Gfltire flr.,n«+er to leWla 'ffs he 8 netted only j,,,-v «0 contribute to the liappiucfft of others. He wa.i «'xtr(."acly afFable* vivacious and in- trc(lnir ,n toia convention ; and in htj manners were united fach modefty, digi hyf de'.ica*y and elegance, a* ate rarely fotinc?___ Ttu'V were in the higheft decree caplivatjiior, ami mowed the (Wetnefs of his temper and the refinement of his education. To per- fons of every defen^tion he difplayed the lit moil compkufance, ad abfohiUly ftole the aiTe&inna of all who kn.-w him. Six gftrittU* W4 had the pleaCnre of his foaVty, and lie h=t8 left 1>> many agreeaSle impres- fions, and has dov.e here fo many a£b of kiridnef., his name will very lung and H cry dearly he remembered amongfi us,- iere he was yvcW received ; here every rti ofliofpita'ily was Oiown to him, and every exertion mad'.* to beguik him into an ooliv- ion of his riiisf^rtuiies* DclMttfiil fudtftsd is the reeclletlioii of tlaofe fc-vices, eJbC^iaU lywhsnii i* cwifi^cied tliut vbey wuvc jnid to one, on whole grateful ii.a t rio oencr- ofitv ums loll ; cir/.l thty had the ha.j;.-y rffect A f'.xitiuiif/ the tail days bF'an Liuftfr- lunate ftrmger and captive, an upright ffian, a kin J and faithful /inm], a moff affec¬ tionate relation, and a eeloti-d physician. He Wit Portfir.outli on t!;c firlt of May, to join the IhtiT at Quebec, and on Suiuh;/ the eleventh as he was d«.scendi ■£ L«ks Caamplain, from Bmitngton to St. John7.*, the Packet Htdry, in which he had taken pffagc, was overiet by a fud.lcn fqua'i), and immedUe'y fiir.k. By the moft my'W-i- 0113 and riBiclivfi act of Providence, out of nineteen i/cuien/ers nine were drowned £ aiid mow* ihitm arui-'blt'- tile nobk Hearted, the excellent Dun. We fin bear to moralize on their awful calamity. It preach:s ?. moie eloquent and folca.n l^ftou, than v/e can find words to exerri*. The cecealed was extennveiy k» >wn and moil cear.y loved. Mar'T hearrs here mod bit¬ terly mourn his iofs, We can foice;c)y fyaiptttrife with his friends fa Scotland, and nwjf this jull, thonoh feeble, tribute to the memory gf fo much depaited wonh, have a tendency %qalleviate (he diftrcf*, which they Quit UiUei at the ii t<IH&«n3S of hi.* death. •«> • • A channel has been formed by ftc nfe or Vj-»e ]:t'ice acrofs the up- per end oftfic Pcninfwla* There is uttle doubt but in a illort ti-r.e k will he offufficteiT depth re; ad- ^t of large veffeh v^fi -'**ihr<WFh There has been various cauies afsi^ned for the extraordinary rife of the lake ; none of theai ia. »s- factory. Without ventunnp; to give an opinion, v/c vviii ftate a tew iacts that mav be relied on, and may aiUft «>lhers in rheir re- fetches. The I^'ke every ye»* rifes from about the middle of April until the ir.idule of July, with fome variation, and fails in iutumn. From 1795, until 1801, it remained about Jiatu quo, ex¬ cepting the annual rile and fall pit mentioned. From loot uiv til 1811, it fell about afoot; it was then lower than It had i.ver ken known, by ihc oldeft feitk-rs. Since then it has nfen about four feet. There arc no vifibb marks iofi?$ev£r having been hi&her than at pre&nt. Kingston- Ixjlv i85 ?Sic. .' *<o b 6 • » « • • • • •••• • • • . • i • • Ho&aiD Murdi r I!