POETRY. • • • • • • CHOOSE FOR YOURSELF. • • • c • 0 things to Satisfy his wifliSs, he breaks the boughs to gather the fruit before it is ripe, he will needs XVhatr'ver Philofophers may chatter, Who know but little of the matter, Thegresteft comfoits of our lite Are a good horse—and a good wife j One fur D-irheiUc confolation, And one f6r health and recreation. £<- cantiouB, then, but not too nice ; Nor linen to each fools advice : Nor guided by the public voice—- » Bv your own reafon make your choice. "My horfe wds old and broken winded, Yet this myfelf 1 hardly minded ; But by my neighbors I was told, That when a horfe grown llifFaud old, If urg'd to fpeed—'tis ten to one, lie trip9, and throws his rider down. I liften'd then to their advice, And bought a colt—at no fmall price ; A ftately It.-ed, that on the road \Vo«ild proudly prance beneath the load. But this Bucccphalus again Put my young family in pain ; Vvrh > cordially exprefPd their fears, That 1, a rran advane'd in years, Ke^ardlefs of my own hear neck. Should undertake a cOit to bre ;k. You are too wife, dear Sir, 1 know, To hazard thus your life for fhovr ; Uifqne then no fubjeft for remorte, But part with this unruly horfe ! reap, when the wife husbandman is fowing ; all he does in halte is ill done, and can have no longer duration than volatile defires ; fuch as thefe are the fenfelefs pro¬ jects of the man who thinks he is able to do every thing, and who, by giving hirnielf up to his defires, abuks his <>\Vn power. Impatience is the principal caufe of moil of our irregularities and extravagances. I would fore¬ times have paid a guinea to be at fome particular ball cr afiembly, and forhething has prevented rhy going there ; after it was over, I would nbt give a fiiilling to have been there.' 1 would pay a crown at any time for a venifon ordina¬ ry ; but after having dined on beet dr mutton, 1 would not give a penny to have had it venifon. Think frequently on this, ye giddy and ye extravagant. I next a poney would have bought, An ufeiefs fcrub ; but here 'twas thought, (Such is my son and daughter's pride) It was tod mean f>;r rr.c to ride. _ _■ • ■ • Dear Sir ! faid they, it is not fit For you to mount this paltrv tit : It were as well almoft, alas ! sTo ride, like Balaam, on an afs. Again td various fyftems yielding, I bought a (liong, (tout, {tumbling gelding: AflurM he'd neither trip nor It art ; Would carry me—or draw a cart. Bwt vain were all myikfome labors, This clumfy beaft. quite fhoelVd my neigh¬ bors* Who ftill would have me as before, At buying try my hand once more. One offered me a prettv mare, Jult bought he faid,at B-inMfair ; And rhen n»y landlord at the Bell Hal a young galoway to fell ; He'd travel fifty mile* a div— •* But try him, fir before you' pay " He would not willingly have fold him. Bnt foraebody, he faid, had told him, How much fcrfooth, I Was distrefs'd J And carncft'y the matter pre-s'd : So, willing t6 do me A favour. H- vvifVd, h»- faidf that I might haye her, " Well, Landlofd: you're an honejl man, I'll pleafc my neighhors, if I enn ; I'm not a j »dge, you-know, myfelf, I'll truft ro you—here- t :k^ tf^e Melf." Tlir tmn hafe mide, I now givw wife Mnn J >hn, laid I. how areh^ eyes / Oh ! Sir,-not- blind, y^u need not fear it,- I mean not yet—th ■' very near it I Tmft then on rvery fide put toft% I Vow'di at laft, I'd walk on foot; F r 'tis in vain,- alas f P find. To think ofplcafingall mankind. - »._ -_ j ... *Tis thus in cfroofiug of a horfe ; la choofing of a wife—'tis worfe ! Hmdfomeor Homely ;' young or old ; Chafte or unch;.fte ; a wit ; a fcold ; How'cr fhe proves, how vain your labor,' To pleafc each prying birfy neighbor! Then Pkafe Tourfelf—or clfe int life Give up that rjfeful thing—a wife 1 EPIGRAM. Whene'eryou many, fto his fon A prudent father faid,) Take for ihy loving helpmate one Rich widow, or rich maid— Fo>- any wife may turn out ill, But, gad 1 the money never"'will. LINES, Written on the blank leaf of the " Vicar of Wakefield." IF real life infitlion e'er we find. Or, if in books ive ever read mankind, W:.k. Held the mark has hit and pidur^d nice, In Burchell, virtue, and in Thornhill vice. MORALITY. • ••« • • • • . • ♦ ■ * • • • • • • IMPATIENCE. AN impatient man is hurried afong by his wild and furious de- fires, into an abyfs of miseries ; the more extenfive his power is, the more fatal is his impatience to him ; he will wait for nothing, he will not give himfclf the thfic to Uke any meafures, he forces all ADVICE TO PROFANE WOMEN. OF all the foibles and vices that fafhioh has introduced roongft our modern fine Ladies, I conceive none to be more riifgraceful or more deferving of reprimand, than that of Swearing. One would imagine, from their profanity, that the productions of demorali¬ zing writers had not bceri put in¬ to their hands in vain—-and that they were afferting the inviolable u Riffhts of Women," with creat rapidity^ I fhould advife fuch fe¬ males as are in the habit of (wear¬ ing, and are not inclined to felin- quiih it, to add one or two more graceful accomplishments, which their example may foon render fafhiohable, viz.