Kingston Gazette, June 30, 1812, page 1

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Vol. II.] KINGSTON, (UPPER CANADA J • TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1812. SHERIFFS SALE. 0tmlD$ri8iT T> Y viatic of tfereefev- towi: J XJeral Writs of fieri fa- r7,;j;ftifiloutofhis Majefly's Court of King's Bench, at the fuits of Laurence Herchmer ?nJ John Kiiby, of the town of Kingfton, merchants* and Nicholas Hagerman of the Cownfhtp of Adolphullown, Efqnire, again ft the landsand tenements of James Gerolomy of ihctownfhip of Maryftmrgh, yeoman, to me directed ; I have feixed and taken in ex- aation, as belonging to the laid James Ge¬ rolomy, the well half of lot number feven- tftn, in the nrtt eonceflion of the townihip of Marviburgh, containing by admeafurcment one hundred acres, be the fame more or left, tftfdhcr with a log houfe thcieon cretted, 1 Jo hereby give notice, that the above men¬ tioned lot of Land, with the building and appurtenances thereunto belonging, will be foklaml a'j'id^ed to the hifrheft bidder, at my cluce in the town ©f EingHoji, on the fourteenth day of Ma>ch next, at the hour tftatoftlw clock in the forenonnj at which Iwft and place the condii.ons of iale will be Mkknown. CHARLES STUART, &rjf. Am every perfon or perfons Haying claim i Jntho above dderibed lot of land and premi- «*i %Rjortgaije Of other right or inenm- w»Mi\aw hereby advtrUfed to Rive notice *J?&M Sheriff, at his office fu the town 01 hin-Hon, previous to the lale thereof. v-riir*., nip-, ....; ft i *~ 1' -V' 11 ■ > * > if ? $i SHERIFF SALE. lUllcndDifmfifX "J> Y viitue ol'a Writ of twit: J ^^ -Swri luteins, ifiued oat of His M:ije*l v's Court of King's Bench, at the f-Jit of Thomas Mainland, of the town of Kinglton, Ehjuire, again ll the lands and tenement* d Alhicl Biadlhaw, of the townihip of Frcdcricfcu)Urgh, yeoniap, to roe ctrcdrj ; I have fcized and taken in exectt- fcoiuss hctenqijte to the faid Aihae! ktViLotKilmber twenty-fi *ur, in the fevcrith coiuefiwn of the townihip of Loborough, coittJrafcg by :idneufurcment two hundred 2:\:\ be the fame row* or lefii. t do here- fcjrjJM notice, that the above mentioned lit of Laud will he fold and adjudged to the MullbiJtkr, a* my office in the town of Kwglfari,on tilt twenty-feventh day of Jan- uary trcxl,at the hour of ten of the clock ia the luicnoon, at which time and place the ttuBtiw!ot Erie will be m'uc known; . CBAKLKS STUART, Swiff*. And every perfon or perfons having claims fetteab-iw def; ibed lot of land, by mort- Hjfw Other right or incumbrance, a're htre- Ha&tt*&4 * -v- ^-r t- the faid Sher- jj^ai liis outct in die tuw n el ivtngiton, pn> tious to ihe folfc thereof, krrtf'sCJuc, ii^sl May, i S i z. 27 Frefll Goods. - D WHITNEY has jnft received Cot. *** ton Shirting, Cotton Chambray Ging* bmSj Black Cambrick Laces, Cotton Checks, Meii's Beaver Gloves, Women's White Gottott Hole, do. black Wortted do. Hen'sWh'te Cotton do. White and colored lltunds Blown Hollands, Drab Brunfwick C#d, Blew KihM Ca(limere, Oinabur^hs, Rumal Handkerchiefs—Alfo, Rum, Pep- fftmint Cardial, liiown Sognr, Snuff and Tobacco, Pepper S: Allipice—Ivory Combs, Packet ant! lVi.knives, Ladies9 Hair Combs, Superfine and low piic'd Broad Clothe Yel- bwi^iLc:i, Men's cotton Gloves, Bar & Shaving iSl(.;p. %«<*«> iS/i May, 1812. 