.•TO^yaa^* [FRIDAY, July i, 18 KIN **^- >, v Kingston—Printed !>•-*-. »rt-- * tssLas»yii t V UPPER CANADA. IV.—No. 23.] ', E T T E KICE THcIEE IfliARa P)P. ANNUM. rtrnrnmrMii nm»Hi >mnn............, irJ JiUi_LJa_ ca CHFJP STORE. ~ -1' f ^***s fta*. at rea{..n;,ble price for peady pay j~amoiig(t To.ur beloved and Faithful T e^ifl 'e other amdes they hxj Co Vn -ila, rs ■»f our P- uulr'l and if) 010 «•• t ])i rgt (frs of <-nr fuid Pro* :• ee t < the ^>- ttnciaJ Parliament, at cmm Tv»wn of V'k on '.lie Thi-tteth day of this pre I'm t i»%\ h cf M?y, to he comn en e ', he d, ca 'd and ek&edj anci to eve.y oi you— ■ AVKEREASbv err Rodara :on >r- "ir.g date the fourteenth day . f Apii. i !'» ^VE thought fit by and with the aclvw U.»f our Executive Council to prorogue our !* '- initial Parliament uiuil tlae thirtieth & ■ of this prefent month of May, at which \ ie at our town of York yon were heid 1-d -conftrai^ed to. appear.; B«t WE laid. toour Royal conlideration the cafe andl J veuience dfoiirlanag fubje&s, have thc-'V'11 ft, by and with the advice of our Execujf - Council, to relieve you, and eich of yo£*of f-oor attendance at the tin.e afovcfojpi-^V y cu^vojung, arid by then* prt?ent»vt*njoufc incr-you. ?»j ca' h of'you, "that on TJfti fcfey the icvei th day of Jnh- next eniuing, you J*cct us in our PujviRciti ParliatTwwit, at our tewnot York, there to take into confedera¬ tion the date and welfare 1 f our Province of Upper Canada, and therein to dc as iH.^y feorn ceffiry. Herein fail not. -In teltimr.ny whereof, WE bcvc-caiifed thee our Letteis to be made pate-it, • and the Great S«*al of-our faid Province •to be hereunto affixed.— Witnefs our to U L OkiUl ic 1ST L>o. Jamaica 'Sp*:'..^ •Gn, Mojyflee, Shrub, Tea, Coffee, •Jxni Sngar, Mufcovado ditvCi 'R a; fins, t Linrer, &c. A-lfo—fupeHiPe Cl-^h% fur Caps and Tippet9, Flannels, Shectiftgs and Shirtings, Tablecloths, Cantbricdf Cajieoes, filk, cot¬ ton and Hnnen Threads; bl^ek hon'buieis, Ginghams, &c. &c. &c. ^ Naval Yard, Kingston, 24'h March, 1814. Icmcnt of Naval Stores. EAS ih^re !s reafou to Rjppofe - . ' » i N-iva "tores have htm m the Naval Yarcl .*t ihk pfece }" el>y £iven,that whoever tviVlap- prehendr^ nfc to be apprehended, r.ny pcr^ £.:n i^r p'^r.^io .offending, whether prinrU paU or ah^ir«, a«d dtliver him or feh ri to """n<.»iice ii; the cud Majrlty- convict-1 tJiiT cime, receive a reward <>f ONE A TfiWRbD DOLLARS -&>*- tice is a'i- ven that perions off.-ndtiio as (litem (la'V1* w'll be pvofec-jted wah the-^t- moft ri-- ./^:Tid;r liie eKilting a£is ofPailw- men: on ti r hea 1 •' $1/2 E!h. Clap vr '"Be i^ - -c^ed by the authonry ofthti u prcfcirt j^rli;ment, tint if any pcrf^r. of -NOTICE. v t< wder, or Hab- ISfar, of the Qi;een?s M.rj -*"-•, • ^ \ Waiding our Foice -vriihin our faid the ExeCUtorsto the Ellate,) for payment. « ilments of War, or Victuals to thevdue pf Thc-fubfcribrr begs leave to inform the *« Twtrty Shiilx gs, at one or feveral times, Public, ?hat-he has on bmd an extenfiveand ti that then'every inch offence (hall be judged well feWfted aiTortment of Goods, of every 4t Felony, and the offender or offenders there- defcrip ion/which, In order to clofe the af- *« jn to be tried, proceeded-on, andiuffcr ad in ■fahs of the concern, for readv payment'fa a cafc 0f Felony M ■---■- — \Jl George \(ly Chap. 25, u And whereas divers of His Nfajcfly'i '* Stone» and Ammunition, pertaining to his *< Navy a d Shipping, or Service thereof, are •tiufty aiid well Ixrlovcd Gordon - -% ... r M - ■- 5^ ■n«, -cr ■ o fi-, 1 C?(h »r Produce, be7\viil fell c-ft 4t very re« ■»i iliet-iag the G iwrnmehci four laid «3ce1 prices ■Province, and Lieutei-ant Geneial com- W. MITCHELL. iFOll SAL£, 'Province, this -twemy-f lurth dr.y of ^ FEW barrel* Prime PORK, at the h often privately embezzled or filchedaway { ay, in the year of our Lord 0 M fand ei-iht Tiunxiied and fourlerfr, and r the fiftv-foii th y ar of oiw rei-ffti A N KIRBY 3c Co. it For the more ciSedlual difcovery of fuch Kuigllou, ill Jo. e, 1814 15 ** Stercf and Ammunition, it is hereby fur- N ther enjcled by the authority atorefa'd, that GORDON DRUMMOND.Pr^///. (JJ A T 'S- ««the fa« principal Officers and Commifli-n- (oi-.i'd.-) Wm. Jarvis, Sjec^y._______2.2 SMITH & BUTTERWORT® «*er^of His Majefly'a Navy, or any one or NOTICE. " TNFOKM rheir friends and the Public, <« more of them, fln'l have hereby power to