were;-active in fecurmg the perpe¬ trator ; who is faid to have been fubjecV to fits of infinity. Mr. Perceval lias left a wife and twelve children. • * • • Mftripf to the I on den Courhr of the \2th. Since writing the above, we fcivcto ftateconfiderable numbers of neribns were loitering about the Howie of Commons and in Down- ins-fh"cct,and we are i'orry to add, that upon pcrfonal enquiry on the fpf,t, we hud that the mob mani- feited a moll atrocious difpoiition, that of" abetting ailafiinatiom— When the prisoner was attempted to be put into the coach lair, night, a great buttle was let up, and an attempt to refeue him. In the moft dctcftible fpi'rit they huzzadc ami cheered him, calling " Bur¬ nett for ever !" and execrating the lulJiers as murderers. The mob not only execrated the fhldiers as murderers, but hilled and hooted the carriages of the members and other gentlemen, io the mod audacious manner ; in confcquence of which they were obliged to draw away to Abingdon ftrett and other remote places. A plot has been dSfccwml at St. Petcrfburgh for the murder of tk Emperor and his brother Con- ilantinc, and the cftablifhmcnt of the Tinprcfs Dowager on the throne. Upwards of 200 of the Ruffian nobles are implicated, and arc laid to be moftly fuch as have rciidedin Paris ; and that 18 mil- linns of francs have been dittribu- tcd among them through the in- llrpmeiitality of the French lega¬ tion. Greenock paper* The Emperor of Ruflia has iflu- ed 2 ukaie, ordering every 500 men in Ilk empire to furnim im¬ mediately two recruits for the ar¬ my. 4 - An agent had been lent frorri the Rriti.'ii Government to Paris to ne^oeiatc for the revival of conn ffieree in criicraL T London^ May fr ThcSwcdifh Diet is in fefliori; have allured them of their deter¬ mination to fupport the liberty and independence of the country, and prefcrve them from a foreign yoke, as well as to promote its commerce. Orders were iflucd that Britifli vcflcls when in diflrefs on the coaft, fliouid be relieved.— The whole navv was to be fitted out. The expectation of war be¬ tween Ruilia and France was in¬ dented in England. A new flag of truce had reached an EnglifJt port from France, and the fact had improved the price of flocks. London, May 11. Reported Naval 1 'it lory.—It was confidently reported in Plymouth 2nd Plymouth-dock yetterday, that Sir Edward Pellew lias had an en¬ gagement with the Toulon fleet, under Emeriau, and that the Brit- mAdmiral was completely viclo- Hoite,having captured eight, foil of wline* That the reiiilt of a con¬ tra between the hottile fleets has «cn in our favor, if it has at all *j«n place, there can be no doubt. *« fopc the information will Pr°ve correct. noon of tnc 2ift of lad month, off Venice, dilcoveu-d an enemy's fquadron confiding of 1 Chip of the line, 3 brijjs, and 2 pun-boats. Upon feeing them, the Englifh immediately fet every fail in chafe. At 4 in the morning of the 22d, the VVcazle commenced the ac¬ tion with 2 *>f the eni my's brigs, and, a few minutes after, the Vi&oritnia encased the line01 battle (hip. At 5 one of the brigs blew up, and the other bore away, favoied bv the daiknefss of the morning*—In that aCfron, the Wia/le fullered coniiderably h] her fails and rigging. At day break, the other two brigs were yet in fight, and the We:r/le giving chafe with all the fails die could mnflcr. At 7, Capt- Taihot feeing that the enemy's brigs had got a conlidci \- b'e dillaucc fibm the Wea/Je, made the lig- nal ot recal. The Vi<5Wions was Hill con¬ tinuing the a&iori; The Wea/Ie returned; and about 8 o'clock placed herldf under the bow of the enemy's fhip, and lned feveral bro'^dfides. At 9 the enemy (truck to the Victorious, when ihe proved to be the Rivo- ]i, 74, commanded by Commodore &&rie* who had been only 12 hours out of Venice with his fqundron, coinpoJcl of the Mercu- ry, of IS gim>, which bltw up in iheattiou, the Je a, alfo of iS, the Mameluke, of 10, anil the 2 gun-boats which ran away duiit £ the eneauement. The Victorious had 4/ killed and 97 wounded, and the Kivoli be¬ tween 4 and joo killed and wounded. The