to renew iu§felicitations, ar.dcon- had not merely refuted but imu1- trived to exchange into another ted,haddiitinguiihodhirnfelflu^h- regiment that Ire might not be ex- Lyfoon after, and is now at the poled to her company Soon at- head of a regiment. He was awk- tey a very refpe&Able Merchant ward in his bows, not very genteel was fmittcn—lie had heard her iing, he had feen her dance, he had diicovcrcd much wit in her repar- _tc:;, a charm in her dimples;, and a Hghtning in her eye, that were truly irreiiftible—he became gid¬ dy ; pounds, (hillings and pence, which were wont to delight him fo much, loft all their charms—he felt uneafy, dillatisficd with buii- nefs, and after as much rcfiibncc as a prudent trader might be lup- pofed to make to a match that might involve him in much expence, he dellred a conference with the lair lady. Marian \ did not keep him long in fufpenfe. She had been accuftomed to hear Merchants det5, piled as a grovelling race, incapa¬ ble of liberal ideas, who were for ever abforbed in narrow calcula¬ tions, who expected their wives to remain always at home, and to be frugal and attentive to the con¬ cerns of their families. Tbcfe no¬ tions were not agreeable to Marx- ana's difpofition—(he pronounced them the offspring of low breeding, and conceived that to marry a tra¬ der was to bid adieu to all the plea- fures of life. She received the Gentleman's proporals withdifdain anil dilmifled him with a tofs of i. . aeJ.di Ui till* ..Uj 111; UJULrt*- \jjd to tri'le lov five years without over conhderinff that youth will not\:ver,OL even beftow- itij» a thourrht upon the future. *: he Grit cii'cumftancctjV.t appear* cd to awaken her iron her iium- ber;, was the marriage of her fit- i ; N.;ncy, who wai riot to fjlti- dious. though tnorcbc.iatiluL wnd :hofc to marry .u the ai^:oftwen- y oiic, tveeaUle ihe pt'd'ere«l the ■ raiitiuillJtv M doni'iUie lii'j to the round of di&pailon, v\ ! :• h ?••! iri- •i.\ih:kl duet I ir.lo ivr K;- tiki's fam.ilv. '! hi; niarria«*e in- •'.need poo^ A-a;:;-..1- to reflect up- • -n her fr. .;a;ii.:i ihouhl her Father die, who was now pretty 1 ir ao- . an cod i,: !aie, » sure cfpecially as he S'ved up fn liifi inenmp or fhould ■ he re;~)'.i;.nt be reduceii She be* an tli ere fore to think ieiiouflv of inornate, but itill flie determined to be very particular in her choice. Sir; \voiild not marry a trader, or my perl >n under the rank of Ma, •or. Bui alas ! her age bc&m lo appear in her countenance, and her » harms v/ere much faded from 1\ :rcontinualdrflipation. She found ':c number other lovcro daily Jii iir.iih'mg, and ofthofe who re¬ in the'dance, but thefe were the only defects in his whole composi¬ tion—he was brave, honourable