Kingston Gazette, June 2, 1812, page 2

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*A the wrong end of the tongs to be made red hot and in this ttate to be thrown into the pot. Du¬ ring this laborious process, he was telling the people who were in the houfe that it was the Devil who "had made the (welling, and that a large company of them had taken up their abode in it, but he advif'ed them not to defpair as he knew Well how to drive them away, and not to be frightened when they heard a prodigious noife which at* ways marked their departure. You know, Mr. Reckoner, that in this townihip we have prodigious rocks which rife above the furfaceof the earth—on one of thefe ridges the houfe Hood, and there happened to be feveral newly emptied pork barrels {landing, at the door. We were waiting in momentary expec¬ tation of hearing the noife, taking our turn of Hiring the pot, which no man could O.and above nine ininutes, when about one o'clock the moll tremcnduoii* noife was 2ieard at the back of the houfe. There, there they go, roared Dr. Thunder—we quaked with fear. At length an old woman ventured to the door, and as the Moon flioiic bright, ihc faw the cauie of the noile. La, Doctor, its not t he De¬ vil, but the two old cuws have got their heads fixed in the pork bar- * iftcy arc tunning about beating them agamic the rocks, trvinor to c;et them off.—TheJage practitioner was greatly mortified, and was forced at length to admit tJmt this cafe was beyond his art. •—But notwithftandincj thi:; folita- ry inftance, he has healed numbers in the mofl eafy and expeditious trarmer, and enjoys a jrsoft exten- fit$£ practice. To fome he gives a draught of water taken from un- tier a bridge of a certain breadth, at a particular hour in the night 5 to others two frnooth tak- vcry frequently fir .—But my cous¬ in has no pain in his fide—That is nothing, fir, his countenance an¬ nounces pleurity ; we mull take feme pounds of blood away before he is reduced to his proper fize.— How long have you practifed Doc¬ tor ?—Many years—Were you not lately in Matilda •? Perhaps you can tell us whether it be move profita¬ ble to practice phylic, or to make boots and fhocs ?—The fellow tur¬ ned pale-^I threatened to profe- cute him, if he did not immediate- |y leave the country, and I learned that he made off next morning. Sir—I do not know whether our Doctor is alarmed at the aceuia- tions of Mr. Friedling, or confei- cntioully juft in all life dealings, but I law a very extraordinary credit in a bill which he lately pre- fented for payment to my broth¬ er—The Doctor had attended the family for fomc time while Fick of a lever ; and during his atten¬ dance my brother's yonngeil lhn had died of the 1'm^U pox. lite item was—Deducted for killing your fon, fix pounds.—What! laid I to my brother, do you com- prortufe matters with a murdi. rer ? Why I was fomewhac ftaitlcd my fclf, but the D-.otor explained fa. • hfactorily what he had not happt- If L.-jM v.ilv_ J, I Kill KliOW ili^L Thoinas h?A been lingering for fomc monlhs—I called the Doclor to -preicrihe for him , during his viiits he introduced the imallpox into the neighborhood; Thomas caught the diieafe from the Doc- tar's clothes, as the Doctor1 him- felf ftippofea-^aiid altho' it was ac- c'dcntak lie is w;ttui£ to make an abatement for flits in his account. Such an adn.eTion oun;ht to con- derail the ruffian to the Gallows. —1 need not add, Mr. Reckoner, how much I abufed my fooiiih bro¬ ther for his conduct, ye nowie- tcrwards wer.t to St. Peterfburgh, he mentioneded the circumRance to Mr. Adams, our ambaf.ador, who exprelled great pleafurc at his fuccefs, observing that he had him- felfbeen delirous of obtaining a model to fend home, but had nev¬ er yet been able to procure one.