Kingston Gazette, July 25, 1815, page 1

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n^^HAY, Jtrtir a|, 1815.] • ■*" ■ r * [VOLUME 70 — — - Kingston, Upw-r Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum. ----------------------------------------- ■■■ ••—--------------—----------------— -•-•---------------_.-_------------------------------------- __________-___________________________ ISA » '* ,*~ *• **# *,-.* '-* ■WV«?'.•«*•»»' Tt/Tw flf fcStf Kingston- Gazette. • • Cj^Price—FourB Dqlljks per Annum', (cxclufiVe of petfage) 7/0 hi advance 5/ at llu* tni of fu month*, and fjfa at the cud of tlit year. r/vVr 0/" arfv.T.'t/J"" In tl* Gr.rt<-'ie. Six linos aud.under, zj'G fu !l ia'^jiion, and V3 r'eT '^kqmnt. Ten lines <md under, s/i fivH: kifcrtion, an<i 1/8 every fu! leq'.K-ni. Tea hues and upwirds, _>?//. per line {inx iVeruon, and Z(L per line eery incc-edmg infertiorv, Advcr tifements unaccompanied with writ¬ ten directions jie infer ted t£»l rcrbid, and charged accordinrlY. «^»J» v»- ■ « 0H£ Hundred Dollars A XI T <Al- -^ JS- 4w^-^ lost: VEGTERDAY, in Shig&m, between Mr. Patrick Smyth's Store, and the govern- wint mun formevU' occupied by t-lw late J. l,uritml Efq. or between that and lbs Eliza, lyin.r oil' at am hwj a Black Moreno jVkcfc Book, centaim<:£ <n'grvt Fifty dol¬ lar Bills, dated about the lai't of February, J^'5, together \\-hh about fi:; htmdted dol- »rs,iHt«MS a,.n £ves ; a':.., the Kc^i&crof w* Schooner tailed the Mti&aJimj -and a W^tteabcii cf NoLCof c.i!ijerab!ea- **"'*,&<! other paper?, t -n he of fce "t»c to Roy one but tiiessw er. Whoever ^« ddiun fajd Poclut Kick vmJi the U*5 •-• r «■; ■ ■ . ., «»*-6| r.-ir-r'toti- or '*ivs- i,ui.r natron wh'.e k- ,l '-'» be obu,avdf ih .11 rcc. we dia above j ».* t. U ir* :•, ;------ Kimdm July t^, to'ic. 6 •>• $lit£a?4Dkfr'St 1 To t!».' inu . i I in to (US.) jfae'uubuvgf} .nf,).tf.»".d, ycowiiUi f"v^;- !^a.r el" i\da»mStrati.>« $*{ \h* v,'>uU> ehittel 3 t\I:dtnud TV;.:i'v, 3-'i^- chan drjv^Ld—Crrcsunga t^rMI5!^ SAS sr:)iiwi'i"!i li'th been V Y madi* in our Scm ospt: Co vie J. for ' b : Di-rrict, l:y il.Wa Mcw&y, uf ol A(i«»»nn>traL'.'>u 'O! IV.' I'.'JO.-, CiiJvIClS a-j cr..'di*b w^ich Wtl£ of the »b •»*. a«m«ti 'Ifastintrs Catpc.'tei*, \ 1 tlu- Tvi dU;ui i)is- Iricl; TheiV are •l\e--.-f^c to req'.r.C ;he ne:u ct kin to the fdl tiawtin^s Cr.Vi-enU-r, to appeal befote Me on <■■•<• l.cfi.-e tt« li'>t day Hi Suoie-nbe- i.ext enfei;.^.. to ih:w cu:^, ir a-v thev have, whv ict^c re of .idiV'iY.i-tration * * * rf the coadi eh^l':.:'*; ;iud «. eu;fj ii the fai.i H:i.tin^-> C-'j.pefter, decejifed, ir>)ul.l noi be rir.-.ed to the fcid l).-.vij Be^iev, p'tirumnj lu'hiA applicaiL>n a.s .iforcfHul. . Witn^f* in' ti^'ni and Jeal nl office thf* ei^ht hur«lred ami fifteen* D. HAGErman, Re?\st:r. rL.iro5.-*ife. 6 Ran away 5?R0M the employment of the lUbfciibef, j'osifh Caul'nul, Taylor, being under cngjg;"nici'it to me. ai'd flul iulliUiiJg The fame ; g:'vea this information tb*t lie B»y be detected, as he has been gtiifty'ti£ Several depredations f 1 Mino-te.a, uti i h i?n- tftiie hands of the law for the f:i:rc • !\e ftftftiaiiy perfon or perfons net to ern^h-y flisa under the p';ni]ty of the lame. r. Si A Jsaiidiome iewsrd will be given iorUs Coat. &Agft.oo,4JSth |ime, 1815. 