Kingston Gazette, March 24, 1812, page 3

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tldci of the Bntifh goveomcnt to¬ wards America. The articles ex- traded from the National Intelir- cancer, corroborate the taft fen- tence of* the above. On the whole, it is now fettled that the news by • i . »r,iclIe;ihK% uiou^n not 10 it is now fettled that the news by V^uw .1.- ;i :rlorio\is ;:*l.uiU,\vhi!<; the Conftitution is unplcafant to ^iVnirfny^* attention had been theadniinillration. Itisnotprob- n. i W hv Gem* Tack's pretend- - frMe that the Hornet will bring any V |» • I of bv CJtffc. rscfc s prercna- - i?dic mat tne nornet win onng any cyVtt;ll-l..,' and carried it at the thing belter*—Repertory. 1',:"[ oi the b.iyonet. Gun. Craw- It is laid that no change had ta- I •[& Oen. VandHcur are woAu- ken jflaefc in lingbnd at the time ,\'| " y^-j n;lve not Io{* many men. the (Jonltiiution left that country of a favorable character. The del- patches of Mr. RufTel, however, are muierliood to be of old date, and moitly duplicates. dc.,.vj our ThVFrench Go\ crnor ot'this place, ami the who'e of the p;arriibn that j our bayonets., are made prifoncrs. Tins' is a triumphant dok ot'tlie campaign. Ivlarmont i<i:ik! to be iiill in motion: but as km as heheaxs of this event, it is expected he wiB make a ret- ropnule movement." Cvihi Ri'dW^o, is a town of Spain in die tftvfjacc! wf Ltoo, fit mite on the river Au- piaU f.'ity miles S. VWlt of Salamanca, ti.J.M fi <>-n Almicdst. It »> oii the fron- dT.on'o'.tngil-. about 170 mile; from Lil- bon, : Hiu-,.;"iy t"?r:ilicJ, had command", the bali r'oa. Po-t-.i-ai to Eiliumadtna m Spni-.v, —Ti.--c.!;'Mir-' ut't!:i. place is thought to be 01" r.rv :;u-n HMportancVi as it was the only i'..r-.i'ii,J j-'accin that quarter in the hands of. i!k Ii.'ticii, YF&6 carried off. Vv'iirn we confider tti=*t our country fwarms with Inch vagabonds an are" here mentioned, who will attempt any tiling however defpeiate, it is hi'gKly improper to drpofit any foxed goods in private ware-Itou- fcfl 5 they ttuglit to be put into his Majefly's ftorcs where guards are placed over them, which would operate as a check to fmuggling. In fact, if different mvafbrcs art not purfued by the Cuftom-Hoiife officer!-, the clbbliih- inent will become alinolt nfelels. We are huppy to fee that Mr. Henry has offered a reward of 200 dollars, and we firtcetely hope that this hand Tome fnffli will produce ad:T- coveiy of 1 he villains fa that they may be made an example of. KINGSTON : Tuesday,, Mjat// 24, 1812. . London, Jan. 11.—In the late difafterous wreck of" a part of our Baltic liiuadron we lament to Hate that not lefs than 2000 of ourcal- lant feamen have unfortunately periUied. ■ CTj-All tlxe rtbettl advices from Europe concur in rendering it very pr.>bablt that be¬ fore this time, a peace has been fettled be¬ tween IimTia and Turkey ; and is probable t!iat hollilities will loon commence between Rufluand F^ncc. March r r'.-vr Li .\ JIMI.I lavement,—Capr. Ira- v:-, of the iclir. Jolin and George, who arrived at this port ycftcrday, i\)rt-au-I*i iiicc, informs tk&t (,n the izih February, off Cape Nit. hob. Mole, he was boarded from the Britifh brig Fire-Fly, then in company with three frig¬ ate* and a bi L«£ having in tow one of the Emperor Chriitophe's frig¬ ates, a prize to Sir James Lucas Too, command-: of the Britilh frigate South Hampton, which he had captured after a defperate en¬ gagement. The battle lofted two hours and an half, in which Chrif- tophe's frigate loft in killed and •u-uur.dcd 303 men. They were proceeding to J.bmaica with their prize. Lstcft from England. Fr;rn the Baltimore FttL-rnl Republican. Mr. iMiillin, a reipectabe and in¬ telligent gentleman who arrived a day or two ago from Cadiz whence he had failed about the 16th Jan. Itates tint thelcareity of provitions was fo great in Spain, that the French armies will be compelled to evacuate the country. Fr.jrn the 'Qg&qfimrgh Palladium. Mr. Printer—I have with trrcat pkaiiirc read JMr. Porter's hold and intrepid plan for