KINGS Vol. II.] KINGSTON, (UPPER CANADA J GAZETTE. SATURDAY, OCTOBER M SHERIFFS SALE. J!anJDi/Iriaj T> Y vi. tuc of thrccicv- hivtt: } JDeral Writs of fieri fy* fJ5x,i(Fitcdout tifhiti Majeity^s Court of King's J}c:ich, at the fuits of Laurence Hcrchmev and John lviiby, of the town of Kin^fton, merchants, and Nicholas Hsnennan of the tjwnthip of Adi»lj)lailtoivn, Efqoire, again ft the lands nnd tenements «»f James Gcrolomy of ihetownlhip «»f Maryfburjrh, yeoman, to medircded ; I have fci/xd and taken in ex¬ ecution, as belonging to the laid Jmr.e: Gc¬ rolomy, the well half of lot tutmVr fevca- tren, in the firlx cuncefTion of the townflii)) (lf Maryfburgh, combining by admeafuremej t one hundred acre*1, be the fame more or lef;, foceiher wirJi a log houfe thereon cre&ctL \iv luuby giye notice, that the above men¬ tioned lot, o£ Land, with the building and apminenar.ccs thereunto belahgiajr, will be fold and adjudged to the hipttefi bidder, at »yoffice in the town of Kingfton, on the fwutccuih day of Mach next, at the hour often of the clock in the forenoon, at which tiaw and place the conditions of fale will be hade known* CHARLES STUART, SbniT. An,! cvory pcrfon or pcrfons fmittjj claims on the above defevibed lot of land and ptcmi- 31 1812. [No. 48 1 m% by mortgage or other right or incum¬ brance, are hercfoV adv^vtifed to pu notice wikfiid She 1 iif, at his office h\ the town Pi Kingilciit^ previous tn the fnle thereof. Skrif's Qfk-ct i&A April* i$n-m 24 t: SHERIFFS SALF. 0m4D}jh^i p V virtue of a Writ oS iowh; J *.y Fieri Facias* itFuc4 out of Hi* Jfoj^y'* Coon of lu.tg9? B^ch* at tk hit oV fh-xr.?.; M?.rkla:id, d ihe lorn v»f Kingltm, t kjtnre, sgsinlt tf>e la-rds and lertementH <»f Ailuel livadiluiw, of the townftip of Fvcdcrti'kibiirgh, yeoirvan, to mc finitcj : I fouvc fenced and taken in exectv- tiomas bibsgUlg Xfl ttw laid Afluicl IhaA'jLotimiubei tvve:ny-fcur, in the (Vvcnth concision of the townihlp of Lob- rong-lu containing Vy adme?t&teaitnt two hundred acres be the f?.*re -ro"e or lels. I do here* bygiVii notic-*, that ttifi above mei.tioivd lot of Land will be fold and adjudged to the hljhul hidd'-r, at my D'&tcc in the t"\vn of KiiigdoM, on the twanyicventh day of Jan¬ uary next, at the hour of ten of the clock in ikcforeoomv, at which time and place tbi Conditions of fale will be made known, CHARLIE STUART, SLoif. And every pcrfon or perfons having claims on the ab'^ve defcribed lot of land, by mnrt* J»gc or other right or incumbrance, arc ha e- bv advervilcd to give notice to the fa id Sher¬ iff r. his office in th. town of lvingflon, pre- iroiito the fait ther. of. ShtrjJ V Qjfii c, 1 i)lh A fay, \ 8 \ 2. 27 N once. TO be let, and pofTcfllon given the fecund day of April next, from three to fif- ten years, as may be agreed upon, a "alua- bk FARM, in the f:i(t coiiLefTion additi Hi¬ ll Ftedcriekfbnrgh. There are one hundred acre, of improvement, a good meadow and of chard on it, a goad frame T><ux) and Houfe, tk- [iremifa are well fitnated and caleulaicd for a farmer, merchant or inn keeper, by en* bpin^the houfe.—For fmther particulars a.ply to the proprietor and fnbfcriber, at the houfe of Mr. Florence Donnovan, in Froleriekfburgh, or to Charles Stuart, Efq. ioKinKfton. MICHAEL COYLF. Jtmeljl, 18 [2. 2C)tf to'bf let, AMD immediate poffeflion given, that pleafantly htuaied and commodious Houfe, nc;irthe town of Kin;;l\on, lately the property of Sir John J.diuf.m—There arc attached to the Houfe about twenty acres ot excellent land, a good gai teo and (tabic- *ell, Sec.—A few town Lat* <o fell ot lcafe. Application to be made to Alexander M*- Donnell, or John Fcrgufon, both of King- fton. K'\ngsion> \ j/A JunCf 1812. Ziff Land for Sale. HE following valuable Lots of Land m 1 he townfhip of Fvcilei-ickfburgh, arc offered for fale by the fubfeuber, viz. Lot n.imbcr fix., in the tirll Conceflion "-iitiiiu;.!. L-.t n«:nbtr t.venty-uvc, in the fourth RICHARD CARTWRIGHT. *«. 