5 3^ Kingston-July 17th, 1815. Oi&Harged Nun-Conmifiionei Oiiiesrs •no So^.hcrfs, v^ho may have bceU itcom- f»ea«Jcd for receiving Grants of Land, a~e Repair t&'CovnwaU v/trtio*it delay, & to ie- portthtn.fUves t<» Alexander M"'Dmell E% ^p-nmcioant of tlie l)epartment lor Loca- **H the ;:0W -Settlers. Jty^rdti- of H» Excellency the £Wil]oi,al LJCLJtenai.w Governor. t. P. ROBINSON, oVVy. r°H SALK—A full Wooded Mfe Kingston Dock 2'ard, if lb June, 18 < 5, T> EQU1RED for the ufe' of the Naval X\_ Yard, the undermentioned ai tides, Bricks. 6o,cco 8,000 Bulliels* do. Llrrve Sand Shi 11 riles, 4,000 To commence the delivery v»f the above mentioned articles immediately, and to con¬ tinue [weekly) by Eu-eh quantities as fiia-I be diiecttd by ilie Commillioner, or Orli- ceraof the Dock Yard. PiopolaU to be delivered into the Naval Store Keeper's Office, Point Fie&eivek. 4. BROKE into the enclofare of t fibfevibcr on Vv"cdnci*d?.y, the 3 1 tt May, a dark my Hovtc, a Itar in his forehead.— Theownei is rcqneiled to prove piope;ry, pay charges, and take him a\v-»y. EBIM BENNET, Emeu Town, June 3,1015. • •£!0t S/1',> A FAST fcillflff School f\ Backets Hdib->r< about lying oaicn FAST f-'Umr Srhoon^r lying ?t 60 ion-, buf-- thea- bh. has iindergone a tbotpugh re¬ pair, and corked tro:n keci to gunnel, and h tight ; h-r Srih 2nd lliggi'g new^a^d in oomplttc ordt-r. She was built m Ki- glton, and wa-j called t'ne EiiZdhelhs of ICnjsiou, when captured by t!ie Americans,—A;.y fl5-idn v/ifiung; to purchafe will Gfarge /Irmjhong or £r^« Vaughn. F-*rbos Jui« 2.6, i-Hiy. 4 call upon tVelCif.' L S TO BE S \ !sD poH'-lfion ^jvea immediate'y, t f\ eatt half or Lot No. 26, in the ? buv./n the /_ jk_ c.i't r.;vi or Awui *u, in lu.c 9tb Con.cffuM of the TovMiihi,) ot rieociic^s- h—about feventv acre; under g^od ini- movement, with a p*' :por'i;jn:»;e diia«tityoi Foi panicuWi^ appiy to the fabferiho> on jSftriL HA-W-LEYi F>\-nc>ic!&i>r£h, Mr,rch 2g, 1 d J 5. f3 / .\ N\ ju'.rl <:i„ h-ivm.r a«y dem-ands ;;. gati/K fhc l'nSic.ibcr are reoneited to CU J and receive then- pay ; all thole that a« e indebted toh-'m will do w&l to cat! & fettle the lame!y,or iky will hud theit aceoimts lodged in the bandir-dfan altorncy for collection ASA 1\ RK1IX lii-iglloYi, July io, 1815. rtf V- r AKKNttp by the iubferiber about th1* i$A of May lafti a m,/ Mav, ab-ut four.een and ahaTf lAitda lo^h, wi'h a frault whi-e it.1 itlkr fo.thead, a few faddie fpou, and?, (witch tail Th- owner i* requeOcd to .pr.vve his propt.ty, pay cbarg^, ?ttd taks i»er auay. W lb LET CASET. stdulphn/hivn, July 8, 18 15. 5 a Valuable Farm, v.-ith building * *■ and large iin>*'rowc[n.r!its :!ureoi% \^ vorablv fitwsfced withso 28 r.-.i.ti of YLv*\*<* ton. Pertot's deuitSus uf j urctfcsiing to \x& quire »j* the Prh.:*.r. //m*ten> jr"6' 1 o» 1S15 *t£ 'Notice. LL pcrfoni- indebted in the fubferiher by Note or Book accounts are ea-'-cd on io?make pay cent the hi it cf Bcpt fJMMS CUNNINGHAM. Kingilbn, July 17th 18:5. . 