Kingston Gazette, December 10, 1811, page 3

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!' * M *> iJij i. .1 ^ ..-'. \ui r, ,n I.) Ml . Km - j , . .... ' i Si.. .-. "'.51. j ',. lV, |. i: L ll u! ill** I '•"" I" I< CU\C ._ , ,| ;|u- ; -'ll i'l ! Ii illoii'li. ; vj i,, ii ii ill it the aifTjtHUiiii'HtjnM i ii i ! tIi.- ii.'iMM \<> make t<> '.«mi <mi . j,*, nil. n Utive t" the Cm.lit of Ei - u!,,, 1, wu* tli- i""l'i«^i nf it, w v,'c\s--(l I v ,, . i v! > favorable lii.i.l » hich \ou hr.c ■ •..... . . ... •\!?h viiTt 1 ir^ift ni t tiw piojxi.iti'iu \.\iJiv " "•"'•v "*akv ri cx>ril*.*t|uv:iirc u\ that lv:I-,il'. .-.ifi, to ! tvn delated t »:lc p. :- j;.v,( ,..,,, t« r, i ;i.n re iJy to rwavti the is «•' « wl L '«"vor >°" m>' ll ■*'**•> P^H1' t» aiiuTii*i\vt«-* ihcm.— IVnii.t m« to add tint tlu- plvifuie i»Fliiitliti'? fhtio lVii>fac3ory v it! fee Ji»*y .unou-nit 1, " they fhould hi- iu- fu.^liivlon to a ot all the differences » ti js iu lilllciii-on;-. «;'>! by VOHI j Lit COl'ltfpOIV- J»iicv. A orofpV'U of inch a rtliilt will bo embraced, en my p.' t, with a foiri* ot con¬ ciliation, equal to thtt which has been ox- pVefluLbj VOtti I have Mr h.i or to be, o<C. JAMES MONROE, hiiwi .".I tin two on,;.ires the h •;>■ <-t which Blr. Foster to Mr. Monroe* jr.dh'tr.ntoTi, AW, i, i#ir. Sir—Tn purfnenee of the orders which I have receivul from his Royal Hi&-liue£< the Prince Regent, iii the name and o»i the l-c- hdt < { Lis M Jell", for the piirpofe of pro¬ curing u, a li.;u! adjiiftnient of the diibri ri¬ ce? which have anfc:i between Great Biiiaui 8»d the Lhmed States in i!:e aiLir of the CheUpeike frigrite, quaint yon, Flif, that I .-.m vfte Amerj>an go'emmeiit the prompt difa- vovvnl made by hw Mai*iiy (:n.<l uci.ed in Mr, Erlkine's lijte of Apiil 17, 1^09, to W.r.hnmh) on ]>e."np nppriieJ ot the enau- wouled c-ct of the officer in ccmniand of his naval to.ces on the coait of Atrxiica, whole recall ficrr, a highly important and honorable cnmmanj immediately t<:Su<.<\ as a mail; of lus M„j4 ay', difnpprohstion. . ol:-*ond!y, that I am authorifed to oficr, m addithvn to that difovowd on the pmx of *v»}4. ilijtii)ti9| the immeMiate rcilora- I have the hoi.or tj ac- iiiflincled to repeat to 1 tion. 9c f. » a* fai ai rircumflances will admit, of "- KjIH vsq iii coiJiruiu-P-.o of A<lnrinal .1 torn \\ hicl ^'-^^ey's orders -,vere foiriblv taken out oi lfi UKfepealK., to the VeilVl f, tHO'-*v .'".......,j|Iiun. to fuel! lea port ot /.• •,. , \an,kr in eo»'»i........ " Vr-, .'States a« the American yuvem- in the American government abatable , ,hrv nrovii'ion for the fulTerers in eonle- S^ df the atiaeU on the Cheapeake, 111- SLr the families of tlioie leamen who un- the . udin fktun jtely fell in the adion, and ot may p' St'ofSw Uxn'ted Slates, and I trnit they will meetwkh that amicable reception which their conciliatorv nature entitles them to. _ 1 nccu fcarccly add how cordially 1 jo;n with voa in the wilh that they might prove in- troduftory to a removal ot all differences depending, between the two countries. I have the honor to be, with the greateft conlideration and refpea, hr, your mod obe¬ dient humble fervant, AUG. J. FOSTER. * To tk Hen. James Monroe, iS'c. oc. t5r. thr Secntarj of State, dated November 14, ^""'—Although you may have hren alrea¬ dy informed through another official channel <>f the repeal of the decrees of Berlin and Milan, it is agreeable to me to have to con¬ firm to you this new liberal difpofjtton of my Court towards the government of the State8 of the Union. You will recoiled, without doubt, fir, that thofe decrees were adopted in retalia¬ tion for the muhiplicd mtafuics of England again!! the rights of neutrals, and especially a^attift thofe of the United States ; and af¬ ter this