— The directions accompanying the models being in the German lan¬ guage, Mr. Adams furniihed Cant. T. with an F.nglifh transition of them. p,y thefe we find that about four and ah half cords of wood are conlidercd fully competent for one (rove for a twelve month, placed fo as to warm feveral apartments at once. But the Ruffian rooms being generally much larger than ours, and the winter in that region more fevere and protracted, the confumption of fuel when propor¬ tioned to our rooms and clima'e, would probably be Irik by more than one half, What an aftomimng faving is this, in one of our large towns! The wood mould be light and dry, fo as quickly to bum down to a coal, when all the finuke having palled oil", the damper is immedi¬ ately doled, by which means tiie heat isretained, which *-aflmgthro" various compartment, heats ama'.s of brick that for many hoiU'3 com¬ municates a comfortable degree of warmth to all parts ot the room.— On Cnpt. Towne's return to Salem, lie exhibited his models to the late ingenious mafon, Mr. John Doge, volunteer. Jlavi fnet(Lntly wrltttan *-' eiwsrgeticalsy to the French General* in >,'_.. arre, requtfting they would reduce tie *ii to its true iimiti. I am therefore, mdlfiej ia my proceeding, and could, were it a-cr:u- ry convince the public of the necsfttv of £. prefeaclDscrw : DECREE. Article I. In Navarre, wrr and fat), without quarter h declared a^ainft a!i F.-cxh fnldu-r-, and Officers, including the Eciper;: liimfe'f. 2. The French officers or foldicrs take*. with or without arms, in any acliun, fhaJl be hong* and, in their uniiorms, placed in she high ro=»d$. }. Any olTker, foldi'.-r, or perl.n, of v.-r.aj. ever wltoafllthor fufftmFrench* man to efbipe, (Kail infallibly befcut. a. Ai-v p'-ifon fpeaking 3 ^ain-fti or con¬ cerning tl.i^ decree fnill be {hot, and tbet? property diftributcd among t!;e diviilifo. 5. The li'mfc tn any town cnwhiclta^y Fivnrbnnn is onceah^d, full be bututaiui its iiihalr't'iuts ih'.)t. The Decree probitbits all protlGoos, &e. fiora befiipj * ikcti to Pa'nipeloua, it beinjjdt- clnred in a itate of ficge,nmler pain of death, and that ;tl! pcr&m alter4 pting u en;o: : (ball, vrth Wll ceremony, be tired upon, an!( ifvypunded and v-.k.-n immediately !•/"■-; that nil perfoo« dejrous to qui: tiu- city (b II be received '.vi:!i Ir.imanily hut DOt fcrT: 1 to return; that dclerters, up-n ^iprcacJ.trg our advanced pr.vt:e>, and rr-p ^ti \^ - J- - ted," vnll be piotreted, and foflbed U chooP: *).-:w;v:: t:;c tlrvice of li :' fctO or . • syce 01 trig fe-it to *f; ir <nvn co8>f^y ; t! a wcc-<»y ev.ri'ihr.'i.ji: M i"a puftres is Lnpoied »? » the vchtU •, i -.-; all ihote employed iu iTiHtf* i •-*'•;.• frrifcb (;.«'^..t,\s!.. f ; - crt\ fecprt:.! ,iied to rhe C<»(^ t..'.:' ": - tliey rera 'm theiremfVrmi 1.:-. '•■ - • n »rfou« -'! o Itave left dwclltit^- t*» ' " J 1 place ffcctipjtd by the enemy, do ixr\r, ur?. \y return within the term ni zz 0•• -\ ,r - p;un of-feeinj declared traitors to t\v - . try. 7-hatall Mi^illratcs C\c. •/.:;> ;Vi any'.