and judicious, and in a fair way of foon becoming a general. The Merchant had riien to ' great opu¬ lence, had transfcrcd his rloufe to London, and become member of Parliament for the city. Mari¬ ana's ideas refpecting wedlock un¬ derwent a revolution, but lhc bad now no admirers—her Father di- cd and (lit: was obliged to relide in the houie of an Elder Brother. Here Ihe was not required to do a- ny work, but this advantage was more than counterbalanced by her want of independence. She was not Miilieisas (he had been while her father lived, and when Ihe law her fillcr-in-lav/s latisraction with her children, (lie reflected with tears on what Ihe might have been. She had now given up all thoughts of matrimony, and began to be mote reconciled to hci fituation, and even to bear without irritation the title of Mrs. Marian, when a neighbour Captain B. whole wife had been dead a year, addrcjled her with all the ardour of nine¬ teen. The. C;lp£»in was fir from aihiablc in liis temper, and iuppo- lCl." •'> U. .. J' • . ^ ■ .'.. lOt.-.'i wll .lit ourrd or hid bottle to make ;i nood hiifband, but Iviaiiana was no lon¬ ger nice., flic was wilfully blind to his faiU»it£>, and yielded to his anxi- ous entreaties 'They lead, not been many days married, whey (he diieovc. -1 {h j had not er.c»\<i- {i-d her feftdty bv her chamre of lUc, The Capta:ri\s children by his :^r:nev irurri.v'c, were dUobe- client aiul pcrvcrfe—th::y to.r.: :\ 6tr of any iXae oftbeir bodiV"» mat: or femafe, which being burn alive, wouU by Law bo BalhttJ. 2. Am flcl f.irlher to contmnc ihe zCU tlumn inention<il, for making ;i tvn.porary prnvlfion forth- Regulation t&Tnm be¬ tween ibis Province auu tlie United St.-.cs cf America, bv laud or inland tiavi^ation. ?. An ;*tto continue, lor a limited t:rre, two feveval ads therein mentioned, regula- ;ir,cr the Tiiherics in the Inferior Di'.hict of Gafpe. 4. An ail to continue, fur a limited t»m<S a" aft pafltd in the forty-eiyhlh year of His Maj^ity's reign, intituled, "an ad tn provide tor tiie maiuic.ianec «"i eood or¬ der on Sundays & Molydays in the Country Paiifhes of this Province." 5. An adt for limiting the time dnrin^ which Penal AMions may be brought in i.he Conits of tin's Province f>. An ad ro feewe the Lihcity of ihe iSuhjeft, by extending t!ie powers of Hi- Mil* jtlty'd Cooftd of Law i» tliis Provinre, as lo Wilis "f ifdb'iis Corpus l^//^■/';AA/^^^^/, <^y 1 as to the mtana ofcnfoVGHJg obcdiSiKC lo ;:.:!i Writs. 7. An act to anient! an act pn!T/d in the fifty fn It vt-ar of His MivWfty's rciim,-tnthtrV* e !, <fc an aa to provide temporary Houici of Correction jfl thfe fvvciai DUtiiv^s oi'th.s Provime. 