C mhttird from h'jl f'ftgr* I will now lav that I reel entire- # , authorifed to affure you, that :f you can, at any time, produce a edl and unconditional repealer the 1 "rench decrees, as you have a right ■ o demand it in your character of .. neutral nation, and that it be fifcnstgcd from any connexion •with the queuion concerning our maritime rights* wcihall be ready Xo meet you With a revocation of the orders in council. Previous¬ ly to vour producing fuch an in- ilrumeni, which I am lorry to ice ynu appear to regard as iin-nccei- farv9 you cannot expedtefusto • * * * give v.p our o:\Ws in council. In reference to the concluding mracjraph of your letter in anfwer To that in mine of the loth init. I v'.li only fay, that I am extreme- ly lorry to find you think it im- polllble to devife or conceive any arrangement confident with the honor, rights and intcrefts of the V. States, which might tend to al- 1 -vhtc the preiTurc of the orders in Council upon the commerce of America. It would have given me meat iatisfaclion if we could nave ranen upon iome agreement that might have had fuch effect. My Government, while under the impel Lou3 neceihty of refilling France with her own weapons, moil carnefdy delircs that the in- cretfe oi America may iutfer a.» little a-, poffible from the incident¬ al eHcvt of the conflict. They are aware that their retaliatory mcal- nrcs have forced the ruler of rrancc to yield in iome degree from hi-, hollile decrees, and whe¬ ther it were more adyifablc to pulli thofe m.amres ligorouily on un¬ til they comph.te tlie breaking of i<! up altogether, (the main object of cur retaliatory fyilein) or to taik • advantage of the partial and progreflivc retraction or it, prode- '. 1 by the necefliiics of the enemy, is been a queftion with lixs hla- ; slly's Government.—It U one en •U.ich they would hive been moil delirous Voconfult the interells of America. Under exiiline: circum- ib.nce<, however, and from our 3atc communications, I have not felt encouraged to make vou any J.:;.;;:.r m:t ol - : w.4. | 'hi- f.-.te of thins* : 1 ihall there- fore, merely again cxprefs to you, 'hat as the ohjec": of G. Britain has :cn throughout to endeavor, while forced, in behalf of her moil important rights and interefts, to re.iii.Ue VtpOii UlC.French decree-,, t i combine that retaliation with ihe creatdl poihble decree of at- ■.:. ian to the intcrdU of Ameri¬ ca, k would give his Majeky's Go¬ vernment the moffc fmcere iatisfac- ti >n if iome airangement could be und which would have ib dclir- ablc an clll-fl. I have, &c. .'.' ign-.J) Aim. J. To^Tr.R. PRESIDENTS MESSAGE. <!_;.' . tf! : h'ttfionu! /nielli", m. r, 4 '/.'/(/. / /'. HI June \ X, i S j 2. T'jlli. titivate and Houlo of Roprclciita- livw of the United State?. i communicate to Congrcfs ccr- '.aiu documents, being a continua- *i< n of thole heretofore laid before Ui ni, on tiie fubjeet of our alfairs \\i\\\ < . i'ri; dn. U'il In v.\ : .•'.ng batii beyond the -; <: • 1 oi iSog of the war in syft.ii fi G. iMtain is engaged, and untfttiiU' unrepaired wrongs of in- :cvh . . <: • tuUe^ the conduct of ' ■ i <ln\a% iir.Ki,! pvefents a levies -J ^^ an independent and neutral na¬ tion. Biiufiicruifcrs have been in the continued practice of violating the American Hag on the great high¬ way of nations, and of fei'/.ing and c.irrylng 'off pcrfons failing under it r, not in the exereife of a belli¬ gerent right founded on the law of nations againft an enemy, but of a municipal prerogative over Britifh fubjects. Briiilh jurifdic- tion is thus extended to neutral vellels in a iituauon where no ]aws can operate but the law of na¬ tions and the laws of the country to which the veflels belong ; and a felf redrefs is alfumed, which, if Briiilh fubjecis were wrongfully detained and .alone concerned, is that fubUitution oi force, for a re- fort to tl\e refponiible fovercign, which talis within the definition of war. Could the leisure of Bri¬ iilh fubjecis in fuch cafes be regar¬ ded as within the exereife of a bel¬ ligerent right, the acknowkdged laws of war, which forbid an arti¬ cle of cspiurcd property to be ad- iudffed without, a