adion 10 k place oil Saran, in the neighbor¬ hood of Tu'elle, and was one of the moll iV- \cre that lias bven fjught in the MeJitcna- ncan, owing to I he Rivoli having a comple¬ ment ot 862 mm, FROM THE UNWED STATES. P'rvm the Phihi(h'ph'ia Gazette. From France*—Verbal accounts from France represent the prep**- rations @£ Bonaparte for the nor¬ thern cntcrprize as of the molt for¬ midable ahd extraordinary nature. Upwards of 600,000 men had al¬ ready left the confines of France, and his body guard, con filling of 30,000 Poliili troops, and new Na¬ tional Guards of toc,coo, were fhortly to accompany him in per- fon to take the head of this fon- menfe body. It was be)ie\ ed, how¬ ever, that his purpofe '.vould be effected Without the neceflitv of a battle ; and the belief wp.s reduced almoft to a ccrtainty.> from the cir- cumftancc of Talleyrand, that able and arch politician, having left France for the court of St. Peterf- burgh. Gen; Anorcofli has alio been despatched to Conllantinoj>!e. Pruflia was Completely under the vafTalaTc of France : and Kuf- 11.1, vviinoui a itrugglCj wouid be conflrained to acquiefce in what¬ ever might be dictated to her by the Emperor; Per the C.',25 fffj J A; letter from a gentleman in New-York to his friend in this city, dated on Saturday, fays, " We can no longer indulge the hope of efcaping War with Great Britain—The rcfolution of the Koufc of Reprefentatives of the 4th June,"THAT \VAR EXISTS: that the Prefuknt be authorized to if- fae letters of marque and reprifal, iff to do all oth- acls and things pertain- pectcd^from a brave andjoyal peo- ittg to 'a flate of war" was paMed by the Senate on the 17th inil.—19 to 13." • The lioflility againft Great Brit¬ ain that hath long fliewed itfelf in tho difpoHtion of the American Government, hath at length burft forth into an Open declaration of War. This meafure hath excited in the inhabitants of this Province fuch fenfations as were to be ex- • m Another letter fame date, fays, " The (frigate) Prefident, Com. Rogers, the Congrefs, Capt. Deca¬ tur, and the brig Nautilus, having official nc\Vs of " War Declared," have fince noon fired a federal fa- lute, and put to fca, in purfuit of the Belvidere and Tartarusi, Brit¬ ifli frigates, which have been off the Hook fdme days paft ; and many .think, if not fooncr off, the Britifli will be captured before to¬ morrow night !"-~Another letter dates the fame, adding the Effex frigate to the number. >__»«• from II '\ i/l hwfotu %iM 17 • call—the Senate of Ext mil nfahttff " The die : tUe VaUtl States Inve tins day decided the cjucPiion after ten days debate, by a majority of 19 to 1 3. t War, therefore, is inevitable. The houfe have paiFed a bill for illuing Exchequer Bills—fo there will be- no need of Diricl Taxes." plc.-*-Roufed at the call of their Country, they quit their peaceful occupations and grafp their Arms, determined to defend their Gov¬ ernment and Laws, their Families and PoffciTiorts. Afpiritfo differ¬ ent from what our enemies appear to have anticipated, will damp their ardour. They flattered them- felves with meeting only tamefuh- million ; they will find the rno.u determined rcllftance. That this refrftancc will be effectual, cannot be doubted, if we perfevere as we have begun: The reflraints and privation:; that we muff fubmit to in exchanging our ordinary occu¬ pations for military duty, witt do'.mtlcfs appear irkfome at fir 11 * but 1 hey will be lightened by the confideration that they are requi¬ red of us. bvo\erv kwr ' 'c yj^ manly principle, and arc neceflary to infure our final fuccefs. FALKLAND. c~ • • ■ BL0OBV BATTLE fci ^M 'T"al °r r1w 25th of Marc]l- L'„rT f,,llov>'".T "count of a ierious and "ftojWOHCnt m the Mrhtk. TokiM, ^r?* R»?p Viaoriot.% capta;n y u-:-1, JU.tl ih- W,:tl7.)c brfir, captaai ^NfcfWW inrlH-L. * ■ Fr;m the Mercantile Adverhfcr. We learn from Captain Rlather, of the fhip Active, who arrived here on Monday from Liibon, that part of the men put on board his fliip by the French Commo¬ dore had been on board the French fquadron twelve weeks, and that during their cruize they had tak¬ en, burnt, or funk, twenty-feven fail of American and nine fail of Englifh vellels. From Portugal.