Kingston Gazette, June 30, 1812, page 2

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s FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. Vrcm the London Q izu tc Extr&«>rditia*Jr« War Department, >'//>//24, i8ti. Captain Canning, Aidc-de-Camp to Gen. the Earl of Wellington, ar¬ rived lad night at this Office, bringing Difpatches addrefted by His Lordfiiip, to the Earl of Liver¬ pool, of which the following are extracts of copies. &xfce& ofaJQis-patcbfron the Earl of Welling* ton, dated Camp before Radajoe April 3a. We opened our fire oa the 31 March, from 26 pieces of cannon, h the fecond parallel, to breach the face of the BaOion on the S. jE. arjfflc, or tl;e Port called La Trinidade ; and the flanc ot tile B.iftion, by which the face is defen¬ ded, called Santa Maria. The fire upon thefc, has continued iincc with great effect. The enemy made a fortic On the night of the 20th, upon the troops of General Hamilton's divifion ^ which mvcftcdtheplaceon the right of the Guadiana, but were imme¬ diately driven in with lofs. We loll no men on this occaiion. The movements of Lieut. Gen. BirT. Graham and of Lieut. Gen. Sir R. Hill have obliged the enemy to retire by the different roads to¬ wards Cordova, with the excep¬ tion of a fmall body of infantry and cavalry, which remained at Talamea dc La Serena, in front of Bal alcazar. :>Yu tllai'cnHiil ihoiLc up ki mini: of Cadiz 0:1 the 23 & 2athandhas marched upon Seville with all the Toon? which were there, with * * the exception 014.060 men. I underhand that he was tomarch from Seville again on the 30th or ;:m. I have not heard from Caftilc fnce the ;othult. Onediviiion ot tjic aimv of Portucrab which had Tvcenin the Province of AYilb,Iud ^:i ih?.t cl;iy arrived at Guidapcni, within : Icizucs of Ciudad R odri- ■ >; and it was fuppofed that Mar- : v:l Mannont was on hi; march viiii other iroopsfrom tlic fide of The river Acrucda wusnot ford- •able for troops on the 30th. ' ' /\ >f <i !"/:/)<■;' ' fr:m the Earl of H'ell'mg- fwi, (ftiti I Camp btf'irt Bddaj6zt April 7> iX.i.s. ...'i\i'. }'-1; j&'iSutcrf of the :.'.. inflant will have apprized your srdflilp of the Hate or the opcra- J ion? again!! Hadajoz to that date, t '.deb were brought to a clofc on the night of the 6th, by the cap¬ ture of the place by florin. The fire continued during the ,-'.h & 5tli ugainft the face of the "•>afiio:i ot La Trinidad, and the iiankofthe Billion of Santa Ma¬ te ; and on the 4th, in the morn- jr 0v:c opened another battery of •j 511ns, in the ad parallel, againll -'!..- fi.ouldcr ol" the ravelin of St. Hoque, and the wall in its gorge. practicable breaches were c flee¬ ted in the bakions abovemention- ..... in the evening of the 5th ; but _ Iliad obl'ervcd that the enemy .•.ui entrenched the baftion of La Trinidad, and the moil: formida¬ ble preparations were making for the defence as well of the breach in that bullion, as of thai in the baition ot Santa Maria, 1 deter¬ mined to delay the attack for an¬ other day, and to turn all the cruns 11 the batteries in the 2d parallel •>i tin curtain of La Trinidad, in ••v-". that by clfecling a third hct .'-■ !', th'- troops would be cna- M i to tui u the enemy's works for vi: i\t }< n- c oi the other two, the • idt ol - inch would be&des be T**^ * * * connected by the troops deftined to attack the breach in the curtain. This breach was cffeclcd in the evening of the Oth, and the lire ol the face of the baftion of Santa Ma¬ ria and of the flank of the baftion La Trinidad being overcome, I de¬ termined to attack the place that night. 1 had kept in rcferve, in the neighborhood of this camp, the 5th divifion, under Lieut. Gen. Leith, which had left Caltile only in the middle of March, and had but late¬ ly arrived in this part of the coun¬ try, and I brought them up on that evening. The plan for the attack was, that Lieut. Gen. Piclon Ihould attack the cafde of Badajoz, by efcalade, with the 3d divilion ; and a de¬ tachment from the guard in the trenches, furnifhed that evening by the 4th divifion, under Major Wi fon, of the 48th regiment, mould, attack the ravelin of St. Ror[ueupon the left; while the 4th divilion, under the Hon. Ma¬ jor Gen. Calvillc ; and the light divifion, under Lieut. Col. Bar¬ nard, fhould attack the breaches in the baftion* of La Trinidad and of Santa Maria, and in the curtain by which thev are connected. The 5t.l1 divilion to occupy the ground which the 4th and light diviiions had occupied during the fiege, and Lfeut. Gen. Leith was to make A • 'jh-n k th? outWorl'. .ti¬ led Pardeleras, and another on the works of the fort towards the Gua¬ diana, with the left brigade of the divifion. under Major Gen. Walk¬ er, which he was to turn into a re¬ al attack, if circumitances Ihould prove favorable ; and £$rig. Gen. Powcf, who Irrvefted the place with h.i'i Fbrtuguefc: brigade on the right of the Guadiana was directed to ni^kc rile attacks on the tctc du pont? the fort St. Chril'loval, and the new redoubt called Mori Cccur. The attack was accordingly made at to at night. Lieut. Gen. Picton plTcedin?;, by a few min¬ utes, the attack by the remainder of the troops. Major Gen. Kempt led this at¬ tack, which went out from the right of the ift parallel; he was unfortunately wounded in crof- fiitg the rivei Rivcl»tH, l>«ln\\ the inundation ; but notwitli^anding tliis circumflancc and the obi'ti- nate reliilancc of the enemy, the caille was carried by efcalade, and the 3d divilion eftablilhed in it, at about hair pail: eleven. While this was c:oimr on, Mai. Wilfon, of the 48th regiment car¬ ried the ravelin of St. Roque by the gorge, with a detachment of 200 men of the guard inthetrench- cs,and with the afiiilancc of Maj. Squire, of the Engineers, cftabliih- cJ himfclf within that work. The 4th and light diviiions mo¬ ved to the attack from the camp alono- the left of the river Rivelas and of the inundation. They were not perceived by the enemy 'till they reached the covered way, and the advanced iruards of the two divifions defcended, without diJhcuky into the ditch protected by the fire of the parties ilationed on the glacis for that purpoie ; and they advanced to the allault of the breaches led by their gallant officers with the utmolt intrepidi¬ ty ; but luch was the nature of the obilacles prepared by the enc- mv at the top and behind the brea- ches and fo determined the refiir- ancc, that our troops could not ef- tablifll thcmfelvcs within the place. Many brave officers and foldicrs were killed or wounded by explc- fions at the top of the breaches ; others who iucccedcd to them were obliged to give way, having found it impofiible tojjenetrate the obilacles which the enemy had pre¬ pared to impede their progrefs. Thefc attempts were repeated 'till after 12 at night, when linding that fuccefs was not to be attained, and Lieut. General Piclon was ef¬ tablilhed in the Cafde, I ordered that the 4th and light diviiions might retire to the ground on which they had firit afiembled for the attack. In the mean time, Major Gene¬ ral Leith had pulhed forward Ma¬ jor Gen. Walker's brigade on the left, fupportcd by the 33d regim¬ ent, under Lieut, ('.ol. Nugent, & the .15th Portuguese regiment, un¬ der Lieut. Col. l)e Rcgoa ; and he had made a falfe attack upon the Pardeleras, with the8th Cacadores. under Major Hill. Major General Walkci forced the barrier on the road of Olivcnca, and entered the covered wav on the left ot the bal- lion of St. Vineente, cloic to the Guadiana. He there delccnded Into the ditch, and eiealaded the face of the baft ion of St. Vinccnle. Lieut. Gen. Leith fupportcd this attack by the 38th regiment ami the 1 •-thPortu^uclercjimcnt, and our troop*; being thus dhiblilhcd In tin' i "-.Ul' - -•-•).}' \\ "virtrt.;r.!c \\\ the works of the tgwn. and in the * town ; and the 4th and light di¬ viiions being formed again for the attack of the breaches, all rclift- ancc cralcd 5 and at day light in the morning, the Governor, Gen. Philipon, who had retired to Fort St. Ghriftbvaj, furrendered,togeth¬ er with General Vellancle and all the ilalland the whe-ic irafnfon. 1 Jravc not got accurate reports of the ftrength of the Garrii'un, or of the number ol the priioners ; but General Philipon has inform¬ ed me, that it confified of qood men at tlic commencement o<: the liecrc, of which 12co were killed or woundcil during the operations, befules thole loll tilt the afiliuit of the place. There were 5 French batallions, befides 2 of the regim¬ ents, llel-Vc d'Anftadt, and the ar- lillcvy, "Titjjincci-Q, Sti . .