Kingston Gazette, February 25, 1812, page 3

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France : it is miriuing only a jull courfc of retaliation on our ene- - fcnerny's ports in defiance of a' blockade authorifed by the laws of retaliation, is unaflcct.ed by it. We complain that America does not refift the regulations of the Milan bid Berlin decrees, and object to permitting the French to trade with her during their continuance •againft the commerce of England ; •fcut this is not exacting, as has been frcprcfentcd, that America mould force Britiih manufactures into courfc of retaliation on our ene my. If America wifhes to trade with France, if French commerce is of importance t<» her—we ex¬ pect me fhould exact of France to trade with her as (he has a right to demand in her quality of ncu- tral ; but if (he does not choofe to exercife this right, all we alk is that me would abilain from lend¬ ing her afiiftance to the trade of France, and not allow her com¬ merce to be a medium of under¬ mining the rciburces of G. Brit¬ s' am. 3UT. " ' ' I have, thought It ncccii.iry thus to endeavor to let theic two points in their true light: the repeal of the law was afoed, as being an un¬ friendly mcafure, partial in its ope¬ ration againft Great Britain, and a profpect of retaliation was held out on its commercial operation if continued.—This is no demand on the XL States to admit Britiih manufactures; they are at liberty to continue the law, only as it is of an unfriendly nature, fume re- ftri&ion of a llmilar kind was to be expected from England ; an.d with refpec! to the alleged demand for forcing Briliib goods, the pro¬ perty of neutrals, into French port's, if the United States arc wil¬ ling to acquiefee in the regulations of French decrees unlawfully affec- ting Kn^krul through them, fclicy anno: lurciy be furprized if we confkier ourfelves as at liberty to rcfufc pcrinlflson to the French to profit by that acquiescence* I uuil nmv, fir, take the opportunity of fiatmjgty ynu, that I have received f'om his ftk jelly's ftmtary of ftaio, the correl'pon- dchci* of which you did me the hrtftOT to t^mfmit to me a copy in your letter dared O-'V'brr i7. Mv ffrivcmiticnt b?.v? »»ot been JiUr to fi-f in it fatisfa^iory pr'iof oftlw re- peil of the French decro *•*, and doubt whe¬ ther the trade carried on by licences be'ween i&rtfu trli fi* cartic^ i«rt); w^uw* i*^w-*« . Franeeand America* will i»ot by regarded, even here, as proof of the contm-iati.») <>t then in their falkft rxtcnt. for if they wc-c to any extent repealed, to that extent, at leaf** no licences flvuild be tiea-iTary, a licence being piven to allow what, but fur that li¬ cence, would he prohibited. The continued abfet cc hitherto nf any in- ftrtimcTlt by which the rental has been affec¬ ted, is a matter alfo of furprile, for if there vereany fair ffealmg in the tranfa&ion, no Tcnfon can be jjiven by France fur not pro- during it ; it h very defirable that it fhould hv produced, if fnch an inftrument be in ex¬ igence, in order that we may know to what extent the decrees have been repealed, if they realty have been fo in any reipect. Mr. Rul- fell, however, does not appear to have been in poficfliOM of it at the date of this letter of laR July. It is indeed become particularly interefltng,that \v«? fhould fee this inftrn- Iftcvit li'ice the publication of Mr, RotteH's covv< fpouoence with Ins own government, by illicit it appears that really, and in f ict, the French government did not rcleaie any A- merienn (hips taken after November rf until they had become acquainted with the PrtTi- Qeut's proclamation, and that veflcls have been taken fo late as December 2 1, in the Afccl from this country to London ; ■Of until a copy of fuch inltrument is produ- Wi it is impwifibh- lo know whetuf- any o- ;tner trade is allov/td by France than that he* tween her own dominions and the ports of lb* United States, Ui&Vfi the !