3, -an, vi Fre.jli Goods n WHITNEY has juft received a frefh *„ fiipply of GOODS, Amongst which arc, Tea, Coffee, Loaf and Mufcovado Sugar, Spirits, Shrub, Peppermint Cordial, Port Wine, Raifms, Mnftard, Fig blue, Starch, Indigo, Nutmeg, Almonds. Snuff, Chewing and Smoakino Tobacco, Pepper, AUfpicCj Ginger, Linfced Oil, Superfine black, blue and bottle green Broad Cloths, do, black* bine and mix'd fine do. Caffimeres Stoekeu- ncHi Brutlfwick and fancy Cord?, a vanVty ot Idfuionable Veilings, fn it able for both fum- mer and winter, Linen, fhining Cottoivt, red, white, green yeljow, Black and liluc Flam.els. Table Cloths,low prie'd and fuper- finc Calicoes, fm 1 iiure do. Gingbama, Brown Holland » Silk & Twill, color'd and White 1 iKead-, Men's Leath r Gloves, La¬ dies Ltatlur, Kid, Silk and Cambric do. Silk Nut Sheves Cottui do. Wiidbores, C-ilima-ictK^, IvuTell.., Ladies Leather( Kid and Mororco Shoea, do, White and colored lV^ver Bonnets, do. common do. Men't* lie»'.er, knaot a-^d felt Hats, Coitod Urn- U\\Vah and P;ni.fols, Wlote & fancv Cottotl Sh iw!s, Biindanna and fancy fi!k Hdudker^ chief«, Cotton Pocket do. black a;:d olive Velveteen-, black and flue coloi'd pHice Velvets, bl.tck & fancy Cor&Umys, Nankeens, Te;ttis, blade Cambriek, plain a*'d figured white do Looking Glaffes, G\<\U $< Cr >ck cry Ware, Mtt%** aftd U?on.rn'5 bind; n ■ *t coloi'd Woilled Ho;c, do. do. white Cot¬ ton dd. Be.kicking, flrbed Cot'o-s, Swf- pendcis, Oln;d)ivghs, Cha^ibrsy?, blue cot¬ tony Leni>c«, Imperial N« tt*>, Kobe Pat¬ terns color*U Cambrics, fttHlonett* coitun check, black Crape, Kiblxms, Velvet Bind- irtffs, bin -k and white Lacea, afforted colore fjlk cords—Alio, a general nfL'tueiiL of Hard Ware, am'OTU'fl wh'ch are «1- gant Tea Trays, plated Crttvt; S'and.i, do. Table and Tea $p"on*j Knives and Forks, &c. &c. Ail of which re- e m ALL thofe who are indebted to the Lf- tate of Francois X. Rocheleau, late Stone Mafon of this place, dec^afed, arc n qucfted to make immediate payment to tli fuhfciibcr, and al perfons baying any chii.. againft the fnid Eftate, are defired to p.e- fent them duly authenticated, on or before the firll day of December next. JOHN KIRBY, Acting Executor. Kingston, 2 2//Ofto&er, 1812. 47 Pork and flour. WANTED for the nfe of his Vbfc&f* Troojv) (latioued at Kingfton and its dependencies, Five Hundred Barrels of Pork, Five Flundred Barrels of Flour. To be delivered in the months of Decern- ber, Januaiy, February arid March next, with the ufnal guarantee* All prrfons willing to ftrnifh the whole or any part of the above, are defired tb fend in their propnGds to "his Office on or before the 10th of Nowmber next, and b (late at what Poll they would prefer delivering the fame. jr Deputy Commifliiry GemraPit 0$st,l GEN. HULL'S OFFICIAL ACCOUNT, Kingston will be fold very low for ready pay only. Kingston, 1 &£ Auguft, i-8j 4. 3 S Groceries for Sale, CHEAP as the CHEAPEST, by the Qttbfcriber. JX Shrufe, . Peppermint Cordial, Loaf and Mufcovado Green Tea, Chocolate, Root St Ground Gin- Allfpicc, Barkyi Oatmeal9 Rice, Kingston, Augujl 17 Nutmegs, CloVtHj Peppermint Lo2engcs ConfeAionates, Liquorice, Barley Sugar, j ob^coo, SeoWb Suulv, Rappee do. Segava, by the dozen or hundred, Bottled Mufiard, Waihing and Shaving S'^ap Wm. JOHNSON. Frefii Beef ^tf ANTED f..r the Bfe of his Majefty^a Tr« qm fcatiorfd at Ivingfton,. 600 Pounds or there lboucs of frefh Bcei c(nil)% from \\\c iilttflfo« vciiibcr to the 24th February, Any pcrfun^ willing to furuifh the whole or any part« f the above, are defired to fend ill thrir Pro]>of;ls to thla Office on or before the 29th infl-mt. jr Deputy C^mmiffitry General9x Ojfiee,\ Kingsfm bib October, i$ 12. j B. Whitnev, Has uift Reinvent "fT| KD, white, yellow and gtcen Flannels, X\. green Bai/e, low prie'd Broad Cloths and C.ithr.eres. Cnatiug<) Irifli Linens ftrip* eil Gottdnsj Cotton Shirtings, India Cottons, Women's black worded H-de, Swunfdown Vcfting,. fit' erfinc Calicoes. AJfC) Tea, C* (Tee, Indigo, SuufT, Tcbaceoj Allf|Mce, Sc f<c. Kir: -ton, %lh OP-ober, i S | 2. £ 1812. 