-iTce'^ t»r notice of tbetn to th-; e-eri;? who was ever eager io fHzfe Oh ;i- ,,m1' he mftUtbly hung ; and thatxheBe:r*? ny improvement of this n^lare. u l'l be *«^ «««ylif:ccn da)rs i[] ai; --^ Mr. 1). by Capt- Towne's pcrmif- i-<m. mimedrately erected one in his own houfe*and wns conilnicc- ]i\z a focond for the Hon. Mr. Put- Given in tl;r field of honor, in ?\a«r?S> ihe \jx\> Dec- 1S11. r rantis JLztoz and Wr; v. riam when he was indolently t.i- ii hv death.—A Iumitomc x.. lo.'n Axil, en from a brook, wJiich they mull tlicr for his conduo:. Qcnowic- \,»te bi c.r/ry in the^r Rands after being is :is dchrotis of pnnini- higneft -veil healed three days witJiont i"g this imnoftor as myfelf—and «****«*» ken oiTbv death.—-A Itanu&roe -/'^7^/> 24.—Ml goes m u r^y one has iniee been bulk in the l.s- bc wtlhcd at Badajcrss. Sir li/. foxBank, t*-6 in ths New South «?■*» Oraliam, with the ift, Cth-i« IMccting-houfc, and otters in pri- 7tu. divifiorts, is .advanced tow-arch \.ite buildine-s. ril anrwcriii'r Uie Zcfr'u General Hill is at Alnte?, ■veil heated three days witliou ■ peaking a word.—The good Doc¬ tor has promifed to communic.i*.- afew of his fecrcts to me, lb that l rhall have it in my power to do you a i'crvice, Mr. Reckoner, fiiould you ever bc troubled with Devils. Youn, CRtDi'Lt'S, TouiJgt County ofLceH.. Sir—Returning from Montreal laft fummer, I Hopped at a little Inn while they were getting a we..--- gon ready, and finding a Ihoenuk- er at work, I got him to few up a imali 5 in in one of my boots. The inan Iiai 1 ?. very bad hare lip, which made him exceedingly confpicu- ous.—About a month ago a Gen¬ tleman callins himfelr a Phyfician came into this neighborhood, and became immediately popular; he was employed in r.ll directions, and extolled to the ikies tor his un¬ common ikiil, and the multitude oi: his cures. A couiin of mine had been lonr- afflicted with a drop- if which had bailJed the flcill of the belt regular Phyficians, and he had for fonie time abstained from all kinds of nicdicinc, but as life is fwcec I advifed him to fend for Dr. RingwcJl, whole abilities were fo much praucd. The Doctor was feat for, and to my great furprife proved to be the very man who had mended my boo: a few months before, lie fcit my coufm's pnlle with much gravity, and pronoun- eed him v« ry it! 01 a pleuriiy, and v rt U ribed idegbottomry.—Pray 3^.- h:l. is it ulealtorPleurctic pa* iiCiti'j to 1: iowvh C\9/cHk<X ?—Q expectations. o we write this to inquire of you how we may proceed, and if it be pofhbic to get the Doctor hanged at the next Court of Afiizc. Yours, VINDEX, ■Na&flftfa FOREIGN [NTELUGKNCE. Pr$tn the Sahrn Gazette. RUSSIAN STOVli. The RulTlan Brick Stove, lately introduced among us by the pat¬ riotic exertions ot one of our fel¬ low toveuliiK-n, Is fail coming into ule, and promifes to be the mof£ cl.'cctual mean of counteractini1: the feverity of winter in our hotvfes, and fiving expenfe in fuel, that this country has ever enjoyed. Tor this molt valuable improvement we are indebted to Opt. .Solo¬ mon Towne, of the fliip Galatea. ■-----He {pent the lait winter in RulTia, where, with many other:; of our countrymen, he witnclkd the cllicacy of thefe flovcs, which determined him if poflible to ob¬ tain a model to bring home for I he benefit of his own country. It was with much difficulty he could find a pcrlon who could make him one. At length he was informed! of an ingenious German Potter, refuling near Revel (at which port Capt. Towne's veflfcl lay) who was in the practice ot making tile forth. ftoves : to him Capt. T. applied, and engaged him, at conlidcrablc expenfe, to make him two neat porcelain models, one f'quarc :un.