Kingston Gazette, July 11, 1815, page 4

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• •• » POETRY, uies S£ Regut win 7 Kiribati Doci Yard, tpkjune* 18 r 5- * • - • » ■ « • • i • o yirom /.6<r Delaware Watchrtian. ■ The following production of a Toung Lady of taste and genius is well worthy of being >j$re- frved. ST A R of Peace ro wanderers weary, Give tneocara that 'fmi'es on me, Illume the .pilots visions dreary, Far at Sea. . i Star of hope, gleam o'er the billow, , B!efv the foul that fighsfoi thee ; Bkfs the failor's lonely pillow, Far at J> i , Star of Fiith ! when winds arc mockincr All hi\ prayers—he'd See to thee ; Save him! tho' on danger rocking, T,' . O- Li Paratbea. Pow'r Almighty [ fafely guide hirn To the fh re he loved for me ;— . 'Long tempestuous waves have .tried him, Jtar at bea. . . ..*•= *: MATRIMONIAL SQUABBLE -------------------■ A mart who'd buried one beloved wife, And, for her fake, admir'd a. married life, Relative to the MARKE T ed ih the town of Kmgi ARTICLE I. THAT the f^uare between St. George's Church and the river, in the town of£~ fion. flia.ll be the Market place, wheire all butchers meat, butter,egg*s poultry, fiiih and vege ta!»je^, (hall be expo fed to ("ale.. 2. That every day in the year fliaU be a 'market day, except Chriilma^ Good Friday and Sunday*. . g That no perfon Hi.ill fell butcher's meat, butter, eggs, poultry, iiih or vegeta¬ ble, from fhf hour of fix in the morning till the nour of Four in tec afternnaon, except in the market, under the penalty of rive ihil- Vm&' -..'■.• • . . 4. That no perfon Hia.ll kill calve3 or oth¬ er animals in the market place, or gut lifli, or empty bellie- or gilts of animals theiein, under the penaly of five (hillings. 5 That no perfon fhall expofe for fale any tainted meat or nftv, in the market plnce, under the penalty ot five (hillings, be fides forfeiture of the fame, on view of on^jnllice. 6. Tha no perfon fhall expofe hill for fale vviihin the two floored fquares of the market houfe, but they may be expo fed for fale in th intermediate lpace, upon boards or ben¬ ch'--. - , 7. Wherea* thre is room for ei?ht butch- #> R a 1 60,000 8,6t)o Bufliels* do. 5 4,000 Bricks, Lime Sand Shingles, .. 34,000. To commence the deli very of the above mentioned art-'des immediately, and to .cn- .tintie (weekly) by Inch quantities as../ha1. be ci .'reeled by -he Commiffioner, or Offi¬ cers nf tht Dock Yank ' Piopofata to be delivered into the 1'Javal Store Keeper's Office, Point F»edeiick. 4 Midland Distrib, \ ;HpHF. Court of Ge- to wit : \ Jl ne« a1 Quarter Ses¬ sions nf the Peace for this Ditlridt, will be hoMen at the Court houfe hi Adolphuslown, on Tuesday the 11th day of July, at the hour often o'clock, in the forenoon : There¬ fore, nil JuiHces of the Peace, Coroner^ Con- (lahles, and all other Vezcc Officers, as well * # * • ■ » as thofi that have any bunnefs to transa6i at fai.l Court, are hereby required to take no¬ tice, and giv1 their attendance accordinglya Charges Sruart, sheriff* Sheriff's Officii 2^tb Jtme% 18 • 5. 