AMkcourtofCa.t^n Hour, 8,1. of April, **££ Prefcnt. His Royal Highnefa the PnnceKt^tm Council. His Royal Htglwefe, in Council, was ttus &rp!eafcd, in ll« »amc and "n ,h" beha'f of Mnie'h', to declare Henry Vilcomu Sid. !2 Srd Prdicfcnt of M* Ma|«M »oit Honorable Privy Council, and hi-* Urdlktp t(,.V. Iil^ placent the B.Kird accordingly. S-vnr alt'""!tion tool: place agarn yelter- faU the L«tfif«* to France, in j-noa lo ills W«W> ^tuofe obtained iron thconwlite o.Vi. The export-lion mull besjia foifl ! e.icc. Liit under very fayolable ciriujiihijec* li is to be lo the amount of Ptimrf8per>h fcw win., reckoned, on the Jiwrfpwwo* of the Hup ; and Tor brandy IO'o;::rJ pert-n. the wine and bran- dv bvclKYii ".'M-nju in 'he vel'fei carrying o'u this pro^Mlional value on h.-r tonnage, they arc to be put un-l.-r the kind's hj?k un- tfltJiequaJit.ity of liigwr an 1 eot& 'hill Jmve been exported, acc»rdlng rn the feed* altea- iv pu!i!i;!rd ; this being done, the brandy :nJ\vinca-v at the difp> of the impo'Ui, the former f-v exportation, the latter either forcsosrtationor It n.e '•o"f:.fnptii;n. On Itv.i!f.!.:y ;it the Prince ]'.?£< m\s Lc- «K, Lotd Sta; dy piefcnt'd j? po'ifion ft am>n. in till-. i.'oiuiiV, pavino fortheabo- lition of t!:-: Oilers 1.1 Council, and fur the fdhatunvof peiee. A: Ca'v.h!!, rn the n^tKhot-bnod of PwctniInt\(S,'otlai:cl) a ftne young chIKi ftvjhrly stacked by a Furious same-cock, v.- oiuiui:;lii Jlun t*i thegrannd*leaped upon of hii :' CJ'CS ihe KasiiH pk>ii cut Mfms AM wis Ipi. lily lifoiHv!; out liugetinga fcvd^iii gnat agrmy, and then cLicd. Onffe 20-1, March, thete were publicly ™aa hSijitSb-c Kupo'cDfi, m Lcghoi:i, about l-v,ccj tunes win th of Ei)£r|ijji rrouda. *• T *» Latefl from PoitugaL liv llu' :nr!vjs ficiiti Lii'vMi, wc have been |kmwd %v«tfi pfrpeM io April 16, from which •!u follow :ug articles .uc exmt&fJ* I'!Ur. ! £tt- I1*" Vcv. have ji-iu bteti ie- Ccivu. 0*.:r operations there go on moll profjU'ouiiv. On tin- evening ui the 5L|£h, vctooki Uv iiiTaiiit, aft'-r a molt defperfcte (flTacn'ci 1. a ftr*iflcj luloubt called Pienti- fla,infr.v t a: BsdtVO'/; Ir was occupied |>y RjG picked nlcMj with fv e ^utis and a howit- Ztrj i^JAvoc bujOUrlcd; and the remain¬ der li;ir.-:Ji ui1. Two hi»iii»re.S I*V<.n».M ciraffooni nnve he*:c ipj.T; ;■ ii.M>crs bv a Peatuffucit! ie;rir)i^nt. Wc a-r row u?:::;y convnit^d* that Mer- Tnniu|..rc ;jpf [r.'cinl to 1 \[k j.i:othcr hattl'*- n.:u-;/( tu aim ;».t riutlwng, b^t attempting t-v.;";- Cfssclad RodnjTo, wlik-h \tc hope is f ":cJu«!iiLft*-i to rciiii lu';n, •xVrhuasas Giab?.:n is in auvnncc at Za- £3; In tin* fi-ti-nafcg of the fori of Plcurlnrt, i^lintilii loft Capi. Mnncaltcr, killed } and f ^tncvw>ut!dvvl Mr. Tow!,. Mai. Mac- Lithwt April jo. 1\V!pvc K\!s u.i> 1 Tic prcafurc to announce the fall of lltdaja/. i*n ihe 6th iufl. after a f:r;of -t days. Itic invellment of the cilv va« comniciiecd on sfce r^:h of March, 2iJ the iKiitv'iici were opened on the 24th ©lYiivUme mondi. Hiitoiyiiffords few e>:- ct.?Ics 0! fuch raind concueRs as thnfj ut * - B:c;ijO/ and Ciudad Kodiioo* -^/»r// I I, Brfc'ten fwm Elvasof the 8th tali- t!u: !»;riii't 11I" IV-ulVio/. i^ leprcfented as moll crcajfil. Th-: breaches wereaflaaltedi and !.v\v:ils feaUJ at the fame moment, the eal- llshci^g ittxit the principle point ofactack. The French troops appointed to defend th? breaches; bcjffg attacked at all points, were cmnpcilcJ to jtjv§ way. A terrible flaugh* tcr then conmieaced in thr llreets of the cftv. 1 •• by her I believe to be only to the iSth of that month. Some of the papers fay, that war was declared by Ruflia againll France on the 19th of February, hut the alfertion does rot appear correct. But the French are maTchmjj an immenfe force towards Poland. I have net heard any thing of American af¬ fairs/' A declaration of war by Ruflia agafrtft France \$ mentioned with much politivcnefs !