tidr application., in the prosecu¬ tion of the prefent contel*, will be attended with the happicft refults. My Lords and Gentlemen, .. His Royal Bighneis deeply la¬ ments the difturkinces that have taken place in fome of the manu¬ facturing d ill ncl.-j: but. his Royal Hi.dincfs acknowledges liin deep fenfeofthediligence with which •you have inveftignted the caules. His Royal Hhrhncfs alio hiffhly approves or the ihUitary meafures which you have adopted in order to prevent the increase of thefe dif- turbancc% and to bring the offen¬ ders to juitice. My Lords end Gentlemen, His Koyal Higbncfs trulls, that •on. your return to your fcveral Counties, you will inculcate obe¬ dience to the Law?, and a due re¬ gard to tir.it admirable Conhiru- 'tionnpon which the glory and .the Jtappincfs of the Kruptrc have fo long and fofuccefsfuily depended. AMKUICA. The declaration of war by A- •mcrica againfl: Great Britain, bro't from Halifax by the Julia Hoop ©f war, edited confidcrablc fenfathm in this town ycftcrday, among all dalles of merchants : but the in- tcllicrcr.ee ncith.cr arTcctcd the funds lior American produce. Yefierdav a itoppagc of Amen- .CDn vciTcls, whether cleared out or other wife, in the nature of an em¬ bargo, was ordered,in confequeuee asws undcrfennd, of a representa¬ tion from Lloyd's Collee-l Joule, recommending to his Ivlajcic/'s Miniflcr- fucft a meafure. Jf£v ;,i—Government at a late hour vencrd.iv, came to the rcfo- liition o,1 iFtunq; orders and in- ftrumons le all the rcfpcclivc com¬ manders it) chief, at home and a- broad, to detalii and fend in all A- merican veiiels whatfoevcr. An embargo was laid this morning all American vcflels in our ports. Tdlerdav -Admiral Sir tohn Warren arrived in town, frotn Ids rcfidcncc, at Nottingham, and had J long; conference' with Lord Mel¬ ville, at the Admiralty. This gal- lmt .officer has been appointed corrunander of the fquadron whieh K to fail immediately for the coaft The Prince of Wales, o3 guns ; San Domingo, 74; Junon, 38 ; Porcupine, 24 ; Mut'me and Cur¬ few, {loops of war, arc all ordered to be fitted for foreign fervicc, at Pcrtfmouth, with all pofltble' ex- peciitinn. They arc fuppofed to bedeftined for the American feas. Strong reinforcements continue William Kceh, from the Royal Military College, to be EnfisqJ vice Flutter. iooth Regiment Toot—Enfign J. Hcndcrfon, from the London* deny Militia, to be Enfign with¬ out purehafc. FROM TIIK UNITED STATES From the Bojion tyiitinch GENERAL HULL'S CAPITA LATION. All the railers of the Adminift- ration a^rec, that infamy muft at- tach to ionic of their party, in con- fequence of ihe Qapitidaiwn of Be* troih We add oxtt^jhtciU be." ' But let Ju:f tick be done, and the Truth be expofed to the face of d.y. Let facts be known before ientencc be prononneed. The Ad* iviiniitYatioii, or General Hull, are" unqueftipnably tlie authors of the difi>rac* which has beialien the country.—But if newfpapersareto determine the queftion, moit pow¬ erful arc the odds atraiuft the indi- vidual General- Already have an hundred hireling pens denounced him a-, the fb'tccirvfi of the dilgrace, and branded him, unheard und un- tried, as a c< traitor" a cpiL'tini, and a " hh±bcml* Whiii't not one of the pens which 10 recently rn]fic4i'.'cd hi- f.'iif»r/t(/i<i/e Vrtn]\)r>- alion, and fo flippantly trimmed up his ckJervinjrs as ixfildkr, a frfol- for and a Put riot, now ihcds one drop of ink to cxpofe the grofs contradictions, the gl ii ri n^Ja/f hoods, and the appa -cut forgmes, which have marked the charges or his out- raoeoim accufers. Tliev have not even inrmircd whv the Command- ers of Mackinac, Ports Wayne and Dearborn are not entitled to a pro- pprtiqnate ihare of the democratic odium which li:ts been in liberally iifucd to the commander of De¬ troit ! Not a word of this. But fuch is the inftabiiity of political jrlendjhips ! As foot) as the diiaiter was known, it was alio known that a fm-'.frin* would be requir¬ ed :—And the