4 ____ . * \* - A -' One night it happen'd that In moody pet, Sh ■ carv'd a capon for their iuppcr fet i Ann out or no comoafllon to the poor, ServM with one half a bejr^ar at the door ; And with it gavethla charge, taKe this half fowl, And prav fometimes for my dead hufband 8 foul. Tht living hufband, to return thejeft, GaD.'d back the man, and crave liiui all i reft : With this injunction too, that all his life 2'Ic mould remember his departed wife. Thus, to upbraid each oilier with their dead, The empty fools went fupperlefs to bed, ! le ipier mall 1m reitiat- ly benches not exceeding ten fctt long' at.d feven feet .'.'ide, w'hich lh;-il) be uniform* 8. Wbertas perlbns from the cdtintry may require moveable benches or ftads—r'htf fame fhall not exceed (even feet in length :ir,d three feet in breadth ; any perfon pla<*Jng £■ moveable bench of orearer dimenfion^ "i the market houfe, and neglecting to remove the fame i-r.mediate'y aftet the market is over, fhall pay a 6>ie».f five flilijings and th-' laid bench may be demolilhed by order ©f tne clerk «;f -he ma.ket. remove, the f-iid Mare from t!»e faid encjo- fure—: riu's is to inform the owner where flie may be found, having gaod reafon to luppofe that the faid Mare does, hot Helong to vfr. Cafey, and fearing that he will cori Merit rftoolible cooleqiicnce to inform tliS cwner where five mav be found. BEK.T'n. CLAPP, Eingfton, 2Sth Jane, t&ie. 4--'3P 1 1 9 MORALITY. a V • * • • • i * • • • • • Ncithing can fender us more juftfjr coniemptible, or contribute more to make ourfclve-, and all Wbu are connected with uq; mUctm able, than the habitual indulgence „ of violent and unreaibnable anger. * To accuftom our minds ro habits •oljlift reflection, and to ende.tvor to be !e*fs irritated by impreffi wis of injury, and foonc pacilied when we meet with offence, will be at- tended with the moil falutary ef- . fects upon the temper, and contri¬ bute effentially to oiir comfort & tranquility. - . It is not the dispofmori of youtnful rhinds to veich for months or years the faffing value of thofe qual.ties which a.trad them-.s loon as they &* virtue they respect it, as foon as thev hieet with kindnefs they believe it andasf-.onas an union of b, prefents itleif they Jove it having p uTed through the dkap! p-'intmenrs of a delufive world they grafp for reaiity e > geanr that appcar,_Thev 'have nut yet admitted that cruel doc trine vfhich when it takes effect creates and extends the mde,v it affects to cure-Whi,ft we give un our fouls to fusp.cion'we JaduaT JQZ h Not P I) learn to deceive; Whilft we reprds the fervour, of our own hearts; we freeze thofe which ap¬ proach us--whi:ft we cautiouflv avoid occahons ot receiving pain. ve at every remove acquire a/uft Jwfiaom influence on thofe wl o follow us-They again meet from thpr,C°ndu^ and lips thereafon S hcl^nto_oblit }je * "iSS5blutes Qf their nature. and tin* the tormenting chain of dece-ved and deceiving^haracters « lengthened to infinitude. Every pet fon felling by fnlCe w(?/g&ti (hall jfov a fine of twenty (hb lings, a. a the faid weight* fhall be dcihuycJ. 10. All perfons lellmo- riovtitom orrother iiticks by weight in the maib-r, Ih^lf pro- ide themfclvci with grood fcale-; fa v/t 'ghts, regularly iUmped [wrhtn tlwee n«>nih- ff<>'n this dale, afrcr which if any inrlrr, (hnfj iherj weig'i wkh Ireelya/da or weights noi #j«rj"p* eri) i'uch pcifun (hill pay a fine of tcfl Qiil- lings. 11. Whereas ;t i* expedrenl to appoint Tome perfun to k-.