taking Canada. As I am a difciplc of Mr, Porter's I feel a ilrong inclination to afford him any hints that rnay facilitate the exhibition; As Mr. Porter lives on the confines of Canada, I am a little turprifed that the idea I am about to fuggeft, ihould not have occurred to him particularly, as the invafion is to he made be- Mr. Editor, IT is malter of furprife to your friends that you fliould \i\ your lift paper, have in- ferted fo erroneous an account of the Militia Law ; and the rather as it would have been eafy for you to Have obtained correft infor¬ mation on the Cubjett- The Guardian, from which you have copied, h very had author- itjr- ... % The Militia Law provides, that two flank companies (hall be formed from every Bat¬ talion, which arc in no cafe to exceed one third of the number of men in fuch Battal- ioh. They are to be cdmpofed of fuch 3s do not exceed forty, years; add thefe com¬ panies are liable to be called out fix days hi every month to be trained and cxeitrifed un¬ til they <h;tfl have acquired a fuflieient de¬ gree of expertne&* Whtte k is not conve¬ nient to aflemble the whole company lo iVe- quently, it is provided that they may be dril¬ led in fquads or divilions. The men who console thefe companies arc, while they be- lt)jtjr to the v., exempt from performing Stat¬ ute labor on the Hijh Ways from Ibrving as Jurors and from difcharguig any parochial office j and are not liable to be arrelUd for debr. It is inundfd tint thefe cnmpanJfes (hall be the firft employed on actual fervice ; and they m:iy be marched to ;my part of the where the Prefident Ih-atl think then be ncceiTarily limited to the fjpfincfn a* bout which he is nfually employed."—Ob. f«*rving that thm fine fpeech made little Jrn- priifTi >n upon hia auditors, and that they wtte bent upon fcleftin^ people whofc fit na¬ tions he thought rendered them incompetent to fcondtift their bufinefs in the LcgiilaMire ; t!ie OratOT apparently quitted the fuhjeCt. and called out to trneof the company, ••John! when can you come and make a new door for my chamber ? my old one will no longer hold togethci."—" What fhould 1 know of making dooiV cries John pettifhly ; " 1 never handled a plane in my life ; but if you writ a pair of /hoes, I am your man."— Then turning to another, " well Henry," faidbc, uwhen can you call m4 tske my meafurcfor a new coat ?"—f* What do you take me for ? reph'cd Henry, *' My trade is that of a carpenter, and I could an loon fly as make a coat."—" What, neighbor Ste¬ phen V9 cried feme of the crator's acquaint¬ ances, " are you mad : You know John find Henry well enough ; and how cai) y>u think. of employing them fo much out of their rel- pedive lines of bufinefs 2"—" Why furc'y nei^^hbors,,, faid he, "there is nothing in this more mad or abfurd than what you are going to do—who are about to employ a Blackfmith to hammer out Laws for you, and a.Taylor to patch the Conltirution.M— The Angularity of this illullratiou of his ar¬ guments feemed to make lnme impreifion at the time, but whether it ivas attended with any permanent eiledt I am nor able td fay.— Be that a^ it may, the (lory is too good a one to be loll ; and it may afford iifehil hints to Electors even on our own fide o'c Lake Ontario. T. CRABSHAW. Bills pnjjul $jt£ Se/Jion $*h Previa- did Parliament. • r v ««».•»«r"- ir:- t*"' .ri"T,:fi'-'T7,:;:-',': tore *w ice breaks up, hf..; ko'iuJ ;>t Now-Yoik in 44 days fiow Onc of thfi impcuimcMits wliid rlv„HM.tit, Englnnd. Thefe papers contain j ^ fcarfu| ^gj interrupt t]l l„,t Kttlc news of momeitf. K„ nf.Mc change had taken place m the Ki,,,^ health. Orders in Council Hill con- nmk. Parlia-nent had paifed a vote of t].v.bto Lord Mintoand Samuel AmcIi- mfltv, for their Ipirftd exe.lions in the Ea(t. The lierv rehtfUwn in l>«hliu iteme to have eudedlh fmofcfi. _ There was a great meeting at Cork on t,»e 6th January, to petition Parliament relative to the Catholic quedion, which it was ex¬ pected would he agitated at an early day in that My.