Kingston Gazette, December 1, 1812, page 2

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•**efmtree, trnr i.i thofe Ia»gc and perma¬ nent military tflahJrhinc its which ar*. f >b d- >;m by the princi/e- f >>.. iree-i' vernment end againtt the 1 to. ;Iity t" which the militia u-?re meant to 1 e .1 c or.,! iruti-ma1 bti w-rk On the COail-. and on the • cea 1, th: war has been r»^ fuecessfiil jm eircumftaneGS iniep- r ::-.b!e from its e-nly Gages could promile. Our public mips and private cruisers, by their a&Mty, and where there was occafion, rbv their intrepidity, have made the enemy !<-!ible of the diTerence between a reciprou- tv of captures and th- lcnn; co .finement of rhenvto their fid.-. Our mde with little ex¬ ception, has fafcly reached our -ports— having been much fivored in it by the eourfe purfued by a fquadrou of our frigates, »mder the command of C unmodore Rodgers. (Afid in the mSlance in which /kill : nd ba- fferv were more particulaty tried with thole of the enemy, the .American fl*g h..d an aufpicious triumph—The frigate ConiliMi- tion, commanded by cant. Hull, after a dole and morteno-sgrmcntcomptetely dilabled and captured a Britifh frigite ; gaining for that vofiiccr and all on hoards a praife which cannot >oe too iiberallv brfltowed ; not merely for the viclory actually aehie-pvl, bin for t' e prompt nnd cool exertion of commanding ta« )<nts, which giving to courage its highe'd chara&er. and to the force applied its full ,-tfTccl, proved that more 'could have Ken done in a eonteit rcquir'rg more- Anxious to abridjje the evils from which a (late of war cannot be -exempt. I loft no timeaitei xt was declared in to the Briton govenn.merit the terms 0:1 which its proprefs might be arrefled, without a- , waiting the delays of a formal and final pa¬ cification.—And our charge d'afTairs ^t J^ondon was at the fame time, authorifed to agree to afl armiiHce founded upon them. rl hefeterms remnred, that the Orders in Council fliould be repealed as they eifec't the U. States, without a revival d block -.den, violating he acknowledged rule-?; that there ' fhould be an immediatedifcharge of Amen- can fcamen fi\in. Lritifh (hips ; and a flop r>ut to from American (hip*; T.'ith an underpin ding that an exclnii mi of die leameo of each n.tii >n from the (hips of the other 1 he ftipilIateJ ; and that the ar- miflice (h"uld be improved into a defi> itive and comprf-heufive adjnllroent of depending controverts. Although a repeal cf ihe Order*; fufeejK. jfclc of explanations meeting the views of this •governmenit, had taken place before the pa- cii/c advance was comniunlcated to Great Jjritaht, tlie advance w«s decline 1 from an 3- ▼jwed repugnance t-» a fnfpenttpn of the practice of the imp?e[Tment dming the arm- iftice, anl withont any intimation that; the arrangement with refpeffc to fenmen wcKild -l^e accepted. Whether the lublcquent com¬ munication from this government afforded an o^cafion for rcconfidering the ("object, on the oart of Great Britain, will be viewed in a more favorable light or received in a more accommodating fpirit remains to be known. It would be unwife to relax On meafures in any refpe&j on a preemption of fuch ref¬ it-! t. The documents from the department of State, which relate to the fubjeCT., will give a view nlfo of the prbpofitiotts for an arnnf-. - tice which have been received lure, one of them from the authorities at Hah'fix and in Canada, the other from the britifh Govern¬ ment ttfclf, through Admiral Warren ;—and of the grounds upon which neither of them could be accepted. Oui affairs with France •retain the pcllurc which they held at my lad communication to yon. Notwithltandiurr . the authorised expectation of an early a- well as favorable iGue to the difcufH-jns on f.