new pi oof of deference to the wifhes of your government, bis mnjclty the emperor has mom to believe, thdt it will make new efforts to withdraw the American commerce from the yoke which the prohibitory a6ts of Great Britain have impofed upon it. You will at the lame time oblerve, fir, that the clearly exprelfed intention of my govern¬ ment i", that the re»u-wal of commercial in- ttriouife between France and the UnifeJ States, cannot alter the fyllcni of exclufiort adopted by all Fm ope again ft all the pro- dudts of the foil, or tiie manufacture of Eng¬ land or tier colonic- ; a fyRem, the wifdom and advantages of which arc already provid¬ ed by its developcment and its fuccefs. And of which alio, ther United States, as an agri¬ cultural and commercial power, have partic¬ ular intcrcil in aiding and battening the com¬ pletion. Moreover, fir, this meafure of my government, a;.d thofe which yours may think proper to adopt will prove the inutili¬ ty of the efforts of the common enemy to break the ties of friendship which a humane and generous policy has necelTarily formed between France and the United States, and which the actual critic ought to draw clofer; We ought, hereafter * fir, to hope, or rather we mav be a flu red. that new relations ft-iU more clofe and more friendly, are about to be formed between Americans and Frenchmen, and that thefe two people will be more than ever convinced, that their glory, their inter- ell and their happinefc, mufl eternally confe- cratc the principle and the confervation of thefe relations, I feize with eagernefs this occalion, i]\\ of renewing to you the aflur- ance of my high confideratfon. (Signed) TURREAU. ——ooo^nco— Albany, Nov. 29. We ore indebted to'the politenef^ . fMr. Jotin Look, proprietor of the Albany Read¬ ing Room, for tiie Evening Poll of Wednef- day, containing the following particulars of a moll daring AFFRATSnd RIOT"by a party of FRENCH SAILORS m the city of Savannah, and the MURDER OF A NUMBER OF AMERICAN CITI¬ ZENS!—the burning of two French Priva¬ teers by the enraffed and indignant inhabit- ants—and the apprehenfion and commitment to prilon of the Rioters and Murderers. Mr. Monroe to Mr. Foster. November 12, loll. Sir—I have had the honor to receive your letter of the ift November, and to lay it be¬ fore the Preiider.t. It is much to be regretted that the repa¬ ration due fur fuch an aggreUion as that com- mined on the United States frigate the CLei'apcake, fhould have been fo \ovg delay¬ ed; nor could the tranflation of the offend¬ ing officer from one command to another, be rcgarded as conftituting a part of a repara- iJon olnerwifefctisfaclory ; conlideriag h -w- evtr tue exifling circumllances ol the cafe, sna the early and amicable attention paid to K% his Royal Highnefs the Prince Re- gent, the Prdident accedes to the piepofi- ^on contained in your letter, and in lb doing four gnvernirent will, lam perfuaded, fee proof of the conciliato-y difpolition by v^ich the Preiident has been actuated. -ne officer commanding the Cbefapeake *» lying h, the harbor of Lofton, will be 'n rufttd to receive the men who are to be "dlored l° that (hip. I have the honor, &c. * 3 JAMES MONROE. -%#» J.Frfar, Efq. &>• ^. Wc, Vr'iich Decrees. rni^ef,,!UlnSno- from the late French •'l p v/33 communicated to con;jrcf;, on the From the New-Tork Evening Fo/I, Nov. if. &- The effecfls of our admitting French Privateers into our Harbors. It has been, for fome time, feared and predicted, that our affordidg French privat- eera ihelier, comfort and protection in our harbors—with purmiflion to bring in then- booty, the moil of it, probably, the very booty which they had plundered from our fellow citezens-, after having burnt or funk their veffeL on the high feas : and alio, li- cence