Kingston Gazette, May 19, 1812, page 3

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are awakening . Fanet and L'Ecuyer, havd very ccarlv their complement. The young men move in foiid columns, towards the cnliilingoflicers,\vith an expreflion of countenance not •lobe miltaken.. The Canadians from the rcpo'fe of an age, fecured to them by good irovernrncnt and virtuous habits. Their anger is frcfli ; the object of their preparation ilmple and dif- tin& They are to defend their King, known to them, only by acts of Kimincis., and anativc coun- try long fmce made facrcd by the exploits of their forefathers. YORK, Muv 8, * Thff FoHowtflg Circular Letter has been aiUliriTal to the Ce in:nundiii-r Officers of • * * Militia Revuinntd hi this Province ;- (CikcuLjiaj Tori, l\ih+'j£ritt 1812. Sir Tbepnwcj which h veiled in the perfon admnifflctino the Government by the amended Aft of (he militia, pafled the lull Seffioti of tlu Praviueia] Parliament, of forming two • lank Coinpaiu.. >, to be taken indifcnmiiicttc- h fninj the Battalia*!, bciilg limited lo the o:d ol the Seifion, would almoll dctci me from incurrinc vuhlic expence npon a fyllcm ^liich mud ccafe to operafe bcfoi its utility a:"J eJHcacy can w!1 bo a&mauiec}, ihithei.iguu\!oi:> ai :.!.;* important crijis, to crj^r.i;*caii Armed Force. *&ba vr-w of fcflrtfoj; r'uare c L-cnce.:, and l&cwifc r^de- tadtc»te T pra&ieal eapti;u:cc, the decree Jf iutili:v: w\\\\ wuith'hc Mt'ltla SSaybc (Mined for fervwe ; I have to requcft you to adopt BUMwdfiitC meafmes for forming and coii'plctir.'; from among fu<li men as volun¬ tarily olier lo iVrve, two comtanii s, nol to cxo.ed Cap. Suii. Drum. Serg. R. & r each, i:i the Rej;imet:t under veut Command. Vcu will have the goodnefs to recomrncild twoCaptjin^ whom you conceive the bv(i qualifier] to undertake thh impptrant duty— thi KOin'Hali-vJls of the Subalterns is left to your diicvvtit.ii. quire, to luftruA the Volunteer* in tlfctr du¬ ty. . A charge will be allowed »n your Contin¬ gent Account, at the rate of 2/6 Halifax per day, for each Mop-commifftoned Officer, and \JYi fur each Private, when they are fo enipl iyed.* . One wnti commiflloned Officer and two 1 uvates, it is imagined, will prove fuflicicut *or the tv\o Companies ; and you will take care that tlm temporary aid be no hmjer ie- forted to than the nature of the Service may render ncceflary. C ~j has been appointed f« perform the duties of Adjutant, under ;;. our command :—Should yon find him in¬ competent lo ihe talk, you will feel It your duty to repent the circumllace, from whatev¬ er fuircc it may arile. I cannot difmifs tin's fuhject Without hit* preffing my expectations ihat your knowl¬ edge of the locality of ihc country will ena¬ ble you to make fuch arrangmerits as will give the u'tmoft facility to the attainment of the important object l\\ view, without fubjedt- fngthe men to any material itfeonven'cuce. Coming gcoeroully forward with an offer of their fervtees. they arc more entitled to every conlidciation. * , Mm only the place, but likewite the time the moft proper for the affccnbling ol the Companies or iljualld, will be iliic'tly atten¬ ded to by you.— It is my earndt wifh that the little the men have to learn may be ac¬ quired by way of a paitinic, and not looked upon in the jljjlit ofaniikfomc re fir all) t — 'I'Ik- g'-Mieiality of the Iuliabitants being al¬ ready acquainted with the nfeof the Mniket, have the lels to learn. You may therefore imdei eliding circumdaneo, limit the Parade of tlie Companies to three limes in t&ch Mtjfjth. A little attention nn flic pr:rt (jf »f»C rncn, Will very foon enible y<»u to ledttCc even that £h«rt term of atteudanec. , The cb.itf objett of the Flank Companies, is to Irive euallautlv in readiaei*;. a force c m|)'»l";l of Loyal, B'ave, and Relpe.O.table Voting Mi n, fo far iufliuaeil r!f> 10 enable the GtAtnwfhMiit on any amc r^vney, to eu- giaft portions of the Md.'ihi a^ may be nccciTary, oil a flock capable of )»;iving aid in iortninw them fov Military iervice. TtWour ) mdciiee iwu\ exertion* T confi¬ dently lock, far the ktt.ihmieut of a lyilem Fo t-vicierulv conducive 16 Llfefafecv and trati- I have the bonoi' to be Sir, T' Such other Regiment 3S are conyemVnlVy cujiity uf t'}<e prov{nec- fitttatedin icene Military inilrudbii, fljsw lnv* jit, t»noit.i"itv afforded them ot lhew- tag their ardour In the Public Seiv'ce, v.duch t'b A fiil creating a laudable einulutiou a- mo'ig the difitfent Corps. AJSHed by your zeal, prudence and intel- Il£Uk'C, I etiterlain the pleahng hope ot meet- '*.