-ot ; thefe have been procraftinated to the lateft date. The only intervening occurrence me¬ riting attention ii the promulgatit>n of a French Decree, nurportiW it t~i be a definite Tepcal of the Berlin and Milan Decrees. This proceeding1 altho made the ground of the repeal of the Britifh Orders in Council, is rendered by the trme and manner of it lia¬ ble to'many objections. . The final communications from our fpe- Cial Minifter to Denmark afford further proofs of the good effects ofhismifii n and of the amicable difpo&ions of the .Oarnlh go- tern men*. * __ _ Frjm Rufila we have the fat^fa'f>.ron try receive 2tTur;!nces of continued f-iendmi- , and that it will n >t be eitefted by the ruptures between the United States and Great Brit- am. Sweeden alfo profeSes fentimciits fav¬ orable to rhe Aibfi'ling harmony. powers, excepting With the Caibaiv tKit of Algiers, our affu' ilie'0-.'dr.arvio.-tfa.-. The Conful General rs remain an tton, remain at peace, and re-eivc civib 7.1'ng a:: nio >i vh eh have pioved fo benehc .\io the ft With a view to *.hat vigorons pvofeewtion of the vY.n, to which otii national Jac allies arc adequate, \b& atte >tjop of Co igrefs will be narticu'aiiV dra^f) to (his infumcienoy ci the exiling proviiioas for filling up the mil- i(a y tftab'Oime its. SucS is the happy condition of our country, arifing from the faculty of and the high wages for evcrv fpecies of occupation, that nolwith- ftauding the augmented inducements provid¬ ed at the la'I ftfTion, a partial fiiccefs *u:ly %Z* attended the recruiting fervice. The .deficiency has been neceffarily fuf.p'icd dur¬ ing the "'campaign, :by Other than regular troops, wirh all the inconveniences and ex- pence- incident to them—Tine remedy lies, fn eflabliflim'ents more favorable for %he pri- vate foMer, "tlie p^opo'ti -n between his rcc- 'c npence and the term of his enlillTent. Anduisa fubjecl which caiinnt too io-n or too ferioyflv be taken into confide a- Uon. The drr.t infufliciency ha^ been experienc¬ ed in ilit pi lvfions for voinntetrs, made by an ac\ o^the laft fefTio'\— The reebmpence for thr fo vice .required in this cafe, is llill left attractive in in in the other. And ai- tho'^'.h pst'rioiifn alone 1m fent into the n Id fome valuable corps of that deferiplion, thofc a'one who can afford the facriiice, can 'reafonably U: expected to yield to that im- pnlfe* It will met it confH -ration a*f> whether an anxilliary to tf'.e fccuiitv of our frontier, corps may not be advantagentiy orgaio/ed, with a rcdridliori ot their fervices to particu¬ lar dillrieis convenient to them. And rthe* thcr the local and occafi >nal fei vices 6* ma¬ riners artd others in the leaport t 'W"s un !er a fimilar ^rganizat! rn, would not be provident addition to ih.' me inn of =he'r defence. I recommend a pi willou for an inef^afe bFtlie general <.Tic<'rs of the army, the ■<• fi- cieney of which Has been iiluftrated by the number and ciilance of 'Cparate comm.-uds, which the c>urfe of the wai and the ao"T»- tagreof tHe f.-rvice hare fequired. And I ca-not 1 rets t >o (iicr^ly on the 'ca-l-cil attention of the iegiuSrure rfte iu.-u-- :a ice ;:r the recognization oi (he It iff e^ab- iiJlrnent ; with a v'ev/ to render moid (h(- tinck and de'ie.i.c the ic!an'o:is aerj refponNoi*- hy <j\ it» C .eral department':. That the"*? 's i "O'.n for iinproverncnts wine It will mat. r tal¬ ly promote I'.oth ee«>r.omy and lueeefs, tri wlVatapperi 1J03 to rhe nvn* and t > ilie war, i-5 equaHv iiiGiilcnred by the '-•:«uo|ilr-. of .,ih er countries, and by the experience of our own. . . A revifion of the militia laws fur the piir- pofe of rendering the more lylle natic, ana bettet adapting them to ih- emergencfesof tho war; is attHn time particularly defirable. Of the additional fhi-js authorifed t . be fit¬ ted fir fervice, tw $ O- tiie appr.