«1 fome letters bom Halifax ; hut we ap¬ prehend the report is founded on the article* \vc had a tew days fince In London papers of April 1 i J although the event grows more probable every day. A letter from Halifax mentions a report that 7 fail of the line and 14 frigate*;, with troops had failed from England for that ita- tion. We have received n London paper of A- pril 14, vvluch contain-; accounts bom Riga to March iyt but does not ftiruffn the Ruf¬ fian declaration of war. Bonaparte had not left Pan* April C>. London 1 Afoul I A. Four Anholt mails have arrived fmce out" lad. The letters contain a paper of great unportnrjce ; an arrangement in the nature of a tarijf for tlw future trade wirh Ruffia, un¬ der which Bririfh cotton o-oods and raw fti- gar, anion;.! other articles, will be allowed to be imported into k;.i!ian dominions. An Au(Irian mi-flen^er has arrived wltli difpatches, anil he is nlt'o the bearer of pref- crus to the Piinee Recent, on the occalion of his invellment witli the fall power of the Britilh crown. Jt is laid that Aullria will not join France in the.threatened w;ir with Rnfln, and the neceflary c< nfequenec of her vmliholjing f> to do, mull he the abandon¬ ment of the enteipriie by France. London^ April^4. A detachment ofofTieers and privates Is lender 'orders to jui.i the 40th regt- ilati<n.ed bee by the pVcRrfi* (bring fleet* A ver) Ijnriu d alfair h\* lately taken place IP the Scheldt. Tluee lrrench Hiips of the line eOtOiHg down were attached hv one of our fri^ii'Cr>, and two floops of war, when the French Admiral's (hip was driven on fliofc. A lugger privateer, rtf ii^ gun arid 45 men, belonging toOnppe, was taken of the 7 I (1 Mills by the lV'fnu brig of war, arrived at Guc-niev r>n Saturday. The Amelia French fehnoner pr-vrM^^r, M as taken, i$th mil. oTBrelL By the IWnant man o| war, and h arrived at Milfurd. She had prevuHiny captured a Spauifli Ihtp, with a^iTural car-yo, dollars and cochineal. Tile dollars and cochineal were found on board the pn\atecr> and taken out by the Ton- n^ut. ik A letter from G. TjTdl, late Aclinrr Lieutenant of his Maidty's ihipB.irracouta, an J then on board the lllufrrious, in Batavia Roads. dated Auguft, 30, 18.11, lays, "the ijairacouia K me at aixhor at Ban- , ome or the natives came on board, and told its if \vc would lend a boat to a place l hey pointed, they would give us lef'rdhmcnts, 1 was font in the launch, with ei'jrht :ncn armed, to rruarde ncrainlt treachery.—Wc at nigh!: arrived at the place, but the things were not ready, io ve were obliged to wait till morning,—As we were cooking our breakfaft, a prow wc had been watcbinrjall the morning o r> flood towards us, lb I ordered ev¬ ery thing to be got ready. As ihe approached, I observed flic was full o«in? to t!,.- eonfuiio.i of the battle, increafl of men, and, therefore, thought it W by the darkada of the night - April 16. Lcitwsfiom Elyii^nftllC tjth fay, tlt;:» Sp'ilt retired from Ellnraadpra n; Coon as litlieard oftJu- fall of Bnd?;o/. It apprara tssna tiiat »Hi!aufi.i*m entered Seville : but *« mnpcSeii by .S.mlt to retire from it a- P% The T-encli had attempted aninenr- ■|oain burp Bsiixq, but had not prog'refl'ed ['"• ThU attempt nn t'.ic fioiili. r* of Por- JsN n* fnppnfcd to Im-c btm to divide '«y twit lor. (,£ L0,a Vvellin-ton. April t$, y »i»s RT'nmj; atnwtd in this city GentRi] j"""|)t(,.,, ht.«. enffutvufto of I^a-lVjoz. and '"•ibiT; »ivd General Winan, F.mcbGcn- «io» o^tneers The twitch bad 2 •J3;"k,:!-,l, !,nd 4500 firr.jndc • ■'! Dn'l in* ^•1-,.>..!:...t.!,.. J,,:. ,l)d ...>llli,vf5. T|)C;l ^•'•'.iij.-i,-'"; lofs was vc.y fmalt J «•' cU from Endand. ... !•:■-■ :-h -.'.r A-.iil mil in new "..:;;'l,!;.;V;'•--•, ?3.d^£wn Fal- 4 *i U»i' p- .