27 ;w Notice. A'jNY perfon making proof of being Heir ii t<>ihe Eltatc of Chrillopher Sooper, tftffaryllurghj deccafed, are deiued to come bruSrcl. PETER COLLIER. - / [No. 33, NEW GOODS. THE fubferiber has juft received from Montreal, a new and extenlive aflbrt* ment of Dry Goods & Gro¬ ceries. Among which arc the following articles : Spirits York Stripe Wine ' Blue Nankeen Brandy Yellow do. Shrub Bandanna Handker- Vinegar . - chiefs f Hyfon $z Green rI'ea Cotton 6: Silk do. Loaf and Mufcovado Thread 5: cotton Lace Sugar Sewirig Silk^ Coffee Nun's Thread Chocolate Color'd do. Pepper, Allipice Bwmba/ette Ginffcr Rufiia and Imitation Fiji Clue Sheeting Starch Brown Holland India Cottons Ladies Fafhionahle Printed do. Beaver Bonnets Linen Si Cotton Cam i Common do. brio Men's Fur Hats Lc^.o and Book Muf-Men's and Youth's Iin3 Wool do. Silk & Crtton ShawlsWiiiow do. Shambray Jockey Caps Silk and Cotton Vd- Morocco Slippers vet Black Mode Black LUtcftiing Falhionable Veiling Corduroy Thickfctt Jean Leather do. Cotton and Worftcd , Hofe Beaver Cloves Cutlery & Hardware Glafs, Crockery and Tin Ware Fullian Alfo, A new colleainn Jf BOOKS. HUGH C. THOMSON,! ting for Mr: Q_ St- George, j" Aa Kingston, May 29, l S l 2. 2U// * V Five Pounds Reward, DESERTICD ~T? ROM a Recruiting Party of liis Majcf- i ty'* Regiment of Gltngaty Light In¬ fantry Fencibles, quartered at Ivmgfton, THOMAS ARMSTRONG, Jan. of the townflup ot LoiighborouglL Who¬ ever wil; appreherd the above Defcrter and lodge bim in the common Jail of Kin^Hop, (hall receive th* above reward ot FIVE POUNDS, and all reafonable expences paid. And whatever perfon or perfons, alter this rfliMjr notiv** ^h dl Ire ftitind harhoriiw or concealing the above named 1 HOMA8 ARMS TRONG, will be proiecuted to the uimoft ngor of the Law. ALEX. ROXBURGH, Capt. Glcngary Lt. Infantry* Kingfton, 2jth May, 1812. 2S:f Notice, THE fubferiber forbids any perfon or perlom purehafuig lot number two, in the fitllconceffion in the townihip of Hope, in the Di It rift of Newcaftle, John Ho Covcll, as he li dds a Bond again ft the faid John H. Covcll, conditioi cd that lie will give him a title for the laid lot, and that he the lubici iber, intends to hold pofleffion un¬ til he obtains the faid title. SAMUEL POTTER. Hopey 2 *jth May* 1812. 29 TAKE NOTICE. Ai*L perfons indebted to the Subfcribec Cither :n noto of hand or book ac- ^••*'-3,arc R-quefted to call and make a ftt- \l™ .v\ilh hlm. on or blforc the firli of •' M ir.iuing, or in caftf of failure their notes ^accounts will be put into the hands of attorney*, and a prufecutton commenced -j-': a them '.vithouc further notice ... JAMES PER ROT. ^■^V Jir.vnt March 25,1812. zoif ■\ ......" " Hflei:vj Spelling-Books, for-fak at tMi Office. gp Ptiy me <what thou owefi I ALL perfons indebted to the fubferiber for the KINGSTON GAZETTE, are informed that payment mud inrviiably be made within a fhort period ; othcrvvife uifagreable feelings may be oceafioned to both parties. SIMEON MOREY. June 9, 1R12. fO Wanted, A JOURNEYMAN COOPER ; one who underllands his buiinefs perfectly. Liberal wages will be given.