Kingston Gazette, January 7, 1812, page 4

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P (3 E T R ^ TtH*lT-**; 1 "fi^eSw -j. 0l»&fJ /^" THE SUBALTERN. • • * * -v _________Sing lowly mufe ^ -a- -,fc «*u* tarred fvibs torment; TCinftinff criers wcucn Tds& —.-. j „ 'Till fatiate his lull of living food, He iink^ again a»d feeks his deepelt haunts. ** Sad pais my days—but when noa-jrnal (hades * This world envelop," chill'd with numb- i.^g cold, Attendant demon on this wintry clime, Where nature Seeps thto' half the circling year ; * x Me lonely fitting by the doubtful light Of ammunition ^//w ; nor ferious whilr, Nor noify loo delights ; alone, unfonght, I airy callles build, or animate the propofition of the Bntuli gov- nt 5 not only to put a ft op to the prefent effufion of blood on crnnicn Whilft ***** Happv the rr-an, with tlafT employment bled, Who to,fc. i.aj the g•', a ? * ^1 ^ h f profper;ty ffitJiS i^SSS % ? . Aod, i, this .*% 1 c.cfe.y coo Dunda, , But wi.h the fair, ever a welcome gucit, Or to the chateau or the ball repairs : There rolls his wanton eye o'er beauty s form, both fides, but to fave from total deftruclion Copenhagen and its ar- fenals, which he would otherwife level with the water Lordfhip was writing with all the calmnefs of a man in his ftudy, he defired Col. Stewart to fend fome one below for a light, that he might taciiment totimrbrother fiM. and encouraged by the popu * > jumped into the grave, in then? lence of the cm] officers, and^ ding it unpoflible to get up thecS fin entire, they took off the 1M raifed the corpfe from the o-ra ' and afterwards took up the fid? in which the body was a^ain AT -^ed, and carried it to the net* at th« parift po burying ground foft fpeeches,kindlesam'rous flames: Chlre or Phillis, thro' the mazy dance •efnl he leads, Si wins each female heart 5 •times he hyfon Gp* or fimpenng hears Grace So met Or, on my table, try manoeuvres vail, The eehellon, the column, and the fquare j Or whittling bugle calls, in double quick, Extend my troops o'er all the d 11 Hey plaid. And now ambition every nerve, High beats my heart, my heated brain elate, On deeds adventurous runs ; my mounting f. 1 And meagre pint------ Fife round my fentries lounge or yawn The guard-room daik ; there foawl out my report, On foolfcao vile, and with a pen as worn As that which Grub-ftreet author nightly plies In Fa&ion's caufe, to deify Burdett, Cobbett, and Ward.e* and high Follvftone 3 lord ; Not forritrr quill ncr of lefs figMly make, Difdaining my low (late, promotion feeksi Then, if 1 lleep, I dream of companies And epaulets, that either (boulder grace. " In vain awake" and a fubaltem (till, Dcfpairing I the " pleafant phantom curfe." Thus do I live, of pleafure quite debarr'd, Nor (hire, on guell days, In the focial mirth J " Chill penury" confines me to the pint, And * alfcntfriends' (a hint well underftood) Admonilh me to leave the feftive board. Nor thefe alone, but greater ill remains, My epaulet, (whofe bullion oft procur'd The waiter's bow, and the proud epithet Of captain gam'd) is by D—d—s fa bid ; 7. -i r i-ii ».•* one Deiuw iui a ii^ik, LuaL iiv iiiigiu Lvciijiii^ l^uuuu at the parifJi feal his defpatch. Col. Stewart o- church, where it was interred^wH beyed ; but none appearing with military honors, a candle ; when Lord Nelfon had nearly completed his letter, he in¬ quired the reafon of fuch negfect, and found that the boy who had been fent for it was killed by a can- The order wa\s repeat- cuiuous Wields the news writer for the Morning Poft, Its place fupplied by pa'try livery fringe ; Replete with many a haul ton, ball 0/ rout, And the long lift of titled beaux and belles, From fnrub grae'd Grofvenor or proud Port- man-fquare, Who join with Dillipat ton'sthonghtkfs train* Then pawn their jewels or engage their lands To old Black Davie«,orrenowu'd Jew King * From Norman William though their titles dame, Yet by thtfe fiends no more confidered Than EalleVn Nnbob's newly bought eftate, Or acTes^purchaPd by the fons of trade. 44 Thus while my iovltfs minutes tedious flow" On foaming (teed comes the neld-ofHcef, A man auilere, who works fubaltern's woe. Sudden the guard awakened by the cry Of guard turn out, pron.ifcuous fei2c their arms ; With blundeiing hafle I place meat their hi ad, And ordering the due falute, I drop, Vlhh t»- n \XJA ■ \,. .' \'.'