— Drinking Rum and chewing Tobacco !• ONE Mr. Coke, an attorney in the temple, being once romping with his landi efs, wliofe Dame was ■ Littleton, if happened that they had a fall, and Mr. Coke falling uppetmoft—Bob Dallas and a gen¬ tler:.an, who chanced then to1 come in, feeing them in this fituation, the gentleman asked the juftice what he thought of this firfit ? Dallas, who knew the parties, re^ plied, " If was the beji edition he had remembered to have fcen of Coke upon Littleton Stolen or Strayed, ON fhe jxft May, lour OXEN,- yoked together, two dark red with large horna—^one dark brown—one black', with a white face and one white leg.—Whoever can give any information rtfpeSIng them, fhall be handfomely rewarded, (with a pail of water a:»d a broom (tick) by amplication to v DAVID BURN-SIDE. Ivingiloh, 5th June, 181c. rw3 One Dollar Reward. RAN away from the fubfcriber^ on Sunday, the 28th May, an indented ap¬ prentice boy, named Francis Adams___ He tb about 17 years of age, light hair, light eyes, and fair complexion.------- Whoever will return Lid runaway to the fubfcriber, (ball receive the above reward, but no charges paid. All pciions are for¬ bid harboring or truftmg him on my account on pair, of being' prol'ecuted. JOHN ELLERBECK. Kingflon, June 2, 1815. iw| Persons willing to complete the founda¬ tion of the New Score within the Gam'fon, Picketing, agreeably to a contract entered wto with government, by D. E. Allen, which he has fail'd to perform, will feud in propofals for the fame to the CommifTariat Office, on or before the 17th April inftant. Mr. Allen's contract may be feen by appli- tion at the CommiOariat Office. Two efficient securities will be required for the due performance of the undertaking, and the loweft tender will pofitivtfly be ac¬ cepted.- jyfy Com. C'nVs OJfre, £ Kingston % &ti SALES At AUCTION. ' THE Snbfcn-bers, intending to difpofe of their (lock on hand, inform the public that they will commence Sdline at A.dion, on Monday *Ff* f» of May Za, and to continue daily untd the whole •5 difpofed of—fay :— . 18 Puncheons Itro.ig Jamaica Spirits ; * Pipes Cosniac Brandy ; . Port, Soanifh and TencniTe Vv Wffl $ Cordials ; , Hyfon and Hyfon Skm Tea ; WITH A QJJANTiTV Of GROCERIES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Al. SO, A Ttneral and well chofen affortmeni of * DRY GOODS, ell adapted h the approaching Scafon, viA : fine and common Cloths j do. do. Cafsimcres; Chintz's, Calicoes & Ginghams, aborted ; ftrip'd Mnflins ; Japan/dCambrics; Leiios; Book Muflins; Spider Nets.; Japan'd Spot's ; Silk Hofe ; do. Gloves ; Carabrick do. white and coldr'3 Cotton 60. .sHk, mo¬ rocco a"nd cotton Braces ; Marceills and Toilonette Veiling; Cotton Shirting ; IriiH Linen ; black, color'd and printed Bomba- zettes ; Turkey Strips ;, Stripe Cotton Checks ;. Bengal Stripe ; Kiifsia Sheeting ;. 2 bales Whitc°Cdttons. With i variety of other articles. Sale to commence each dav at ten o'clock; NORMAN BETHUNE & Co. Kingston, April 11. rBi^. 46tf The Subscriber AVAILS himfclf of informing the pub- ■ lie that he has recently commenced the jBROKE into the enclosure oft! the ♦ Super fubfcriber on Wednefday, the 31ft May a dark bay Horfe. a Mar in his forehead.-* The owner is requcfted to prove property pav charges, and take him away. EBIN BENNET. Ernefl Town, June 3, 1815. Itf , Kingston Packet, JAMES CHAPMAN, Captain THIS vefTel will fail regularly from SytV to Sackctt's Harbor, She will leave King (Ion every Monday, Wednes¬ day and Friday, and Sackett's Harbor eve¬ ry other day in the week. The price will be Two Dollars for each paffehger. Kingston, May 12, 1815. ' 50tf / - - __ ___ TO BE SOLD, AND poflefiiori given immediately, the eaft half of Lot No. 26, in the 7th Concemon of the Town (hip of Frederick a- burgh—about fevehty acres tinder good im- provement, with a proportionate quantity 6t meadow land, and the whole well watered. For particulars apply to the fubfcriber, on the premises. ... JEHTEL HAWLEY. Prederhlsburgh, March 23, 1815. 