Kingston Gazette, February 18, 1812, page 2

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■ " .• ■&*■•.$ cr.unirv \ p n ev.<h . •■ .; ■•■ .. them & i:i-i- . \l A piviil-n., — i heir annus iv- '.■•<-«• niuil rVuleirilv be coin. . . oi the r. fide .«. hum <•} ibr. • ■'-. Rcneg&'Ii cs and Vagal omh • . .i'.i ECauor , u ho having fled •• m jr.i.i.-.- in their native laud, ;• •*. ;• Krund .in afyiuni in the Vnll- ' :'. ;te., ami unhappily tor that Ox i'..try, and flick neighbours, an impiimty I >theircrimes.—Men rl'i-ii. tlcicription may no doubt to i>Hind To £11 up their ranks.— Ottr fertile plains, ami the fruits < ' tnir imluilry are no doubt temp- ; .iurns (.very way calculated to their avarice, and gratify their abominable ami licemious p niton for plunder and rapine. It v no ideal pierwi e .1 attempt lo dennccte, as th«: obfcOs <>f the C-nvriTmcnt o;-' the I'mud States kaee be. u fully dikmled in Con- gre£;,and this iyt'eem of plunder ami robbery opcnlv avowed, They hive j.n objection wnar- v -.-• i !. ;:im; Ionic upon us this h »nid Ixi.idltti, & po irin.g in up¬ on thefe ;'\>\iucCi an army ofSav- . ;> rfthc v-c, y vvor# d« leription ; ■m.l vvt they ■..;- • 5 x ftriivl; rick- lifh on that ftcui t;l - ■ tUcK •■ ■-, and a:; vciv delirou: niuircnin'z upon »is svry lioji.ii.; m:\Uure oi the fr ibt>, Thev have cvci rani: I • 1 •i'i - j • ;lmwy ii> Kir, as tea ace u ft: us «n !i.i% i:i'.r ftirrcHi up the IVouJicL, . •■■ - * • a! L r Iij'rn imoii tKc ir/v.?/3 ihc A/..;' r, 5; the 0 'v .V.v/ Gen. IJ;;n> -ivii. Il w bv tlvciclics tJuy hive ;.;:cec,k\l in i reiudicin2*:h< minds oi %ac propk igaiaft the o:.!y Na¬ tl -n nov"le«t worthy of,their alli- r.:;e: - u! fekndlhip. But every jr.iti v, ho kr.cnvs any tiling of war fnuli: knov, tliat thi^ *cry army p-jna:cd t.: invade our Provinces, v iil prove the gfc&eft (course to ti-.i_:r h\v:l r.mnrry that they ever • \p.-::.mjd. Adinlcting vheyare i'.::jc \i-.u to the kill jxteni of their ."j-\r, ar.J both the ('.mad.> in t ir p-ile:nm;, let US iee for a ^;.>rn::i: hr»\v ;!• : cife would :md. T!;e horrors to be comTnit- t'eu in perforaiing tlii-i great e • •!< »£r will 'lik^thofc which have marked \ .i • fieri Oi ih-.ii .\\\\ B vn in irie.j he sriklcil over vviih the f'aiii; ^I.-.rc wliieli is the fure attendant of iue- ' cisftil villainy. The prefent pop¬ ulation put to the fword or driven from their habitations the we.d:er i.G*£ diiwCcd nf as is ufual on like occahons, and tlie lands divided ::nn;vjii thefe modern Vandals,— This, it is to be prelhmed, rs the • ^niumm.jrbn of their object, and l!:. p:k: tox which the Cover i- nierit of the United States arc to commit i-i many crimes, and pour in upon their unoffending neigh- boars lych i torrentof mifery. It is not difncul: to Ihev/ that this very would prove the ruin of all the Countries Mtuated on both i^mhs of the S:. Lawrence, and all ■, •■ Lakes and waters of which it is ::;e discharge o# outlet. Is it in human nature to fimpoic, that the Btitiih Nation will lit down t mie- ]y, 3c allow her enemy to enjoy the fruits of her rapacious and cruel conqucft ? The Empire, of which \vc torm an integral part, has in a high degree thole attributes which are the lurcft indications of her ftrength. Her moderation, juftice and magnanimity, are themes of a.miration amongil the lovers of .irtueinall nations. The glori¬ ous contef: ihc is now maintain¬ ing for the independence of Eu¬ rope, is unparalleled in the annals, . lie v.orld. A nation boldly lit.-limn-iiiiuli'.rabie, ic\ wcaavc lia.idy f k. and eivtoyed tlie I IT- iv2;s of freedom. Is it to be inn- f .-.m" ;; ...rve;;d, finite lianded, lo fte.n a thai has borne down the s^reateft hiilitary pow- cr% \>.]-\ 1 but for hir generous ei- iqru would long ago have oblite¬ rated every trace of liberty, and reduced us all to a mite of ilavcry the more iniulierable, a.^ we have air polocl ih;tt iucli :t itziuri^ inter nav* ino; driven t tis modern ^\t'.ii!;? from the Ocean, and now beating him in every battle upon land, where he dares prt fent him^'eii, will fulfer a pared of peddling iami job- bers to wreft from her a foot of territorV ? A territory now ren¬ dered, doubly valuable to her from the abundant funplies flic is vtsirlv derivhts from it tor tlie ute ot her « 1 Nav J aH>aials, &o. ! he evils of war, as they afled tluirnvn Country, no power up¬ on Karth but can ti\*cxt9 a.s luce Is or defeat are to them e- rjuaily ruinous. If il ey hael pof- fefllon of the Caiiadas v. iihout pcr- miflion to avail ihcrofelvis ot the Sr. L.