-'i'l I iinr.l/ 1 Hand there arc 4000 prifoners. It h impoilible that any c:-;prcf- fions of mine can convey to your lorcHhip the fenfc which 1 ertcr- tain of the gallantry r.[' the ofltcers and troops upon this occaiion. The lift of killed and wounded will fhew that the General Offi¬ cers, the Stall attached to them, the commanding and other olliccrs of regiments-, put themiclves at the head of the attacks which they ieverally directed, and fet the ex¬ ample of gallantry which was fo well followed by their men. Marfhal fir W. Bercsford aliift- cd me in conducting the details of CI this fiegc, and I am much indebted to him for the cordial afiillance which I received lrom him, as well during its progrefs as in the Lift o- pcration, which brought it to a termination. The duties in the trenches were conduced iiuceHivciy by the hon. Maj. Gun. Colville, l\ 1 aj. General Bowes and Maj. General Kempt, under the luperintcndanee of it, General Piclon. 1 had oca- lion to mention ali thell; olliccrs du¬ ring the courie ot the operations, and thev all diltin<>ui;j>cd them- blvcs and were all wounded in the I sin particularlv obliged * O to Lieut. Gen. Picton for* ner in which he arranged the a\ tack of the Cafde, and for that in. which he fupportcd the attack and eftablilhed his troops in that important polk [Severalpart'kutars detailed in thit drfpaft, are emittedJbr tvanl nf room, aj a1,', a " t<f the /:•//, d and wnmded- ] This difpatch wiil be delivered to your lordfhip by my aid-dc camp, capt. Claiming, whom 1 be leave recommend to your protc tion. lie has likewife the colors ol the Garrifon, and the colorsof the BciTe d'Armftadt's regiment to be laid at the feet of his Royal Highnel-: the Prince Regent, Tlic French battalions in the Garrifon had no Eagles. fSkncd] WELLINGTON, pi 7iv Ltirl of Livrr/'O.I, c'V. &5V. .. Copy Cjfit tl'1 patch from the Errrfof h" '" - -t diited Cawp ot jBittfitjcZf /ipril^ V-\i. Mv Lord—It gives me ?n:it ealure to inform your Lorilfliij) that our numerous wouiulcd Dlti- cers and fo! her; are doinrj welL I bavc liad c-i'v.ii* re;iU'ii m !c (dtisned %viih the attention piulto them fay Pvir. M'Gir^Jir, rkJn- fpeclor Gtmcjtfi of I kifpit;us, ana the Medical Gende-meii nmfirui* clirrdiin, and I trull that rlk lnf> to the icrvicc, upon this«Lv«tunii will no! eventuallv be gn - i hive, &c. \Vi;i.i.IN('.I'0:h G/v;;,/ {rJr! nf lilLrf, K-rMfkdcrJL fh' 'jib /tytii iuclr'r.-:. 7: bikers, 51 ferjeants, ?. tlrum- mers.gio rank and iiie, Liik-J; 306* olliccrs, aiu ier.jeaflts, drummers, 30.48 nnk md file, w 0 undo I ; 1 i'z rj cant^ (> ?. rdfe k k file ■.n.'filn-z. IB ^ Afpif/hiation of Mr. f\ r-.-...-/. Il is under feelings ol Lorror, fericf, and difmay, that v.-.? recafd an event i«ny*arallelcd in the hjicc- ry ul our couirry. or, perhaps, oi any other—the anafuY.ation of Mr. Percevai, as he was entcrinfftb lobby of the I{ouic of Conunons yHterday, at n quarter paii five o'clock. Mr. P. was fliot threttjh the heart, and expired inv.ncdi.ue- ly. 'i ).•• i'flitfiin remalpj: \ '•:: "■■' crowd, and furrendcred himfclf The prifoncr. fpoke to the t '- lowing eil'eC'. : ec j i ii • ve admitted the fact—!.ui. mitthefacl: ; but wifh with per- niiilioii, to liate fomething in m? juftification. 1 have been, denied the rodrds of my grievances by Government ; 1 have been ill trea¬ ted—They all know who 1 am, and what I am, through the feerc- tary offtatc ami Mr. Bccket, with whom I have had frequent com¬ munications. They knew of this ilna- fix weeks a<ro, through the magihratcs of Bow-ftrcct. I was accufed mo ft wrongfully by a Go¬ vernor General in Rulha, in a let¬ ter from Archangel to Run, and Jravc iought redrefs in vain. I am a molt unfortunate man, and fed here (placing hishand onliis brealt) fuflicient iuftilication for what! have done." The coroner's jury has juft con¬ cluded its proceedings by bring¬ ing in a verdict of wilful murk' scsiinil [oiin Ik-UIr.ffham* tornier* ly lhip broker of Liverp<n»i The atlatlin of Mr. iVrcc it f pears to I:avc been actuated hy n> political bias; and the cippoltCr>n members oi' Parliament e^pivlwu their Jior/or at the action, ^'-K-

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