—Capt. Upham, from Liibon, who failed May 6, informs, that Seville had been ta¬ ken by the Spaniards, and all the French in it made prifoncrs.— Lord Wellington was turning his attention again to the Northward, where the French had made fome movements in confequence of his abfence. —000§100— Albany, June 22. DECLARATION OF WAR. N Ycfl crday an exprefs paffed thro' this city for Canada—laid to be the bearer of defpatches from the Britifli Minifler at Wafhington, giving an account of the Declara¬ tion of War by congrcft againft G. Bri/.ain. Prow the Evcnh« p0J] of June zd. By Expref.—Brigadier General Blo'omfield, commander of the U. States forces On this flation, recei¬ ved a letter by a Government ex¬ prefs from the Secretary at War, this morning, and immediately if- fued the following :—: . (copy.) ..... . GENERAL ORDERS. " Head &mrterl, 20/h June, 1R12. " General Bloom field announ¬ ces to the troops that WAR IS DECLARED BY THE UNITED STATES AGAINST G RE AT BRITAIN." u By order- " R. II. MAcrnnaso>:, W yitd-Ji-Camp. Government exprefles pafled through this city about 10 o'clock for Albany and Bolton, with the above intelligence. The Uuited States brio: Arenas came up to town this morning, and about an hour after got under way and went down again ; it is luppofed, to carry the news of the war to the frio-;;tcs United States and Consrrcfjj, now in the oiling. IvIILlTLV GENERAL ORDER. Government Houfe, Tor/:, 25/b May, 1812. The very fatisfactory report made to the Prefideht, by tlie Of¬ ficers commanding corps, of the fpirit and zeal manifefted by the men, in volunteering their fervi- ces in the Flank Companies, has afforded his Honor the moll live¬ ly gratification* and confirmed the Opinion which he was always dif- pofed to entertain of their deter¬ mination to defend bravely, their Country, and in imitation of their veteran Fathers, evince by deeds, the ardent Loyalty they .have ( > often proteued.—Conduct ib hon- . \ \ KING S T O N / A Friday, July 3, 1812. orabie and dignified. lias not failed making a deep imprefuon on ins jMaieltv's Provincial Government, and lo encreale it poiiible, their anxious defife to contribute every thing in their power towards the comfort and happ;nefi> of the Peo¬ ple. With this view, they have hum- . bly foliated his Royal Highncfs the Prince Regent, for his gracious pcrmiflion to allot to the Wives and Children of inch Soldiers, Mi¬ litia and Marines, who may be kil¬ led in the prefent conteft, a por¬ tion of the wal-c Lauds of the Crown • and to afford relief to fuch as may be difabled in the fcr- vice, for whom no provilion is . &" Want of help, and various oth- . .. cr occurrences, has prevented them, other wile provided. ing of the Gazette until this late peri- B>r Command of the Prefident, od ; and ice mufi beg the indulgence of our fubfcfibers, in thefe critical times, if its appearance is fomcivhat irregular.—li is now pretty clearly nfertanted, that War with the United States is no lunger to be avoided. We have, been unable, as yet, to pro¬ cure the official Declaration, although ice are informed thai it is in town ; hut convincing proofs to that cji'crr may be fen in our cxtru&s of this day, which places the matter beyond a doubt. [Ye mujl therefore recommend 1o the attention of every loyal fubjeel, and friend to his King and Country, the dying admonition as " were, of the lamented and immorft Nelson, "ENGLAND EXPECT 'VE¬ RY MAN WILL DO ,Tr )U- TY !" (Signed) 7ENEAS SHAW, A. itttant General Militia. Stolen or Strayed, pROM the enclofurc of James Han'1'5, at Tluulow, adaik bay MARE, about J j liiHuls high) u !t.l» rather n long tail abOUt 7 or H yens old, fhod :ill vou:iJ.— Whoever will bring hcrtothe fubforibcr, o«" deliver her where lie may obtain her, fh&U receive Five Doll;:: 3 Reward, aud all nee fary expciice^ p:nJ. GILBERT HARRIS Kirg.ttrn,?y! 'June, 1 S t."». 3?3n To be Let, AND poffeffion given iinm.\i,'.*U'iv. ; {mall Houfe in a central part o:' th - town. Inquire ot ibc' luhtcubor. •