>pnations r»r tne p materials for (hipping the gre-ter part have been applied to tint object, and the pnrchafe Will be continued with the balance. , . The enterprri/ing fpirit which has chiracler- ifed our naval force, and its fnccefs both in reflraiuing fnfults and depredations on our coafts, and in feprifals on' the enemy, will not fail to recommend an enlargement of it. There bei-'g caf)ii to' believe t}?at the act prchibi; i'-g theacee'eptance of Bfiiiih licences is not ?, fafBeffft gu.ard againi> the ufe of them for ptirp-.fts favupible to Ike inierella and views of ths enemy; further provifions on that ft.'bjcfl are highly important. Nor is it lefs fo, that penal enacYmcttts (h^uld fee provided for cafes ■ »f eon apt and pe lidious intcrcourie wirh the enemy, not am Mill tine to ticalon, nor yet embraced by any llatuar}* prOvilioijs. -' ~L A co'didera'olc number of American veffels which were in England when the revocation or the Orders in Connci' to -k place, were laden wit?. Bu'tifh- Manufacture^, under an er- roneous impreffion 'fiat the nouimportatioi aCt would immedia'te'y ccafe to . p.-ate and have an ivtd in th: United States. It did not appear proper to exeruf?, on unforfeen cafc.1 »f fnch magnirude, the ordi lary pow¬ ers veiled in the tr-afury de .•aitment to nu't- fg;it<- f rfciture># without prevfouiTy affordi ig to Congrefs an opportunity of m i.k»ug on the fubject fuch provi/i ins a-* *liey may think proper. In their decifiou they will doubtlefs equally coufult whit U due t >equitable eoij* fideration> and ;o .lu- public intercft. The receipts into the treafttry during the year ending on the 30th Sept. 1 a It hoe ex¬ ceeded 16 m 1'io is and an h.ilf of dollars : act'ier with the MtrM tekwt enable US Niagara to examine into fuch claims. an, that all fuchperfons tefidlne in the \ni! ? Johnllown, and EalUrn Dlftridsdor themfclves to the Board appointed at \' t0£-- e x • to defray all the expe:.ce.o. ta;- year. Thedi»tie5on the iate unexpected import** tKfrisnf Britilli Manufacturer will render the rcv.nie of the enf o'ng year mire prpuu^ive than coold have been anticipated. The fituation of on,- coo itrf, f How citi¬ zens, h not wiuiont ics diffic«lci« ;. thdugli it abonnosin animating confide.alionj, of which the view here ■ rcfented of our pecun¬ iary u-f-uirces is an example. With more than one nation, we have ferious and unfett- led contioverfies, and with cine powerful in the means and habits of war are at war. The fpirit and ttrength of this nation are, nevtrthciefs equal to the fuppOrt of all its r'ghts and to carry it through all its trials. They can be met in that confidence —-Above aft, we have the inettimuble confolation of knowing tint the war in which we are actual¬ ly engaged is neither a war df ambition or vain glory ; that it is waged, Aoc in violation of the ri'jjkt of others, but in the maintain- anee of our own ; that it Was preceded By a pAii.nce without example, under the wrongs accumulating without end '; and that it waa fini'ly n.jt declared until every hope of avert- in a ft was exunpuifried, by the transfer of the Bruini fcepter iu'.o new hands clinging to former councils; and tint!l declarations wer<i reiterated to the la.'l hour, thro* the Buitiih? 'envoy here, that the hoiule edicts againfi ocr commercial rights, and our maratimeindepen- dance would not be revoked, without v.'ola- ling the obligations of Great Britain to ihe other powers as well as to her own inter- efts. To have fhnink Under fuch eirctjmftadcesi from manly lclidance, would have beeu a de¬ gradation ulalliugotfrbell andproudefl hope"; it woulj have ilruek us from tlieUarhell rank- where the wrtuous ftVuefgle of our fathers had placed us, and have betrayeo the magiiificieat legacy which \Ve hold lii truii for future gen- eratiois. It would have acknowledged, that ontheelcnientj wliich forms three fourths 1 I the globe we inhabit, arid wliere all inde pendent nations, have equal ar.d common^i-, the American people were not ari independent people but col.uiifls and vafTais. It was at thu moment, and. vw'lu fuch an al- terrr:p'vc, thit wai teas cfciferl, The nation feh th * necciEty of it and called For it. The ap.i a! wai aceordiiigly made, in a raft canfe tc thcjufi and all p.