—Laft eve¬ ning, about funfet, a fliip Carpen-- Terat Point Frederick" bv the- name of Beaver, put an end t«»the life of his half filter, by (hooding ler through the left bjeai'l, v/h le fcew^sironing at the tabic- We are told they had lived lager her., ^or fc;ne time in intinraoy, by whom the had three chT.ircn, and i» 'A Li Was about being married to tther pcrfon ; that he had been determined on taking her life, f r which purpofe, by his oancon- fcffiofe, he loaded his pifto! $ clock yeSerday morairts, and J*ed^ till the {hade*, of right uouldinfome mcafare hde the h^rid tranfadion above defcrib- cd* He is now in cuilodx. at 9 A. WU710N ro Til? Public ^OR(;ERY ot ih- .rf :. i« i etl ed the Aime will be detected by comparing the genuine Bill with the forged note. On the forged Bill, in the word Exchange the letter G is placed before the N and after tV Word Forces, there is a Comma (thus,) inftead of a fuil Stop (thus.) In the word Exchange at the top of the Margin the letter x is rounded (thus x) initead of (thus x) in the true Bill. JAMES GREEN, Dire&or. We have feen a counterfeit Ten Dollar army Bill dated January 1815. It ha s been traced to Corn¬ wall, in Upper Canada. Perfons receiving Army Bills along th lines either in Upper or Lower Canada, or Bills coming from thence, cunnot be too cautious in examining them. All the coun* terfeits that we have feen of any denomination of Army Bills, may be readily delected by comparing them with a true bill. Ae Quebec Gaz. U r Canada. f XT ppe GEORGK the THIRD by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Kin^, Defender of the T*? t h e cil ran a. 'T£7""HF.REASit has been rep* \> y refented Co us, that dlverfe perfons who withdrew from the protection of our Government im- nlediarely previous to the late dec* laration of War by the Unired Stues of America, or during actu¬ al Hostilities, are about to return to our Province of Upper Canada; We have thought fit by and with advice of our Executive Coun- to cad upon the members oi the L^gifl stive and Executive ^r^u^^^.l^ the Judges and(jiil^rs CommiiTioued to cairy into cft&& the proviGons of a certain Statute made md paffed in the year of our Rei^n, intituled, '* An aft for better fecuring this Prov¬ ince agamft all feditious attempts or deligns to dillurb the tranquiii ty thereof," execution of their duty, under the authority of the above recited Art. In teftlmony whereof wc have caufed theie %,w Letters to be m^ie Patenr, and the Great Seil ot oar faid Province to be hereunto af- fixed, Witnefs our trulty and well beloved Sir George Murray Knigfet GrandCrofs of the moflHonorable to be vigilant in the Military Order of the Bathj Lieu¬ tenant Genera! Commanding our Force> within our Province of Up¬ per Canada, a;:d ProvifionalLieu¬ tenant Governor of the faid Pro¬ vince at York, this fixteenth day of Hay, in the year of our Lord one thoufmd eight hundred and fifteen, and fifty fifth year of our Reign. G. M. Wm. Jarvis, Secretary, Kingston. July r/th, 1S15. D'f hnsged Non-CoMimiiTij»ie'.i Officem and 8aldier»a who may have been rccoiin- mended f >r receiving Grants of Land, ant to re]>ait* to Cornwall without delay, & to Re¬ port Ucffifelves to Alexander M'Donett EUq. lupcrincendant of the Department for Loca¬ ting the new Settlers. By order oF His Excellency the Provifional Lieutenant Governor. F. P. ROBINSON, Stfrt. F or Sale, L \ ND pofTeflinn ^iven immediately, tfat ji\ Lcafe of a Stone Houfe, pleafantlly fituated in Kingftott, applv to Mr Saim- Uvl vicrir, =»r Mosfes Drake. K'tn^sion, July 17, 181 $j_ 6 For Sale, £ A N E«^ra-.t BUREAUi Inquire ^rt £\ th>« C'nice. July lb, 1615. BY AUCTION. OnThurfday next, 10th injlant^ Will be ftld at the Houfc lately occupied by Colonel Myers, all his ELEGANT HOUSHOLD FURNITURE, CHINA, GLASS & DELPH WARE, ' AMONG WHICH ARE, Very handfome four pott Bed-Steads, with Chintz Furniture. Draperv, &c.