4J Tailoring AND HABIT MAKING BUSINESS, in the town of Ktngfton, Upper Canada, where he folicits to be favored with a (hare of the public bufmeff., as his price9 will be eftablilhed ori the very moderate charge a* follows \vl :— For making a fiipcrfine Coat £l Great Coac and Su'rio'ut i lnlide Vcft Pantaloons. Lady's Pelice Habit aid Riding Drefs Cutting of Garment.* I I i s 10 12 5 i V 6 He flatters hin.fclf from the long expe- ^fve ihofc who will favor him with their cus¬ tom, general fat is faction ; and any work feiade in his (hop will be altered fo as to fait his cu(corners without adding any further cx- {teftce. He purpofes to remove his work fliop to the upper part of the (lore of Mr. George H. MacL.ean, where ne (hall at all times be in readincfo to wart on thofc who will Patro¬ nize aim with their ci'iftom, and pledges him¬ fclf it will be esccfftH with' neatnef* and dis¬ patch. JOHN H. TREUSD^ELL. Kinosloti, Zph May, 1815*. 52W3 TAKE NOTICE. THE fubfcriber, being about to clofe bid bufmrfs, requdts all thole indebt¬ ed to him either by note or book account, 16 make immediate Payment, or" tbtif Note aifd Accounts will be left in the hands of an: Attorney ror colledlion wiihoat further no- tice—and all thole to whom he it, indebted, are requeued to b^ingin tlitir dem^nd-i with¬ out delay. He avails himfclf of thi:? opportunity to return nts thanls to ai'j* friends and fhe pub¬ lic for their liberal encouragement, and in¬ forms them that he has (till on hand" a:n ex- tenfive afforiment of goods, which he willies to dilpofe of o!i the mo!t reafon able terms^ by wholeiale or retail for cafu doyVn, as lie is' determined not to rive any credit hereafter. S. BART LET. Kingston, March 24, r"S 15. 43 FOR SALE, ' ASM A LL FARM, in fhe second5 con¬ cision of rhe town (hip of Erncil- rdwn, having tlierton, a good Houfe, Barn aud Shed—bein'fif the fame fornterly occtfpii ed by Jame§ McGee as an Inn, and h one cf the befl lland9 in the country for bufinef*. Inquire of S. BART LETT. Kingston, May 25, 1815. 52 Broke away " FROM the Houfe of Dr. A. F. Reid, in the town of Kingftorr, on iWaad of May ldt, a dark brown Horfe,- about 8 years old, hind feet white___Whoever will give information where faid HoVfe n.ay be found, thall be handsomely rewarded by'the fubkii'ber, living in Loborough. t l t , LUKE &AttR£f; Loborovgh, June 5, 18rjv ■ WANTED, TO Rent immediately, a HrinW a-*' inciter Kingston, Ap,d 26, ^ ^ Willi PERSONS in? to Engage with the Commissariat OR the conveyance of FlTEL, to the Garrifpn of Kingllort from Simeoe M- and, where it will be delivered on" the Beach; aie requeued to make known their propofatl at this office* , Deffy. Com'y- GeneraVs Office, 1 Kingston, 14/A April, 1815. j 48 , ' NOTtCE. .. TriE fubferiotions to Lieut. Colonel Bouchettc'n typographical and Geo- graphical Map,; which were originally M at Five Guineas, are now advanced tope London price of Seven Guineas, ano will continue to he received by his ageu*8» April 22, 1815. 47 Wanted Immediately, A COOK, Chamber Maid and Kitchen Maid.—None need apply '""M well recommended.— Inquire at R- Wal*» er's Kingflon H.itel. . . KittQiUmt April i*?, \'Wi; ^\ _ . 4« THE fubfcriber has for fale a «* able traa of Land, lltuated in 4 firft "J ------- ----------, wv#w«. vifuuirf or B. C. SPENCER, Mnh»ltnlor advertisement'. THE fubfcriber hereby g|v^M|; lie Hotfce, and forbids any perU oV perfons to'cut down any tree or trees en' Lv jf0t 2 in the firft conceflion of the townkh of Kino ft— — *•-•-.,. • • r H, i to' law. . George Okiil Stuart. Kingston, Sept cm her 2 2 d, 1814. * * Rags! R ags. / Casa and fhe'highest price paid fof CLEAN COTTON AND _?. »• LINEN . AT THIS A QUANTITY 0? WR177NQ P Of Quality No. i and No. 2, Fcr Sale at this Office, Kingston, April 22,1815. 471f TO Rent, for one or more years, rhe well nituaced ftand owned by the jubicriber, in rhr. Vii^e of AJolphusrown. it is well «lc»lated tot a Tavern or Store, wjih a good Garden, and four ^cres of p.ilture, and three acreb of r«i:aduw land.-" For particulars apply to the subfcrlbrr. KOXON HARRIS* AJolrhttsto.wn, Sc'r. 16. i$w ?4 10 Rent, tc;. 0nc or niore years, and pofie^|rJn givcn l!iC r^ of jmie next,a f*1K& &'6U&& Inquire of the fublcn- l*K OLIVER TH1B0PO • • * Kings*jn, Mjy 16,1*815. 5f FOI<- SALE—A full brooded Me- rmo R A M. t,r+quii c of the Pi inter. Oct. 21, iitjL 37 cy Sulfriptwns far the CANADIAN VlSiTOR will be mnvd ui the 0$* tm Kingston Gazette.