-I....... prudent to get oil*; but I could not, for the prow botli out-failed out-rowed us. When flie came near they began to fire. I was now convinced they were pirates, and determined to board them, knowing that to be the only chance ; for, if they took us, they would have put the whole to death. As ibon as we came alongside, we cleared our way with our muQicts, and jumped on board the prow. There were about 50 men in her, and we only nine. In about half an hourwc cleared her. By this time wc had drifted near the (hore, and the few then remaining jump¬ ed over-board. I oblervcd four or five reach the fliore, mofl of them wounded. I had two men killed; the other &X h:\d no wounds of Jufl: then the Lcda appeared in the ofling, and wc took our prize on board her, and got to the Barracouta about noon. Ncw-Torl, May 18. Brliiflj d'lfjmtch vefiL— Tlie Britifh cutter Bramble, captain Fleming, arrived lalt eve¬ ning via Bermuda. She left England on the 2d ult. and has brought out defpatchea from the Butifli government for Mr. Poller. A meflengcrproceeded toWalhingtoii with them this morning : rind ve are informed the Bramble will wait here for anfwers. The following h an extia«5> from a Paris paper, received by the fehooner Benjamin Franklin, arrived in this port from Bayonne. 7 ranjlaliotu U CONCF.UVATIVE PENATn." " SUtmgofffo \oth March, 1812." 1 c< His Excellency the Duke of Baflano, Miniltcrof Exterior Relations, communicat¬ ed the following report to his Majefty the Emperor and King. " As long as the Britifh Orders in Coun¬ cil filaU not be wirhdraw:if and the princi¬ ples recognized by tlie Treaty of Utrecht, towards neutrals rcllored In full force, the Decrees of farlm and Milan mull continue towardd thofc rowers who ffifttl fuffer theif jfilags to be Denationalized* The porta of the Continent mufl not be opened neither to thofe D;nahoni;!i>zedFi<>«Sj nor to the Englifh .Merchandize. It is ne-, ceflary that the whole difpofable force of Franc*! flionld be dillributed in fach a man¬ ner as to pi-event the En^lilli Flag, the l)t- nationctlixcd Flags* or thole convoyed by Eu- i*lilh (hips of war from landiwp " Kingston, Stlj Jitney l3l2. A QUANTITY of Ruin Punch¬ eons and Barrel*, Pork, Peafc and Ricr Cafks will be fold at public fale at the King's Stores below Mr. Cartwrigbt's houfe, on Saturday next, at I o'clock. JOHN DARLEY, Auctioneer. Strayed PROM the fubferfher about the firft of ^fay A lall, two COIVS—one a brown Cow, with white on her back, five years old—the other has a white face, and fome white a- bout her legs and belly, three years old.— Whoever will return the laid Cows to me, nr give information where they miy be found* will be genevoufiy rewarded. It is fuppofed that the brown Cow has a Calf about ten davs old. ELIJAH SPAFFORD. 1 Kingston, 'June 8, l8l2. 30 To be Let^ AND pofleflibn given immediately, the Shop formerly occupied by W. B. Smyth, adjoining Mrs. Stanber's.—Inquire of P. SMYTH. Kingston, %th June* iP 12. 3c//* ■ _ —____i^--------^—-------— ^---------------------------— m- —--------^m &> Pay me what thou oweft ! ■ ALL perfrm* indebted to the fuofcriber for the KINGSTON GAZETTE, are informed that payment mult inevitably be made within a (hurt period ; othertvife difagreable feelings may be becafioned 10 both parties. SIMEON MOIIEY. <$*>tfii-r- June p, !M2. HO Day, K 1 N GSTON: Tuesday^ June q, 1812. Cji ThmlV.ay laft, hcinp the King's Bivth tht Mil'tia of ih«eountv w^reafTcm- bied at this place, and (bowed aO alacrity v\ celebrating the day, joined to ail order and propriety of.conduit, that dees tin.m honor. -—The two fhn]; companies f«>rrntd with the t-o,op-* compofing ihe garrlfon, and 'w\ con- iun/iion with them went thiwijjh the firing and othci rnilitary evqltttions, which they performed with the flea din efa and precifion of old f>ldiers.