—Inquire of BENJAMIN SHAW, at the Napanc Milk________________________________ Cafh paid for clean Cotton k Linen RAGS at this Office._______________________ Blank Bills of Lading for falc at the Gazette Office. Adverrifement. SOLOMON JOHNS, one of the mem- bens of the School Committee of Erneft Town, having on feveral occafions aflumed the fettlement of accounts due to the fubferi¬ ber, and to the late firm of Grant & Johns, by taking Notes of Hand in his own name, and that of Solomon Johns & Co. and gave difchatges for the fame in the name of Sol¬ omon Johns, for Grant & Johns* without ev¬ er having received any authority from the fubferiber for that pnrpofe—The fubferiber doth hereby publicly forbid all and every pet fon or perfons in any wife indebted to him, or to the late iiim of Grant & Johns, to pay their accounts or notes to any other perfon than himfclf, or tome one by him lc* gaily authorized to receive the fame. PETER GRANT. Kingston, 15//; Juttey 18 12. 31 ' Partncrfiip Diffblved* NOTICE isherehy given that the Part- ner(hip of CUM MING & HAM- ILTONh this day difTolved by mutual con- fent.—All thofe indebted to faid concern, cither here or at their Store in Erneft Town, arc requeued to make immediate payment to John Gumming, who is duly authorized to receive the fame, and thofe indebted to their Stored Hamilton/will alfo avail ihemfelves of :hts notice, to fettle faid debts with Mr. Henry Ruttan, who is alfo authorized Ly them to receive the fame. All claimfl upon the above mentioned con¬ cerns are requefted to be fent in as foon as poffible. JOHN GUMMING, GAVIN M. HAMILTON. Kingston, June 15, 1812. ^ ONE or two Journeyman Taylors will find conftant employ and generous wa¬ ges bv applying to the lubfcribcr. SAMUEL MERRILL. Kingston, 15 th June, I 8 l 2 $uf • Juft received from England^ A NEIV ASSORTMENT OF Cloths & CaflTirnen-% And are now offered fa M$ fef£ ib? CublVrih- crs at Mr. Wm. Stouohto^s Inn, on the mod retifonahle terms for Calh. Broadbenti Whitehead & Son. . Kingston^ Jan. 15, iSii. 0 Frefli Goods ! SBARTLET hSA tcccivcd a • complete afTortment of Dry Goods, Liquors & Groceries, Crockery & Hard Ware, which lie will fell, wholelalr or ietail, at bio nfttal low prices for Cafh, or any kind of pro¬ duce.—Alfo for Iale, Boards and Plank, & a few Bands Flottr of a fupcrior quality for family ufei CTTj" Cafh paid for Produce, and advanced on property conligned tor fab. Kingston% Dtr.fylBtim gtf THE fubferiber having obtained Trobntc of thfe lad Will and Telbment ni the late Alexander Campbell, of Adolphuftown, deccafed, requelh all thof^ who have any claims on the Eflate of the faid i\lrxander Campbell, to render their accounts prope»ly atteded, on 01 before the fir ft div of Odo- hei next, in order that fame arrangement mav be made with tlicm ; a^id all thoL in- debtcd to the faid Ellate, are delired to p^y $he iauK- to ihciVihfcrihei% JAMES NOXON, A^mg Executor. JSJctphstffa&n* 2yl June, 16 12. 