38 S. Bartlet, INFOHMS his friends and the public,that he has juft received Liquors and Groceries, and a general afTortment of Dry Goods, adapted to the feafon— Crockery, Hardware, Sjfr. which he will fell wholefale or retail, at his ufual low prices, for pay down, either cafh or any kind of produce. Kingston, Auguji 26, 1812. 39 B Whitney, HAS juft received 20 butffheads fliong well flavored Jamaica Spit its, 4-hopt heads Mufc.vado Sttgar, 2 hugfheada Loaf do. 1 pi[>e b-ft TencrilTe Wine—which will he fold low for cafh.—Alfot 2 crates afToitcd Crocket y. Kington, \ I tb Sept. 1 8 I 2. 41 TIIK FOLLOWING BOOKS Are offered for laic at the Printings Qjjite, Kingston* ttnntfii ?* •Mi;illj/ll4l The Grave—a Poem, Village Cuiatc, Common Senfe, New Mirror, Mafon'i Self Knowledge* Montcjomcry's Potms, kebgious Conference, Spiritual Ti*t.afury, Piaftical Aiithmetic, Murray's Spelling-Book, do. Gr iinmar, Chriftian Monitor, Economy of Human Life$ Addifon's Works, M'Farland's View of Herefica, Senfons in England, French Vocabulary, Child's Spelling-book, Portett$*3 Evidences of the Chiiftian Re¬ ligion, Bibles, Teftaments, Watts' Pfalms and Hymn9, Pfaltcrs, American Cookery, Children's Books, Catechifms, &c. And a variety of fmall Tra&n, tifeful and en- ■• tcrtaiuing for Children. Mifllng, Webfter's Spelling-Books, For file at this Office. Blank Billsof Lading For fide at the Gazette Office. FROM the Guard Room, 1 Vol. of Shakcfpcai's Plays, 2 do. of Mayor's Voyages, 3d & 4th Vols, bound in one of Mod¬ ern Poets. The owner requefts whoever may be in poffefiion of the above Books, to leave them ■with the Editor. QSubtr \ 6, 181 a. 46 C\r From the National Intelligencer of Sept 19. Yefterday afternoon, at 2 o'clock licut. Anderfon, of the United Slates Army, reached this city, bearer of defpatches from brijradier * * Gen. Wm. Hull, to the depart¬ ment of War, of which the follow¬ ing copies have been detained for publication: Montreal, Sttj Set>t. 18 12. SIR, The inclofed defpatch was pre¬ pared on my arrival at Fort George and it was my intention to have forwarded It from that place by Major Withercll, of the Michigan volunteers, I made application to the commanding officer, of that pott, and was rtfufed ; he dating that he was not authorifed, and general Brock was then at York. We were im¬ mediately embarked for this place, and major "Witherellobtair.edliber- ty at Kingfton to go home on par¬ ole. Thi:: is the f*rft opportunity I have had to forward the difpatch* The fourth United States' regi¬ ment is deftined for Quebec, with a part of the lirft.—The whole con- filt of a liitle over three hunch, red. Sir George Prcvoft, without a- ny rcqueft on my part, has offered to take my parole, and permit me to proceed to the States. Lieut; Anderfon, of the 8th reir. lmcntds the bearer of my defpatch¬ es. He was formerly a Licut. ia # the Artillery, and refigned his com- miilion on account of his being ap¬ pointed Marlhal of the Jerritory* of Michigan. During the cam¬ paign he has had command in the Artillery : and I rcccommend hi in to you as a valuable officer. He is particularly acquainted With the ftate of things previous and at the time the capitulation took place. He will be able togive correct information on an) points^ about which you may think prop¬ er to enquire. I am, very rcfpcctfullv, vour moft ob't. ferv't. W. HULL. Hon. Wm. Kustis, Secretary cf the War Department. Fort George, Jlugiijl 26, l8l2. SIR, Enclofcdare the articles of capi¬ tulation, by which the Fort ot De¬ troit has been furrendered to Ma¬ jor Gen. Brock, commanding his BritannicMajcity's forces in Upper Canada, and by which the troops have become prifoners of war. My lkuation at prefent forbids me from detailing thcparticular caufes which have led 10 this unfortunate event. I will, however generally obferve, that after the furrender of Michilimackinac, almoft cvery tribe and nationof Indians,except¬ ing a part of the Miamies and De¬ le wares, north from beyond Lake Superior, welt from beyond the Miififlippi, fouth from Ohio and Wabafli, and call from every part of Upper Canada, and from all the intermediate country, joined in o- pen hoftility, under the Britifl; ftandard, againft the army I com¬ manded, contrary to the moll icl-