-wcrfal Beirig who hoidtJ in his hand the clhin of eveutj and de't.Vr-. of 1 rati ns. ItremaiiJs onlv, that, i 111.I2...I to ouifdves, entangled in no counciluins w.ih report it nk And all fuch peifuns refidiag Ct Home and Newcaflle DilMEb, do k\[' manner report themf Ives to the Board * painted at York lot the famelMirnnk ;„* der tliatu recognized to be citizens of the Unifci State- of America, they rrayhfe fur. nillied wiili proper paflportsto leave the PrJ viuce.— And ir h hereby made known, that every citizen xjf the United States of Amtri. ca in this Pr jvince, who (hdl not before the ofjanvwry, 1813, have repvrtedhiaifeU to one ot the faid Board", (had be taken t0 bean alien e~emy, and (hall be liable to be treated as a Priioner of War, or as a Spy ai citcomftancea may dilate. Given under my hand and feal at Arms at York, this ninth day of November, in the year of our Lord ooe thoufand eight hun- dicd and twelve, and of his MajeHy'i rti^n the fifty-third. R. H. SKEAFFE,Prcfi(]Cnt,acc, PrfiUfs Office, Torhyyh Nov. 1812. His Honor the Prefident has been pleafeJ in conformity with his Proclamation, bear¬ ing date this day, to conliitute and apooiat the undermentioned jjetitlemeii to be Boards for examining and deciding upon the preten¬ tions or perfofis who may come forivard and report fhemfelves as br*inq[ lub;ec^s ofthfi U. Stares, and as fuch claim exemption from Military fervice, at the following pkces rcf- pcJliveiy : s At Kington, for tne Midland, Johnfln\Mn andEalWa Diliri^-rCol.; 49th Regiment, the Hon: Richard Gk&a&k and Aiian Mac Lean, pfq. . At York, for ihe Home, and Sewcaftlc Uiitricl-;—the lion. John M'Gill,t!ie Hon. Prideaux Selby, Thomas fedout and Wil¬ liam A'dan, Efqre* , • „ At Niagara, for the Niagara, London and Weflern Dill rid,—the Hon. Willia.-nCiauS, Thomas Dickfon & Jofeph Kdwards, EW _ -^—■/ the fottmoitt* Infh unions from his Honor the Prefident Jmve hen tmnfmhtd'» Mp* a! Ihmls at tGil&m Turk andf^ firthdr rnuiance in the execution of the**) 'i/fifffea to 1 hem. conformity .Havi.i.r thought proper, in coniorum, ^tKth-. advice ..f the Executive OgwAf couttKuteycm,or any two of you ^ >";:,,,] at L ■ 3 to receive a^^r.i' \ji ui. uuuitioFiai iru js autuoroeu n u: nc- :ed f>r fervice, two will be flkwtly ready 10 ail ; a third is under repair of the ref:< lue; 3r the appropriations f »r the purchife f d:r the divine blefiings of fpeciaily obra uii It. JAMES UaDISOH. November 4, io 12. if '«'• £ , , . . - . ------W'T (j^jfl tied that the perfon.s applying are (yA the U. States, you will furnifli them witb I a.Tports to ciolsthe hues at fuch place Z hi fuch manner a. you may. ftnd expedient! - . Adjvfant Gen'nil's GiFce, Port George', t^t/j i\ovcnr>cr. \hl2i H ILltl A C R K £ « AI, O R ljV. R- On an infpcclion of She Return of the fe- vral Corps of Militia on this Frontier, there appears ma'nv abfe.itc.s therefrom ; his Ho- r i • * nor Major General Shcaife, being willhlg on the commencdroCDt of the Command which has devolved 011 him, to ihew his lenity and forbearance, h pleafed to tlirecl that no Pio- direct. , Should however, inftances 3 occur |q may appear to you, that very fe,j ousmjery may an'fe to Rich, perfoas. K,;„„ perlons, boiijo- eelinrrs fhall be had aeainft fucH Militia fen as are Rowabftnt, who ihall voluntarily c M and without delay return to their duty.