• . '/ \. Y conudeiahlf fin ivfVt. ;uul of br. iiijjablt tti cllahlillt the lomM policy of reu- (iain- ptrtr,3i!tut to the end of tike prefeht War,1* wfldc of fctory mllru^iM little but- aMiiomctoaudi-.iduaIr, and every way calcu¬ lated to fecure a powerful internal defence 3.r iir.ft holli'e aggreihon. Everypofiiule £:d vvili be afforded by the appointment if fit peifjns to ^fiill you in tiafniiig botli ofTieers and men. Prhucu Rules and Regulations favour future ruidane/, Ifiall be forw arded as foon aspoflibk ; the mod fnnple, and at the fame time the ftioii ufef si moverncuts have been fck&ed for thepraSfce of the Militia. Experience has lliewu the absolute neceiTi- tv of adopting every poffihre piecaotiun to jprcfervc in a proper Itatc the Arms iiTned to tli-rMiiiti;i, and ofguardhg againft the lieavy dcfalcattV^ that have heretofoie occur¬ red. For which purpofe you are authorized to jicpare one or more Depots, in fituatioub the moll fafe and convenient i'oi affemhling and drilling the rnen by fquads, gild where the Aims are to be lodged after each day of exer¬ cise. You are allowed to charge i'1 your Contin¬ ent Account, at the rate of Five Pounds yearly for every Twenty Mufktts iflucd for theufcof the Men ; which ("urn it h expeft- *<1 wiil prove ample to defray every e\pence ^Ikteping the Armr, and Accoutrements in 2v-jmukte ftatc of repair. inc arras and Accoutrements now in poli«ii:on of the Militia, havim'been direded *MK delivered into Store at the nearcfl Mili- ^yPoit, application will be made to the "*te?i Lommanduig, for the number of each wantiiig to compleie the roui atlnatly euga- N to Carve in the Flank Companies ; and Uk oficer lias been inilrttdled to comoly wi;!i ; Vour Nfoll Obettient Hnnihlc Scrvanr. (Stgrrird) ISAAC BROCK, M. G. & Prcfidt-nt. O Jtiljutant Genfrat'-t Offitfi Tori, 2(ji/.< April, iHi2. As it is not ascertained whether Oovernincnt will provide Cloth¬ ing for the Militia, for which ap- p!i( atidn has been made, His Hon¬ or the Prelicicat recommends, in the event of any portion of them being, in the mean time, called in¬ to the Field, that for their own convenience, as well as the benefit of the .Service, each Man, as far as his circumllances and iituation al- >ov.'5, will provide himfelf with a Short Coat of fome dark colored Cloth made to button well round the Body, and Pantaloons fuitcd to the Seafon, with the addition of a Round Hat. It is very deli- rable that as much uniformity as poHible be obferved in providing this equipment, which will benefit the Public Service, and be equally fit for Private ufe. It is alio recom¬ mended to the Officers on every occallon when in the Field, to drels in conformity to the Men, in or¬ der to avoid the bad confequencc of a confpicuous Orefs. 7ENEAS SHAW, Adjutant General Militia, U. C. laved both to Candidates and Ek&ors.— The cJnufV is as follows : " Provided always, &c\ that no perfon tf (hall be capable of being elected a Mem- " her to fervc in either of the faid AfTcmblies, "or of fitting or voting thereto, who (hall " be a member of either of tl.c faicl Legifla- *' tive Councils to be eftabliihed as aforefaid *' in the laid two Provinces, or who fliall be 44 a Mini iter of the Church of England, or " a Miniller, Priell, Ecclcfiallic, or Teach- 4* er, either according to the Kites of the " Church of Rb'Tie, or under any other " Form or ProfefTiou of religious Faith or 44 Worfhip." . The terms here iifcd are plain and compre- henfive, and fcem not liable to be mifappre- licnded. A Teacher under any Form or Fro* fffioa of religious Faith or IVorfln^ is cxprekly