-wr. :e.-, wh:.t benefit conld theypofiihly derive from any in- ' i\. f'e to tlicir already too widely extended pofkilions. i If we dif- c!'-.rgc the duty we owe t"1 our <. :.)'. iry, <v !o • vrhi'r:-, we have j/'.l.i'."- i') ♦"..'"r. We-have daily ii.i. . .......c •' experience ihut I-'-l o; miiTuy po¬ licy ii i he fi&li .'v i l»e wilell. AW tfiC iCaJions of Luroj-.ewho have teniporiztd, or crkm'-d to the bloody uiurprr, have invariably been trampled upon in the moll barbarous and wanton manner. The brave alone have averted his ddoiating fury, ket us act wor¬ thy of the Britifli clrarc'ler, & in- ftcad of bccoiiiinjr the viclims of t!\e"r rapacity, we ii. li tciich our enemies a maxim the" feem to 4 have forgotten, that hcarjly is lb,' kcji policy. I do not preu\ mg to fty what mrafurcs Our Gnvernmcnt ins a- depl-.-il ; km■ w hat moll materially concerns u,, every man in this Province may readily know. That the Government are determined to defend the Country to the lail trsirciaitj, tlvcte can !v ttU widuk ; ;nv.l 111;11 c\'cvy; we puficis v ill be called into icv'>n, is equal¬ ly im^uelUoTuible. TJie value of theft Provinces to Great Britain is now fo erratly cnhanccdi that we may rclt allured lhc will never abandon them. If a temporary pollcfJion of them could even be obtained, they mult inevitably bo delivered up on a peace taking place. As I have not withheld from mv countrymen the evils we arelhrea- i teneil with, I fhall with equal can- cha-fay a word*or two fur the be¬ ne lit of my Y.mkey friends, befin ihcypnfs Ihc Rub'ncr. \!t\ou gentlemen are playing the Devil with us poor Canadians, what (k) you imagine we arc doinr m the mean tunc r Do you fuppole we arc a parcel of Quakers ? You have probably forgot that Great Britain has cither a Navy or an Army. Be aiTu:ed brother Jona¬ than, that for every Canadian Ca¬ bin you burn or deftroy, the Bri¬ tish will retaliate upon you ten fold. If you arc determined upon becomingfuch deadly fmncrs, it is not reafonablc to expect that John Bull will be quite a faint- _ You calculate alfo tii^^^ Rebellion amongft us, by making a party in the ' ountry. This gen¬ tlemen, is as repugnant to human¬ ity, as it is to good policy. If you ^^uv1 to read the mico- ryof the Britifli Nation, yon will (1(1d that Rebellion never efcaped puiii'.luuer.t, or rhe exciters ot it, the cl.altiiement due 10 their crimes. And as for the pokey ot the me..;Ure, Hhall merely begot command the ad mi rat-ion of a free People ; but regardlcfsof fuch jrC- ncrous impreflions, the American Government evinces a difpofition calculated to impede ix divide her efforts. J'.r.g'iandis not only interdicted i to recollect that there is a ccr- the harbors of the U. States, while You had better not begin to throw fames, kit you get your ownwin- dows broken. J could mention other d.mgers you have reafon to dread, it it were my wifh to in¬ timidate you ; but 1 have no in¬ tentions of the fort, my appeal is to your underihndings, nor. to your lears. I (hall i\ow conclude with an car- neic exhortation to my fellow Countrymen, that they will come forward and rally round the Gov¬ ernment and brave the impending ftorm l;ke men. No caule can be more glorious, than that in which we arc encaged, nor incitement to action ercatcr than ours. The en- emy threatens to wref: from us every object that can render life delirable, and reduce us to a Hate of dependanee and mifery. The • kleriee r O^infrv. e' :lltl j* i; dear t«> ws, .is ;i t:u*.rcd trull, *vlrich ic would be the haffhcll tic- ffrcc of balenefs to betray- How- ever ftrong the temptations and motives for action may be on tlie part of the enemy, they hold no degree of tomparifoii with ours. AVe have therefor: every advan¬ tage which is derived from a rood caufe, and an honorable and ya-t;- name motive for crterimr upon this conteii. 