Kingston Gazette, October 17, 1812, page 2

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Sitntion ; but it lias cftab- liftied iticlf at Swcnzcnnw, near Vidoy. By this movement the communications with the corps of Getisrll Dochterow arc complete- That General has been 00 It nw Jr. clicck, alchou-h thev had a efda? morning, and I *eatfiiperk rity of cav.lrv. The ^ththeple^rcofacqaatntingyou rt p > . ■•■ J s t]iat we We beat Marmontj who is retreating rapidly, apparently de Tonnes, and lyfc joined on Ids fide by the Count ^allien, who at the beginning of hoftilities was at Grodno.^ Thus the fcveral corps of the armies have remained entire till now, and have not left a fingle detachment. Sev¬ en fquadrons of French cavalry, With cannon, have been vigorous¬ ly jrcpulfed by the rear guard of the firft army corps. - &o. n L ■ '■ II. Q. L<mo<z, June 23. (Jaiy fjlili* The different divifions of the army continue to form a junction. I! is clear from every circumltance, t the V horfe artillery undcrihc command of General Count Kutufow, forced them to retreat with lofs.' We hava «* prifoners Colonel Puntzen, in thetervice of Wirtemberg,"and The Command-. we *~« y*/» mac* rm him. I truit you wi thirty privates* er in Chief praifes the conduct of (Signed) Count Hutaisoff, and likewife thd bravery of the Imperial Coflacka and Polii'h liulans. on 1 puriui-n —- -ill therefore proceed to conclude th operations concerted between us. *"- " WELLINGTON.'* ill BULLETIN, . Ifliied at Salarhanca the day after Ivlurilial Suchet had 18,000^ cfcC X vl LKJXdm r iher ^Pa,llards Profecutcthc fiegeof Aftorga, (in Leon) jjl great vigor •— at the laft dates two breaches were made in the walls, and it was expected it would furrender every hour. The famous General Silviera who commands therortuguefemi! liria, had been arretted andconfin! ed in a caftle for difobedience of or. ft h c u-ench Emperor towards lUufia jj >ut we ftill hoped, through mode- The following is a copy of an Addrefs of the Emperor Alexander, to his troops, immediately after the French attack at Kov/no. Wilna, Jure 15, (0. S.J Z$, l'Bl2. For a long time paft we had re¬ marked thehoftilcdeportmento Fi b i ench Emp?v0r has been rate and pacific meafiurcs, to avert forced, in confequence of cur mode hoftilities* At laft, hotwithftand- Jug all our wi flies to maintain peace, we witneffed an mediant re- pititiori of open outrages, which compelled us to arm and to affem- ble cur troops ; though ftill, while yolA flatter diiffelves with the hopes of reconciliation, . we re¬ mained within the confines of our the Great Battle, and communica- aers. • • th of conducting the. campaign, to change his original plan of operat- ions,Vhich only terminated in uf- lefs marches, as he had abandoned the foot which would have been 3110ft advantgeous to him in the e- we co vent of a battle. By fuch a proce¬ dure we have in part attained our objects, and expect alfo, in future, a fimilar refult. Civ, A and "without violating Co To-day our army is Rationed in the following places : The corps of Count Witgeneftin in K: miliary. The corps of the Generals Ba^- p;reinwadt, Tutfchkov, John wal¬ low, have encamped before Wid- The corps of General Dochter- o\v, lnbudna. • • The Refervc in RamoZi On'thc 18th of June, the Cqld- nsl of the regiment of Polilh Hen- low Galewa, was defpatched, fo¬ under his gether with th ** ^ corp command, by Major-General Ko'rf, m tmhr to reconnoitre the emmp In the evening of the 20th, he re¬ ceived orders to direct his march acrofs the diftrici of Limrupa to the town of Swenzianes,for which place he fet out early on the next day, after having afiemblcd his or- dettc, in the* hope of finding liis rcdment there npire, peace, were prepared for aefenc All thefe moderate and pacific meafures could not fecure to us the tranquillity of which we were dcii- rous. The French Emperor, by an attack upon our troops at Kow- no, has already commenced war, arid confequently nothing further remains for us, but, while we in¬ voke the aid of the Sovereign of the Univerfe, the Author and De- fender of Truth, to place our force iri oppofition to the force of the enemy. It is unncceilary to re¬ mind our Generals, our Chiefs,and Warriors, of their duty, and of their valour. In their veins fio\.vg the; biood of the Sclavonians, i\f ]y renowned of old for their victories. Soldiers ! ted by Sir Home Popham.: '* Field of Baitk, nf-ir Sat amanc j?