declared jiifapdhk of being cLelccL—The mode of his Ordination or Appointment, or the Authority under which he afiume* this char¬ acter, u wholly immaterial. His being in Fact fueh a Teacher tmogi him ivitbiij the provifions of this claufe. No perfon of this defcripiiou lias any bufiireU ontBE Hultings, and the electors who fltppovt him will only throw away their votes. Whether the fe£t of deuo'uinauun co which lie belongs^, <r fa Slot, recognized oreftabiiihedby Law, makes no dilTerence. Teadiers «>f every religious denoiulnaiion aie excluded by words as plain and pjlitive as language can exprefs, and no perfon Lieitlg fuch a Teacher can be returned as a Member of the Hotife of Aflernbly v/^th- oiic a maniiclt violdtinn of Law. How far thti provffiotl js wife or proper may be mat¬ ter of ipecu^tion ; but it is impoflible fur the moll ingenious Caiuiftry to draw any other couclnfion eiflicr fruA) the Spirit or Lotter of the Lawo IIAWKINS, (J what a (titiiie ovarii! wn //, ' iiroii!J care anelpniii arul felnep fj'ttre tt} And man s exert tuns vain ihat merit il'Luhtley dt]<rhc\ OF the numerous croifei which irnhitt^r human life, few are men- felt, than the mit- repreffntacions to which one conduct are lo often liable ; and was it nor that tluy arc blunt-il by conleious reititude, the wound would be tleep and galling Even th.oiV ac¬ tions which F{i-ung from tta pttYeft lonrce, are frequeutlys by iilibcraliTy, by ipiorancc, or by dcligii, pervciifcd from thr- true end whicli incited tl.C/n. I'he friendly ad of ad- vice, of ail others, fcetns molt fubjed 10 theie f.»H"e imputationSj and from this caufe, is, probably j fo feldi-m efHcaeious. W.itdd men, however, rellect <^ft/ner upon its bene¬ fits, mftead oi tVarelifng itdhioUve, it myut then bcGotne really ttleful. Self knowledge lias ever hc^n recommen¬ ded as a certain m< ans ot gtovvhij{ daily wi- i-:r, and itr. advantage is univnlaliv allowed. To aihit thofe, \vh *, fcciti not r.t all lutcly to arrive at this knowledge themlclvc^ mult thctcfuic bt- renderlntr dfesn an iiscttuYi^blc Public Audi on. ON Wednefday, the 20th init. in *fr. Walker's All'embly Room, wfll be fold at Public Audb'on, a quantity of Britifli Goods, Confiding of blue, black, drab and brown Cloths, Hrip'd Cottons, plated Furniture 5c Velvets, tine Toilone't3, Shawls, Handker¬ chief, and Thread, cotton Lawn, Cafa&nc, Irifh Linen, Coverlets for beds, &c —F.ike- wife, ready made Cloth, j, fuch as Pea Jack- ets< Fluhhing Jackets and TrtfwFcra ar»u blue Jackets andrTrowfers—iJ>The fale to com¬ mence dt 11 o'clock, and to continue till the whole is fold. JOHN BARLEY, JuBimictr. Kingston, l8A5 Mdy, 1812. Frefli Goods. "O WHITNEY has juft recaved Cct- • ton Shirtinir, Cotton Chambrav G:r.r- hams, Black Cambrick Laces,. Cotton Checks, Men's Beaver Gloves, Women's White Cotton Hofe, do. black Woiikd do. Men s White Cotton do. White and color'd Threld>, Blown Ho lands, Drab Brunhvick Cord, Blew Rib'd CafTimere, Ofnaburghs, Romal HandkerchiVf;—Alfo, Rum. Pep¬ permint Cordial, Biown Sugar, SnufF and TobaccOj Pepper and Allfp-ce. Kingston, 1 Stb March, 1812. 27 Notice. ANY" perfon making proof of being H,;r to the Elcate of Chriilopher Sooperv cf Marylhurgh, deceafed, are defired to cv>::tc fonvaul PETER COLLIER. AlarY/jur^h, t<)t/j JlLyf 1S12. ^7 ' SHERIFF'S SALE. lervi. e.f at^d the oblt^tiun mull be prjpor- tionate to the value ol the accjUiYuion. oal- utaft? advice io the moll ePAclual rrfeans .)f affording this afiiilancc ; and when confined within the bcunds of moderation lliould he received vvitll candor, for that mufl be an ael ot real frtendflup which leads to the founda¬ tion cd" every thine llwt is ^reat in man. But left you third: Iam tmeitnh To plague you ivh& thh drafting drrvs!, Alntri*'^ a* intentions evil\ I quat my pet:. VJNDEX, Midland DijhicU 1 T? Y vii tue of a Writ of to zbit ; § X.y Fieri Facias, ifTucd out of IVi* M?iel}y'b Court (if Iving'5 Bencli, at the fuit of Thoma3 Maryland, of ihc towii of ICingftoii, Efquire, againft the lands and tc n.vmeiiti of Alhael Biudfliav/, oft!., townfhip oi