Kingston Gazette, March 3, 1812, page 4

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V ' ror.try. > r—"lit the diforder. V* KM THT HM.ilvN <■ A JET 1 1 • Ob JtJgff F* • 4 V, «,"//■• /?■:•; gf £*»#• ** * r.l frcftr.t re/idln- "i h.r-sion. TOVr.*" confer! once tc Whim came, And thus ;'s'i] tt.f Cyprian dame : Pallas and vki mull bolh fubaiit The pt'trx of beaut)' and of wii ; A mortal WTj?i:i f'> «!ot"s "u,u' In cv'tv CNcdUnc? divfirej Hif beauteous face IS heavenly fair, _ Her Icote flttfaMttn* : fw«t! Iter air. Savs Vc:is, let U* .,">,and fee Tile nvmph no earth that ri*sil« me; Whra'VcMisf her, rn fuipn'fc On hrr mc fix i :rr Mdiaiit eyes, And faid to Juno, all that you J live told me I conftfi is ttue ; \Vit ftl»«es In er'ry word flu- f;iys, Each feature has enchanting grace , I will no more difputc the pri/e With her, fur face, or fhnpe, or eyes And to the world it fhall be known, Tbat Tisher fits on Beauty's throne ! STRF.I'HON". For the Gazette. * • Video morss mulwrtim II'murium. Yit. Epitor, Bring in company the other ^veninc, •.he gCn^il tnpJc of convcrfation fell upon Sandy and Flora, when a Lady expreffed hcrfe'f in the f llowinj; vmnfa (and tho1 it nay not he thought the bdl poe'ry, there ^crtaitilv i-tft»mc iuttiiefd in the remarks.) — Ifj-OO Irave a vacant corner in ymir paper, Vojjfd oblige An OhsEKvtu. + U><& "ftir&ui wr I.rum to write far nfr\cnd% Jiut i!&eutt WtrJs in her lints flc/hould l/laid ; j$>ilhvc-fmlttm Sandy I think was to l*hme% * - —_- It tU %hd «■■/ mum IJ'tra, /<> mention !>tr name* -■/ / .y./y's rrame Zhou?// t*e tenderly tts*u% .^nJ "V-r frtyfli loi't hcr% ht f&wltt not af'ttfc----- He (aid alltlx awrms were Flora's alonef And tme he confljls more Flora's than one ; fiutfr her beauties* /'// have him In'JIUU For he can't male her other wife, fay luhut ht 1 lie kind kearted Laura liar! lettergivtlort$ For if I Ktsat Flora I'd anfnuer w> more* MORALITY. A HI*T TO THE FROKANE SWEARER.. Mr, Editor—There came to my t tofe the other day, a 'j&v/ig perfou who had in every refpeet the appear* ante of <i gentleman, lie pretended to be my friend^ end fpoke to pic v/itb *reai lindnefs* But what ws$ very jhipular^for a gentleman^ and one pre- tending to be my friend too, hcflruek vie upon my head with his cane two or three times, and after each offence he "eery politely ailed my pardon.— Nov? 1 vijhy J:r> to ajk the public^ tbrii* pur paper* whether I fhall con- fidt r this treatment as defined to he an infuli) orjhjfl I confider the perfm as dejiitute of his rxafon f . . MONJTOK. MISCELLANY. Fcr the Kingston Gazette- days ffie was totally blind ; her whole body one bile. She is now fomewhat recovered, but_ her face isfofloftons runniBg into each other, and the pitta are very deep -her eyes are bloodihot, her flan dark, and in truth flic is totally RECKONER------No. 52. Fidis * tntJUu ? TO THE P.ECK0XF.R. SIR—Without moral principles early implanted in the mind, a- malgamated with every train of thought, and embracing every profpect there can neither be hon¬ or nor a fenfe of honor, for he that requires the fpur of the civil law to terrify him into juilice will not lcruple to deceive where the law is lilent. Nor will he trouble him- felf with measuring the great ex¬ tent of the evil with the magnitude of the reward, he will be fatisfied with finding that there is no ftat- utary punifhment. Among the moft prominent vices ariiing from the want of principle, in the pref- cnt arge, prefumption takes the lead. No man is willing; to be thought ignorant even of thofe things which he has had no oppor¬ tunity of knowing, and fo far does this prefumption proceed that men c r ..._,.* *i.« ,.*....>i-..u<*. For twclv arc daily found afiuining profefr fions for whicli they have never made any preparation. I fpeak not at prei'ent o* lelf-ordaincd prea¬ chers, who come round filling the beads of the ignorant with the moft hateful fuperftition, because their ignorance and folly at length appear fo confpicuous, as even to fliock their o\\x\ followers, but I fpeak of a kindred profeflion in which the ihipitlity of the practi¬ tioner is not fo cafily detected* My family, Sir, has been plunged into the dcepeft diftrds by a prc- trnder to Ilivlic, who preferred a .......