* the aforefaiil rules ai«d regulations, or any other tint may be here* aftermade relative to»ket carried >m<3 efied 1 James AAam$t ofthetowti of Ktn:r- Hon is hereby appoi .ud clerk of the mirk.'t; 12. It ih -11 he the duly of the clerk of theauftket toaftend to enforce the ejtecuSion of all regulations whith reiVa the msikct, under the penalty oft went* (hilling for ev- cry wiifu 1 ne^ledt. 1$. He fhall keepa lift 1 f the ptrfmcOC. opying fixe-J or moveable ftails <»r feinhes Which he fhall Ik ready to render to tk n,a- gfftittca whenever they may demand ft. H. When the market houfe requite* re- pair, or fho:;ld any perf.n damage the iW.e he (hall immediately nuk, h known to the ma^iiirates or (ome one of tttem. '5 He foal] fee that butcher's and others occupying tKe market houfe, do ieav.; no hlih therein, and keep th: fane clean. '6. He (hall from time.o time exaimme and fee that all weights ad" rt.ade oteotin tne market place a^e j.dt. 1.7. The clerk of the rru.ket fhall be i& lowed the following1 fees : Byev ,ry butcher occupy [no- a fixed b^d cr dad, to be paid quarterly ai>d in adva-ec twelvefiirthng., per annum 5 01 ftall for felling butchers meat, twelve mil i'ngsper annum, or nine pence each racket a»y, at the option offuch perfon. f.n °mrCr^ Pcrf°n ^"PYing a place for Kfliag f.fh, fiX pence per day. 18. And tfo clerk ihall Hx a table of the above fees in feme cousp.'eioiH place io the markei u ••'- r ^J^tlb fuhfeVibef b^Jt8 leave to inform £ th? public That he ha". mo".-d from Vs former ftanrj in tjic country to his place in r >v«rj, oppofite fche Indian Point, where he inlenisto t pen hi- Public jBoufe for the remainder of in* prefenl vear. WM. McLAUOHLEN' Etng.fti■■»', 29, 1815 4 BROKE into the cnclofurc of rlie fuhfenber c-n Wednelday, the % \ l\ May, a d'rk bay Hotfe a R-4r i;» hi^j f-rnhnd = The owner is rednefled to p >ve p'-opeity, rav charges, atfu take him awry Efiljgf liENNET. • Frneft Town, June 3 111 j. . For Sen le. It at th'en. FAST failing £cho, ner lyfn Sarketd Haibor,' about 60 ton-* bur* ■ . 8he has undergone a thof^gh re¬ pair, and corkrd from keel to gunnei, and is tight ; herSailvand Rigeing rev?, and in complete ordef.' She w^s'built in Kinofron, and^wa'? called the Elizabeth of Kingston; when captured by the A mertcans.—.Any' perfon wifiiitig to purchafe. will call upon Gtosge Arwjfa'ong or Clipt. P'rw^Jm. vg,rcfcet^ gfarbor, June 26, r8i£ 4 » L^OR the Canadian Regiment, two Sub- * :mtne< Th,y ftaii receive Eight Founds each, ?n q^j^&fiplMBon nvar be niadeto Mr. R. ^ALKtR n>rthe period that wa;ntslthem. A^r II to IE [iibfcribeV being duly LL - l to fettle the.^ir^ft^^^ Gee, Efq. Ordnance 8t'>re Keener»S P,rt,requefb all thofe who have d^U (overly authenticated,) f r pny!T10rit eJ all'hofe »hV« indebted to the « £ tne, are he.eoy requefted to pav the fc* H» HAMd. go WEN - Kingston, 14//; ^^ 1815-. .....TaWNt...... m * HAT whereas „Z)///V S. ^/J.