\~', '?'. '. Willi tiemblmg hand, my pohih'd Birming- Dilliuflion vile ; now every faucy minx, Daphne or Dolly, and that fortune vail, Yclept Mifs Ratfkin, rich in Indian fpoil, Turns with averted look of proud contempt From fringed fubs. uo forne adventuring beau Long fports the lord at Brighton's gay refoi t, Or at Tunbridgia's fount ; at length grown bold, He London tries } his airy bubble blown, By Townfend or M'Mantis* Bow-ltreet knights F)etec"ted—He, to their fufpicious hints, His fpurious title vainly would oppofe j The town's alatm'd on every tide, Bamboozled creditors pour their accounts, " RefiftlefSj oven whelming" baihiTs watch The rafli adventurer ; hopelefs is his cafe ; They fne, they fwcar, they feize, they drag To Southwatk lodge,-j- incarcerate, he there Shall lon«p remain ; no acl of gfraee can free, non fliot. ------------ ~~-----r — ed ; u^on which Col. Stewart ob- obferved,c Why fliould your Lord- fliip be fo particular to ufe wax ? why not a wafer ? The hurry of battle will be fufficient apology for the violation of etiquette/ ' It is to prove, nry friend/ replied Lord Nelfon, 6 that we are in no hurry j that this requcft is not dictated by fear, or a wifh on our part to flop the carnage, from the lcaft appre- henfion of the fate of this day to us, that I am thus particular. Were I to feal my letter with a wafer, it would ftill be wet when it reached the fhore; it would fpeak of hafle. Wax is not the act of an inftant: and it imprefles the receiver accor¬ dingly/ The reafoninaj of the Ad- PERIMENT IN NATURAL HISTORY. A Lady of the name of Lendon, particularly attached to the ftudy of nature, about four years ago had a fancy to attempt to hatch an egg by the natural heat of her bo- fom. Having felected a new laid one of favorite breed, and put it into a flannel bag, the placed it be¬ tween her breafts, carefully atten¬ ding every night, to fecure that portion of warmth necef&.ry to perfect exiflence, during incuba¬ tion.—At laft the time came to re* lieve the nafcent chick from the brittle cell of its confinement: the moment was perceptible by the appearance of its little beak thro' the large end of the fhell; but leaft any injury mould arife to the animal by too precipitate a wi*h to emancipate it from its prifon, the 1 - j t* miral was dulvho-ored W4 ""«»«patc it from its prifon, the The Danes acceded to his propofal, and a ceffation of hoftili- ties was the confequcnce.>, SINGULAR COINCIDENCE. water to the bill of her nurffing, till at laft it acquired ftrength to effect its own deliverance. It *.-. • . I I l i\i *r rcmnm ; 2 remain ; uu act oi Peace cau ii cc, /■ am He, the while, in language ftern, demands The number of my guard, each fentry's charge, Otieftfons of courie, and eafy to be folv'd ; But fuch the panic caufed by his approach, My lip* in van attempt nn anfwer nt To his demand ; nor is it ftra-'ge to ti-U, '* My tongue forgets the faculty oi fpeeefi *; So horrible he feems;" his time-worn face, -Hideous with fears, with fclf-importance fwol'n, His threatening looks, aufiere ; dark beetle brows, Portend my fcite, and augur not in vain, That I Hi^ll rue my bamfuhiefs, by him Call'd iff norance—he fends a trufly fub, And with him comes a prcfage, dire indeed, If prefage yet were need to raife alarm, Another wight by men call'd adjutant j In whofe touch fuch necromantic power, That (loured heroes yield him up their arms. Nor fliall he gull again the eafy town f King's Bench prifon DIVERSITY. be for gotten LORD NELSON. THE name of the illullrious Nelson will nev by his country ; and with the plea- fing view of perpetuating fo glori¬ ous a theme in this diftant part of the Britifh Empire, we cannot but gladly embrace the opportunity of publiihing every interelling anec¬ dote of our revered countryman that may be conducive to that ob¬ ject. •e only two manfions and cf- tates cvet voted by the Britifli Par hamtnt, for naval and military to joh« **»* Hrfl- Duke or Marlbo¬ rough, --------- relatives of our lamented Nelfon. It is observable, ihat in both thefe cafes the heir apparent died before he came of age—the firft Marquis of Elandford, while at the Uni- ,hn,tbcfnft Duke of Marlbc h, and of Trafalgar, to ill ppeared in every refpficl a$ perfect as if it had been reared by its natural mother ; but its fuller .parent not thinking her talk fin- ifhed, attended to its reeding with due time, had the pleafure to find ne hen bird, of perfect growth and beauty. In the courfe of three years it has laid three hundred eggs, and b..... it a fi OCT' — ^* brought up feveralbroods of chick¬ ens, and one of ducks ; but its fin- i i - • . . . « veriity, and the lirft Vifcount Tra- ei"' a"d.