resular invelii- JO v^* gatior. before a competent tribu¬ nal, would impcrioully demand the faircil trial where the i'aered rights of perlons were at ^lue. hi place of inch a trial, theie rights are lubjected to the will ol every petty commander. The practice, hence, is fo fur from anecling Britiih it.L.j..L.a- lone, that under the pretext of fearchinff »br theie, thcuiands of American cUizens, under the fivfe- cuard ol- public law, and their r.a- tional llrj, have been, torn trom thing il-vr to thcni ; htivc been ilratr*soJ g '. board 1 lipsof v/ar of a foreign natirai, and expol-^i, un¬ der tin- leveritie-o!:"their dil'tipline to I.e. exiled to the moft diftant & deadly climes, to rilk their lives in the battles of their opprelior:v, and to be the melancholy inftru- ntentl of taking away thole of their own brethren. y\eiinll this crymp: enormity, whidi G. Britain would lvj i'o prompt to avenge if eonnnitteda- gainft her felf, the lb Slates have in vain exhaulfed rcmonilranees and expoftulations. And that no PH")1 lni.'lu lu w.»ntin- «if ili-ij conciliatory difpofitlons, and no pretext left for a continuance of the practice, the Britilh Govern¬ ment was formally allured ol" the rea linJs of the lb States to enter into arrangements, fuch as could not be rejected, it the recovery ol Hritiih fubjecis were the real and the lole object- The communica¬ tion pafhd without cfibec. Britifli crullers have been in the * practice alio of violating the rights and the peace of our eoahs.— They hover over ami harrafs our enter¬ ing and departing commerce. To the moll'miulting ptUcnlion; they have added the molt lav.kf-> pro¬ ceedings in our very harbors 5 and Iiavc wantonly fpilt American blood within the lancluary of our territorial jurildiction. The prin¬ ciples and rules enforced by that nation, when a neutral nation, a- trainit armed veflels of belligerents hoverino; near her ctralts, and dil- turbing her commerce, are well known When called on, ncver- thclefs, by the II. States u- punilli the greater offences committed by her own vcllcls, her Government hasbeftowed on their command¬ ers additional marks of honor and . confidence. Under pretended blockade^ without the prefencc of an ade¬ quate force* and fomeiimcs with¬ out the practicability of applying one, our commerce has been plun¬ dered in every fea ; the great fta- pler of our country have been cue oil'from their legitimate marketo ; aiul a de.truciivc blow aimed at our agricultural and niariUine in¬ terefts. in aggravation of theie predatory meaiures9 tney nave- been confidcred as in force from the date:; of their notification ; a rctrofpcCtivc etlecr. being thus ad¬ ded, as has been done in other im¬ portant cafes, to tlie unlaw fulneis of the courfe purfued. And to render the outrage the more fig- nal, theie mock blockades have been reiterated and enforced in the face of ofikial communications from the Brithh Government, de- c.Uring, as the true delinition of a legal blockade, M that partieuhir ports niult be actually iuvefted, & previous wamine; riven to veilels bound to them, not to enter." [To be cor.lhtiuiL j AVAR WIT) IG11EAT BRITAIN. AN AC*r Didaniiz I-"<//• bciu-.cn the [■j;il,d Xia'scio/?: of Greet Britain ivid //*.'» liind and the Ltependencia tin i\ >i\ and the United flutes of America and their TerriMiin. 31'. it enacted by the Senate & iloufe of Renreientative-, of the Liufs ruicmbled, That WAR be ami the fame is hereby declared to ex'd: between the United Kin"-- dom ot G* Britain and Ireland Lc the dependencies iherec". and the Ik States of America and iheir ter¬ ritories ; and that tlie Prelident of the lb States be and he is hereby authorized to ufe the whu'e land and naval force of the U. States to ca!!V the iame into efface, atid tj ilTue private afniecl vJiels of the U. Slates eomniiiuo:. ■ -r letters of ;nar:;ue & general :■ i/'.i:.k in fuch form as lie lhall thin;. ;».,;p:r, and under the feal of tlie Ik States, :<- gain ft the vukJ , ^ood?,, andcr- fecl s of the Goveri!J'je»it of the fime United Klm.-;<j« in of G. Brit- ain and Ireland., and the lubjuccs tliereoS Approved, ].■ mes Mabison. 7"" .'