to relit, and openly recruit in our prin¬ cipal cities; I lay, this unprecedented courfe of things, in a country prof. Hing kielf neu¬ tral, it has long been apprehended, would produce a fcene of RIOT and MURDER, fimilar to that which it is now our painful duty to record ; we give the particulars jull ad they come to us, in extracts from the fol¬ lowing letter, written upon the fpot : Copy of a letter to Mejfrs. Albert 0g* den iff Co. of this city^ dated " Savannah, Nov. 16, 1 ?11- " We were an eye witnefs in our city on Thurfday night kit, and on Friday, to the greateft fcene of bloodihed and murder that has happened in this place iince the war. " A part of the crew French privateers then lyin; port, one of them ready to iaii, had a rencontre with a party of Amer¬ ican failors on Thurfday night, & killed one man, and wounded two others fo bad that they died the 1- -....% iKo *v*ort** nr or two in expedition wswfct on foot for tlicir deitrudion. The bodies of thofe that were killed were brought for¬ ward on one of the wharves for the purpofe of burial, and long be¬ fore the hour of moving, a Iargd number of citizens, captains and failors had collected : when thev w J were fo exafperated at the figlit of their murdered countrymen^ that before the funeral rites were per¬ formed, they made preparation to take forcible polfeflion of the pri¬ vateers. As foon as they entered upon the wharf (Anciaux's) where the iirft veffel lay, they were fired upon by three Frenchmen, who had fecreted themfelves in a flore loft (Uupont's) immediately oppo- fite the privateer, and where ail the fmall arm's belonging to her were ftorcd.—Thefe villains fired 6 ihot in quick fucceflion. One of them ftruck capt. Miller, of the Champ- lin, in the riglit eye, and pailed immediately through the left* Three fhot took effect "upon a failoT carrying the American flag, who lived but a lhort time. One puffed through the veft of captain Fountain and another grazed the nofeofcapt. Pierce. Ihey how¬ ever boarded the privateer, and foon took poffefiion, run her acrofs the river, and fet her on fire. An attempt was alio made to diflodge the poffeilors of the ftore loft, Which could not be immediately effected ffom the manner they had barracaded the door and windows. They were, however, forccd, and fome blood was fpilt before they ave Up, when fuch was the f u r y V)f the populace, then collected in great numbers, that two of them Were thrown out of the upper win- do a ; cDne was Jailed dead upon t.,c IpoV, ,i frrnnd died t)»c next day from his wounds ; the third one made hisefcape out of a back door, but before he reached the top of the Huff was both ihot and bayonetted. In the mean time the Mayor ordered out the military, and before the file privateer was carried, the iccond and largeft one which lay at the lower end of the town, prepared for defence. She had about Jo men in complete rea- dinefs. The populace aficmbled around her, and a few of the citi¬ zens boarded her, but no ferious injury Was done* The French¬ men endeavored to get their large gun (Uicn loaded) to bear on the people, but could not effect their purpofe* At tins moment capt. Maruval! appeared with his compa- nv> ai*d immediately charged bay¬ onet on the crew, drove them be¬ low, a^d took pofieflion. The May¬ or theQ ordered him to keep her from being burned, and that oili- cer with the utmoft difficulty kept her frtn-n being fired, not only by his own corps, but by the failors, till 10 at night, when in the act of reiievino: jmard, tiie failors headed by l°n\e American captains board¬ ed her r. repased with a barrel of tar and a pound of powder, foon kindled a fire & burnt her down.?* K KINGS row : Tuesday, DfctMttkk i , r ;.• i COMMI.KICA i iOK. Commhucmi.