8. An a& for applvl11)! a fin the? fi»m oi money towards the bnihiii^; a»ul contpUting of the Common Gaolfui th*:Diltiiclof<>H<* be,:, and its append;;;-;^. g. An at"? to continue and m.^kr p»frptti!- 'd, an i\c\ >;.ffed in the furty eiVhth yi\ir of Hia Ma'ji 1 y's rci jii, intitnlcd, Li an acl T-t auih'inlc the Indies in Civil Caufea m tbtn . Piovinee, tt. urh-'jritc the poncr of .;dniiniu Venn^r OaUiu, ii» certain cafca thvui-: iikm- tioncd. 1 ;^. An a£t lo amend an ;iti prvflcd i" tTi<- iiny-l'nll year of 1 Ifc Majeily's :-.!■_■::, ia' itul- ed, k% an net t»> amend an att jjall".* 1 in the? ft rtv fifth v ir of IIU \\ ij-M vv- r*.'ifi. i.iiuiii: «i, " au 'dC.\ i-». i.i bwti! r jlrffrreiTi'Miy ar.d alto the means cf ?.fu>x'r~ your Excrllehcy fuch aid as migh: b': fji-.j to the o.i^eneic} of trie time3, a::d the r^ fources of the Pruvince, to enable yr.r £r. celieacy, with the alHllance of His MajriK .; fubjett«»tO repel 2ny fttdden attack^: to cfTe6fa;.l!y any regular invafiun ; t-A they trmt tint the Bills they have paflc-1 f:: thi.sp:irpi>'.e, will fully manifcll huw hi^ 7 they apprecia?: their or. fcfit enviable ..a._ tlOM. TI"" Houfc of AiTemb»y, may it plr": vour Exc^Ik^cy, aic alio imiiKed tol.or , that their ro:,dud on thisoccafion, willh. : the eifect cf eftabhthing a cor,. vitli.m of the internal Hrength and ample refo'itces of this province, ^d dfTord an ad¬ ditional Security for the continti»ficc oftfe real advantage? exi erienced under His M&lcs ty'fi oat.-; na1 ^ovemnient. Other ohj £1*, no |<*& intereftinjj to Hi; Mc'iellv's Canadian Snl.jcCts, have alfocitjl- <*.d tlk *li*e ittc.11 of their Ueprtfc.'tatiw^ |n AiTemhiv, and to a^mcta and diifule V: hiefiin^s thev uov/enj r, the HuitfcrfAfc fembly coaf:der aj the molt imjufttant oi t!dr dntie;. Til--* Ei'ii to be prt'firnts 1 to yowr Ex«l- K'ricy, arc t vcrall'v iutituled,4t an act to con. tintK*, f-r a limited time, and amend, a« art paJ<:d in :he forty third jxnr uf I^i^ M '- rv^ i riajn., intirukd, 4i an acl for the bt'.t*rr lL -. laioa >F;-k Mditiu *.f tais Pm>:.%t. and f.». iciua'.i.u* eerviia &U ^ UiC- siuSl theci.: n:* nti'Hn.i1/' *:/\-.i !H*I for app'yia; t^vo | -.m! s :rr» . | M»ii i-, h»r tli pafpofe thciui moii'J v.. am! furrt'l ■'-'.•• ihs appmprtntiu-w ma»i y ...» .,a ofih-: tfiy4^tf year of Mr. M;. :; . C!«pi i t'Ml, a. ' Kidwrmg the dat.. ^ th -i- f" 1\> AKhi.«h^k H<ntfe ofAHc-^V'w l ■ : ■ .,,:.! Li *M ; »ii ire ; iiui i-\ee elk ii 0'.' I ii " I . tt'irrof Pilots and SltippiiJi* in tl-v l?ait of tlJi«-Iit in vcrcing and h-rmiiilnsr her, ant 1 itillcul r.f meeting v;-.h rci'rcK iroin thzfc l.tihcr, he always ready to i'lip-xirt tha». rjir.uriillnng, an,I ofthofe who re- litorc rcafbti than ever to deplore mil ?dnot one made h;r pVt^pd- hcfr youthful follies; ihe fttght have i!s or mafria^ , whom flic could heeu a Generals Lath or Mavcrefs Quebec, and fn ihe Harbonrg rt (Jeebccaud Montie^d, ami B>C ni'|-n»M!K \<*>: ?v.:»•:;;; ti•;•: of ihe River Sain' L i\Viv»-i j,ni.J f i cM;ih- 1i!]iiii;; ;i Tv.:i:\ f »r 12 e.i;'-.'d J.Jdots, their vei.;- ov. i ;..i-i Ch-;d»-?"uw t !. An ai3 to rcpetil r"i: T'eti.:*; imp «f< 1 l.