Kingston Gazette, February 18, 1812, page 4

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I__vin ivs-____g ! ul vvedtk*d love !—ihc bard thy bunt; Tlu*.»i;!i m*V»i, "1 fin\^. wlh cock-and hen lVui cil tw and very tikuEini ?ifar giilv** AnJ i»vc-hkt! pt.K'c aaudi l\vcti*.r uiur iVar- i i:i-;s. I've wiirt-n—I forget tlte page, indeed— But folks «wy rind it, if ilicy cIkoIc to reucl— That *' maui?gc is tea/kneel without fornc " Farirty oh recommends ujhiu'cr. '* Wcd'odt IhouIJ be \\kepnnch—fome fwtct, fcinc acidi " Then life is mc&y to bultttt ixiAftashL " A picture t!*'it h n:! in Ugtit— <( Lord ! whit a thing ! a very fright ! *• No—Vi fom«2 daiknds be drlplay'di ■•* And htm lo balance well \vii\iJfcaJt> '? John warned J«ns, they fuwn'J—thev ifrniPd— Nr piru'J, and now had 3 child ; . & tepid fhcw'rsiif lovr.nowchiljin^fiw$M ; MihIj like iho fcafofctf C»f llie year ; Or like abnwik—now thicki iiowc^car ; Now fcarcc u rill, ami now a t tin cut Eowa, On* day th. y Ind a rlcfy'rafc quarrel About i i'ttlr f'v;II-!.-u Loi-lI, Vv'fthout J..l«iV ItUtKvled~e I My tap;/J by T.i Jstii6, t' bbli^'f her ohlfrhnd Hodge, '["•on ht aflilng leave <il John was fwfai•; And lb ihc wifely hft the leave done. It happ'd that John & Jane h;iJ not inn beds Tu rcfl chcfranjjry, frowning brace ol heads j jEr/p—there was but ©w To reft their gci tic iavvs upon. u I'll have a /^?/v/ between us," cry'd the rnan — ■• With aM wn« fphit, John," rcpIVd the vite. A board was plat*J a'.vording to their plan ; Thus -ended this Iwricr, at once the Itrile. On the fiift night, the htifband lay Calm a a clock, nor once wink'd over • C dm a& .= clack, too* let me fay, j/*:e nevei fquimed on lur lover. Two, ti^er, fbu* nijrhts, the fttlky pair, Lik, rttvo iijll ii.iuc, deritid of care, I • phi!of phic lilcuce i might rtpofe^ Oi; the fit h morfV» it clKinc'd lo pleafe ] i1hi*i i tik tu fnccze. *fGpd blcfi ycm., dea^t" quoth Jane, at John's loud r.o.c. Aiulj j TT ":i ,,,cr ^he fctferhh head— " ! ill , u.J x j'.i l.iv it from vour heart ?" '" W, J. ::».. I ;/../—indeed, indeed ! " <tYo\\J:jy—"Ycsjjphn, upon my word;" *-■ Zounds, Ian -] theu take aw* v the board!*9 J\IISCi;i'.LANY. Fur tL Kingston Ga;.£tte. RECKONER------No. 50. ]\Ir. Regkonfr, SIR—I am a pciion of fo much viv i city ihat itrangcrs arc very apt co ibppole it levity, and I have lometimes obferved my particular friends entertaining doubts on the iubject. Yet there are few per- .ans more addicted to icrious tho't than I am, for my fprightlinefa commonly departs with my com¬ pany, and when left alone I delight in ferious contemplation—Nay, I rave often appeared merry in foci- ety, and yet been cugrofled with fome grave and intcrefling train of thought—the front chambers of my mind were dedicated to mirth, but the back to iilent med¬ itation. It is not my prefent in¬ tention to analyze this turn of mind, which tho' rever mentioned by Philoiophers, is not perhaps ve¬ ry uncommon, but only to notice one great advantage which it con- ter>, namely, trealuring up any re¬ mark or event, "which may give food for future confideration. We jtc -11 difpofed at tim^s to think frriouflv, even ihc ffioll thought- his and giddy have their moments of recollection, which might be im¬ proved to the moll valuable pur- pnies. The foo'i'h however are ap! to fly fVoni lc-ilcaion with hor¬ ror, they have not courage to look mro ihemfelvcH,not that they have bee*1. Cftfilrv of any ffrcat crime, which tiitv 'H liicir eonlciencc, but they L: .j imUbcd fome idi't d! unaccoun' ibk horror ;it ielt- communing, iomcthing perhaps ftmilar to that which ma . ' Ladies § and Gentlemen expoienco at the fight of a moulc or a cit. Num¬ bers on the other hand rherifh fu¬ rious ihoug]it,and indvlge in pen- five and iolitarv meditation, not for ini|iro\ementi but becanfe they imd in it much complacent enjoy¬ ment. I was a lew evenings ago in company with fome young par¬ ibus, who were exceedingly mer¬ ry for Several hours, but as it al- moit always happens at fmch mee- *in.v-., we fank as if i)y common confent into icriou« eonverfatjon. Novels were mentioned—fome de- feaded the reading of them, oth¬ ers condemned them indiscrimin¬ ately, The remarks of an elderly Gentleman pleated me very much >—1 here are a few works of this fort and only a few, tha1, 1 would put into the hands oi my daugh¬ ters, bccaule they give itrength to that romantic turn to which many minds or feniibiliiv Lave too great a tendency already. They com¬ monly blunt the liner blues o<" the foul, not only by exciting them too often, but in unworthy caules. 