- — - . . . . SSr £**& to the liv« of many been produced through the w ck- Sfffi (Mow creatures. Mycldelt ednefs of dm, who daughter, Mary, about fix weeks , _ Sad one Jthe fineft complex- lives of many children, who h n e ^Syoii ever faw-fme eves, a fallen vichms to the «ftaft»«lu molt'beaut i'ul head of hair, and her perfon tall and (lender. Had it not been for one finall defect flic mult, have been a perfect beau¬ ty. But this defect (polled all her charms and rendered her dilconfo- latev A vile tooth grew ftraight , out of her mouth, and protruded pa* punifhea as a crime, and mo.t the upper lip fo far that it appear- juftly ; it is a plague which was ed a kind of fhade or umbrella for wont to fwecp away one twelfth giflative provihon tint dial] rc^, dy this increafingcvil; any cx^rn.' ination, however flight, would tcr. rify nine tenths of the prefent race. Were it only enacted that no ctli. er trial than that of reading two pages of Blackftonc's commenta¬ ries, or Burn's Jufticc without miffing lines, fpelling long words, or forgetting the Hops, in the pre, fence of the Juftices of the Quarter Seflions, (after fhewing their cre¬ dentials that they had ferved a reg. ular apprenticcfliip) it would beot lingular benefit and flop the grea¬ ter number. Their grofs ignor¬ ance appears in the medicines they ufe, which are much lefs innocent than Dr. Sangrado's hot water. They cure all dilcaies with two fneeificSj Opium and Mercury. Is tothehappinefsof numbers moft a patient in great pain, he nmft wretchedly deformed. How comes fwallow a large pill of Opium. Is it that our legillalure is Co carelef* to leave the people i'o many the calamity is the more bitter bc- caufe ihe had fuccceded in curing her former defect. Had it been a vilitation of God, we could have borne it more cafily, but it has rou; ednefs of this phy preferred a few fhillings to the as the practitioner in doubt about nk difeafe, a dofe of Calomel is the years a prey to thefe dangerous in¬ truders ? In other countries, the introduction of the iVrHil pox is remedy I was btcfy vifiting a young woinsn ill of a fever, the i odor camcin, felt her pulfe with much gravity, pronounced her near the crilis—She muft take this dole, her chin. You may eaiiiy con¬ jecture that the poor girl tried ma¬ ny way:; to get rid of this mon- ftrous deformity, but it full re¬ mained, for fhe was too timid to ufc any very forcible mrins. She once br(^k«: :i little piece off the point after many velicnicnt efforts, l)ut this produced a violent tooth¬ ache, fo that file had very little re^- fon to exult in her fuecefs. .She made many attempts to get it pul¬ led out, but after waiting leven difiercnt times at the light of the furgcon and his inftruments, fhe relinQuilhed all idea of drawing it. Accident did tha? for htr, which me wanted refolution to do for herfelf, for riding through o«c of our nine mile roads, the horfe plunging into a Hough threw her againft a tree, and broke her bominablc tooth in pieces. As of every generation. But the valuable diicovery of Or. }cn- ner, there is no doubt of extirpat¬ ing the difeafe altogether, unlefs kept alive by fuch villains as the phyhrian V-hV1 lU'QWPjl^ Sr ihW pSi/iici.iii vUK> I5l«nlglifc it !.'..«-• We arc not th? only fuflbt'era on this oecalion, Icveral pcoyile have loft one of two children, one poor family is bereaved of three, all they had, and they are now too old to look for any more. Yet, fir, this ruitlan lives, he has filled the coun¬ try with mifery, but he fuflers no inconvenience ; on the contrary he has derived benefit from their anguifli. It is not eafy to con¬ ceive a greater fractor to fociety than this man, and ftiSI the law is filc.nt j it protects our property, but it allows us to be put to death. Let 1 hw be pafled declaring it felony for any one to bring the faid the Gentleman, pouring out as much Calomel on a piece ot pa¬ per, as would have killed two ploughmen— Pray, what is this, iaki'U Doctor? " Afcbrifudgsr? " You mean to divide this fevcral dofes ?" " Not at all.-— " But the patient is weak"—"No matter, I Mm to fcour well." " Do you not weigh carekilly fo power¬ ful a medicine before yoa give it:" ci No-, fir, I know exactly." As the woman was evidently getting better, I threw* the Calomel out ot the window after his departure, andfent her fome bark and urine. On another oecalion, I found, on stouts: to fee a man ill of a bilioiM complaint, that the Doctor (not the fame practitioner) had left '. large dofe of Calomel, and order¬ ed three large blocks of wood ha¬ ted in boilimr water, one for hi- foon as flic recovered from the vi- fmall-pox into the country; re- w ,. . . olencc of the blow, die rejoiced commend fuch a ftatutc, Mr. Reck- feet, and one for each or hi-; fidc?