Kingston Gazette, February 25, 1812, page 1

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Vol. II.J KINGSTON, CUPPER CANADA J TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1812. [No. 15. •. • ., T ■ }B Land for Sale. •HE following valuable Lots of Land \\\ the townfliip of Fredenckfburgh, are offered fir fale bv the fubfcnher, vi/. Lot number fix, in the firft ConcefTion additional. Lot number twenty-five, in the fourth Conceffion. RICHARD CARTWRIGHT. Dec. 3, 1811. 3tf ~ SHERIFFS SAUL ~ virtue of a Writ of ?ieri Facias jlffued out of his Majefty's Court of King's Bench, at the fuit of Peter Grant, of the town of Kingfton, merchant, againft the lands and tenements of Samuel Rofe,late of Mary/burgh,yeoman, to me directed; 1 have feized and taken in ex ecu- lion, as belonoflncr to the fa id Samuel Ro(V, the weft half of lot No- 2 in the firft concef¬ fion of the townfliip of Maryfourgh, we!! of the rock, containing by admeasurement one hundred acres, be the fame more or lefs/ I do heieby give n:>iice, that the abovemen- tioned lot of land, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, will be fold and adjudg¬ ed to the highell biddcr, at my office in the town of Kingfton, on Tuefday the third day of March next, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forer.oori—at which time and place the conditions of fale will be made known. . CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. And every perfon or per fans having claims <"»a the above defcribed lot of land, by mort¬ gage or other right of incumbrance, are here¬ by advertiied to give notice to the faid Sheriff, at his office in the town of Kingfton, previous to the fale thereof. " Jherjps Of ice, id March, iZiU *8 SHERIFFS SALE* Midland Di/lrici,\ j)Y virtue of a Writ of ***» J \S Fieri Facias, illucd out of his Majefty's Court of King's Bench, at the fuit of James Robins, of the town of Kingfton, Efquire, againft the lands and ten¬ ements of Amos Anfley, of the townlhip of Kingfton, yeoman;- tome directed ; I have }£}$$& ^nd taken in »+f*en*mm &* belonging to the faid Amos Anfley, the north half of lot No. 15 in the fecond! conceffion of the tow li¬ ft ip of Kingfton, containing by admeafure- tnent one hundred acres, be the fame more or lefs; together with a log houfe & framed barn thereon creeled. 1 do hereby give notice, that the above mentioned lot of land, with the buildings and appurtenances thereunto be¬ longing, will be fold and adjudged to the highcii bidder; at my office in the town of Kingfton, onTuefday the third day of March next, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore¬ noon—at which time and place the conditions of fale will be. made known. CHARLES STUAfcT, Merjfi And every perfon or perfens having claims on the above defcribed lot of land, by mort¬ gage or other right or incumbrance, are here¬ by advertifed to give notice to the faid Sher¬ iff, at his office in the town of Kingfton, pre¬ vious to the fale thereof. Sheriff's OJicc, zd March, 181 r. 28 A few barrels excellent Newcaftle Salmon, for fale by GUMMING Sl HAMILTON. January 18. lotf For Sale at this Office, SERMON on the Death of the Rev. JOHN STUART, D. D. preached at Kingfton, 25th Auguft, 1811 : By the Rev. John Strachan, D. D. Notice 1 AS the fubferiber intends removing from this place fo foon as he can arrange his buiinefs for that purpofe, he earneftly requefts every perfon or perfons indebted to him, to make immediate payment, as he 19 determined to put every account which will remain unfettled on the firft day of February next, into the hands-of his Attorney. GEORGE DOUGLAS. Kingston, 8th January, 1812. O//* Cafh paid for clean Cotton k Linen RAGS at this Office. Jufl received from England, A NEW ASSORTMENT OF Cloths & Caflimeres, And are now ofFered for fale by the fubferib- ers at Mr. Wm. Stoughton's Inn, on the moft reafonable terms for Cafh. , Brdadbent, Whitehead & Son. Kings/on, Jan. 13,1812. 9 For Sale, Sales at Auflion. TO be fold at Public Auction, at the Store of the fubferiber, the whole of his Stock la trade ; confifling of a very ex- tenfive and well choftn aflbrtment of Enghjh, India. Wejl- JndicL Goods EB GfO- " PtmSuaBty is the life of Bnfinefs" ■ ceries, Crockery & **/-s/-s Acres of Land in the third Co'ri- 5UU ceffion of the Townfliip of Pittf- burgh, being Lots No. 6, half of No. 7, St No. 18.