321^$ HEREAS the fubfcnhei fment r;ed / V i-rto copartnership with William Prcn- dcrgaft, by the name and firm <■£ McCUNIFFE £? PREKDERGAST, h^ therefore requefla all thofe indcbled to him to make payment as tpeedily as pofHble, and all perfons having any claima upon him, are requelled to call and have the lame ad- julb-d , WALTER McCUNIFFE. Kiugflon, 18th June, iSin. 32vv3 • 5 Dollars Reward. ■ STRAYED or Stolen from the fubferib¬ er, fome tirrK in the month uf May lait, a white; MARE, 12 or 13 y<.bra old, abbut I^. hands high, fqnarc dock, has been harC with a collar on the Upper part of tlie left (hiuldei'4 Whoever will take, ar.d fceure faid Mare, (b thjtt the owner may have hcv agaur, fhall have the above reward of Five Dollars,and rcafonable charges paid. JOS- ANDERSON. Kingston^ zza Jum\ 18:2. 32 Land for Sale. THE following valuable Lots of Land in the townihip of Frcdericklburgli, arc offered for fale by the fubferiber, viz. Lot number fix, in the hril Conceffion additional. Lot number twenty-five, in the fourth Concemon. RICHARD CARTWfclGHT. Dec. 3, 1 Pi 1. $|f "new "boo k s . UST received from Montreal, and for fale at the Gazette Ollice : Addifdn's Works—M'Failand's View of Hercties-----Life of Jofcph-----Aflie'a Tra¬ vels— Seafons in England—Ira and lla- bella, a neto novel—Character of George 3d —Forney's French Spelling-book—French Vocabulary ^ 1 * i'AKE NOTICE. J •r|rp*,ETE'CtitfirnRtIBip xir^it fr.c :hm ; ■ JL KIMMERLY U SJGE&, is thus day difTolved by mutual con fent—All per* fons who have any demand againft tlicr faiJ firm will bring forward their accounts to Mr. Sager for fettlement, and thole who are indebted to the laid firm, will inltaiuly com*: forward and make arrangements v ith Mr. Sager, as they are an>:ioua of clofmg their Books, it will oblige them to prefs for a let* dement. ANDREW KIMMERLY. STAUTE SAGER, Jun. Richmond, 6th June, 1812. 31 6 vj • pelting -Child's Spelling-book Worlds difplayed—Porteus's Evidences of the Chriftian Religion—Bibhs-Teftaments —Watts' Pfalms and Hymns—Pfalters— American Cookery—Children's books—Cn- techifiiis, Sic. STOLEN FROM the houfe of the fubferiber a few day* iince, a SILVER TABLE SPOON, with the following MpElo : Per Mare per Terras—Jnitinks, 1\ E. McD.— Whoever may find the faid Spoon, and re¬ turn it, will be rewarded. FORBES JAs.McDOME.LL, C:»pt. EGtfa R. V- 1^. Kingston, 2 2<{ June, t 8 1 ^. '^2 To be Let, AND poffeflion given immediately, the Shop formerly occupied by W. B. Smyth, adjoining Mrs. Staober's.—Inquire of P. SMYTH. Kingston^ %lh June, \ 81 %. $Qtf TO BE LET, AND immediate poflcflion given, that plcafantly lituated and commodious Houfe, near the town of Kingfton, lately the property ol Sir John Johnlon—There arc attached to the Houfe about twenty acres oi" excellent land, a good garden and iuiblc, well, &c.—A few town Lots to fell or leafe. Application to be made to Alexander M'- Donnell, or John Fcrguforr, both of King¬ fton. Kingston, I 5//J June, 181 2. $ltf No 1 ice. T teen years, as may be agreed upon, a valua¬ ble FARM, In the full conceflion addition¬ al Fred • \i !■ (buttjli. There are ore lunuh acres of improvement, a good nveadow and orchard on ir, a good frame Barn and Honfe* the pienu'les ?rc w. 11 tituated and calculate I for a tanner, nierchant (»r inn keeper, by en¬ larging the houie.—lor tuir'i r particulars apply to the proprietor and fnbkulxr, at the houfe of Mr. Fioten v D-mnovan. n\ Frvdei'ickfburgh, or r> CL.rU* Stuart, Eu;. iu Ki.igiion. micka-'el coyli • %m \fh *8xs. aou

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