fale to t&« 1L Public* on liberal terms of payment the following lota of w?»fre La-ids. Lois J]oi 22 in the Sth Con. No a In the 6th Con. S. Weft , 23 8th Con. No 8 Lall {5th Con of the tovftj^ fhip n\ Fittfoorgh. AlSo Lots No. 7 in the jrli conceSioa No. 26 in the 6rh conceSion Nos 28, 29, 30, 32 & 33,: 1 6.hcorj» No. 23 Eatt I 8th con.of Pittfou%h Several Lots of Land of o^-e and t vvo aces in extent, on the" front of lot Numj&er 24 in the townthip of Kingfton, lying a,n() fcituate on the fhore of the Lake. A_nci likewife feveral lots of land of One, two rriI1^ three acres on the rear of the faid lot \\j0m 24, lying and fcituate on the road from ij-1ie town of Kingllon to the country.—^he lots are well adapted from their fituation for UPPKR CANADA; George the thirds by the Grace of God^ of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and Ireland, Ktng, defender of the faith. Wise;c<s the ad niuiibation of cur Government of our Province of Upper Can¬ ada, in th-r abfence of our Governor and Lieutenant Governor of the laid Province* by our Royal inttruCt'ons has devolved on our Truftvand well beloved Sir Frederick Philipfe Robinfon, Knight, Commander of the molt Honorable Military order of the Bath—Major General Commanding our forces in the faid Province. WE do here¬ by require and Command ail our officers and Minilters Ci^il and Military and all other inhabitants of our faid Province of Upper Canada, to be obedient, aiding and affixing unto him the faid Sir Frederick Philipfe Robinfon, in the execution of all and fmgu* lar, the powers and authorities contained in our CommifPion to our Governor of our faid Province; In teflimony whereof, WE have caufed thefe our letters to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of our faid Province to be hereunto affixed; Witnefs our trufty and well beloved Sir Fredeiick Philipfe Robinfon, Knight Commander of the Moil Honorable Military order of the Bath, Major General Commanding our forces within the Province of Upper Can¬ ada and Provisional Lieutenant Governor of our faid Province at York, this thirti¬ eth day of June, one thoufand eight hun¬ dred and fifteen, and fifty fifth year of CANDLES B 5 iy wholefdie or retail, for fa'.e at the cor¬ ner (hop oppofite the.New Market Houfc, by JOHN YOUNG. Who keeps constantly on hand, as wfual, at his Butcher's Shop, Frefh Beef and Mat- ton* Price of Mutt on i Hind quarters 7^d. Fore quarter*, 6d. Or 6yd by the fide. Sheeps Wool for fale as above. • Kingilon, Sept. 25, 181c, j=t 16 EOR SALE, Potash Keiths Entire of ths subscriber in A* DGLPHUS-rOlVX, OR AT THE PRINT¬ ING OFFICE. N. HA GERM AN. Kingston, i oth August, 18 15, 11 tf. \ LL Perfons indebted to the eftate of the •■* Honorable Richard Cariwright, deceaf- ed, are requelled to make payment ; and thofe to whom he may have been indebted, are requelled to bn'ng forward their account* for adjustment r>nd payment to A. M'Lean, Esq. who is duly authorifed to receive pay* ments, and fettle the accounts of the faid Eftate. JOHNSTRACHAN, Executor. Kingfton, 13th Sept. 1815. 15 vrq our Reign, N Good F. P. R. W m . J a r v i s, Secretary 6 QgOR IV'^- nt WKWf of lot n.-nber n.P-.t«n w ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ e!labUain- m ,he fecond conceffion <«f the toxvnfhip o. • -^ -n ^ vkhky of thc T 1 the fecon > Kl-eft'.n. Ap'.'ly to tl« Pn.uer. " mkted liiimeautwyi, Aoolicatiotl to be made to the fnbfct «l^er- Ti GEO. OKILL Sf UARTi, A COOK, and ir.ilefs Chamber Mad Kitche^ Maid" -Nohe need ml; . ^Irecoromended.-lnquireat il. Wm* «r's Kingfton Hotel4 Kingston, April 29< %*t$, Kwrfiin, Sept. 6, 1815. t* UP ff5s Sale. m 48 w . of led NwvcJ Storekeeper s Office) Kinstun, lot/j July* 1815. PERSONS defirou* of contracting to de Oak and Pine Timber, prior to the clofiug of the navigariorij in or ont of the water, at Point Frederick, to be fuch Timber as 13 fit¬ ted for the Quebec market to export* are requelled to fend in lenders by the lid in- ftant—at which tirhe contrails will be en¬ tered into. EDWo. LAWS, i 2 rf*j Naval Storekeepers "UPPER C"ANA"DA. ' F. P. R03INSON, 7 P. Lt. Ggv. 3 ____E the Thirdj by the Grace ofGodj of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, defender of the Faithu To oar beloved and faitiiful Legiflative Counfellors of our Province of Upper Canada, and to our Knights* Citizens and BnrjjeHea of our faid Province, to our Provincial Parliament, at our town of York, 011 the fourteenth d?.y of Septem¬ ber, to be commenced, held, called and elected, and to every of you, GREETING. WHEREAS by our Proclamation bearing date the thirty-firfi: day of Ju'y lait, WE thought fit, by and with the ad- vice of our executive council, to Prorogue out* Provincial Parliament, to the FOUR¬ TEENTH day of September next, at which time at our town of York, yon were held and cor,drained to appear. But WE, taking cafln ft RICHARD G. CLUTE, O AS jud received a very handfome as- *■ * eortmeht of Dry Goods & Groceries, which he will sell at reduced prices for c: among which afg tl.e {■A\u*.