—For terms apply to the Subscrib¬ er, at Kingfton. H. C. THOMSON. February 15,1812. I <\tf WILLIAM "BAKER, RESPECTFULLY informs the gen- . tlemen of Kingfton, and the Public in general, that lie intends commencing the 'Joiner and Cabinet Bufmefs, at Point Frederick ; where thole who may favor him with their cuftom, may be afTured that their work fhall be done in the be ft man¬ ner, and on the fhorteil notice. February \ 2. «4 Glafs Ware, 00king Glajfcs, &c. Sale to commence Cri Monday, the 27th of January next, at 10 o'clock, and co be con¬ tinued every fuccceiling Monday at the fame hour, until the whole is difpofed of. In the mean time he will fell at private fale, whole- fale or retail, at coft and charges, without a- nv advance, which will be from 20 to co per cent, lefs than h:s tribal prices. Thofc who may wifh to purchafe at private fale, will do well to call and examine for them- felves ; as a confiderable part of the Goods have been purchaied with cafh at a very low rate, there certainly will be fome bargains worthy of attention ; and en Auction days, (a« the fubferiber is about to clofe his buii¬ nefs in this place and remove to Montreal) Goods will be fold ia the higheft bidder without relervc. * N. B. Thofc who have accounts unfet¬ tled, will be pleafed to gall and adjuft them. B. WHITNEY. Kingston, 10th Dec. 1811. jif Fajhionable Hats £ff Trimmings. THE fubfcifbers have opened and hojfr offcr for fale, next door to Robert Walker's Hotel, Alt ELEGANT ASSORTMENT Of the Moft Fajhionable Hats & Trimmings;; Which they are determined to fell on th,e moft reafonable terms, either wholtfale or rs, tail, for Cafh, Country Pioduce, or approve^ Credit. SMITH & BUTTERWORTH. f N. B. Old Hats neatly Dreffed of, ihefcortefl notice.—CCi* Cafh paid for Fur & Lamb's Wool. Kingston, \ph December, iSix. ttfi NEW BOOKS, JUST received from Montreal^ and for fale at the Gazette Office : Addifon's Works—M'Farland's View cvf Hereiies-----Life of Jofeph-----Pleafures o,f Reafon—Seafons in England—Ira and lfav bella, a new novel—Character of George 3^ —Porney's French Spelling-book—French Vocabulary-------Child's Spelling-book— Worlds difplayed—Porteus's Evidences i\f the Chiiftian Religion—Bibles-— Teftamentg —Watts' Pfalms and Hymns—Pfalters-^, Children's books—Catechifms, &c. "il THE fubferiber having obtained Letter., of Adminiftration for the Eftate t^r the late Doctor John Gamble of Kingftor^. deceased, requefts all thofe who have anv claims on the faid Eftate, to render their ac_ counts, properly attefted, on or befot- the fir ft: of June next, in order that fome ar._ rangement may be made with them ; And an thofe indebted to faid Eftate are requefted t^ pay the fame to the fubferiber, that (lie ma-, be prepared to lay a ftatement of the' Eftal. before the creditors. Isabella Elizabeth Gamble, Admimjlratrix. Kingston, Nooenwer 15, 1811. Itf SPAFFORIVs GEOGRAPHY For fale at this Offv 3 THE moft prefling neceflity compelTs the fubfciibers to addrefs in diieft terms every perfon irfdebted to them, whole Notes or Accounts have become due. . They moft earneftly requeft all thofe to make im¬ mediate payment without further notice. C. WILLISTON & Co. Kingston, January 28, 181 2. 11 _N o 11 ce i THE fubferiber begs leave to inform the Public, that attendance will be giv¬ en every Saturday during the approaching Seflion of the Provincial Legiflature, from Eleven o'clock till Three, at the Library of William Firth, Efquire, at. the houfe in which he refided at York ; when his elegant and extenlive Collection of Books, will be expo fed to" fale by private contradt on the moft reafonable terms. It is needlefs to re¬ mark, this very extenfive Library offers ample gratification to the Hiftorian, the Pol¬ itician, the Divine, the Poet, the Lawyer, the Naturalflt and Novel ill ; there is alfo a rich collection of all the moft celebrated Greek and Latin Clauics. It is the inten- fuVvrv c>f tW fokfrrnir-r tri tfanM ^\] the Books remaining Unfold in the Spii.ig, to Lower Canada. W. W. BALDWIN, Agent for W. Firth. fork, ijpk Jan. 1812. _ . I itf N. B. Two elegant Bedfteads with Beds, Mattreffes, Boulfters, Hangings, Sic. com¬ plete ; with fome other articles of Houfe- liold Furniture, and a large double Cariole and Hsxnefs, are alfo for fale at the fame place. W. W. B. > . - Lift of Letters remaining in the Poft~ Office at Kingston, toil) Feb. 1812. A. Whitely Allen. C. Nathaniel Cogfwell, William Cottier, Obadian Cooper, Alexander Chifholm, Pe¬ ter Collier, Archibald Cameron. D. Jeremiah Deveft, Duncan M'Dou- gall. F. Archibald Fairfield, Wilifam Fair¬ field, John Fall. G. John Gibbard, George Gallaway. //. Abraham Hill, W G. Hupburn, Samuel How, Daniel Hate, Bedford Hen- drix. /. Benjamin Johnfon. K. Fredrick Keelar, Benonia Lamfori. M. James Mag'ee, John Mathews. N. J. & S. McNabb. P. Heman Prier. S. Simon Swarts, Mrs. Marg't. Simfon,- Penuet G. Sulden, Jofeph Sparrow. IV. Nathan Wheeler. THS. DEACON, P. M. . ■ Frefli Goods ! BARTLET has received a • complete aflbrtment of Dry Goods, Liquors & Groceries, try L/C • & Hard Ware, which lie will fell, wholefale or retail, at his ufual low prices for Cafh, or any kind of pro¬ duce.—Alfo for fale, Board? and Plank, & a few Barrels Flour of a fuperior quality for r -i r family uie. £j" Cam paid for Produce, and advanced on property conlioned for fale, Kingston, 2)cj. J, 1811. . $tf From the York Gazette, February 12. ■ The following Addrcfles were rrefented to his Honor the Prefident, in anfwer 10 h-h Honor's Speech at the opening of the preX- ent SefTion of the Provincial Legiflature. To His Honor ISAAC BROCK, Efq. Prefident adminiftering the Gov¬ ernment of the Province of Upper Canada, and Major-General com¬ manding His Majefty's Forces in the faid Province, EsrV. Ssffc EsV. May it pleafe your Honor, We His vTajefty's moft dutiful and Loyal Subjects the Legiflativc Council of Upper Canada, in Pro¬ vincial Parliament affembled, do ofter you our thanks for your Speech at the openingof this Seflion of the Legiflature, and fliould have felt the greateft satisfaction had it only been neceflary for your Honor to have called forth our attention to objects of internal regulation & Government, without havinp- oc- calion to recommend meafures of defeniive preparation. We admire the glorious efforts of Great Britain in the caule o£ and Liberty, and of Man noble itruggle, which ihe ilill \tith fuccess maintains, to avert the yoke of servitude from surrounding na- nope tions, while we lament that fo great a caufe fliould be eounterafted by a People who boaft that they are free, interdicting her ihips from their Harbours,and while affording fiielter to her inveterate enemy> call upon her to iurrender what lhe has ever held moft valuable and fa- cred—her Maritime Rights. But we are ftiJI not witfrcut that cool reflection and the dictates of Juftice, will avert the calamities of War, while we fee and feel the neceflity pointed out by ycur Ho¬ nor, of adopting fuch measures as will beft fecure, not only the inter¬ nal prosperity of this Country, but defeat every hoitile aggreflion that may afiail it. We will moft cordially unite with the other branches of the Le¬ gislature, in adoptingfuch measures as may enable our Militia, many of them descended from a Loyal and brave band of Veterans, to exert with effect that Loyalty, Zeal and Courage which diftinguiftied their Fathers. The gracious intentions of His Royal Highnefs,the Prince Regent, to this Province, we humdly and gratefully acknowledge, Highly fenfible of the comforts and blefltngs which we poflefs, and anxious for the continuance of that happmefs which we enjoy, we feel, from the declaration of your Ho¬ nor, fatisfaction as well as confi¬ dence, that you will co-operate with us in promoting fuch measures as may beft contribute to theiecurity and to the profperity of this Pro¬ vince. (Signed) THOfc SCOTT, Speaker. Legiflativc Council Chamber\ 7 Wednfday, February $tb, 1812, J To which his Honor waspleafed to return the following anfwer : ■ Hon. Gentlemen of the Legiflativc Council, You have given so many proofs of your unQiaken Loyalty, and attention tothebeit interefts of the Province, that I feel confident the profcllions contained in this Ad-

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