\owor to be, with the higher} itineration, fir, your mod obedient humble ^\ AUG. J. FOSTER. J vr-./ Hon. jfamft Monroe, tlfc. &c* Metiffif'i anf.fcr to the aUvt% t»M he yh-n nf.xlwcti 3 KINGSTON : Tuesday, Fhbrvart 25, 1812. Two fchooncrs are fitting out by the government of Santa-Martha, SURPRISING NEW EXHTBf. 'Hon. ■ Montreal^ January 20. A correfpondent has favored us with the following citimate of the Exportflof this coun¬ try, tor the year f&lf, calculated from the Imports and Exports at Quebec. Produce exported in ! 81 r, ,£7440396 \o 3/ Veffela built, a£zooot £ 74000 for the purpofcofcruifing, to in- On Wcdnefday Evening February 26 tercept traders with specie, bound at Mr. Walked Hotel. ' to this colony. Sundries imported re-exported, /"8iSo39 6 10 ^10700 ^828739 7 6 on New-Tori:, Feb. 3. The fliip Matilda/Capt. Hague, arrived here in 42 days from Lon¬ don & 38 from the Channel. Capt. H. furnishes London dates to the 18th of December inclusive. Copi¬ ous extractsarefelected forthcCom- mercial Advertiser of this evening. Among the articles felcctcd is the oOicial account of the furrendcr of Batavia to the Britiih. The King of England was full living at our latest dates. £.r» »*'»! v 1 i)pr -if •• ?>• •>.xi - - ■ ■ •, iNt> repeal, nor any motlificati oftJic orders in council had t;ikeii place. Nor had any change occurred in the administration in j ngknd. Indeed, it is Md that Mr. Perceval is in the fullest confidence of the Prince Rcffcnt. There is fomc prospect of a con¬ tinuance of peace bctwm Sweden and England, and war between Swcdch and Denmark. Peace was expected between Ruf- fia and Turkey. Accounts from Russia ftate, that *•' Bonaparte lias demanded pe¬ remptorily, of the Emperor Alex¬ ander, the immediate payment of the i utch loan. The demand, it is faid, has had a very fenfibk effect on the Russian exchange. * Lord Melville, it is faid, is ap- _• pointed Governor-General of In- "1 London, Dec. 17. XVe mentioned yesterday the dreadfulftorm which had occurred in the Belt. The homeward bound convoy which failed from Hanno Bay on the 20th ult. consisted of more than 200 fail; out of this number it is dated that 17 foundered atfeathe crews of which were unfortunarely loft ; j 2 (and it is feared more)were taken by Dan- ifh privateers—73 had reached Mawitch, a port near Carlefham, mod of them in a difabled ftate, & where it was feared they would be obliged to winter ; and feveral others fought inciter in the ports ot Zealand. The St. George rode out the florin but was obliged to cut away her main, mizen and foremafts. S/ V\ ^t grcrrt Ol.mncc.---As it is in¬ tended, at all events, to take Can¬ ada, and as it is desirable it fhould be done on an economical fcaie, and lastly, as one gentleman, a member of Congrefs, thinks it may be etfectd by the militia o< the least of the New-England dates, and an- other gentleman of New-York has faidit would bebuta month's frolic. Proposals we learn are about to be issued at Washington, to fell the expedition on favorable terms ; 6c if not disposed of within a certain time, it will be let up at auction, & the chance knocked off to the low¬ ed bidder. Gentlemen ipeculators are invited to turn their attention to this object, as it is hardly