^ne ° falgar, in his 20th year. It is for- S"lar ,hablts ?f,e Y? iQ. be remark. rtiS< r.Krp.v^.Ki.. rhJ ;nmnf,„„m„ ed and are well deferring notice of It a tner obfervable,that inconsequence , . . .<? of the premature deceale of each ^e cunous in natural hiitory. .. of thefc young noblemen, the hon- fOBKthc qualities are numerous. ors decreed by the nation have pat Tt conftantl>r prefers the houfc and fed into the female line. Thus the company of its kind protector W1 thin heir quarters narrow verge confiu'd, I hi eight revolving funs> or juft dccrce O.maitnl court, fliall break their durance vile. Bewa.e ye gameaers, when ye play, be- v.-^re, Be cfrcumfped ; often brwhchinrr whift Beguiles thofc hour., which nature allcs for lleep ; And Motpbeu, hinds you In his leaden chains 1 * *"*"■**■■■ proclaim th' affem- bled guard ; Then vain y0,rhalte_field officers, To others' .ndifcrerions mortal foes AnltKeg^ ,'rtt0 ma'k £ach fa"". Su -„„-thcbepfc.fcut^rfie deep, to all themJ Hi nor fcaly tribes hofKle, SSSSftB.aa ** ■* g tbefhelterinc> The following inftance of that cool and heroic prcfence of mind, which ever diitinguiihed •that extraordinary man, cannot but illuftrate his character, and be highly gratifying to fuch of our readers to whofe obfervation it may not have been hitherto pre¬ fent ed. It is taken from Porter's Travels in Ruflia and Sweden. f Montreal Herald. " The circumfiance took place during the battle of the Sound. It at leaft proves that no fituation, however dangerous, can difconcert the truly brave man, or render him inattentive to thofe minutiae, wrhich beinor watched by the ene- O the Churchhill honors are vefted in the Spencers, and thofe of Nel¬ fon about to pais into the Bolton family. company or its Kmu protector to that of its own fpecies, l-c fhews a aeiire to accompany her wherev¬ er fiie c;oes. O 1 6 li*c nag of truce, fi'cer, bearing the fl; go on fliore with a note to the pc Ito his Royal Highnefs to ac- qmefee, without further d^.v. In V' "c.on* on the ,:,„:,, h ,'['T'"S h« darts tn -Vl'" y*id, in hi, " J:,!'^lcf8 trib-% r & ,------___ *RlentIc6jaw», their Uvea- Cro' SOME time ago, Thomas Tom- Union, a young man about 24 years of age, a private rn the 6th Carbineers, quarted in Leeds, put a period to his life, by firing a pif- tol through his head, which occa- honed his almoft inftantaneous death. It is fuppofed that the fear rf death impelled him to commit this dreadful ac>, whicli is much Rented by his regiment ; for, J hough young, he had fought battles of his country. Qn the ame evening a Coroner's Inqueft [« on the body, ;ind a y^2 W » conference, was fci7cd by the civil power, and lodged in ■^ prdon until Monday fo-I is, ttight to ^-r -11 his extraordinary hen obtain¬ ed the name of Fanny : feems to underftand its miftre^Vs language, and by marks of affection fhovvs it is not infenliblc to o-ratitude. In a word, it appears to have loft ma¬ ny of the natural habitudes of its kind, and to have acquired fome of the bed qualities of the human race—a feiife of attachment, and a deiire to render itfelf agreeable. The late Mr. M—, paid his. ad- dreffes to a lady already prepoflef- fed in favor of a Mr. Pfalter ; her partiality being evident in favor of the latter, the former tookoc- cailon to afic, in a room full of company, "Tray, Mils, how far have you got in your PyJ///rr?M— " As far, fir, a:; itemed is the man? D 1 ' f T\ t '• t J I--rt7i\-i ti-.a JPxbusheil V,i tyHM movy.!^ A f; i M STEPHEN MILKS, doors E'Jl of Wa : :ur*3 E-I it«1 i- tL . :.J fifths Prict- fifteen jhiUh^s ptr ann.— $s-i?tji\ /.•.,/'•.",•, ,;-./ -,<. ,.-t ytar-r—Exclnfiw nf '^-//,!■, . frBlank NotesyCanh, tUimlbiits^ hanrlfmncly rxrculal ui /"■>.' r»

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