1 he general ieleded to comm*md us, is perfectly acquain¬ ted with the Country and Inhibit■ 0 ants he Ivvi been called upon to defend, Jac can cr.l :rtain no fears as to the :£Tuc, and i am conlidcnt there is not an Officer under him, who feels tlie fnalkdl apprehenfion for the iafcty of the Pro\ inee. Let us there!ore fa-pforward with one accord, and Iccoild the efforts of *av&rhtntjtt hy pre** ittrfigfoijj? fcr- vic<"; in any way when ilicy ran be of use in the enmmem caule, and I will pledge mv life for it, that the Province )s mvulner tble. A LOY;VI.rST. Ini'ulting threats are otFcred, and" hoIHle preparations actually com¬ menced ; and though not with¬ out hope that cool relleclion, and the dictates of juftice may yet a- vert the calamities of war, Fcm- not brides every view of the rela¬ tive lltuation ot the Province be .too urgent in recommcndinff to your early attention, the adoption of fuch mealures, as will beft"fo cure the internal peace oft he Coun¬ try, and defeat every hollilc ae- greilion. rrineipall) compofed '>f thcfoiu of a Loyal and brave band ot Ve¬ terans, the Militia, 1 am confident, fraud in need of nothing; hut the neeelfiry f .eg'dbtive pronuons,to drreci their ardour in the acquire¬ ment oi' Military inflniaion, to form a moft cffii lent force. [^ growing proiperiiy oi lurte PVovince^, ir is m.mir'cU, l;,;^iti . to :i\v iken i ("pirit of CHVy an.Inhibi¬ tion. The acknowledged irnport- nneccfthis Colony to the V.wn\i fit ate, will fecufc the rpritin.uaoo* of her poweriul protection* Her fo^cring ^are has been the (iric caule, under Providence, oi. he r.a- interrupiell happinefs you have \b kmgen; red. Vour mduiiry has been liberally rewarded, and you 3i iee in confecmenee rlien to onu- lence. r »«^ n exciting r Teftcrunv at one o'Jcel^ Ms Honor ISAAC I5ROCK, Ktquirc, Prcfielcnt, adininill^rin^ the G«i- vernment of Upper Canada, and Major' General Commanding his I\hjc!iy's Forces therein, accom¬ panied by a numerous Juite, pro¬ ceeded to the Government Build¬ ings and opened the prefent oe.'lion of the Legislature, when he Was pleafed to deliver the following SPEECH tobothlloules. II:-. Grnluvini',/.'. I.vjifi.ii'.ve Council, sh:/!, Gcilli•ncii <■) lie Hnnp "f'//{[unli'*-, _ 1 Ihould derive the utmolt iatis- faclionythe firft time of my adtlref- iing you, were it permitted me to direct your attention foicly to fuch objects as tended to promote the peace and prosperity of this Prov¬ ince. The glorious contcfh in which the Britifh iin.oire is engaged, ^c the valf faerdice which threat Bri¬ tain nobly oilers to leeurethe in- dcpemlenccot other Mation^might be expected to Oii'e every feeling of envy and jealoufy, arid at the iamc lime to excite the Interest h ineie intcrefdng truths are not Uttered to animate your patriot- iiuK but to difpel any apprehcir- fion which yon may have imbibed of the poihbiiity of Kngland fer- iaking you, for you moft kefen!;- ble, that if once bereft of her lap- port, if once deprived of the ad¬ vantages which her commerce & the f'upply of her moft effrntiai! wants give you, this Colony, from its (Geographical polition, mull in¬ evitably link into comparative pov¬ erty and inlignilicanee. But Heaven will look favorably on the manly exertions which the loyal and virtuous inhabitants of this happy land arc prepared to make, to avert fuch a dire calami¬ ty ! Our gracious Prince, who fo glorioufly upholds the dignity of the Empire, already appreciates your merit, and it will be your firft care to cilablifh, by the c'ourle of 3 v.air actions, tlie juft c! lim oi' the Country to the protection of his Royal liighnels. Jeannot deny myielf the fatis- faccion of announcing to you, from this place?; the muniiicent intention of his Royal High nefs, the Prince Regent, who has been gracioully p'eafed to lignify, that a grant of One Hundred Pounds per annum, will bepropofed in the annual Ef- timate, for every future Mifliona- ry of the Gofpel, lent from Kng¬ land, who may have faithfully dis¬ charged for the term of ten years, the duties of his ibtion in this Province. 1 have no doubt, but that with me, you are convinced of the ne- cefiity of a regular iy'h'm of Mili¬ tary inf.ructiou to the Militia oi

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