Adminiiiration,and the hankcrers after their u loaves and fillcs," were fimultancous in their chice of the victim. They know from experience, that a great portion of the People had been "left to believe lies," and t icy foon found lib cliiigrt who Could furec . and circulate enough to fatiate the moft credulous appetite. By one general ihout, the charges of" trea¬ son," "envardiec" and "ineapaeity" were preferred again!! Gen. Mull —the man whom the adminitlra- tion had long delighted to honor —from every democratic pf'cfs and p£n :—and even the "Jammer Hands, in the event of any fudden entcrprize being undertaken by tlie Americans—Several transports We been ordered round fo the Iflc of Wight to receive thefe rein¬ forcements on board, and will fail the inftant the men arc embarked MILITARY PROMOTIONS. ' ' Kar.Off,cc, July 3 T. *»i Kcgiment Foot—'Henry Dive Townlhcnd, Gentleman, to be Enfigft, by purchafe, vice Lcnn, promoted. 4$th Regitnent Foot—Serjeant- Major Stean to be Quarter-Maf- Kr- vice Lcggatt, promoted in fte iotla Roval Veteran Battal- of the whole Garrifon, and the pillage of 1 he inhabitants ; we feel fati.sf.ed that he ftands acquitted by his- own heart of the bale charges which his political friends have brought ?g;iinil him ; and ive be¬ lieve he will be alio acquitted by any military tribunal which may be infUtutcd to inquire into his conduct—if that Tribunal, as it ought to be, is compoled of offi¬ cers who arc men of honor and in- dependence—who are not ignor¬ ant of the circumitances and rights- of war ; and who know what are the obligations of duty on an offi¬ cer who has the lives of thoufands in Ids keeping ; and will rightly appreciate that courage which dares to do its duty at any hazard. We do not utter this on light ground. •The moft maliffna"nt charge a^ainlc our countryman—that of having f/urc ndered an army without firing a 'gar, has already been proved to be an alroricus faljihood. We know, too, that the reported difapproba- non of Colonel Miller is fahe j and that he advifed to and negotiated the capitulation, a^ did alio Cob Bin'h, an ofheer of the rm'.itia. If charges c>f tins fort are io foqtt pro¬ ved f.ilfe, thole of minor import will fpcedily vanilh- We have not time nor room no dwell on this ar- tide.—But ** ha*« f^tlici :nt e;a- terials to prove, that not only the fun endei of Octroi , but tiie fall of the Forts of Mackinaw, Wayne and Dea.borne, (not ominous we truil) are fok,?y attributable to the criminal improvidence and utter incanaeity of the prefent Adminif- tration to conduct the war. tebe fent off to our Wcft-P'dia fandf> an^ « pMcai cop^l]Cn of the victim, were among the foremoft to furnilh fticks to kin¬ dle the fire at the altar on whieh their " dear friend" was to be iuv molated. J3ut innocence ihalL have the power to vindicate itfelf. Much as we difasrrce with General Hull in politics, we are decidedly of o- pinion. that in the act of Surren¬ dering Detroit he did no more than what duty and humanity re¬ quired of a General fituated as he was ; who had never been furnifh- ed with the means cfjential to the capture of Maiden ; who was left, b\< the grofs improvidency of the Gov¬ ernment, without refourccs to de¬ fend himfelf a half day longer ; and when it was reduced to a cer¬ tainty, that this defenfe could not avert' the fate of the polf, but would have jufrified, by the laws war, the indifcriminate facrificc »ina. 51'->h' f-ir.-.er.tFoot—Enfign John banter to \Y: Lieutenant, with- ^pt-r.haf^ vice WPherfon, pawntfd ,- f>nt?r?r.aa Cadr; mined to give therri harder pb- than General Hull did. General Bloomiield is bur Commander." We have feen it intimated drat appi-eheniions of an attack on our troop, it Plattfburgh, has induced the contemplation of a retrograde movement to Burlington, °as a place of greater fecurity. * ____________ • The United Slates Brig Vixen, Is captured by a Britifh frigate & carried into New-Providenci). Government have iflued orders for the releafe of all Britifli prifon- ers, when there is any opportunity of conveying them'to 'a Britilli place, and any oflicer to give a re¬ ceipt for them. • .; Montreal, Oftober 3.'