-—MatrafT- es, PalliafTes, Bolder*, Pillows &c—Ta¬ bles; Chairs, Sofa, Portable Defies, Carpets', Looking Glaffes— 1 Dinner fett Blue Ware complete, I do. do. China, do. l Tea do. do. do. a quantity of Cut Glafs, and Delph Ware, Silver and Plated Candkiticks. Sil- m vtf Plate, Maps, Books, &c. &c. ALSO, An elegant Carriage and Harnefs near¬ ly new, 4 Valuable Hoiles, A Carriole with CufLions complete, Saddles and Bridles, HarnefTcs, &c, &c. AND 10 Doz. Madeira Wine,! Bottled in Eng- 10 Doz. Port ditto, J land 3 years old Ot)*" Sale to commence at 12 o'clock. Kingston, iph July, 1815. TO BE SOLD At Auction ! ! Will be fold at 12 o'clock on Wcdnef- day 19th inflant, at the fign of the White Brcir, a number of articles of houfehold fur¬ niture, confiding of Beds and Bedding, Chairs-, Tables, Stoves and Pipes, A two horfe Sleigh and harnefs, With a number of other articles. jHMES ADAMS, Auaioneer. Kington, July 14, 181 J. • UPPER CANADA. Gegrgb the Third, by the Grace ofCod, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith. To our beloved and faithful Legiflativc Counfelior3 of our Province of Upper Canada, and to our Knights, Citizens and Burgeffes of our faid Province, to our Provincial Parliament, at our town of York, on the thirtieth day of June, to be commenced, held, called and elected, and to every of you, GREETING. WHEREAS by our Proclamation bearing date the Eighteenth day of May laft, WE thought fit, by and with the ad¬ vice of our executive council, to Prorogue our Provincial Parliament, to the THIR¬ TIETH day of June next, at which time at our town of York, you were held and conftrained to appear. But WE, taking into our Royal confidrration, the eafe and conveniance of our loving fnbjc&s, have thought fit by and with the advice of o.ur executive council, to relieve you, and each of you, of your attendance at the time a- forefaid, hereby convoking, and by thefe prefence enjoining you and each of you, that on the EIGHTH day of Ausuft next, 3 on meet us in our Provincial Parliament* at our town of York, there to take into confideration, the fhte and welfare of our Province of Upper Canada, and therein to do as may feem neceffary. In teftimony whereof, we have caufed ' thefe our Letters to be made patent, and the great Seal of our faid Province to be hereunto affixed. Witnefj, our r trufly and well beloved Sir Frederick Phiiipfe Robinfon, Knight, Comman¬ der of the moil Honorable Military order of the Bath—Major General commanding our forces, within the Province of Upper Canada, and Pro¬ vifional Lieutenant Governor of our faid Province at York, this firfi day of July, one thoufand tight hundred and fifteen, and fifty fifth year of our reign. *. - F P. R. One Hundred Dollars ^^f*^'*"*?** 6 E W ARD. YESTERDAY, in K^gfton, between Mr. Fatrick Smyth's Si :?e, and the t»overn- ment Wharf formerly occuoiM by the late J. Forfyth, Efq. or between that and the Eliza, Lying of! ^t ar»i hor, a Black Morocco Pocket Book, containing eight Fifty dol¬ lar Bills, dated about the bit of February, 1815, together with about fix hundred dol¬ lars, in tens and lives ; alfo, the R-gi(ler of* the Schooner called the Eliza Ann ; and a large nen.bei of Notes of confiderable a- mount, and other papers, which can be of no ufe to any one but the owner. Whoever will deliver faid Pocket Book with the Money and contents therein, at the Printing Office, Kingfton, or give information where it can be obtained, (Hall receive the above reward. JOHN BOWKER. Kitigxtdn, July 18, 1815. 