—Of- . ficers commanding Companies and Regim¬ ent;, are called on to exert themfelves to bring back fuch as iliiJ may pciiiil in abfeut- rifg tfcemfelves. By command of his Honor Major Ccne- rai Sheaffc. (Signed) JENEAS SHAW, yhljt. Gen. Mlia. tl. C. Officer wmmaitSttg Militia at Tori; fettled, and having families in the cobm*? :o have not received Lands from rjc C own, 6'r taken the Oath of Allegiance you may report the cafe to mc, efpecially' with youj'oprnton as to the termsofarfrf Bed allcoirm'ce, or fecurity for good conJuc** on which they may be permitted to remain' (S^ncd) R. K. SHE VFFE, PreJiJint' The Benefit of the above Order will be extended down to the orefent time to luch of On the night of the iota Novembc.-a par- ty of the Militia of the Counties ofStor. mont and Glengary, aided by a datachment of the Gkngary Fencibles, crofledovertoSt Regis and made priforiers of the America troops Rationed there, .who had before car ri>ed off Captain M'Doneil and a pai ty of the Canadian Vcyaueurs fent from Lower Can¬ ada to occupy that Village.—Not a man on our fide was hurt.—It is afcertaiaed that the enemy had two men killed, and it wasfy poled that more had fallen. The prifooea taken were 1 Captain, 1 Subaltern andu 1 the Militia of the Midland Dillri-r as arc rank and file.—They were immediately lent dilpofe 1 to avail the nfelves of it. to NT mtrca! under an efcort of the Gtogarj f Signed) RICHARD CAIlTWRfGHT, Col. Commai>u'u.■ • ff.e AVtlii•<? 0'"tit ■ iriiiitia. Kingfcon, 27th Nov. 1812. » I, . refiding with that rcg-ney has luddenly, and which have been fufacient to defray all uac . ,. demands of the Treafury to that day, inclu. without c'aufe been bauifhed, together wiih ding a neceiTary reimburfement of u'e.vr three all ["he American citizens found there. Whe- millions of the principal of the public debt. In thefe rccc:pt9 is* included a fum of rieat 5,850,000, dols. received on accouut of th loans of laft feiiion ; the whole fum acTtnaH obtaioed on loan, arnunits to 11 millions dol. the refidue of which being receivable iu'-f- quent r.o *he JQth 0? Sept^inb'T ifcft, v-i". Jau ^«»'- 'I'i'C.seai; '_.ri/.cns iouii'J riiere. \Y r.e- , ther'thi, wai the tranfnory tffe<ft o\ captt- cious drfro'.ifm or the fuli act of y-r.dctermi^ ned hofiility, is j:jt afcertaiaed. Precautions Yere taken by the Comul, on the latter fop- pofit ion. 'i'ti- Lldisn tribes aT. ui:d-? 5?r :'gn uift»^a» ^' By Ins ffayr Reger Hale $&eq,p9 Efq. Pre,',- <:■•{ atfrnw/lering the GctvriiMeni of the Provhc* &/ Ufyei' Ganadtu and Mafttr Vr- Commtmdhi^ his Itixjeft/s Foree: c-ii/j- ir. ;L A. nu', &e. &c I 'ft r. ^ A PROCLAM VriON. Y" ' '■" ?S divers perlons rciidir-g vyiihin the limits M thU P:lA:.,ee, chha •■ > be exempt fro;n Military Seivk'f, on pietence of btiug Citizens of thi Unite ! Stales of America'; I havi thought proper, by a"d v.irh t!ie ad- vice<.fMa Mayfly's Executive Council f>r ti.-e airhi' oftlae Prirwihee, lodheec and re¬ quire, an i I do her' by direel and rcjui-a. that all lich perfofis refiuingwithin the \Vi Hern, Londcm an.; Kiagaia i >i fl: ic't-s, do fouf.uiih rrrarn rfemfrlfea te tihe Uoard annointeJ ., J'eport from Niagara (rates, that atof lannonading has taken place in that neigft- hoi hood bet ween our Batteries and that ft the enemy, by which coniiderable damn»c3 faid t; liave been done on both fides. Froo the w*.ll tried fpirit and loyalty of the bne, men contpoliog that Gamion, we maye^ anticipate the anal icfult.—Wcba/t tm* obtain pa* ticul^rs. MARRIED—On Saturday t**\ Uli, by the R.v. George O. Smart, * R'bcit T;.lbot to IHU Ellen Fcmber.W of Kinjflo::.. I: 'A liftrtfOTWOT; DothrfliK^fowofihefifSr CAME into the inclol'ureot theii.o^ or fome time in September lart. »"*, Tt.c owner is requvfted to pnwW p»^P* pay ch: .ires, an J take her away. . ° JOHN L. JACKS*

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