-v ui :w* -:• I■■'! Iti ;iie "oitv--i*.'lull *.'t.;r r lli.i Majcfly*ts •t.iv;,i> uiiunledj *' an ;ic; t ir ie:.;... ;r^ *u><\ iiUtcYtotntm^f ihe am.v • . (-.1 l! • '■. 5>I- I a-.v". ," arid for an|.d;'If:j :i *2cr* t tin fn-Ti oi inoi;. / t i n.aVt: gt)od a Kkc ftttu . f;tccl j 1 advatii t;d in purfn m-j-. of ;m nd- di;.;ofiiiv h-ul: of "a£cffrh!vj and fur f*l:cr j:!:rpi>fes therein mcritioiicd. i :. A\ r.'i to c.ntinue, foi a liimtcd ti ne, an ait ;y.vii:d in the fortieth year of His Majr!iy*a reijjn, intituled, M■ sa a<i to givi What added much to Marhxsa*s futh-f 11,,UCIS to x]v: £^^ivc Gcv^n- diftfcB, \va« thit flic hac! no'Satw- ^V^^ ?c iIIla'u-1^"* S^n< icags ct the m:tna^cir»ent of a Ilouic. This war, t'nc njorc un- lucfcv, as her prctlecefltjr liadbeen remarkable tor h.ei neatneiH aiiii ffpod managemcat. The Captain finding himl'clf much lefscomfoi • tabic than formerly, h(Kr.»n ro murmur. Mariana ejo* iiarclenecl ?:iul inileadof trying todo better-, bc-fan to rccriir/matc-thinffs daih bee nne worh;—the bo.ttlc was n- forted toby fiic-Captain—iiisai- fiirs got deranged, and poverty he- gan to appear. Marian;: Iiad now •*. "s n; mi, the Royal siUvlit * To rat ri uf which p«lK Hh 1' >• ' was p\ifc*l to Rgttify the ll«»y;iia ' •- '■• : ' lin --.'.- '| • ni , . • .nn. j, ^\t -. n! !>n'.; rt . :■ v, : Lhtir bertcvujen^trj ;. L;a to ihfft I/fli/' His L::..!i^e/ WdS Utttl pie-:* 1 •*:;. d.^£s both Kodia in the :ei. -v;;- pnl' accept* In tiiis ".v.:y flie eari;nucd till tlic Peace and the cii'periion of ihe Re^innnn. Ifer V..;!,cr came up to this i'ruvl'.s/c, v.-Jicre ajarffs track of Kind li.u) • ■ been aflisncil hiin—lint having i-i- been a Generals Lauy or M.iyercfs of London—'out initead of this flic is left a widow with live i'mitll chil¬ dren, .\nd nothing but a few waft lands for their fupport. C ved nothing during his command, lie was obliged to alter t-hf whole ! 1 ! hi i hv ift^r. There were no fealH, t\, arien;bHt3, icw or no *nornin£ vilttsinthe woodsy and ^oor M.'.riaiKi was in deipair—(he did net I i.