\ the other circular. When he at Fro;.'. iLc Spanifo Regency Gazcti*3 February :• 2. OntJ'C f lift January, tie gallant Efpns Y ti.v,;\ met; clofc to Luaibcr, v 20 Frw ch, whoitt he eosTvpkldy ,routed, with the lofa c-i 15"oo men in killed or wvlibncrs* I), >-.:■ //".,// ly FrttjirifcQ F'poz T ATh:% 1 lie attrticttitfs ami (canddous uonduS of t!r: (.:,:!.;• ',:. \\U k'-i^J^-n h«s arrived to thf hight.ft t;i" c'n «f iniquity ; conil.-rit in his f My.vt - i uTurpntfoii, he has pisrfucd v. I";T- ti in o: Terror, l.ioofl.aud <]ctt:lbui.m. Mti- ilicr tin: ! ntinurnt.s of UumaniJv, for the: l.i'Vn a-,..dmkted {iMbnr ci\ili/ct5 rmlirarynsi- ticm-s, nor haa Lnc? g^ensroua con<itiot ol the N:;vai ....n vnluntec^s been able to icltnm the *!-:n.-uJnnry a«J (Icfolui'tij French 6cnefals, z\v\ wnniiivc Aiuliontics, Thv ciii-'.s liveui roii!h:rn:itJOTi><;orro"i:ni<in is not to he [biuir! m i-n: viJlnges ; tkit claft and defcripti -:t tit" in* li:il»ita;its txatitrali} rtlpe^ed by n?.'i-.- , has becti no protc^ti^u in tjits ebontry, TI>c I*;iti»;- txiary i& profnaed, at>d m MinBierfl con*lwcl:vd to dungeons fit ptmiflimcnt^ It I:uoipa?iblc to proceed a fin-glu IK-j> \vfthot)t 1:-nrnr- the foci fliuckncailfed by tyiamiy. Navarro 11 tilled with wretchcdncbtUic iHrnentn^ns of it* belt f.iriulsarc inceffant. Fathers have Ic/n tfatti crlMidren hang for their heroic cood'nfl-of dci'-iidinjr the con-ury. Suns have \'c n their r.-then confined in pufi.m fnt 60 ochcr crime! ih.m of being the parent:: of huh valiant (lrfrndtTs- A ipiiit ot* moderation con/If« t< »t vvixh the ;vli;rion, ehatnilcr1 and educa¬ tion of the Navarianb, haarradcthe volun¬ teers ait in n in;:nntT diametrically oppofito to that of the tyrants ; they hay*? llicw .I tlwmfetvea equally tleciliveand bmv« in the fiduol bntUf as huma .c and ceiier-oit.4 vvf.i n th* envtby fiiiTeuilrred. The tahkoftl^e <.l!iii..ii ever been o,:trn 1,< many (.vi",ccr', jiri-SutejT, and iii,- finale i«l 'for In. r^cs"v«! lli- f.n.c i;it'»,-. as the vuhmtcer. M»gi luti . Mn.jor Genera! Si. i ( wtli hi; brigade, is at Villa jH.! p., wlii( li it entered on the : •; in high iplrits ; tho'Jgii tlw^en marched thirty-one diy,,v;-.;. o-. ly two tfoys fialt^yct r,l] t?."cr2 In good coiKii'ion. The enenr-* re- tired before thorn towards LY ::, and Llorena. ?ihip Gncmd\ April 4.—By th Pomona, Captaifl M'Kwctt, which arrived in the Clyde yeihrJy from Ltfiion, letters have been r> cclfcd till theerft ultimo, which mention, tliat tlie fie^eot"Badajoz had coinnT-nced, that the firinj w;^ iau! to nave been opened oa tlie 1;; h at night, l"ttle doubt was entertaiaed of its idling in a fitort Koiitit oi; Europe. Ailviccs iVoin St. Fetjrllturqii, dated on the yl nit. mention that tlie RtxiHaas \w\*c 200,000 foUficr$ on the tvontiers of Poland. Gen¬ erals Barclay de Tolly and Ben- nip ien are expefrcd to be entruitcd v ih tlie principal cotnmriild under yVlv-xrndcr; ivhoitj iaidwillbks ■ tlie iLeld in pc: ion. R.i».-: r:\ March eo-IIis jVTajek ty% rtiips kLbno;vBd"Grii& Jent 111 this afternoon three brgc pra '.' is, v. I, eh they captured Lite niidn oil the French eoi'c between Calais and Boulongf ; it sfttt a brilliant aflair. About iwrlvcvx 11 t-y tbeA^;j.»f ('.no e>:pciicuccJ by nwny and took the three above tnenUoi;-

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