///y 23, 1812 " The French army under Mar- mont was completely defeated yet terday by that of the allies under General Lord Wellington, Duke of Ciudad Rodrigo, in the fields of Salamanca, on the left of the Tormes, hear the Arrape\p, after feven hours continual fighting, du¬ ring which.the allies difplayed pro¬ digies of valour. ■ * The enemy was diflodged from all his advantageous pofitions and loft all the artillery which he had nofted oh them. His lofs in killed, wounded and prifoners can¬ not be lefs than ten or twelve thou- fand—-—four thousand prifoners have been brought in. General r O ■ - Bonnet is wounded, and a prif- oner. Marmont retreated at night by Alba. " The field of Battle for two leagues is covered with dead bod- ies — Among them is the Colonel of the loift rcriment. The Eng- The Portu- liih lofs is not great. gues lofs is but few ; and the Span- ifli lofs is triflingj in all not more than 2,500." hisfhly s ot religion, you your- country, and independence. I am with you. God is on youf fide;. ALEXANDER* The Supplement to the" Aufurias Gazette, of July 25, mentions that Generals Don. D'Elpagne and Don Sahclies had beaten "the enemy* killing 2700 at Caftilo Vcrdrillo 1 and that the French-had retreated are with gfeat precipitation. This mull: have allufion to the gfeat bat- Prorogation of Parliament. " London, July 30; This day the Parliament was prorogued to the 10th November, previous to which the Lord Chan. ccllor read the following Meffagc from the Prince P.egent. MESSAGE. ■ ' & c~ Mv Lords and Gentlemen.- ■' tc IN terminating the bufinefs of the feffion, His-Royal Highnefe has to exprefs his deep concern and fdrrow at the continuance of the Kine'slamenteddifnofitioni • .Vhile His Royal Kighnefs al¬ fo .regrets the interruption in the . public bufinefs, in confequence of .an event which his Roval Highnefs muft ever deplore, he lias to notice \ the zeal and afiiduity with whidi you have difcharged your arduous duties as deferring his warmeftaC- kowledgments. « His Royal Highnefs has to ex¬ prefs his thanks for the aflurance you have given him, by which be has been enabled to continue in a Vigorous manner his cooperation •With the brave and loyal nations ot the l5eninfula.: His-Royal High- bzk cordially participates in your cxprcfuon of his thanks fortheplj Ian it v and zeal difplayed by lari V^cliir-rton and the brave army tie of the 2 2d July* The fame paper ftates, that the French loft all their baggage waggons, and that Lorti Wellington had invited t 7 the inhabitant to fearch for their Portfmouth, fMngldhd) Augnjl t. The Baltic letters (late that 15. pf ^ the Iundcr wh;dl coo ku.uans are:to act with .0 [he} C(/ntain. ° 000 Sweedes, in driving the E rend, ^ kmr froftl g■■ &m^ JuJ out of Su-cdifh Pomenuua, under 28t, contabs an ^n&. rf % ^ the command of Bernadotte. ter wrttCn by Don Francifco de but the places through which he had to pafs were already occupied by three re¬ giments of the enemy's cavalry. ^ When Colonel Galena perceived lumfelf to be thus completely fteyjjj, med in, he formed his troop" into. The Swedilh fleet was ready for ^^^0"ti^feikfIbHuZZ a column, and proceeded to cut- ' his way through the enemy's cav¬ alry. ^ After having accomplished his object and gained a wood, he charged the horfe yagers, who at- fea. " of the greateft battle which ever the coaft of Spain. The troops a- tempted afecond titne to intercept J?.ount to l6.