- excecdingly in her good fortune, oner, tell us not to fend for ignor- the poor man was fwe?.ti;i£ him- The lip was notwithstanding ftill a fource of uncafinefs", for it difdain- cd to give up its anticnt pofition ; nor did it ieem to yield to % fc- vere ligature, which was nightly- worn to reduce its ftze, and bring it to its rig lit place. The feam mid-" aeroffi her cheek<! hv the Hj* ui.iu-.' acrois her ciiecks liv ttie hg- atun; became more odious to the beholder than even the lip itfc't, when fupported by the tooth. Per- feverance overcomes many diflicul- ant Phyficians-, for who is able to diferiminate. In diftrels we fend for any peribn who has athunal the name of Doctor. The moft amiable part of our nature is a- wakened, and tho* c/ur veafon tells us there is little hope in fuch allis- t'lnre vet \vc canroi bcJi^ ■ "viiln' UHcc; fci ft-e cahfioc help g:vmg it ;i trial. JJJR2MIAH Fdl r.PLINn. VI participate moft fincerely in the diltrcfs of Mr. Preedling and tics which appear at iirft infur- his amiable daughter. The Prov- mountablc—the lip at length de- ince is overrun with felf-made crcafed to the common fizc-, and Phyficians, who have no prctcn- thefeamdifappearcd. I muft con- fions to knowledge of any kind, fefs, Sir, that I rejoiced on this oc- and yet there is- no profeflion that canon nearly as much as my requires more extcnfive informa- daughtcr, for fhe is fo kind and affectionate, fo ready to read my wants in my eyes before I fpeak them, and fo happy in divining them, that I partake in any good that happcn.s to her with double tion. They comprehend not the caufes or nature of difeafes, are to¬ tally ignorant of Anatomy, Chem- iftry and Botany ; many know nothing of claflical learning or gen¬ eral fcience. Where fhall you tind joy. In the midft of our exulta- one among them attending partic- tions a man came into the neigh- ularly to the age, conftitution and borhood, who announced himlclf a Doctor of Phyfic. Not getting any employment, the people in general being very healthy, he pcr- fuaded fome foolifli parents to get their children innoculatcd for the fmall pox. The infection quick¬ ly fpread itfelf on all fides. Ma¬ ry, who has one of the moft hu¬ mane and tender hearts in the world, forgot that flic never had this loathfomc difeafe, and going to aflift fome poor families, fhe circumftances of the patient, and varying his prefcriptions accor¬ dingly. It is indeed prepoftcrous to expect judgment and fkifi, a nice difcrimrnation of difeafes or a proper method of cure from men, who have never been regularly taught, w;ho cannot pronounce, much lefs explain the terms of the art they profefs, and who are un¬ able to read the books written up¬ on the fubject. The welfare of the people calls aloud for fome le- felf to death; I commanded the blocks to be removed, ventilated the room, fprinklcd the bed with vinegar, warned his temples ami hands with it, and he began to breathe—another hour wouldhavo killed him, for you could hardly u;-....n i:f., :n Ufa vv]rrn T rr,W aixCcrn lite In aim when L entered I mixed 3 little of the Calomel witJ fome tciaitcd rlKiuarb to be given him when he eOt cool, and here covered. I was called to a young man, whofc difeafe, a dyfentary, had been much aggravated hv the p-rofs ignorance of his Phvlician. This profound Doctor had the au¬ dacity to fey, alter my arrival, that the youth was getting better when he was in the very agonies of death, and actually expired in a few min¬ utes. Many more cafes might be ftated, but every reader's memo¬ ry wiil furniih him with plenty.— Let the law check this growing c- vil, and do jufticc to regular prac¬ titioners, who have gone through a courfe of ftudies, in order to qualify thcmfelves for this ardu¬ ous profeflion—at prefent they arc elbowed out of their practice by men, who can neither read nor write fo as to be underftood. X^ Printed and Published Cv STEPHEN MILKS, A few doors Eall of Walklr's Hotel. PriceJif!crnjli!!:n;rs f>fr „nn.—$s. in iukuwr, $s in fx months, and 5/. ot the aid oj it'- year—F.xcf'jjive oJ'/<<i/'t>p:

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