—The officers of the gnrrlicSn and of the militia dined togotlier at Mr. Ro¬ bert Walker's tf<>tel. Toafti to tlie health of our venerable Sovereign and his illuttriops family were followed by the appropriate fongs of God /itve the A/^fj and Ride Brit' anp'.a ; and the day wta fpent rn thoie effu- fitvns of loyalty whieli our fit nation, and the numerous benefits which have been conferred upon us by his Majelly's Government, nat¬ urally infpirc. ¥Tf 7HEREAS Sarrh PbilJips, my wife, V V i'rfufes to Jive with, nte, the le are there- '- ire i. "loVDW iMi pei,•:"!•>'narDon^;-ortru.i- ing heron my acount, for I will not pay a* nv debts of her contracting after thfsdate. EBENEZEIt PHILLIPS. Erncp Tozun, i tth flfqy* l o r 2. 3C_wj "new goods. TKE fu^fenber has jufl received from Montreal, a ne\v audexteaitve allure¬ ment vt' Dry Goods & G ro cencs. MARRIED, In England, William Weliefley Pole, Efq. (nephew of Lord Wellington) to Mifs Tilncy Lcnp;,ffU'eincd the ricli^tt htfirefe •'" England. Us. ^ Among which are the following articles : Spirits York Stripe Wine Blue Nankeen Brandy Yellow do. ,'>hrub Bandanna Ilandker- Vinegar chiefs Hylon SC Green Tea Cotton Sc Silk d<t. I>oaf and Mufcovado Thread & cotton Ldcc The bnck^ di4(«/ hoViet,&£ whteVinfetVi lace, col upwards of five rhoufand dollars ; and the wedtiing fivors, of filver, which were diftributed on the becafiott, a larger fum ; giving bread and employment lo many hun¬ dreds in their fabrication-—Her neeklneea- lone colt upwards of an hundred thousand dollars—Her fortune fa ellim^ted to exceed eighty thoufand pounds ftcrliug a year, after the deduction of the provifion made tor her mother, Lddy Catharine Long, and her two Biters* Diana and Emma, who were bride* maids. Sugar Coff.e Chocolate Pepper, AUfpiee Sewing Silks Nun's Thread Coloi'd do. Bombazcttc **• iiuilla acd im.;.. Sheeting Brown Holland Ladies Fafhionablc Beaver Bonnets To rnni'F.'.PiN'DFNT'. * Ferdinand Friendly {hall have a place in out next. G- * uig'.r Fi:r Blur o Starch India Cottrna Printed do. Linen & Cotton Cam Common do. brie Men's Fur Hats Lenoand Book Muf-Merifs and YcutVa bus Wool do. Silk & Cotton Shawls Willow do. Shambray Jockey Gfeps Siik and Cotton Vet- Morocco Slipncra vet Leather do. Black Mode Cotton and Worded Black Luteibi^g Hole FalhiouaWe Beaver QIovw " Fefcival. Corduroy Thickfett jean Cutlery & Hardware Glal's, Crockery and Tin Ware THE feRival of St. John the Evangelift* and the Dedication of the new Mafon- ieHall, will be celebrated by the members of Addington Lodge No. 13, at the Vil¬ lage of Erneli Town, on the 24th in ft ant, when an Oration will be delivered. The brethren of neighboring Lodges are refpcclfuliy invited to attend. fk order of the W. M. M. GOODWIN, Sec'y. Ernrfl Twn, Junr tftfa 181 2. Fuftian A!fo> A:-ew eoSeaioa of BOOKS- ' HUGH C. THOMSON,^ jfcaing for Mr. Q^St. .George, j Kingston,May 29, **12- _____2^f Five Pounds Reward* 30 Notice. rlTf "t JJE fubferiber forbids any perfon nr I oerfons pmvh.?fing h»T number t\vo, in th': lull conceffion in the lownfllip of Hope, i; t-ic Diftrift of Ne\vcaftli% from John H. Covcll, as he h'llda a Bond againll the faid John H- Coven, conditioned that he will give him a title for the laid lot, and that lie tliefulifeuber, intends to hold pofTclfion un¬ til he obtains the laid titlr. SAMUEL POTTER. lhj>c, 27th May> \%\2. 20 DESERTED FROM n Recruiting Party of His MajcC- ty's Regiment of Glcngary Light In* fjittry Fcneiblcs, quartered at Kinglton, THOMAS ARMSTRONG, Jmu of the lownfliip of Loughborough* Who¬ ever will apprehend the above Deferter and lodge him in the common Jail ol Kingfton* ihall receive th: above reward of FIN E POUNDS, and all reai'onable expene^s paid. And v.lutuvrr perfon 0\ perfon-. aftCV t!". S public notice, (hall be found hurhnriogor concealing the above named I'HOMAS ARMS fllONG, will be profecuted to the tumult I'gor of t!ie Law. ALEX, ROXBURGH, Capt. Gltugaty Lr. Icfuutiy. 68