'I hey deleribe leenes which we cannot realbnably e.vpect in com¬ mon life, and they place all the merit of virtue in acting from the imiulJe of the moment and not from Heady principle. Mow all moralilis know that the fame feel¬ ings when not under the guidance ot principle, which ;vt one lime uromote generous and benevolent actions, will at another promote tliofe which arc highly pernicious. Without itcadinefs we have no vir¬ tue—But my principal objeftion tothefe books is that they under¬ mine all J-jjueltie dileipline. They rrprefent the virtuous order of a family under theimaire o£ mfufler- able tyranny—they teach children to deceive their natural protectors, lo carry on clandestine correspon¬ dences, and regardJefs of every fil¬ ial tie, to act in direct contradiction to their parent"." willies. They caule the tear of companion to flow for thole, who have been de¬ ceiving the authors of their being, at the moment that they were re¬ ceiving tY: ftrongeft proofs often- dernefs and afiection. They think every thing is made up by mak¬ ing the hero and heroine after an unhappy marriage, throw them- felves at the feet of their parents, and implore their forgiveneis with tears. The parents arc made to forgive this flagrant breach of du¬ ty, this unnatural rebellion, and the itory concludes with fuch una¬ nimity, that the reader becomes convinced that the conduct of the parties was throughout exceeding¬ ly proper. Now the imprcllion which fuch a ftory leaves on a youthful mind tends to counteract all moral and religious education, to deftroy the peace and happtncls of families, and to lead to iniik 6c mifery. All virtue and happinefs muff commence in the domeilie circle, the relations of parent and child, fifter and brother are the f-jurccs of all our virtues, whatev- cc corrupts thefe fources is in the hiffheft degree deftructive, and ought to be univerfally rcprobat- e4»—'X'herc was lilenee tor fome fec'onds—" Well, Sir," replied Cla¬ ra, a sTioft intelligent Lady, "all our voting folks do not read nov¬ els, feveral of them have fenle to perceive their defects—More than one of my friends were dbgu(led with Ida of Athens, which hap¬ pened to get among us, and which no perfou of delicacy or virtue can read without repenting. Its prof¬ ligate principles, its licentious del- cripfions, and the antipathy fhewu to religion '//ere foon dilcovered-^ and the work was baniihed, and the authored itigmr!tizcd, as acor- ruptor of youth, whole works were tobe avoided as poifon. And what would you fay of a young- Lady, who not only read a volume of iermons carefully over in pri¬ vate, but was at the pains to copy one on a molt awful and Jublime iubject." We begged to know the Lady's name, and to read the l'er- mon. The former ike declined, with the latter ihe complied. AL ter readme! tlw.'iermon»which con- tamed a moil awful, but yet an af¬ fecting and encouraging picture of mankind riling from the dull:, anil commencing a more glorious and L.ppy fire than the prefent, I. could not help forming rhe moil favora¬ ble opinion of" the fair writer. I was loft in thought during the re- rnainder of the evening, what a noble foul fhc mufV have—how- much fupertor to the giddy nur- fuits of her fex muft fire be, before fhe could debght in the confident lion of a iubjeet like this. 1 cloth¬ ed her in every kind of perfection, an amiable diVolition, a kind, ge¬ nerous1 and benevolent heat, a plealing r.ddrefs and manner, a ilreng underihinc'ng, and born to beloved.. Where ihail we find a young man defcrving of hmilar prr-.ill-. But what could have pro¬ duced SerjjredilecUon for a fuhjecc fo very folemn ? To folve this ijuef- tion many fuppolitions occurred ; it mufthave couched fome lender firing—Abs! perhaps like me, fbc now beholds the ie;it vacaiu, vvlueu a" bofoin friend was accuftoiped r« fill—it is this that makes the hopes and promifes of the Colnel fb citi- mable—it is this perhaps that car¬ ries her views beyond the prefent tranlient fcene of milery and con¬ tention, to thole peaceful and glo¬ rious abodes, which contain the trcal'ure fhe has ioik WiiCH the diligence and perseverance in well doing ; we become afraid left we fhould fall away, we redouble cur exertions, and every day fees our progrefs in hoiinels. I do not know how long 1 ihould have con¬ tinued in this plcafing reverie, hid I not been reeled by a gentle tap on the moulder—"^ ome, mygooj Sir," faid Clara, c- do not grieve at finding a woman of {o great merit. You are not henceforth to conlidcr us all frivolous creatures incapable of itriou't reflection. Be¬ lieve me, Sir, the natural abilities of the fexes arc equal. Their dif¬ ferent education and the purpefe tor which they are deitined in life, accounts fufficichtly for the dif- tinc^ions, which may be obferved between them in focicly." Ii. this 5 moft cordially acquiefced, for w q- men have been found toencell in all t he arts and fdences, to equal if not furpafs men ivi virtue & eoar- age, and in purity oi kntimcat, ge.ntlenefs, teiule-'uefs £c atfeitioiij to have gone far beyond theui. Your.s, \ fVA1. ANECDOTES. TWO \\-ageoners traveDiiiff dif- ferent ways, happened to meet at a place wheie fhe railage was ft) laiTow .v.-, :,> rjiuaer ii dliflculi pui'.' fiiig cacli oilier ; ;i dii'putc confe- qucntly arofe who Ihould turn out of the road to let the Oilier go bv. One of them roar :-d out. ki If you do not turn out immediately, I'll ferve you as I did the other fe"ow jult now." This addrefs kid the defired efleci : The other expccU ing »o have fome difaiTrecable trick ferved on him, mould he eiifobcy, inimediatelY turned his team to one hue of the road ; but as his opponent parted him, lie d-. fired to 1:now how lie had ferved the otli- er man. " Why, (faid he) thcjlak bum rajcal fivorc he -would not turn out fur ms, o.nd fa I turned cut for him." but 4 » O rather worldly, made it his con- tint practice to call up his famil) .erove d^, nv order ill-u tiiey A very pious gentleman, ft M ,, -.....-.........., might attend prayers, vtnd be rc.\. dy for their labor in good *cm1u'ii. One morning having inuflered his family rather earlier than conunorr, he commenced family duties by prayer, during which he returned thariks to the Lord that they were brought to fee the light oi another day. An i id Negro Handing by, pafiiou of grief is aflifl.ed by a viv- criccl out> l'J^ tcP-> mtc tl $**m ddl id imagination, and directed by t#* nuiju,ftn-tm^mday \vU the eyes of faith—we experience fc( lings which cannot be deicribed —We are tranfported to the refi- dence of the perfbn—we lament--- we behold him fitting among she bleifcd, his countenance full of joy. The vilion nils us with inexprefli- ble debght, we Hy to embrace him, we think that we are recognized n An Attorney obierved a boy a- bout nine years of age, diverting himfelfat play, whole eccentricity attracted his attention—" Come here, my lad," faid he. The boy accordingly came, and after chat¬ ting a little, aiked the Attorney what cafe was to be tried next— as his friend ; we hear him fpeak l\A^C ^tween the Pope and the -that fweet voice which was ac- ^'V1' /Pf*™*1 lh? ^torney. cultomed to delight our ears, one more greets them—thole fenti- ments which ufed to give us fo much pleafure, which rouied us to virtue, and flrcngthened our alfec- tion, convey the lame emotions to our fouls. The plcafing dclulion gives us the moft fenlibie joy, and ahho' we are apt to relaple into defpondency when it departs, yet an impreflion is left that gradual¬ ly foodies the foul. We have few- <l and which do you fuppoie wilt gain the action r"—Ck 1 do not know," laid the boy, "1 guefs 'twill be—a—pretty tight fqueezc ; the Pope has the moft money, but the Devil has the moft lawyers." Printer! ar.d PuUhshtd Bv STEPHEN MILES, * A ftw doors Eall of Walsh's Hotel. -* "'^'JifltmJl-iHings per (inn*—j/. in tufaflHC?% $s-infix months, arxl jj. <:/ //•, endeftht year—Excivfiw tfjtyfiqgr* •e'rties to bind us to this world, ...,, ,Mi T^Tu jt-n t* we have a friend in I (raven e:;pcc! «* *¥*.***** G*d*tIfymfaUsJfi* ting our arrival. Fhis fune.eits -^ - . audfimilj tweevtrd aijhuvt notice, ^^ 93

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