prob¬ able fuch a chance will ever again offer in the American market. [Eve. Pojl. dia. On thcsist of December, the United States'frigate Constitution, Capt. Hull, failed from Cowes for the coastof France, with despatches for Mr. Barlow. Cotton, flour and grain were advancing in price. Col. Burr, it is faid, was in Lon¬ don in cog, Sc was to embark, in,a few days, in the (hip fane, f York. TheBritifh fliip of war S for New. SAVANNAH*—A letter jud re¬ ceived, informs us that " meaiurcs are now taking for theapprehenlion of all concerned in the French bufincfs, by the city council, who have already iffued warrants againit feveral pcrfons." This is done we arc informed, by order of the irovernment, who again do lb by order oi; the French minuter, M. ScrrBiJCJti Bi x\%. Scrruriei4. The Ladies and Gentlemen «fli and tt»fietoit| are fcfpeafully J -t~l9 that a famous enteitain^tnt of rarioot and unparalleled curiofitiei will be exh^br-d, rx- ver ajfted here before ; which V%* rxcitcd the admiration of the fir it claffes of refpefttbibnr throughout Europe, z id the metiopcK* and capital-, of thw continent This celebrated artill flatters himfelf of being able to cpo- gratulate to the worthy citizen* of thi< place that it cannot fail in affording a high ^c^rtr nf latisfaftion to every fpeftator whnfc&B d'Ipof»*d to attend on this fu.gular occafioQ. rl he room will be in ample order for the re¬ ception of all thole who honor the pertVrri- anccwith their The Exbibitlori will be attended with munc—The nw»n wfll be lighted and warm for the reception of i*.hi Ipedators ; to begin at ieven a'ctack, aad end at ten.—Particulars i.i the Hzndbiils. Kingston* Feb. 24, I 812. By Audion. ILL be f .Jd at the Store of the fiib- feribef, adjacent to Mr. Alcx'r. M'- Donel!, on Monday the 24 March next, anj to continue through the week if purchalers come forward, a valuable afTo-tment of 9«yVn iW^awJi A voi-^.e *i^U"^ GOODS, vis. do. 5-4,4.4, 6 4 and 7.4, ShawUaiKi Hir*i~ kerchiefs, compritlng a very gfncral alT^rt- ment, Pi inted Calicoes, Gingfeaow. Lngliftk ■ white Cottons, Cotton Hofe, Plain k Lzz'd Clocks, Robe Pattern* and TrimTings, 6-^ Seeded Muflin, 4-4 Tambored Gauze, 6-4 Cbecn'fl Spor, do. fancy P»rlt 4-4Tambor- cd Whip Nett, 4 4 Drop Nett, 6-4 Jubilee Shawls, 7-4 Crape do. ounce Threads and Brown Holland*.—The Good* are frrflt from Montreal, and well worth the atten¬ tion of purchafcrs, as they will be fold low for Calh, good Wheat or Flour. Sale tu begin each day at 11 o'clock. JOHN YOUNG. N. B. Private Sale—jam-oca Spiuti, Su- gar, Ten and TobdCCo, with a variety of o- ther article^ K*/*gsiM% tl J February > lS:2- 15 Found, CVP^OSITE Dr. Annor^ Store, the __£ fecond Volume (^fthe Adventorer, be¬ longing to the Kingftoq Library—Thepcr- f»»n having !o(t it, will, by np^lyingat :hi* Oflice, and paying for the advernTecien:* Feb. 2C, have it <i*jiin. aldcnha, of 36 gons, Capt. Pakenham, and the Hoop of warTabbot, were lost off Cork, the 3d December, and all on board perifhed. The American (hip Drummond, with passengers, failed from Ply¬ mouth, on the 14th of December, for New-York. jap. Tn England, his High"S& Prince George of Pirunfwick, nephew of the King or £ng- land.—In Gernnny, fidd-mMlhal Cottiil Walmodcn-Gintborne. He was n natural fort of George II. by the beautiful counted of Yarmouth. Cj* Several communications JbdU be attended to next zvetk. MR. EDITOR, the refiftanee made br Sir JottQ Pnrcellf is highly applaud¬ ed—The means purf.ed to fell mv property under the, name of Law, is as repugnant to> the Laws of the United Ivmfjdom, of which I am and ever will be a faithful Subject, a? it waft to brenk into the Houfv.' of that gentle¬ man.