-—No recent captures of American vis under the Orders in Council had taken PI p«* France and Ruma. London dates to January II, reprefent, that a new war on the continent appeared to be iif,ng—thatthe Emperor of Ruflia, while he was negotiating with every profpect of fuccefs for a peace with Turkey, had order¬ ed a levy of Ico,ooo men to reinforce his ar¬ mies, and that Bonaparte had followed it with a rival order for calling 20,000 con- foiptsof the year |8l3 ; and further that the latter had been making preparations in the interior of Poland for annoying Ruffia, while the works and magazines formed at Dantzic feemed to defignate it for a grand na¬ val and military ftation, whence to overawe the north. Bonaparte, il was faid, had o- peoed feveral port* to a limited trade with England. Notice had been given Parlia¬ ment, of a motion to be made the firft Tuef- day in March for a repeal of the Union with Ireland. FRANCE AND ENGLAND. h pt the inarch of our troops, is the debth of fhow which is how upon the ground. To obviate the incon¬ venience of thisj I would recom¬ mend to Mr. Porter, to bring in a bill, authorising the Secretary of' war to employ all the Squaws of the fix nations to make Snow-fhocs —This will not only give employ to our red Sifters, but it will add much to the comfort of the troops, and fave their wallowing up to their hips through the fnow. This may be a feafonable hint from a great admirer of'Capt. Porter. SOLOMON QUIZ* Montreal, Felntarjf 2gx DARING ROBBERY. On the night of Saturday or Sunday lafta pang oflawlcfs villains forcibly broke into the (lore of Alexander Henry, Efq. and rob¬ bed it of 34 chdbofTea. which had been formerly feized by the Cuftom-Houfe Offi¬ cers as fmuggled property. The manner in which they entered the llore, deferveH des¬ cription ; and proves that the burglars had been previoufly Well acquainted with the premifea. Thcy'firft penetrated into the neigh- boring yard of Mrs. Lacafs—entered the ft able where a wooden partition divides it from the garret of Mr. Henry's (lore. This they broke;.through by boaiing an upper and lower line.of liolc* with an auger exaftly Ptovime their f rvices moic icquirrl. I*"* '" t',i'* jiartieuhn they do Hot at a'l il'lfc fnntl any detachment of the n'.ilitia tlmt might be cal¬ led out under the former Law ; and moth¬ er lefperts the additional time to be Ipent in learning their cxereife feems to be pretty well compeni'aud foi by tlw exemptions they vv.ll bnjoy- This Law will donhtlek footl be puolin^- 'ed, and in the mean time tile particulars a- bove Hated may be f.itisfa'tory tn the pub¬ lic, who may rely on their bring cotwCL Vne "fyour Subjcfibers \ • • • • To the gcnlfahrttt 1110 fdvorsa us &$£& ioi above communiratiotu till* return cur Jutccrc thanks ; ami ojfisrc fmtt$ that wmtuver an er~ roncfanjlitftnunl ouiy hunfocrlemly find its way into the Gazelle, il is done ignorantly and mt intentionally* In Copying the paragraph above alluded to from the Guardian* and knowing that its Editor ivas a weather of the Iloufe* we had t)ot t!'.° leaf fufpicioh cf its being ineotteH ; not fuppofuln it p*flible% I hat a Alan and a Legi/lti- tor could bef> bafe* [0 wicked\ as to dflttrb the peace and tranquillity of the loyal inhabitants of this Province, by giving publicity to an article which would naturally lend fo much to difffect th^ir feelings towards the bcjl of Governments. r. An a& to provide fur the purchale of the Statutes at large, and other Books for the ule of the Legiikunre of Upper Canada. 2. An ad for applying a certain fum of m >ney therein mentioned to m ike good cer¬ tain monies tffued and advanced through \\\x Miijelly through tlte Lient. Governor, \\\ ptitfitaQCeol uti add reft vt'ihc Houfe of At- fembh'. J. An ael forgrantinn to His MajeAy a certain lumofnvney forthcufc of (he Mili¬ tia oi tins Piuvinee. 4. An a£t to alter the manner of paving Surveyors \\\ certain cafes. 5. An ad to continue lor a limited time the Laud CommhTmn a£L (u An n€t to provide for the appointment of Ri-'turninor Ofiiceis. 7-/ ot delerlers in this Province. 