^y finned a ccrrajh Contrail with-he Deputy Barrack Mailer Ge.e^l, for buil¬ ding p iar^e Store Houfe and H -lpital for theufe of Government, for the fulfil mem of which ».he fubferibers became fecnr.Was al- fohave advanced a ferge fum of their own P ' m th(ihbove Bnikll'igs This is therefore to redueft Government or any other oerf m, n<^t to make any f. rther payment^onthe feove Buildings, wntila fefci tlement is made, and lawfnl Bills paid off EJ I r.MONS, ROBERT YOUNG.. • Kingston, June 13, 13 15. »tf •mate ornp^rty with for^y. ^ntoffom^ Goods in Kingftorl toforwaVJ --, THE fubferiher his r/ow on hand, and intends keeping ready for fale, an affort- tnent cf Sa ddles, B tidles. Wh Sburs o' Cl> i i CO V^/./ li 1 *) m 1 7 with other ar'icles tunally k^nt rhhisKiifc His prefent rr.eans of obtairfing workmenatid Itcek, will enable him to le 1 mu.h lower th'.: rl onne fy XXI Kingdon, June 12, r^i don? on (hort notice* A- METCALF. Z. fl •;? dl S ,-j(,r .pod THfi fubdriber offers for fiSetk Weft half of Lot No- 7, in the fonithand fifth couceilioo ol the of I.".'^- borough, with 50 or 60 acres hi$s lmprovcn^nt, and a good Hand lor anypuo lie bufinefs, MICHAEL SLOOT, Wanted h .- AS an nel" 2 atre. appnniicc 'n thf PrJ .• • "' a Lan i-u-n 14 to >• - c«fii tfneoffl"-1 H.C 20y hcibii>j viil years 0f ^•'d encouragement by ap,!,-;^,^ nee tfv * o f-* u.j()f A^ ft JAMES CHAPMAN 1 HIJ v#! ^8 fail w^ap mil leave Mqgfloq cvc. M , '■ * ';■ nthrr day ,„ chw W-efe ' * Ha,b«<* JTW price mU be 7W ^ fo Kingston, jfjoy l2l s'f *•,. f I^KE NOTICE. you / i •£ 23£2^ ^ «w ^0 m ed to 1 1 4 K e received by the a- f , - . r -1 HofpitaJ on or fo*- fore ge jth «f f,^ fcr hnfldi ,g a 8ta« and Unart w the Dock Y3rd, Point Frc-]-' »wthe Naval HorpitfLdl tol^mpSS » H« _monci,s from t',is datc.-Plans of tte Butldipn may be f,en at the Rent's 0^ or w,th Mr. KBy, at Kfi^i K-in'eftoh, 24th June, 1315. h. ufe. r en- tn« n, tog Bf K: ,t,K> .„ i ;:iaad <t<Jlria, t5//. May, .Sir. 5 ALLAN Mc'LEAN, CW f the JP_eacef»r the M'/JJaml<M,//?. c^ o ncE. PERSONS *,l!;Bg K,contra(a 4 tii., u-,|l drover Scaled Te»der8 fo,- '!>e fa?,e at the Oinee of ti,c Aj^cnt of H f p.-a s ,„ the D<# Yard, on or be^ e t J aa^r^*^..... KingaoB, June 28, t.g,- .'•' «««( req,;elh ;,H t„„fc ind,b( <> h>0| Other by note or .boot ^ ton.ake.mmed.atePay.-ent.oMh..;-^' and Accounia will be left in the hsrjs f" ^orneyforcoleaionw;,heUtf,mii;: t.oe_a043 tkofc ro whom b'i irf«b.rf( are r««efted to b««g fa jliir d«a>4 ^ out delay. He aWil; hfmfelf of ihk *&*&} to mottiwfl.fcfct,,.%'fifendi afi^ the J* ^c tor their l:oeral encourag,mc.;f, ar,din. rwmi them that he has ft ill onka#an«. tenhue aflbrtment of goods, which he A to Ci(po:C of on the n;o'l reaGmaM* t.nnj, by .wholefaWor retail ror cafh down, aslsca1 determined not to give any &#& hceafter. i S. HART1ET. K hpsfon, March 24, t^Ve. M R ags \ ! Rjo o "J "i£ '"Dlcr;Plio"s to Lieut. Co-ionel ■London 0f TO BE SOLD, - Cash and the highest price paid for (^ \ I? V \I COTTON AND LINEN f Kve Gun.eas, are „,m advanc,;dr t/J the ~e co be *£$$&* W 11 b J. \ eaft i,n!f 0f Lc, ^ fi ; Corceffio.. ofrhe To«(hip of ft^U. G v tiren sipnl 22, 181 r. wir°VKE/tUr ft"OW creatures- 'houghWi ^r.but hate w, in the friend yoflovc about feventy acres under Foment, with aprop(),icnat;^ »«Jow land, and the who! ^ 1'or particulars AT THIS OFFICE. good ini- antity of e well watei-d. A QUANTITY 01 » • X.- the o apply to the fubfcriber, ^ 1 Oii! premnes.. a . . , ; JEHlEt HAWf.ry WRITING PAPEl OfOa-aJiry No. i m&Mh CHSl. 4* S'J FOR SALE nno R \ M, /'OA ^ foil blooded1 Mc- LncjuneoftJ,,^,^^.^ 37 iSALR at rius Oim&- ' ■ .O.r SuhjWwioms for //' CANADlM Ai'ty'tnn Gnzc/it.

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