6 MidlandDktrifi/\ To th*? next of kin to Surrogate Courts ( Hastings Carpenter, iate to wH : (L. S.) ( of Amrliasburg, in the 3 Midland Distii'a, Mer- chan': dcceaiVd—Greeting* \r\T HE RE AS apph'ca-ion Ii?th been * * made :o our Surrogate Court for the Midland District, by David Henefcy, of afoiefaid, yeoman, for Letters of Administration of the goods* chattels and credits which wne of the above named Hastings Carpenter, in the Midland JDis- tiicl': Thefe are therefore to require the next of kin to the fisid Hastings Carpenter, to appear b;'rt»"c Me on or bcfjre the first day of Sep!ember next enftrihg, to ihew cnufe, if any theyjiave, why letters of adminittration of the goods chattels and ci"edits of the faid Hastings C?1 penter, decr^fed, (hoiild not be granted to the faid David Heneiey, punuant to his applicution as aforefaid. Witr.eft my hand and feal ol ofiice this ei^hrh day of May, one thoafand tight hundred and fifteen. (Signed) Alexander, Fjsher, Surrogate. D* Hagerman, Renster, 6 UPPER CANADA. George the third* h th Grace of God, of the United Kingdom 5* Great Britain, and Irel.nid, Kings defender nf th?faith. Whereas the admi^'ilvation of our Government of our Province^' Upper Can¬ ada in the abfence of our Governor and Lieutenant Governor of the faid Province, by our Royal inftm&fons has devolved on our Tru(lyand well beloved Sir Frederick Phiiipfe Robtnfon, Knight, Commander of the moft Honorable Military order of the Bath—Major General Commanding our forces in the fakl Province. WE do here- - by require and Command all our oncers and Minifters Civil and Military and all other Inhabitants of our faid Province of Uppe* ,nada, to be obedient, aiding and aliitting unto him the faid Sir Frederick Phiiipfe Rob in Ion, in the execution of all and lingu- ar, the powers and authorities contained in our Com million to our Governor of our faid Province* In teftimony whereof, WE have caufed thefe our letters lobe made Patent, and the Great Seal of our faid Province to be hereunto affixed* Witnefs our bufty and well beloved Sir Frederick Phiiipfe Robiufon, Knight Commander of the Moll Honorable MilitarV order of thtt Bath, Major General Commanding our forces within the Province of Upper Can¬ ada and Provisional Lieutenant Governor of our laid Province at York, this thirti¬ eth day of June, one thoufanJ tight hun¬ dred and fifteen, and fifty fifth year of pur Reign. F. p. & Wm . J a Rtr i s, Secretary. 6 Notice. LL perfons indebted to the fubfciiber L bv Note or Book accounts are ca'led en !o make payment the firft of September next. JAMES CUNNINGHAM. Klnpflon, July 17th 1815. 6\v£ • 6 Ran away FROM the employment of the fubfciiber, Joseph Cardinal, Taylor, being under engagement to me, and not fulfilling the fame ; gives this information that he may be detected, as he has b?en guilty of feverai depredations in Kingston, and is un¬ der the hands of the law for the fame J he warns any perfon or perfons not to employ him under the penalty or the fame. O.W. STEVENS, Taylor. P. S. A hand fome reward will be given for hia Coat. King lion, 26 th juuv>, 1815 5 3* LATE laft toght a Horfe wes (hot, tli6' property of Mr. Jno. C. Wilfon, Ponit Frederick, apparently intentionally. Who¬ ever will give information fo that the perloa or perfons may be brought to juftice, (hail receive a revvaid of Fifty Pounds. J No. C. WILSON. Point Fre?e;:;'i, July 10, 1815. cw* 'HE Public a.e icfyectfully informed that the J ft ?.nu 2d numbetsof lie Canadian Visitor* announced laft Spiing, urc ready for fob* fciibera, at thi^ Otrce. Kin^iton July 10.