8. An aft to prevent damage to travel¬ lers on the h'ghvvays in ttyfa Province. 0, An aft fur the better a^ulvap>^fth Militia of this Province. IC. The Roao aft, fox granting a certain fum of money for amending the fame. ? I. An act t > encourage the growth and cultivation of Hemp in this Province* \\\ aft to encourage the apprehenfion Carrefywidtnts*—* Tyro' is received, but as his fubje& may not be fo intcreliin^ to the greater part ot our leaders as fame other topic, we mud decline publilhing it. * &iba" inadmiffible. DIED) At Montreal, the 24th February lafW Mr. Jofeph Finch, of the Field Train Depart¬ ment, Royal Artillery. Our correfpondent at Warning- paraira wtfi each other, driving in thejnter- »^~ j j r-r-'L • r mediate fnace. and tlius makinc laiticient ton, under date of Feb. 2 5 informs mea,atc ]Pacc' * u JJ. ... . 1 r room for a cheft to pals. Wiin an 11011 ctow, us that private letters trom orfomc fllch i„ftrument, theywifed three of France of refpc&able authority fiate that war between the Empe- ror of Ruflia and Bonaparte is in¬ evitable. It is reported that the Prince Regent has declared {.hat, no cha«^ wiU take fa the CM* the floor planka—then got at the Tea, which tan not yet been difecvered or heard of. From the nature of the labor, it mult have taken a dozen hardy and experienced rogues full ihiee hours to complete the atrocious tallc, Some weeks ago, a llmiiar game W88 plftvelst Ls^fatlis wtieo lp cjjelis olTca For the Gazktte. Mr. Editor, DURING an excurfion which 1 made ill the courfe of the lall year, into the State of New-York, a little before the eleftion for their Afl'embly men came on ; I fell in com¬ pany with a pretty numerous collection of people who were attending to a man of a grave and rcfpcflable appcaiance, who was giving them advice refpe&ing the choice they were foon to make of perlons to repre¬ fent them in the Legiflature. " Choole," faid he, M a man of edtrcation, efpecially if ho have fome experience in public bufinefs. Rcf- peft for his own characier, and the honora¬ ble principles which are the natural giowth of a cultivated mind, will make him anxious to difcharge properly the trull committed to him ; and the enlarged and liberal views which his knowledge will enable him to take of the affaiis of the public, will qualify him to lender you important fervices.—An ig¬ norant man cannot take a view of the con¬ cerns of the State fufficiently comprehensive to enable him to difeern what will be gener¬ ally or cxtenfively ufeful. Little local con¬ veniences and partial expedients are all that he can afpireat. In every affair of import¬ ance he mull rely on the judgment of oth- er8><and muft give hia affeut or diffent with . out having any correft idea of the maU^j. Jn queftion, or knowing whether he i» n'<rht or wong. Thi" -mu(t be move particularly the Wl^j !.,ou\d liffl avocations have confined him to the w-kHnp; r.j'his ^pewchee tnutt TO be Told by the iuMcrilxT- a Town Lot in Quarry Street. Wa P. PATRICK. March 33. 19 w% To be Let, AND poiTtfilon given the fifteenth day of April next* the Houfe at prefent occupied by Mr. George Oliver, Black- frpith. Inquire of the fubferiber. RICHARD GARTWRIGHT. March 14, 1812. 18 *^mm^^^^^ •" ^^^—^m^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^m^m^m wm^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^"^^^^^^»*rt To Clothiers. THE fubferiber informs the Clothiers that he cre&s Muclunes for Shearing Cloth ; the utility of Oncm are fuch that tluy are worthy ever*; workman's notice j a boy twelve years o'.d can tend them. They perform the woi^ uf Sheaving in a neat man¬ ner, and will mear f,xty yawa in onc hour ; they are fioX liable to r.ot the Cloth» or to get 0V\ of repair. T'nc pr-ice of them is one nuP."dred dollars; there will be a ceduftfon to thofe that r^\y the ca(h down. Tiiofe Clothiers who wifh to purchafe Machines, will apply to the fubferiber, in the town of Hope, Did.i€t of New Callle, and Province of Upper Canada. ELIJAH HIGLEY. - ti'otic. ffltrd 11 j 18 i 2. 1S 3 v

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