—The pt; p States, who navigate ihc water* tA t and the Kivcr St. Laurence, have much hindered by being competed to e and clear thor velTeb from vtry fnwJl erce or bay in whitb they might haveoccafic . to (lop. h could not be expected tint ;. peo¬ ple pofftfTcd of an univerial geniui a:. I • ,,ofe rh-rids are fupremely bent upon improve neat* mould patiently fnfFer foch impediment>__ No, for a brawny fdn of Neptune }»-•«« b .,'t to light the production of a ma^nanlnwoa and inventive mind. He has bur It ihc chains that fettered commerce ; he has done ev.vy all thofe delays and procrastinations which were her former attendants, by carrying ?.n officer of the Cuftoms on board. This new invention fo much facilitates bufinefs, that the fir ft vciTel that, adopted it arrived in this port on the 2d inftant, only 20 hours from ChenneiTe'e River. What furprifing faeiliiy ! What an incalculable advantage to commer¬ cial intercourfe ! Much damasre is fliid to have been done by the ftorrn on the 21 ft Oct.—In New-York it caufed the tide to rife fo high that it c- verflowcd the wharves.—In Port¬ land it is faid to have done up¬ wards 26,oog dollars damage, and from many of the towns on the A- rrrcricaii fca-coaft there are long dc% tailed and melancholy accounts of the terrible ftorm. ' Selector1 is necetfarity omitted for want of room. Stray Colts. STRAYED from the patlnre of the fub- fcriber about the laft of September, two lalt fpring COLTS, the one a black Horfe Colt with a liar tfl his forehead, and both hind feei white—the other a light bay Mate, with a liar in her forehead, and both hind feet white.—Whoever will return faid Colts to the fubferiber, at St. Dedrick's Bay, near Kinefton, orgive information wbeiethey may be found, (hall be hand.fomelv rewarded for then toubir. JOHN L. JACKSON. Dee. 9, 1R11. 4 3-^ Frefli Goods ! BARTLET has received a. complete afTortment <>f Dry Goods, Liquors & Groceries, Crockery & Hard Ware, which he will fell, wholefale or retail, at his ufual !pw prices for Cafh, or any kind of pro¬ duce.—Alio for fale, Boards and Plank, S^ a few Barrels Flour of a fuperior quality for family ufe. CO CalTi paid (ov produce, and advanced on property configned for fale. Kino si on. Dee. 3, 1811. 3tf STOLEN, ON WednefJay night lad, from on board a Batteau at Lyons' Point, about ten fathoms of 2 inch water laid ROPE, and two OARS—Whoever will give informa¬ tion of the thief, {hall, upon his conviction, receive a reward of TEN DOLLARS from the fubferiben JOS. WISE. Kingston, Nov. 30, 18 l 1. 3W3 CURIU1NG. > cr O ! Wit* fir* m andfbamen in port, as wed as a n.-r. Ti-r-er-i fo c^rcpt part of ov.v citkenSj that an Another letter mentions, " Thav aj] the Frenchmen, amoun- ting t^ more than 100 are taken to jai!~_the villain who fhot Miller being • mioncc the number. O'Con- nor, tv-orfl whole window the ftiots were fijred5 Jg uif0 taken, ii about 5° m\ifkets with other arms and anunu:.,;i-on that were in his room have i'.A>n thrown the river. It feem^ that theic had been placed there for the v:ry purpofe for which 1}K.V -%veiv made uie of.*" THE fubferiber refpeolfully informs the Public, that he carries on the bufincfj of Currying Leather, at the (hop o? JMost's Rogers, in Kinglton. Thole who wish u» employ him in that bnuneli, may depend on having it done in a workmanlike manner, on reafonable term*, and at lhort notice. — Lea¬ ther may be left at Mr. Rogers' in the Vil¬ lage, or at the Currying lhop. Wm. WRIGHT. Dfc* %t iSir. S«4 NOTICE. ALL perfpns n-e hereby cuatsoneel a- gatnii purchafniv;- a NQTE, executed by the fubferiber to Jofeph Lnieri'o:i, in tf., mouth of February ov March, iMo—hr 30/. — faid Note having been paiJL simeon mor::1. . SlUFFORiys GEOORAPUV

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