6^3 THE Pttblie are refpt£tfully inform^ that the \i\ arid 2d nunlbcisof the . Canadian Visitor^ announced lal: Sp.iug, are ready for fi^. fcribcrs, c.t ihi sOiEcfei Kim git on JliIv i^« —- For Safe* ND potTetr-SD given immediately, ti],e Leafeof a ot-one Houfe, plcaianL]y ficuated in Kingfton. apply to Mr Sa^_ uel Merrill or Moses Dp.AK^, POET R Yk • • ■ • • • • • • k • i ■ o the new crifia which agirates Eu- rope, your &ings whole thotights THE "IEA TABLE, ;r:e ^^ !F*d °n vhe ?* of OR A COLLECTION OF WOMEN, ehiidren, whatever be the in¬ terval which ieparates him from them, hasMwiired himfelf to his ft - Ere the collection does begin, fciome one invites her neighbors in^ To take with her a dill of tea, Made of the fined of Botua, And when the ladies thus have met, i'hcnjud at night the table's kt ; They gather louud with decent care, Come you'r« the pldeit—you let tkcre, Oh that's no niattc, iit down du, iii> after .compliment s aie thidugh, bone one behind to talk—anoihcr, Striked in foine notes above the other, SicKt then the thiid, fourth, tilth, io round, Jiach iirivgj the other voice to drown, None Hop to hear what others lay, Nor can tk;y hear tnemfelve-, yet they Keep uii this cr.allcd cone, Together ail—yet ail a-ione, I't.e firft bus ccme. :he next but half, e to iaubh, nd (v begins, te he, te he, Afiothci joins as loud as ihe, rlhy eaouot g-ive a reaion why, *TiS betver then tv laugh than cry> The lat'gb mc;taie^, tili bowevcr. One iliikea above the red—i never I'm quite diicourag'd—i do'n^ ivCj Yoi« ever mean to tfiitt roe ; My huCbatid now is gts&« horn home, So now 1 think you oti^!,t to eome ^ You, cry the reit, you ow'd before^ V\'e faw you iaL, to villi more ; And you owe me, mid you owe me, Allies to preferve you irom ail difafters. • • c Thehitb now thinks it ti-n > •■ c- bo roaiiQ it goes—yet none agree ; And when the louj> diiputeia palt> Nothing coiiciude'd on at, It teems amazing itr<ii.-*e to ire, Thcj feel ib Weil ior dvhrkmg tea \ For if a fircigiver fuould ci/ine, He'd think they'd all been dfiniiug rumi Vi.t IIV.'.Y. I'll ■'"-'0.^".iii. LW tti-Jl, Whiiil, Uiys itsluoth*:? give it pie—■ Ti.erfil lome fliickiiig and <\:r fed, With pi'-' and cakes and g'i'gc:b cud, Whoii. fays &»oth r kt. p away, Don't you i'.nciW bettci ? You Ihou'd ilay Till we hav< dune ; the child aHh.o' Determines th?.t he wi 1 not go ; Well ft ay the.x then if you'll be ftill ; (Thechild wor.t po>utiiv thai \vt v/ili !) IK lees 1 he cake, and tayeth h/td, The mothei now begin* to icoid j The chiid d )i.H. tare, bat lets her teazcj At.d U I'AU at a plate of chee'.e 5 .D>. give me that ; 1 will have lome, Thebuv'eli piitcK vbul lie* there mum, Now feeing by dout in'fd eomnianda, She iV.'ii.-; him and hoVd^ hisbaudrv, And i'«y« to i;nooih the ma'ttci o'er, Yoti never acted 'iu bet.-re. My child's not well, 1 eeitai-j know,. If well he'd mi Have ^fed f.» ; Thru fiwne rronicai euUtplesxit, Anfwera inilead of a tettramt. Say, one. I think the tlrnt! income, So lays the next we muh go h.,ine j And a> they gather round the door- They tune up lomiet 'h.iu be for.-; \vhen will yUu coin*:! 1 am afraid My villi v/iii i.ot be rrpaidj B-o aji if.vne, and all reply, To vifit fouii they mean to try ; The:. 8oek off home fa tifual formj ^ And the next day thee come:, ?. lloftft* The effects of his powerful in¬ tervention in your favour, have loon rmnifefted themfdves.