°oo, eicorted by five him, and put them to flight. - fai1 °^ the Iine tinder Admiral Hal- His lofs confiftcd of one officer Iow# Jt has not bc^n afcertain- Ah expedition failed from port toftgafoedfor the Spaniards," and Mahon the 6th July deftincd for anno;JCes ™* " tne mortal enemy of the Spaniards, Bonnet, was wounded, and taken prifoner, and that the Spaniards ought to vilit him before he departed for Eng¬ land." This Bonnet has Ions: been of or^Ciudad kodngo and Bada: u Kis Royal Highnefs confident¬ ly trufts that the confpicuoustak ents of Earl Wellington, combined with the unabated z.eal of the in¬ habitants of Spain and Portugal; will ultimately produce a termin!- the ^onteft, confident with the bed mterefts of Etifope. M The renewal of the war in the' North of Europe, afibids addition-' al proofs of the tittle reliance that- can be placed upon the treaties' obtained even by the mofl. abject fubmifiion to the ufurpation and' tyranny of the French Govern-l ment. . ; ■. i ation riL Oi and forty-fix privates i that of the -ed in ^hat Part of SPain they will T^ l i»s bonnet has .on enemy amounted to two Com-. "be landed- thefcourge of the northern p TmnHprcnffnii^rnnodn^,-----^j . ~~----"^ opain. arts nianders of fquadrons-and a confid- erable number of hulens,grenadiers and yagers killed. * * No. IV, #. ^ ««* Mj*«* June 25, (July 7J This day the army occupies the following pofitions: ^ The corps oi Count Wkfgenfiy eihj at Brellau—the id GREAT BATTLE IN SPAIN. ; Londony Augujl 6. Captain Blacquire of the navy, has arrived at the Admiralty with the gratifying intelligence' of the defeat of the French army undeT Mar m out. CCO§§§§000- GENERAL BALLESTEROS. ri nd 3d corps at Delin—the 4th at Nawlo- ky—the 5th at Melaschi—the 6th corp-: at Novagrodis. The movements of the enemy have been more frequent, which has caufecl fome fkirmiihing. - Ma* The intelligence brought by capt. Blacquire, was received by Sir Home Popham, now on the coaft of Spain, from the Spaniflh Governor of Gijon, on the 2otIh "tilt* The Spanifh Governor tranfmires to Sir Home Popham a copy of thte , r , v following fliort difpatch from thte rear xquadron of the ,d and 3d earl of Wellingron himfelf to due cd£S, has repulfed all tne attacks Spanifn General Santocildes. oi the enemy m the road to . Dofc jar-General Korf commanding the na By his fkilful difpofitions he has facceeded in fceeptng :h^ ^ne- Garden above the T* July 23 onrics, 1 Thisinterefting Spanifh Gener¬ al entered Malaga the 1 4th July, the French having cvacuHcd it, and continued there until the 16th' Wfien he was quartered near Cart* oma. The French General Leval had previoufly made a demonftra-! tion of retreating to Seville to join Souk, when he fuddenly took the direction of Gibraltar, and by for¬ ced marches appeared with 6000 foot and 600 horfe near St. R and effectually cut off General Bal- lcfteros' communication with Gib* raltar. The latter has about 7 0 good troops with him, but i, Ucr, ed in by 11,000 French ; and will oche. His Royal Highnefs hopes there*' fore, that you will enable him to'1 afford to Ruflia, in her prefent: conteft, that co-operation which1 may be confiftent with the en¬ gagements of his Royal Highnefs to other powers. His Roval Highnefs views with regret, the hoftile attitude affimv ed by America towards this coun¬ try. His Royal Highnefs is not without hopes, however, that re¬ lations of peace and amity between the two nations will be refto*^ But, if America fhall ftill per&vcre in her unwarrantable preteflfions, his.. Royal Kighnefs fully relies in receiving that afllftancc from the liberality and wlfdom. of Parjiat ment, which will enable him t$ maintain the dignity and beft iu« tcrefts of the Empire. Gent -Sfaifomwnngf have to exercifc great talents I wrote you y?ftt- extricate himfelf. ! » Gentlemen of the Houfe of Commons, His Royal Highneft, while he e^prcfies his thanks for the liberal fiij plici which you have voted for the fervices of'the year, liinents- the 1 ■ effii v Or itnpofing addition,. • but he 'trufts tlM « I Ml* •

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