\i> » a.ti.i.-• ; Superfine and Common Broad Cloth , White cV Black Cotton Gambrtck ; White and Blue Cotton Callicoe ; Cotton Shawl's , Black Silk and Bandanna Handle fa Tellow Flag do. Black Silk Shawls and Vales j Common Silk Shawls of all kinds ; Striped Cotton ; Scarlet Kersey ; Vefl'wg of all kinds ; Tellotu, Black and Blue Nankeens ; Apron Checks ; Bumbazettes ; ou * I1 jefty Rag S I Rag I Cash and the highest pi ice pai CLE -\N COTTON AND LINEN id for l. t M y s AT THIS OFFICE A QUANTITY OF , WRITING PAPER, Of Quality No. i and No. 2, For Sale at this Office. ^Kingston, Aprtizi^J^S- J^i- Blank Summonses For the DistrL t Courts, for Sale at this Office. ___ .__ **" THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE [0R SALE, X QUANTITY of Very ExrelVnt A FRENCH iiRANDY.— - ^hty will Kg)i .. U'j,,f for cafh. THON' : M \R11LAND * Co. • Kingston, 18/A tfqg#£t iftl't* **& tng S DC-nch at the fnitnf James Peikins, late of t«ne town of Klnafton, yeoman, agamft thela,nds and tenements of John !viadden,of the toAvn, (hipof Erneft Town, yeoman, to me diWa. Pd j I have feized and taken in execution^ as Mnrginff to the faid John Madden, lot No. , 2, in the fixth conceHlon of the town;fhip of Crneft Town, containing by admea,urc. menttwo hundred acres, be the lame rn9re or k-rs, together with a houfe and barn tr,ere. on elefted, as weU a, a large improver^nt on the fame. I do hereby give, ,hat the abovementioned lot of land, with {h(l buildings and appurtenance, theminta be- 1(.n,ing, will be fold and^.d,ad^to the town ft -Which hig'hed bidder, at the goal door in 1 cf Kingfton, on Monday, the r»t. November next at the hour tf ten ot thc clock In the forenoon, at v:hich time t d place the conditions of iale v/dl bw rmfc I Charlea Stuart. Sfcn;?. And every pnaon or perfons ha'Wfr ~ < :m5 „n the above « fcrib-'d lot rflprf "-J-.-r*. if,,, by m :,«m* or other «#t: orff, B?. w-wce arehereb* «d«*niWi to ?.*■<- ;!cc t'xZ faid Sheriff, at bk officem th- • „v, lVKL5on,previ..u,tothefatetHerrt,. into cur Royal Confideration, the eafe and conv^niance of ciwr loving fubjefts, have thought fit br and \ri':h the advice of our executive council, *o relieve you, and each of y m, of your attendance at tt:e time a- foreUId* hereby convoking, ar.d by thefe prefcRoe enjoining you and each of you, that on the Nineteenth day of Gel cer next you meet us in our Provincial Parliament, at cr.r town of York, i\ere to take into confideration,the (late and welfare of our faid Province-of Upper Canada, and therein to do 2.s may feem necefTary. Herein fail not. In te*l\im.)n7 w kereof, we have caufed thefe our Letters to be made patent, r.nd the crr^at Seal of our faid Province to be hereunto afn\el. Witnefs our trultv and well beloved Sir Frederick r ordtr of tag Batb—Major General rvr iorc€9| witnin our p-o'-'.-ce ofU^per Canada, and Pro- vj v uul Lv",,Jteuanf Governor cf our (ih\ province -a'. King (ion, this feventh C^v of Stpte- h:-r. in the year of our Lord one thoufand ei^ht bundred and fifrci.n,and ofty ?^;h yearof out reign* F. P. R. Long and Short Boots ; Ladies' Walking Shoes ; Childrens9 Shoes ; Saddles and Bridk* ; Hard and Brown Ware ; Glafs Ware; Powder, Shot, Balls and Lead ; Tea; Tobacco; Coffee; Allspice ; Pepper; Red and White Flannels ]; ■ 1 Furniture Calicoes Turlington's Drops Britifo Oil; Peppermint ; Coifs Pills ; 9 Turkey Stripe Blue Dimity ; Bed Tirhing Velvets, Spirits, Nails, Hats, Ribbon: • s 6 > rutty and veu Deiovca q« p.*m*-~- ■^.llipfe Robinfun, Knight, Comman- Vr cf t^e r.'.-'A Honorable Military comm'u cing 4 — Indigo ; A large quantity cf Patent Right WHEEL HEADS. "With a vaiiety of other articles' not mentioned- Bvllowel Bridge* Augujl 25, iSi c. 13 NOTICE. HE fublcriptions to Lieut. Colonel ^ Bonchettt'a Topographical anil Geo^ graphical Maps* which v^ere qrigioally r J at Vive Guineas, are now advanced t London price of Seven Guineas, and w.U contmue to he received by bis agenis.- . o the „ <v*«m;/i J7 April 32 iSK. 47

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