Eredericklburvh, yeoman, to rr. ; directed : I have lei/ed and taken in execu¬ tion, as helcmgmg to the faid Alliael Brad- (haw, Lot numUtr iweuty-four, in the feventh. conceffion of the tovvnfh»'p of Loborougb^ conta hi.Jg by rfdmcafurement two hundred acreii, be the lame more or lefe. I do here¬ by oive notice, tint the ahoVt mentioned lot u* Land will Le fold and adjudged to the bijjheft bidder, at niy office in the tovvtl of Kingllun, on the twemy -Icveuth day of Jan¬ uary next, at the hour cf ten of the clock iu the foimoon, at which time and place tits CHARLES STUART, $h:rfr And every pcrli-.n or perform having cluir i on ti:e above defcribed lot of land} by mcri- i?*0* (il ol':':r Hgh-tor iucun.brancc, arehcic- liv advefttftd to jiive noUct lo the f:ii Sher- }['.*, at Ins office in tli^ to *-;u of KuigUon, pr- - viouft to the faJe ihertof. ShcriPs Ojfi&i ty/fj May, i m 2. s.7 Att s en t ion ALL perfon* indebted to the fuhferihcr, whole Nuies and Accounts have be¬ come duc9 are requclled to ca!i 2nd lettle the fame without dJay, otherwile they may cx- peft to Jind them in t!ie hands of an attor¬ ney tor collection. DANIEL KiNGSBERRY. Napa fie millsA May 12, 1S12. 37^ §6 TO CURRhSM.MJEM I . * Frohus* mult rxcufe us for the non-ap¬ pearance <>f hi\s eflay—the rejfon is obvious. Ir>ilru6live commuuiealions from * Cenfor' will be thankfully received. ' Lucid' (hail be attended to next week. vour re.v KINGSTON : Tuesday, May k;» i3i2. To the hide pendent El eel or s of the County of TrotUcnctC. Centi.emen, HAVING had the honor to Repre- fent v U in two fuecciFive Parliaments, 1 a- crain make you a tender of my Services, and beg leave to folicit your votes and interelt at the enftiiug elt&ion, I have the honor to brf Gcntleroen, Vour Mo.'t Obedient And very Humble Servant, ALLAN MacLEAN. Kingston. \8th Jlfay, i& 1 2. 0'Qfution to the Public BY the att of the Provincial Legillncure/ pafled 9th March, 1H04, ;*.;.y perfoa direiViy or indirectly prevailing up Oil, ptocuy riiig, perfuiding or encouraging any loldiec to defert, is to be ccwnmittfd to jail for fix months, and may alfo be adjudged to piy For¬ ty pounds, and if net paid, to be publickly ■whipped.—Perfons harboring* concealing* receiving or alliilin^ any difcrtcr, fliall foi- fefttwenty pounds, and it not immediately paid fliall be committed to goal for three months. 25 4VV For fak by iht fuhfcrihn\ Three SCOWS. RICHARD SMITH. |»oi revTmiif.on upon your [igntng duplicate -AVCC4Hta> "1|- of which is forwarded to '■,', Q^^-^rs, that you may become refpon- *•« tor the Aarticlei deHvered to your or- ™\ Auac lame tiW, the rfloft liberal •:,i:'ii.:.i-.:i v.dhc 'riven t» any irprefctrt ■ ., 1-u'-'<- -Z i,,r '"eh contingencies aa a ta¬ re '•;? fcrvses*. f *"'•'• OiT. xt m Command of ihe Ganifon of .. # ' iia-bec:idiKdedti)fiiiiii!li •;';' w'tn ; •--« rici-.-c^mmHUoned OiEcera and .;«** • r-.rr.:,.. R«;g..:3„asv.h« niav re- C G M MINICA 'I ItfH &■ Mr. Editor, AS it is now officially announced that our Elections are to commence veiy fliortly, it may be doing a fervice to.the Public to hi- fert in your paper the twenty-fit (I elaulc of the Ait of the thiny-fnit of the King, that it may be moie generally known what def- cription of perfonsare by Law excluded from a feat in the PJoufe of AfTcmbly ; as much mmeceiPtry trcuble may perhaps be thereby Blank Bills of Lading for falc at the Gazette OfHce. Wanted, A JOURNEYMAN CWf J4.R I one who rvnderliaoda hisbuiintts perfectly. Libera' wagc-s will be given.—Inquire of BENJAMIN SllAl'/y ftf the Nnnane CHARLES SMYTH, OFFERS for fale oil moderate terms, a very cipital lot of Land in the lecond conceflfcou of lvingllon, a.J miles from to\m, containiog o;.e hundred acre^, about twenty of which are cleared, and well fenced.— -*:.•• feveral otlur trails of tWO hundred acr^.t each*in thtf townihips of Rawdon, PortlAod and Elmfley.— Litttcrj}* an excellent porii^ bleCopying Machine, with brafo Cylinder^ in a Ma'horonv Cafe, vvtU fecuMci\tk^tbfa& baud.;. fttZgitWi Iff' I Ah i?ia. «3 K- 1

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