. Nothing of importance we be* lievc has t:iken place on the Fron¬ tiers. Various reports are circula¬ ted, one of which (whieh is very probable) Hates—that the enemy's troops at Plattfburgh are cutting a road from thence, through the woods to the Salmon and C.hatu- guay rivers. No danger is we be- jic-\ e apprehended from any force that may attempt to invade from - that quarter. • « • • » of ■ - • t. •- Montpclhr; (Vermont,) Sept. iy. From all parts of the Country we receive accounts of the move¬ ments of the troops and militia. ITattiburgh, R. Y. about 60 miles. from Montreal, Is "heir place of dcfti.nation ; where Generals Dear- horn and Bloomiield, have already arrived, with about 2000 men each. The 6th P.coiment under Col. Sim- ons ; the 15th, Col. Pike, & 13th, Col. Schuyler, all New.]1 ngland troops, are on the march to join the army at Pbtiibur<rh, under Gen. Dearborn ; the 6th and i cth Regiments from Ncw-York, were to march the 3d inil. The Ver¬ mont troops arc now t,t PWiif- burgh. It is flated that Gen. Bloomficld, of New-York, is to command the van of the army on the expedition. About 80 of the tJ. S's. troops from New-Mamplhire and between 4 and 500 of the drafted militia of this State, pafied through town the prfent week, on their way to PlattJ burgh. Extract ofri letter from an Officer at Plattjhur^h, dated September 1 o, to his friend in IVindfor, Vermont, " Dear Sir, ( " We arrived at this place after a very fatiguing march of fix days from Greenibufh; Mow long we fhall remain here I know not, but the probability is, that we mall have an engagement here, or at fome place north of this, before many days. An exprefs arrived here ycfter- day, who brought the informa¬ tion, that the Britifli had broken up their encampment at the half¬ way houfe, and were marching to this place. Their force is about 4000 ifrong—ours about 2000, and more arriving every moment. We have four .gun-boats, and 30 battcaux befides. Wc are deter- Ttre Wh Yruaif 1 u "ptpet \di hfe 2ifl ult.) ffatcs that the ii:uation of General Van Reoffelaer at Nia¬ gara, was cbnfidercd perilous, g-j tlie remaining; regiment then at Greenbulh, and which fad d.iily expecrcd orders to march f >r Plattlhurah, had marched to rein- force Gen. Van RcnfTelear. , . ADMIRAL W^RRIX. It is ffated that Admiral War- atN is invched with full powers to ncJTociate and conclude a peace with the American government; and in cafe of failure, t-o unkennel the dogs of War againft thcrorT Extraclfrom a Price Current, dated Bermuda, 1 ph Augtifi, : 81 2. Prime Pork, - 40 Dollars. Beef, - 35 do. do. Flour, 3° do. Cacr.;iar%^ arr Notice. A LL luOW who hnvc any deiBRnda a- Jl\ gainli Government Rir work done, or for Forage \ox ilxt Cavalry Untiuned at K g- fb»n under the cnmrr.and of Captains Ti urn- pour and Fralicki are deftred to bring their accounts to ihe Inbftrribcr on or before the 2id inllant, for a frt"emtnr. P. SMYTH, Lr. and afiing Q. NT. to rhc Cavalry; ' Kingflon, 1 3th October, 1812. Miffing, FROM iheGuafd Room, 1 Vol. of Shakcfpear's Playlj 2 do. of Mnvor'a Vcynges, 3d & 4th Votot bound in one of Mod¬ ern Foet^ The owner feqfaeug whoever may be in pofleilion of the above Books, to leave them wiih the Editor. Otlohr 16, 1812. 46 6* Pork and Flour- a T"t 7 ANTED for 'he ufe of hfs Majedy'A V V Troops llaiii >w'd at King (ton and its dependencies, » ____ ,:. Five Hundred Barrels of Pork, Five Hundred Barrels of Flour. To he delivered in the months of Decem¬ ber,' January, February and March nCXU with the nfual guaiaxitire.- AH p^'fons willing to furntfh the \vl oV or a<iy part of the above, are dehred tt» lend in thur propoiaN to this Office o\\ or befoif the 10th of November next, and to dale St what Poft they would picfer delivering ihe lame. . 4*J Qtpnty CoynmJfi>ry GftifrtiFs Ojfa *>•» }