------ Eaithfulto its treaties, the Brhiih Government has not Separated .ts caufe from that of his molt chrll- tian Majefty. Their Excellencies Sir J. Leith and Sir C. Durham have propofed to join themlclves to maintain the Sorereignty oi Martinique ta the crown oi France Under the immortal banner of ii.s legitimate Monarch. ihey coiiie ir. the name of their loverci^u, they come in the name ot your's, to allure to this lile, favored by Providence, the repofe that thole Princes and their allies had rendered to the world- and that the world could not pre¬ fer vc ; they come to protect from the Calamity of wax: your agricui- tuie, your commerce, every fpe* cies of profperity which your lie- uation is fuiccptible ; tliey comc> inane, to iuiUin with you5 upon the fan-.e foil, the giory of the Erenth irame, irrevocab.y attach- ed, at this day, to the defames or Louis the deiired. ami of his au- 0 You are about to read the no*- ble propofttions with which tliefe generous auxiliaries have ap- p-oaehed our fcorcs j they willi no other recommence for their important fervices, than to render1 you happy. Receive them with gratitude ; and remember, that if, on one lide ■ . the factions of recall |.V-»>'« -• I irw FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. our clays thofe of the Eeague ; on the oth¬ er, the fovereisns ct" France and England^ mingling their fiagSj oiFer to our reirards a confolinsr prolpeer, worthy of the fuccellors of Henry and Elizabeth, (Big >>eJ j-une Ath, 1815.^ PIECE OR1G1NALE. 'JBrms on which i propofe to afford the af- U:\anc" or a Bricilh UiU force to upho'd it<Sovereignty of His Mod C'uriitiart Iviajc:iy LOUIS the XVIil. ove. the IHanj of >Jartiniqt;ei 1. The entire ibvereignty of the Llivad ihsU retrain in the name anct urrder tbs fi%of Eouis the ibth, King or France, and Navarc. 2. The Britifli troops (hall be • • • w • * • * % **•• • • - • • * 4T/om ib; Boston fdhJim qf Jrily 4. Lr^m Mariw!q::e.--&y Capt. Da¬ vis, from fvlammque, we have been favoured with the Conven¬ tion betv. een the French and Eng- ptit in poQeilion of Fort Royal, Fort Bourbon, Bcullle Redoubt, and Pigeon Ifland, andlhall inev. ery reioect act as an auxiliary force to aid His Er:c^lency the Count dc Vaugiraud, in carrying on the CLOVeruuieut ior his* Sove- lilh, refpecting that iiland, and Proclamation ifiu-ed by tfie reisn.. the on that For Sale, FTeiu!* authorities fioai which we have translated. PROCLAMATION. Pisrre-Re.ic-Marie Coin pie IX* Van^iraud, Vice admiral, &c". Governor of Lin.* 1 (Te of Martinique and its dependencies, cxc. Louis Francois Dn Buc, Chevdhcr, Sec Intendam of laid Lie. To all the good and Loyal fobjec^S of the 3. The Britxlh Troops-fliali be maintained at the expenee of the Bruifh Monarchy, receiving how¬ ever, every rrk-n.dy ainiiance iu procuring piovnions-, for which they wiU pay as is- cullomary. 4. The Eritifh Troops Bull be under proper difcipiine, and any acts contrary to g..-od o»der iiiall e AN Elegant BUREAU* WW® this OiTice. July *tj lBi|> % at , v » ,i- • o • whe orivmiDilv punilhed by the Mil- King, and to the brave Soldter-l aua 0,1- w -c piv u.^iy y 7 lois in this Colony. itary Laws- Ihey llvail npt \ ow- from tlie firft moments oi. ever be iubjee: to the French Co- 1

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