•'.. rP. i \_/t!i!.u>it»b nv,■/•'.//,//a-./ ."•■• /,.".:•.'■.'; '.r r- cs- IrO //'(>/» V" •■■* '•'•'• '•'•'."' '/ '■"•"•'-■'■•/.'..;' I'./jfin'- rvj have not/.i/t It, <.i: rejriiiiffo it la //.- MoNTtii-AJ , June an. Wc were ycllerday favored with the lollov.mj; Frodamation of the preiident of tlte Unite.' States : It appears only a conttmiauoa oc the mad policy of the American Government—The bill part u! the Proclamation evidently ikews that tlie Prelident apprehends that he with thereli of Gontpefs have out- Itiinoed the feelings and demand". of the American public, ,ind it al¬ io appears Irom tliis iniirumeni: that all his angry pafbons a-.;aink Groat Britain are cn\elfp;-.l with a fear of a civil commotion, or want of concord and lb, port of tlie other conftituted autlioritic^ in the United States. By the Pn/u/tnt cfik' f ■;. .: :...:.i ofA.iicrka, A Proclamation, -^nrrHRKF.AS the Ct»^ca of %' <■/ the United States, nv vir¬ tue of th'j coakituted authority vhediu them, have declared by thtlr act, bearing: date the ei li- i nth day of the 'i', ,■ .:' r-tontli, th Lt war cxkis between t' ed Kmgctcrn of Great Britain and Ireland, (k the dependencies there¬ of, an 1 the United States of A/nci- ica and their territories : Nov/ therefore, 1, JAMES MADISON, ikeildent of the United States of America, do hercb/ presilaim the fame to ail wine... it may concern: and I do thecially enjoin en all per- ions holding ollices, civil er militu- rv, under the authority of me U- nited Srates, that they be vigUant and zealous in difd:argi::g tlie de- ties refpeeiively incident Lhcreto.: and I do moreover exhort all the good people of the United otatc.:, as they love their country ; a; they value the precious heritage derived from the virtue and vsi'jr of their fathers; as frtey fed the wrongs which have forced or. tluai the laft reibrt of injured nations; and as they corifult the belt mean , under I he blemng of divine P:\v- iJenee, of abridging its caUnutk*; that they ex<_rt themicivej in piv fcrving order, i. »>.--Gmot:n£" wC.:> cord, in maintai'..ii"-'theauthor,nv and the eilk:. y ,.; y-.c \.v ■- ... i in fupporting an i m\ k -.v'.*mg 41 • * ted by tliv. Lo.ihivei.eJ oithoiitks t- * * ■* 1 il)i ' I.'c.llJT.TlV, >«. J '..s-U * - - -. »-.^ an honoi able reae- . In U'tfimny x-fcn-'.f. e -. (Sigmo) JAMlvb MAik;!kk The «Tenthman wlio hur'led • tlie abuve, L'l't Alban; . unuricaj ink.—He informs us that theut- moft difmay prevailed in t'uat pUce on aecounr of the cormmnlucd milei'es which wtmkl be iieitckd vv r. thcin by the declared War, ".'. lii'l'; is every where deemedjs unn:ceif:-.ry ;■.» it i^ unjeii—dut ifo reeiims far the ariit} as ;. !t :is procured, v. hlr.h v.-a. very !ii>\., were m.iiehett oli'tothe Vckwant to protccl the fror.tierj; a'j;aii.k the ravages ot the kukar.s, and th.tt die :n\ a'l'jn oi Canada was not., among the reafonabie part of focicty, th ougL- probable or even practice * i /..?:. frm l'm»Liut—Mr- Purvi- rive, ior man\ years Secretary ot the American 1-ecration iu k'a- don, iris puffed through this city on his way to Wafhinuton, wilfe '. - La. I.i.^Cji'--' Cap:. Johnfon of the (loop Kli- r.a, v,i.e. arrived here thli morn¬ ing, In four days from Philadel¬ phia, informs that on Monday l.ill, at <; •'. A!, he heard ahciw liritt* on Cape :v'av, which continued let t>nc hour and -.o minule.. 'lie IvritifliGonful hascountcr- v\ e.med the failing of the Brig Georyu V\ralhh*ef on, which he had obnvined leave of our Government tc v ml vu;t to G. Britain with Mr, k ike;, akilhk Secretary of b^> thv.i. ^rvn h/ i'-'j'i'^l■'//, fun: i-. X \:\\ for doubling the dutkt -" iMptfti ;i;ul LacTcafing lac Conniig- Oil iuivij;:\ bottoms, has tnis tUo- ment paU'ed the lioufe or' Rcprcleit- t-itives, after a warm opnofttiw. Ihis i;; iiu^uded as a fubftitute to: Din.I T./xl,. Merchants mult u>n- li.n.' to dance to the tunc of *0 ,'.',."-—c'.oivjtvIs is expected to &-' iourn in oiu- week*,. , A refpectaM • gentleman fr«*n* "Waihineton inhuim m ttiat W<'«; roe and lo.ter ire Fo.vucrtk ^■•s" cted iinee the War '••'- declarr-i that ccuemon report there IHiIi .* .-• o- i.iW fr mi \km:'-; • 90