<> v how to deftroy the day—it pafieil in liiilciVnefs and fof- row, to work the was a.hamed, and in truth flic did not k tow how to regulate a family, She tried to 7>:id hut having never acquired a- PR.OVJTfCI.Vt l'AI'.I.IVMI.NT OF 1 ■■irrx rj.vj/M. LEGISLATIVE COirNCIT,, 5^tcbtt} V,,I'j May, I..I2. THis day, at three o'clock. Mis Excellen¬ cy ihe Governor in Chief came tloxvn, in t.1]'- uinal ftatctp the Lcgiflitivc Cimmbcr, and being ftuted on the 'Fhroivp, the Gcntlernan Uflxcr of the Black Rod u.r- Unt to com¬ mand the pre fence of the AlL-inS!y, which being come up, Hw Excillcn. y wai plead¬ ed to jrivc the IvOVal Sanction totlic follow- mg Bills Province :> 1 j. An aS to contiiiiir, jur v. li^ur.; tiltlr, an act pafTcd hi tlic forty.cijyluh vvr cifESs late theYrals d Cbsitn v '".Cvl LI-.- iuvi<, or Retnrn? of Mvmln n vi fci .-_• in the U?&ih of an-fmb!/ of Lwver-i mat;,'." 14. An aT tf- c* mi uie, T-t a Unttcetl time, .ti n,t 7>:Vi"<' ;" 1!;" liry-ritl yenr of IKs Muiclty'ia r.-i-M^ ».i*•"«'• •', " ::ii ;:• ' for.elbth- iiil.injr iv^t l;;'.i-h1i u'*ri.-lr;j .Mimi% an-.! Certain Siihji.^ 6i His N'-jj.-it" vvl»n h:tv<* rvl.'K-v. m i' ;u'cc, rom.u ; iui" this Ti- viucc, or ^iiCi'njr il» v..iri.M IS'. An a.'t lumi'.M' '-'r' 2*ivijrr«Ia Hunt ai'nd J*-fvpli J.Hoh, to rn ia 1ii:'!j; ' »!'*«.r the ivis'cr M i!Unv)ru>o;',;i;.M,vrii« F;dK 16. Ap ;u'> lojfiiintaihiU;il!;, f .v 1 :».';(•.1 ticar, :. fum iifmoiK)-;!.'.'• ai r?*c"t^« rd, I »v tlw RtlicTnf ihtftndi^eivj ;;Il-!< Lilii ...n. ...] ti» ii r.1w Hatcl 1-)' 'ii ... ^uchrc; i". A11 aft to *;i,iwt ;«' rh'.- Rvhj*>«>u* I^a*. (lir%o» the General [[o!]»it !, a f»i*-noi\,.o .y fur the purpiifea therein inaiiio.ul. iS. Au ?A'i t^ riiuhoriii J i<'«|uc> Moiin, junr. to hiniJ a B,iu;;c ov.t ih; ann^SniiTt Nicolas in tlic Coinuvoi* Dcvna, Ui hx th: iJi'.tcHoi toll (0/ p;.l"pii :!».;von, and to pro¬ vide Regulations for die faiil ]liuU-t\ 19. An ;*ct lo pri^tJt i.i AKx!-. c: -Mvlin, a ti 1I1K (W Toll over ih«' Ilrid^c ci<^t---d '"'n the lirvcr L ivcri in th-: Count)* ov H^tttbrcJ- 20. An afl Dcelaiatiji j-uf th% time at whlvli the ICnrolttTias <>f Jin* Militia lludl take place dinin.r the pref»ji*t yi ;ir. The Honorable the Spmk^rof-tiic AfTcm- bly, then feid : Ii has b"f»!nj n-y duty to ui- kr *n "'"*r ' & ft '" ■• ./ y'^ ' • J'r , '/*.'/,, ,\';V, .r^c ;:o-. «ictd j: ■!* i} 1 f the ;;\■..■■, r.:.J r>i rf^lft* >T3 !i '-n \( :r F^ri?2UV2 dl't« ,' • Il . < 17. v : h«* ! ••- I p ic .1 ; '. i • (:t.t ;>i;'ut rt^iSnh «■? i?'.o Provh*chl t'j?r. ;;.oit, btitt M rif tu*2 uifiJu'.'v :* :*L vvlv.L y■".':.; liUcmh'd to t! j ii »uituiit '"'fcicfia 01 pu<£rt C'HK m, forwhicU, u'vetl i i* *;■<:'-, i ■ 1 ibotiv upon ihe in pj ivcn-^.t "f trc Mi '"■ fyii.m ; frorii the L,w wlwti yoy Im j llVd >p<#ii t^.::- fuVJjL, , b J t ••;, »c^ cir afed i;. .r,o y mi :!. d y niFonWtrt frtl thtf rjjrfl;ncc 4>f the P vai. c . . ! o>;i:.!:M' 1;' loo? 1" •:*■."