— A Bond obtained by violence, a J» rj- comp<»fed of boys underage, and never were Dritilh Stihje<5h, nc'ther Freeh^l- 1 T. , . ■ ■- ^ •) . d.rn :—Uiulcr tlie"'.* ci'ciontt tnce«, I t,■■■ . I the falf or" my Ou id-, Chatteltj t-an U »nt Teucmtntr>, a-; iidvc.iifcd by the Sheriff, a'>'» rdl in full confidence that the GcvernmciK will protect my onmerous offspring in th' legal inheritance of their Father's Eftatc,::. - benevolent gift of a beUvcd SoviJTcign. AMOS ANSLLY. Kingstont February 14, l8l2- l.± SOUTH AMERICA. Kinollon, (Jam.) Dec. 7. By the Sapphio wc learn that the inhabitants of the province of San¬ ta-Martha, who are in favour of the Cortes, have declared svar againit Carthagena, and feveral battles had been fought on the river Magdalcna, on both fides of which " Genius) wipatronized by the great} too often withers into ohjeurity." PENifMANSHIP "TAUGHT by the Subfcriber up- on a New, Improved and Syftematic Plan, being a Ihort and ealy way to acquire a fair and plain hand writing in a fhort and fimple manner. There being- many who are TATLQRim, HABFF-MAKIXG & UNIFORMS. T^HE fubfenber refpedtfjlly inform; tl ■- A Ladies and Gentlemen of Kingllon, that he has commenced the above bufincfs in all :ri various branches, at the houfc of Mr. JOHNr llAYNE, near Mr. Poncet's.Tavern, where all Otders will be flriffly attended to, and ev¬ ery favor gratefully acknowledged. THOMAS BECKETT. Kingston* ljt6 February, iSl?. ityj deditute of writinij, and arc grown to the fortifications had been COllftrUCted. ftare of manhood, an opportunity is now pie- Much blood had not been fhed, fl-',,red to thcm to fmProvc fl'tmfclves ■'" and the contending parties had at times been difcomfited, as well as fucccfsful. On the 1 ith ult. the inhabitants of Carthagena declared thcmi'clvcs independent, and aboliflied the incmifition, when the different of¬ ficers, both civil and military, took the oaths prefcribed to them. The Vice- Roy of Santa-Fee nom¬ inated bv the Cortes, was moment- Iv looked for to arrive at Santa- J Martha, from the Havana. Pennmnnfhip, in a courfc of fifteen JSxcrci* fefi, only one hour and a half at each. Spe¬ cimen A aild Improvements of thole who have been initruftcd lo their perfect falisfadion, may be fcen at his School Room, where gen¬ tlemen arc invited to call and Citisfv their * curiafljy. The fubferiber has opened his Writing School this dav, at the Houfe of Mr. HENRT BAKER, Kwgftoir, Febru- ary 18th, 1812. N. B- LadiV? and Gentlemen defirotifl of improving their hand Wiiting", the iubtcrib- er will attend thcm at laeir Apartment?. fc»r a rca fun able coiript.nfetioiig CHARLKS MacDONF.LL, 74if InlUucior of Writing, Town Meeting. ffldhnd i&fri&jfi BY virtue afa warrant figncd by T '"♦»■ ForJ)thx Efq. & Tkmai Marl/and, fclq* twu of ln\ MnjeHy^ Jutliccs of the Peace for laid DiliiiCt, and 10 me J'rtCted, the in¬ habitants and liouhhokicrs of the to*vn mA townlhip ot KinjWtoiu Pttcflntr^H and Wolf- Ill md, paying or liable to pay any public afTeflments or rates, arc heubv notf.vd to meet at the Court Noufc in Kiriffll M. <y*\ Monday, llu: ?nd dav of M:och nest, At 11 o'cioiJz in the forenoon, for the p*irpofe of noiiimatinp and choofinrr tit jKr^v*5 * ■ ien'%- In the offices of town clerk, two .v*.. I«>rs, one collector, one town •v.nvh-", ov<r- ftfcrfl of highways and nxuis, pound ketp-r ^{C- tor the year enfuincf. JOHN DA RLE V, ///;' '> ' KitqsUn, F.y I J, \$\2. -4^

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