•:! toftt Ih jM'oaf^of th*. u»ta;tji • - it, ; '* I pnhltc fplrl1 0/ ft* iuIvjIij i: • hrvoot, and o!' t:uf; , iraUfiig i *r tY \:\r::. - c:;vj'('.:->]i'. f*'/ui^ i.rt. y«-n will : 1 .h :;. ahsirtj -o ( U-ovci, hv j[s op^-.T.l', vi-jf: i« 1 ini • ft " u) rw, and 1 I Wei uiTurcd, y . || !i-' difp^r^d *-'.-i>in]ttIy to r^ir. ;dv t\«'l • o-:f:;« \ !:.!i ;t;ny1>. loim.I to oi;t i': it, \ ■ ■-: .\- t'K- fid j r^ iniiil b'-again fuju-iti-.u Ijv<jb: TA..i re 1 uvtliil '•» my t^*u • . nh« 1 rite I ":nf". J I.*; :■■ .. ■,,.■! •..!* OJtif r Ulil " -;- 13 i v s I.;." m!i • ; Sorti '• • tire vvrv ';1» ■■ "r^'- Con '-oulu .- m..:> lor i!i'.' .'>..'.:.:kv-> ttftlk' piai/tii: fcrvus-.—Vvi iw^y dej ivi'nj patfi u\'< rcii oj ;. | ,8 jvud ^TiUsci': ci* hi* :i\, : ■ ', apji^ai" !. pf wha' )-ui l'4v,c fu r ; 2i -ntcd. I .».." '.•./■/ ;';/'•■" •* ^ •" '» rh't'iiiy unuut nivmibi.i w <_"inmni- enr- -v> \t i; ;-. t ; hlVwtahlv chuilJJC ■•' l&< lWfl ol th: h^itk nfiivr vtncr;d>t<r and fcwwJ So\tf (i-u ; the countenance t>f ili> ^^5 i■»:' ind.Tpoliii* n, ha§ c uiicd lli^ R»\v.:U!';l|,1V t} .* I'll .cci K. ttiii to be in^lied v-uh tlrf nnr.itMLt^t Ui^a! Anth-.uty ; nhd 1 ":t4 tin vrt I * i-n'lo itiiLvi \\"i upon thci ntf-J bi ij!i uu cvxMir;, c h !i ;ui)jn.,w!at,Tig l,K 1 ' *l raid gh-rv nt" the r.miniv, iml lai'^h i"-> inaimi' in t;>^ ft-utquidt-"1 i o-"S-' •" ofCiUciad liod.i.^s i\huh"h.iw '>'-•' ^a; lydiUiVijtuifhcd the Regency viKm &¥' ] 'Ii-i!nv-.s. T. ^S;«— Lnv< htelyp^T I fcyj* G ) r;-::t; • f^.V T'i itrdStates vi;l'**- l An ail to repriil ai^ aft rr^de in E'l- r-and, in the twnity-hrlt year of the ici«-n of Hi-* );ir<- Mnjclty VCing J »m*s the Fivtt, 7 ,------------------- Chapter Iwcnty-Xeventh, intituled. u?,na£l rVJJglifll i\v: lourid 110 plcafure in T" P^vcut thv dcUroyiw^ and iDunhcniijJ «m* it. She ho^rcgrcttcil her form- Pafta<<1 Chlhlrcn^ auMtlvn Prmm of '*'•*- nud m ■:! :-iv; prnujiViTrfl fir t^eTtiala r,f Women charge.! with th. M n- .iy t.::l(. ;'wr reading while young, not bciiic very perrect in her * r '. oily, tls-j Ctiptiua wh^n-v i"bo EvfiAlt*i»fy h'/O Jiillii, ;'.i cm • i.:;i v n •■! ,,u fliiiis: it «■ ««: .li' ■ ■.•'•'•: uiicali"»> «;r thclv.',.,:;-,,!',!,.■ H:vif..-ofll!r.-ni!.;» ...' L^-- :r.-r.«:!. ::.;■:-. 1 liiLnVii'li:*11^' " ci QiiiwU,. in rn»«nc'ial r.n'i.,,.,0.1 srffcm- Erhan, «d CiitflWe sraectttw •■■•« > blcj. j,,,r tonuar! •;,■-• ."• .«• noifibU •■■ ;~; In p'-nhniu f of your E^rrlh-nrv' rcetmi- ami . ,o-<; i. ■' ..: ".■.!"• t'1 "....." " mniihui-,!.. at thv coni-mm-Lin-ui mi ilw-L>d'. tn •,•<"! ' • •- '■" ,; "" '•" ;; ulil>i'u" i lum, iWiiourcof ASl{t)bly«-Hrera;ll\:pr«>. tU«thc^iio lopl ii i •'" !l.',;' •',, r coj'h-.l U. '•.)!.!, Irftlii< luc. H.ry mean* I >r yi'iir Lt'g:U:in<C j>r. Lt. Jini;>, l;1'1 ""'^ I'.cui...- liiib Cb*uiiy orm'iiitoiR d;i'v ipoicfj uo*n tU; na^dsot'f^^